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- This topic has 1 reply, 7 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 11 months ago by
April 26, 2013 at 12:00 am #163827
ParticipantOn the homepage, Scott has published his article ([url=https://www.welovecostarica.com/members/4142.cfm]Costa Rica Police Salaries[/url]. Would you put your life on the line for a stranger for a salary of just over $10,000 per year!) in which he states his skepticism about trusting his life to a Costa Rican police officer who earns just $10,000 per year.
It’s an interesting question, but it raises the broader question of relative values and what the connection is between pay and performance.
The inference to be drawn is that a $10,000 per year police officer is two-thirds less protective than one earning (say) $30,000. Maybe so, but then that scale of relative values must apply across the board, no?
For instance, if a cardiologist in the U.S. charges (say) $100 for an exam that lasts ten minutes, then his or her value must be six times greater than the Costa Rican cardiologist who charges $100 but who spends an hour with you, right? What’s more, the U.S. doc, by the very virtue of his being paid more, must care more about your health than his Costa Rican counterpart. The more you pay the more you get, right?
And the mechanic whose labor cost (say $20) to change your oil at a U.S. car dealership provides more and better service than a Costa Rican mechanic who charges $4.00. The U.S. oil change is somehow five times better(right?) Relative cost = relative value.
Or take the plumber who repairs the leak under your sink. In the U.S. it’ll cost around $100; in Costa Rica, maybe $25. So the no longer leaking plumbing under the U.S. sink doesn’t leak four times better than the no longer leaking plumbing under the Costa Rican sink.
The examples, of course, could go on and one, but they lead to one indisputable conclusion. What you pay for something must be the sole determinant of its value.
And that leads us to the final conclusion: The advice and opinion proffered on this website, free as it is, must be worthless inasmuch as it comes at no cost, because, of course, cost = value.
April 26, 2013 at 3:19 pm #163828davidd
I have this incredible pain in the side of my stomach and as much as it pains me
I have no choice but to agree with your assessment.
April 26, 2013 at 4:04 pm #163829Andrew
KeymasterAgain, please allow me to clarify my position so that people do not take this article out of context here in this Forum:
“I personally would not put my family’s safety in the hands of [b]any government employee in any country[/b] who is paid a salary – of whatever amount – to “protect and serve” because history has proven time and time again that they do not protect and, they serve others, they certainly do not serve the public at large – you and I…”
Unless your cardiologist, your mechanic and your plumber are risking their lives providing their services to you David – which a police officer could be expected to do from time to time – surely we are comparing services with VERY different values, no?
April 26, 2013 at 4:19 pm #163830DavidCMurray
ParticipantIn some cases, medical care providers, firefighters, police, prison guards and others do, in fact, jeopardize their own safety, their lives, to protect and to serve us. And while air traffic controllers may not be at quite the same level of risk, certainly they DO protect and serve. Try flying without their service.
Since legal self-protection (gun possession) in Costa Rica is so nearly impossible, the advice to anyone not here already would be not to come, which would, of course, pull the rug out from under anyone in the real estate business. Is that what you’re really advocating? And those already here should depart posthaste, right? Otherwise, everyone, including our hired and heavily armed personal bodyguards, should hire their own bodyguards.
Your contempt and disdain for all things and all people governmental is readily apparent, Scott, but if you’re going to wear it on your sleeve, you need to formulate less embarassing ad hominem attacks.
Now, shall we open up the discussion to include those whose sole purpose in life is to whore after money?
April 26, 2013 at 5:34 pm #163831Imxploring
Participant[quote=”DavidCMurray”]In some cases, medical care providers, firefighters, police, prison guards and others do, in fact, jeopardize their own safety, their lives, to protect and to serve us. And while air traffic controllers may not be at quite the same level of risk, certainly they DO protect and serve. Try flying without their service.
Since legal self-protection (gun possession) in Costa Rica is so nearly impossible, the advice to anyone not here already would be not to come, which would, of course, pull the rug out from under anyone in the real estate business. Is that what you’re really advocating? And those already here should depart posthaste, right? Otherwise, everyone, including our hired and heavily armed personal bodyguards, should hire their own bodyguards.
Your contempt and disdain for all things and all people governmental is readily apparent, Scott, but if you’re going to wear it on your sleeve, you need to formulate less embarassing ad hominem attacks.
Now, shall we open up the discussion to include those whose sole purpose in life is to whore after money?[/quote]
Sure… real tough talk from a guy that is, in every picture we see of him, guarded by a highly trained attack cat sitting on his lap waiting to pounce on anyone that dare come near his master!
Not all of us are as lucky as you Dave as to be protected by a killer cat…. the rest of us are left to defend ourselves via other available means!
April 26, 2013 at 5:56 pm #163832Kwhite1
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]In some cases, medical care providers, firefighters, police, prison guards and others do, in fact, jeopardize their own safety, their lives, to protect and to serve us. And while air traffic controllers may not be at quite the same level of risk, certainly they DO protect and serve. Try flying without their service.
