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- This topic has 1 reply, 7 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 4 months ago by
November 6, 2006 at 12:00 am #179720
MemberScott suggested I post this here because I just sent him one of those ‘hot topic’ kind of articles which you can read at ‘Permission To Travel To Costa Rica and America’s ‘Freedom’ to Torture’ at < https://www.welovecostarica.com/members/1203.cfm > – What do you fellow AMericans think about all this horseshXXXX?
Edited by Scott for ‘colourful’ language…
November 6, 2006 at 11:51 pm #179721wmaes47
I have no problem with the permission to travel, as it will weed out any offender to the United States justice system. This will include those who owe taxes, to sex offenders, to those deamed detremental to the rest of the world.
“On January 14th 2007, all airlines and cruise lines will be required to submit the names of all passengers to Homeland Security prior to departure and to obtain permission from Homeland Security to board those passengers.“
Clearence by the others should not be a problem.
One item I see that will be implemented is a “Security Clearance Identification Card”. Mark and remember these words in the future.
Pura Visa Costa Rica
Bill MaesNovember 7, 2006 at 2:13 am #179722chicmac
MemberBut as a fine upstanding citizen which you obviously are by the way you are thinking, you are only considering the ‘righteous’ objectives:
1. From http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2002/09/27/MN181034.DTL
“A federal “No Fly” list, intended to keep terrorists from boarding planes, is snaring peace activists at San Francisco International and other U. S. airports, triggering complaints that civil liberties are being trampled.”
“One detainment forced a group of 20 Wisconsin anti-war activists to miss their flight, delaying their trip to meet with congressional representatives by a day.”
2. From http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=37167
Mr. bin Laden, you’re clear to fly. Name of mastermind, other terrorists not on suspicious-passengers list
When the most-wanted man in modern history is not included on the list of possible terrorists there are some serious deficiencies in the system which need to be addressed,” says an airport-security official familiar with the test.
3. From http://www.homelandstupidity.us/2005/12/07/30000-americans-mistakenly-matched-to-watch-list/
Since last November, about 30,000 airline passengers were mistakenly matched against federal terrorist watch lists, according to Jim Kennedy, director of the Transportation Security Administration’s redress office.
Why is that some people believe that the same peope in charge of the massive friggin disaster in Iraq can somehow manage something like the ‘no-fly’ list. I
When I was serving in the Special Forces, a superior officer with many years of both overt and covert combat experience told me that it’s not the armed forces that is the best equipped and fights the best that wins, the one that wins is the one that f**** up the least because it’s all one big f*** up.
November 7, 2006 at 12:07 pm #179723GringoTico
MemberChicmac: Stop fanning flames with false statements. From the link you provided, the proposed rule has nothing to do with leaving the county, just coming back in.
“Under current regulations, air carriers must transmit to the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), passenger manifest information for aircraft en route to the United States no later than 15 minutes after the departure of the aircraft. This proposed rule implements the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 requirement that such information be provided to the government before departure of the aircraft.”
Doesn’t anyone read beyond the headlines anymore? It must be that 5 second sound byte barrier modern Gringos run into all the time. And Scott, why did you post this article without “vetting” it???
Am I missing something here?
November 7, 2006 at 2:58 pm #179724jimliesen122
MemberHmm… sounds (once again) like it is that evil George W. Bush, his evil VEEP Dick, and the evil mastermind Karl Rove’s fault… You know, for a president who is sooooo stupid and inept, he sure out-manuevers those ‘thoughtful intellectual’ type dems alot, doesn’t he??? Do we forget the intergovernmental agreements that made Carnivore and Echelon so popular during the Clinton and previous Bush years? And what about the enormous debt we incurred during the Reagan years to destroy Russia’s government? This is not new, Chirmac. I would caution you and everyone else against blaming W. (libs favorite whipping boy de jour) for all the woes in the world because it subliminally supports the idea that once he’s gone so also will the problems – BUT, they won’t… These problems will continue even if Hillary is President.
But seriously, just for a moment. Thank you whomever you really are for your service to our country. I did not serve but I do appreciate yours. Sometimes I wish I began my career on the net with a pen name as well, but since the cat (my opinions) is already out of the bag, I suppose I just temper what I say, incase someday Homland Security flatters me by saying they are readers of my work and delays my arrival home. (Hi guys, I say looking and waving to the sky.)