Since legal self-protection (gun possession) in Costa Rica is so nearly impossible, the advice to anyone not here already would be not to come, which would, of course, pull the rug out from under anyone in the real estate business. Is that what you’re really advocating? And those already here should depart posthaste, right? Otherwise, everyone, including our hired and heavily armed personal bodyguards, should hire their own bodyguards.
Your contempt and disdain for all things and all people governmental is readily apparent, Scott, but if you’re going to wear it on your sleeve, you need to formulate less embarassing ad hominem attacks.
Now, shall we open up the discussion to include those whose sole purpose in life is to whore after money?[/quote]
I am not sure that I buy into the more mone someone makes equates to the better service one receives. I happen to agree with David M (ouch, that hurt). But I also agree with Scott 1000%, I would not trust my family’s safety to someone else as long as I am able to provide that. Those “entrusted” government servants do not hold a vested or emotional intrest in my family. I have seen workers at a fast food place that make minimum wage at best, treat you with outstanding customer service, and I have seen equal employees that make the same wage treat you with utter disrespect.
So I don’t know that the “wage” is the issue as much as the characture of the person that you happen to be engaging with at that particular moment. I am sure, at some point and time in our lives, that we all have dealt with government workers (no matter which country it may be, take your pick), both are in the same position, both make the same wage, yet one will help you with your problem and the other will send you packing because even though it says to bring one copy, that clerk wanted it in triplicate to save a trip to the copy machine (the job description did NOT say anything about having to make copies…as if!)
But the point being, I will handle the security of my family, thank you for the offer but I got it….
April 26, 2013 at 5:59 pm #163833davidd
there you go again 😀 just when you were actually speaking some common sense.. you go back into the abyss again.:D
I will never understand people quite like yourself David. No Offense but your perceptions of realities are so way off base sometimes.
maybe its because your a mac guy LOL
in the end it does not really matter anyway
these are all just opinions and nothing more. I am sure you are not trying to change anyone’s opinions as I sure as heck give a rats ass of yours
my point is it’s just conversation.. you know
mental masturbation :):):):)
so onward we move
[b]sorry you have such disdain for money
I happen to enjoy being able to generate revenue at will and not sit on my ass waiting for a government check.Hopefully my kids will follow the same path BUT more importantly also learn tolerance :):):)
being tolerant of people with different views than thier own is just as important as making money.
as I am a firm believer of NON Aggression just as I firmly believe in the right to defend yourself.
lets talk about misinformation for a moment.
who said getting a gun permit is near impossible??
I am not that intelligent and I have a Legal carry permit??
granted you must be legal.. and of course know the language but aside from that its pretty easy.
want to see my pistol LOL
[quote=”DavidCMurray”]In some cases, medical care providers, firefighters, police, prison guards and others do, in fact, jeopardize their own safety, their lives, to protect and to serve us. And while air traffic controllers may not be at quite the same level of risk, certainly they DO protect and serve. Try flying without their service.
Since legal self-protection (gun possession) in Costa Rica is so nearly impossible, the advice to anyone not here already would be not to come, which would, of course, pull the rug out from under anyone in the real estate business. Is that what you’re really advocating? And those already here should depart posthaste, right? Otherwise, everyone, including our hired and heavily armed personal bodyguards, should hire their own bodyguards.
Your contempt and disdain for all things and all people governmental is readily apparent, Scott, but if you’re going to wear it on your sleeve, you need to formulate less embarassing ad hominem attacks.
Now, shall we open up the discussion to include those whose sole purpose in life is to whore after money?[/quote]
April 26, 2013 at 6:22 pm #163834wasaga
ParticipantWow Mr. Oliver
I have to be in Mr. David C. Murray’s camp on this one. Mr. Oliver you always seem to bring up and tout the fact that you were a Royal Marine Commando with the British Special Forces. Do you include yourself in your thoughts about paid government employees? So you were in the R.M.C. for what? If not to protect the safety of others, or were you just there for??? It is really very unprofessional of you to paint everybody with that brush of disdain. If that is the case stop bragging about the R.M.C. because of your own definition you were not there to protect others. I myself am a retired Intelligence officer and, Mr. Oliver I take umbridge with your analysis of ALL government employees. I have much more I would like to say but I will end this with: HOW in all conscience can you say those things when so many first reponders and military loose their lives helping others on a daily basis? HOW?? Wow as I was thinking about this “imxploring”,kwhite1,and DAVIDD got in ahead of me, now don’t you all gang up on me at once. However many times we stopped serious crimes from occurring,no press,. I am not advocating that you should not and can not protect your own family,but do not loose perspective of men and women who do the JOB because of committment to duty and to mankind. You all want to find fault in that, help yourselves.April 26, 2013 at 6:33 pm #163835davidd
this is not about being in anyone’s camp my friend
and Scott is entitled to his belief and opinions
is he not???
just as your entitled to yours.
My point??
is that based on your life experience you will see the world differently thus have one’s own beliefs.
think about this
I do think the world would be a better place if we all just migrated towards communities of like minded people and let people believe what they want.
as long as we agree in the primary directive so to speak “non aggression”. no physical or mental force trying to force your opinions on other people. :?:?:?
and let the free market do its thing
would this so bad???
[quote=”wasaga”]Wow Mr. Oliver
I have to be in Mr. David C. Murray’s camp on this one. Mr. Oliver you always seem to bring up and tout the fact that you were a Royal Maarine Commando with the British Special Forces. Do you include yourself in your thoughts about paid government employees? So you were in the R.M.C. for what? If not to protect the safety of others, or were you just there for??? It is really very unprofessional of you to paint everybody with that brush of disdain. If that is the case stop bragging about the R.M.C. because of your own definition you were not there to protect others. I myself am a retired Intelligence officer and, Mr. Oliver I take umbridge with your analysis of ALL government employees. I have much more I would like to say but I will end this with: HOW in all conscience can you say those things when so many first reponders and military loose their lives helping others on a daily basis? HOW?? Wow as I was thinking about this “imxploring”,kwhite1,and DAVIDD got in ahead of me, now don’t you all gang up on all at once. However many times we stopped serious crimes from occurring,no press,. I am not advocating that you should not and can not protect your own family,but do not loose perspective of men and women who do the JOB because of committment to duty and to mankind. You all want to find fault in that, hel yourself[/quote]April 26, 2013 at 7:04 pm #163836wasaga
ParticipantOnce again Mr. Murray you missed my point, I was not trying to change Mr. Scott’s mind or opinion or anything else. I was questioning his throwing every government employee into the same basket, However you take it which ever way you want obviously. And make NO mistake about it I am Not in your camp only this time I happend to agree with you but again I doubt if that will ever occurr again. Were this primary directive of non agression comes from I don’t know. Did you really I mean really READ what I wrote????? He can keep his opinion I was just questioning his lumping everyone to-gether as government employees in the field of protection not caring. That’s all
April 26, 2013 at 8:17 pm #163837Andrew
Keymaster[quote=”wasaga”]Wow Mr. Oliver
I have to be in Mr. David C. Murray’s camp on this one. Mr. Oliver you always seem to bring up and tout the fact that you were a Royal Marine Commando with the British Special Forces. Do you include yourself in your thoughts about paid government employees? So you were in the R.M.C. for what? If not to protect the safety of others, or were you just there for??? It is really very unprofessional of you to paint everybody with that brush of disdain. If that is the case stop bragging about the R.M.C. because of your own definition you were not there to protect others. I myself am a retired Intelligence officer and, Mr. Oliver I take umbridge with your analysis of ALL government employees. I have much more I would like to say but I will end this with: HOW in all conscience can you say those things when so many first reponders and military loose their lives helping others on a daily basis? [/quote]My time spent in the Royal Marine Commando is obviously part of my life and like you, I “tout” my life experience as a bootneck when it’s relevant and …
What can I tell you Wasaga? Like many people who join up, I was only 18 and foolish when I joined the Royal Marine Commandos…
At the time I was young, rebellious and felt like I was doing something important, I believed in the ‘glory’ of the work and the patriotic LIES that we have all been told again and again and again and again …
And forgetting ancient history, just based on what we have all witnessed with U.S and British foreign policy over the last 25 years during our lives you don’t seriously believe that as a “retired intelligence officer” you “protect the safety of others…”
Or did you find those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that we all know never existed and you’re keeping it secret? That was great “intelligence” eh?
Talking about protecting the safety of others, you might want to review the speech by another patriot – a highly decorated U.S. military here – Major General Smedley Butler, USMC. about [url=http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4377.htm]War Is A Racket[/url]…
Thankfully I left the RMC intact which is more than we can say for the 4,000+ members of the U.S. Armed Forces who have died for LIES in Iraq and the 2,000+ who have died for LIES in Afghanistan or the [url=http://www.theatlanticwire.com/national/2013/01/us-military-suicides-2012/60985/]18% More U.S. Troops Committed Suicide Than Died in Combat Last Year[/url] or the 229,106 cases of mild to severe traumatic brain injury from 2000 to the third quarter of 2011, including both Iraq and Afghan vets.
Now that’s tragic! If we were [i]truly[/i] in the business of “protecting the safety of others” these people would never have been sent off to Iraq or Afghanistan in the first place and they would still be alive today.
April 27, 2013 at 2:00 am #163838waggoner41
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”] And that leads us to the final conclusion: The advice and opinion proffered on this website, free as it is, must be worthless inasmuch as it comes at no cost, because, of course, cost = value.[/quote]
You are quite right.
I expect the local police to keep the peace in the community and they do a very good job of that in our area. 😀
To say that they “protect” gives the impression that law enforcement has some type of foresight denied to the rest of us. 🙄
Law “enforcement” responds when they are called and they are sometimes injudicious in their response but they are, after all is said and done, human.
If you expect more than the above you had better hire someone in whom you have implicit trust to lay their life on the line to protect your interests. Good luck with that.
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