Also, seriously, even if this has not been vetted properly, even if the black helicopter folks are quickest to yack up these issues right after quoting Loose Change as a quality and scientific source for definitive proof of the ‘inside job’ on 9-11…. ANY PORTION of these issues are CERTAINLY an OFFRONT to our constitutional rights as American citizens. Personally, I believe the biggest failures of the current leadership is two-fold – first, Americans simply don’t believe we are at war in the first place, and second, if they were convinced W. could have instituted a temporary or sunsetted or renewed every 6-months or so martial law (read – Patriot Act) and Americans would have accepted these chips away from our rights… As it is, these are NOT temporary and long term (I think) detrimental to our contitutional republic.
These are what are known as ‘slippery slope issues.’ And I caution anyone whose first reaction to this kind of story is ‘well, it doesn’t affect me so I guess it’s OK’ to remember that someday these government officials will be controlling your healthcare, childs education, your household energy delivery, and food production – OOPS!!!! – THEY ALREADY DO…. I guess then the next step will be to take away your ability to use cash with a national ID card/financial system, add a healthtax to anyone who eats too much ice cream and pasta (since all of those folks will have diabetes and the gov’t healthcare system will have to be paid off by those subjects, er, citizens… OOPS again, they are working on that too… with RFID chips.
I also wish everyone would read the story of Winston Smith, the main character in Orwell’s 1984… He faught the slippery slope too, until Room 101 (re-education torture style) made him ‘see the light’ for the ‘good of the party.’ The book is timeless (and yet becoming more timely every day), used bookstores near high schools have them for about $1.00, and scarily, it’s coming true all around us, just a couple decades late. That’s not a black helicopter story – just read the book and decide for yourself. I read it every couple of years and get mad all over again, and make gifts of the book – people look at you strangely when you present it, but thankyou for it a few weeks later.
See you at the strip-search stations. Pura Vida!
November 7, 2006 at 3:47 pm #179725Johnzane
MemberI think the point of this thread was to warn us that current anti-terrorist mandates may also place a chilling effect on aging Babyboomers, like myself, who plan on retiring in CR. May I also remind you that even reactionary conservatives fear not only the debilitating cost of health care for the aged, but the threat of losing assisted senior care in favor of “Saving our Children” policies. CR has successfully touted universal health care to attract investment, but Americans made richer by the Bush administration may not see any advantage in having to protect expatriots abroad, much less the loss of wealth from our shores. Add to this the threat of neighboring Nicaragua (have we forgotten since 9/11?), and you may touch upon a number of reasons to stem the flow.
Today’s vote may offer the turning point needed to bring clarity to our nation. Pundits predict a momentous shift of Congress, and perhaps the Senate, towards Democratic rule. We are at the threshold of a new era (dare I say, a paradigm?), in which voters will continue the careful pruning of crony politicians in favor of wise and compassionate leadership, as exemplified by Pelosi and Obama.
Of course, democratic control of the House and Senate may have zero impact in CR, and even with increased border patrol, the flow of Gringos fleeing our country may continue unabated. The charms of this tropical paradise may yet draw Florida’s retirement industry away from future Katrinas, and into the arms of Jaco bay.
November 7, 2006 at 6:58 pm #179726aguirrewar
MemberYou are all missing the mark. Today we Vote in the USA. 435 House seats, 33 Senate seats, Governors in 36 states will determine the fate of this present government.
IF, IF there is an upset and there seems to be a clear sight of this, then forget about everything you are writing.
Forgrt about the Patrioct Act, TLC, Iraq, etc. It will change because the People have voiced themselves throught the vote process.
You better pray this change is happening, I will know by 10:00PM tonight in Tampa, FL.November 8, 2006 at 1:44 am #179727chicmac
MemberI think you will find that this will affect each passengers on all flights or ocean voyages to, from, or via the USA.
November 8, 2006 at 10:35 am #179728Andrew
KeymasterThis posted in thw wrong place and reposted here by Scott
Getting away from people like Charlie McCormack.
Posted Nov 08,2006 4:06 AM hubb73
The reason why I go to places like Costa Rica, Turks & Caicos etc. is to get away from the bleeding heart embelishing liberal agenda. The fact that some folks like Charles McCormack go to Paradise and realize they don’t have and never had a real life doesn’t give them the right to over simplify the issues and use a platform like this as their soap box.November 8, 2006 at 11:01 am #179729GringoTico
MemberChicmac said “I think you will find that this will affect each passengers on all flights or ocean voyages to, from, or via the USA.”
Why do you say this when the legislation clearly says otherwise? Lying about its contents, or at the very least being negligently incorrect, in the headline to your story no less, severely damages your credibility.
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