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Member[quote=”costaricafinca”]We have been robbed multiple times and have called the police every time.
They did respond, and one time the ‘culprits’ did return [i]everything to the police station…[/i].[/quote]by your own admission (multiple times).
so 1 more time makes it OK.
July 28, 2010 at 11:31 am in reply to: Anyone interested in driving to CR around the end of July? #201126aguirrewar
MemberThat my friend sounds like an a nice Adventure. A bold, interesting, exiting MOVE.
I wish I could participate, just sounds like a thing you do in life and remember for ever.
Will keep you in my thoughts and please let us know when you arrive.
PS: one more thing, let us know how everything went from day 1 to the end of the trip. Should be a heck of a story. LOL
MemberIt will be what you want it to be (cost of living in CR).
If you need a 1,000 watt microwave, 30 cubic foot fridge, hot water for the whole house, plasma TV, Central AC for the house, 2,000 square foot house with all the US ammenities, then you will be at a 75% rate more than what the CR nationals live.
But if you go “Native” just like Miguel or Juan lives, you’l be OK. Not a Spartan way but reasonable.
MemberThere is a LOT of petty crime in CR and that statistic does not come from printed sources but from my wifes family.
7 brothers and sisters then add husbands and wifes, their children (some married) I would say about 50+ all Nationals, I am the only Gringo.
They all have experienced petty crimes or roberies in one form or another. Do they call the police? NO they do not. It is a way of life in CR to accept some minimal discomforts.
They just use common sense, avoid certain areas, walk with someone else while going downtown, don’t wear expensive jewelry, a WHOLE lot of metal bars in the windows, form a community watch group where you live (your neighbors are your best police)
Outside of San Jose the story is different but in some areas where the wealth is concentrated (beach, with minimal watch) they are target’s of opportunity.
Take this advice wherever you go or travel, be that in San Jose, CR or Miami FL.
PS: just two weeks ago in a Pulperia where my wife’s cousin was a man walks in and robs it. It just so happens it belongs to the mother of a BIG wig from the OIJ. In 1 hour he was caught. This happened in Desamparados right next to the Parque de la Paz.
MemberThe last part explains it all “but you MUST have some tolerance for risk.”
The higher the yield the more risk involved. Vanguard has a fund with low risk with a 6%.
It all depends on how much you want to gamble.
MemberNot even close since the refinance rate is 4& for a 30 year mortgage in the USA.
You will not get more than 2% even investing $250,000 the rate is the rate. Try a CD in a bank for 3 years (3%) max.
don’t let your dreams CRASH, chase them but within the legal parameters of the LAW in CR
I have a ESL certification and my part time job will be in CR after I retire in the USA
Teaching is not a job but a religion, you give knowledge to the uneducated but the pay is not reciprocated
If more people would just give than take we would not have Wall Street and the Dow Jones, just a better world where we would not have the want not and the have not
My wife is from Desamparados in CR and a teacher, she made the equivalent of $600.00 a month. I make that in 2 days of work in the USA
BUT, what gives you a greater satisfaction??
Teaching for pennies and giving or making $$$$
Treasure those that want to teach since they are PRICELESS
Do you remember your teachers in elementary school?? I do and all of them
GO for it, in whatever country you decide
MemberThat my friend is 1 of 1,000 and not the norm, she was out of papers for 3 months and not by her fault.
What I explained is completely legal and if you follow the CR law this example does not apply.
A crack in the system??
Yes it does happen for anyone, regardless of status
MemberSome companies will set you up with an ESL certification to work up to 6 months in CR, Honduras, El Salvador and other Central American countries. BUT you must do it in the US before you travel. The pay is not great and some of the places you will be teaching are out in the BOONIES. Do your homework first and find out about these programs.
You will be under a contract from these US companies and work in a specific area in CR, them after 6 months you will have to leave. OR: get your residency and then post your resume as an ESL candidate.
Try the Peace Corps they have a 3 year program but you should apply 2 years before.
MemberLooking from outside the window is not the same as looking from the inside-out.
Asking about CR from your computer in Houston, TX is not the same as a reply from Desamparados, San Jose
lot’s of English speaking mentalities answering this post, what about “muchos son los llamados pero pocos los escojidos”
IF!! you think you will discover Paradise in CR, think again because the culture shock, language barrier, type of foods and the rest of issues living abroad will be a challenge.
My oldest son was born and raised in CR and came to the USA when he turned 21, got homesick after 18 months and returned to CR. Stayed for 2 years and found out that he had made a mistake. Returned back to the USA and has been here for 5 years now.
This is a Tico that could not live in CR after living in the USA and comparing them both. But this example is for a young person that still has to work 40 more years until he can retire.
On the other hand; after being divorced for 7 years I meet a CR woman in my age bracket (mid 50’s) who has lived all her life in CR and has vacationed in the USA many, many times and we get married. Sha cannot, will not for a multitude of reasons be able to live in the USA for 12 straight months. There has to be 2-3 months where she returnes back HOME, because she misses her family, food, friends and the other things.
And every time she comes back, year after year it is the same story. Crime is growing, unemployment is rampart, prices skyrocketing, etc.
But every year she has to go back HOME in spite of her negative views of CR. FIGURE this one out if you can. LOL
I read your post ans smiled but then I read it againg and started laughing.
Nicas have taken over the manual jobs’ in CR and the government KNOW’s this and turn a blind eye to this issue. Just like in the USA but Arizona comes up with this immigration law and everyone is for or against. Let’s see 4,000 acres of tomatoes go bad because no one wants to harvest them in Florida.
Close to 10,000 of Orange groves.
25,000 of Strawberries
and on and on
MemberFor every one that posts in this forum there are 20 others reading them without participating directly, just making their opinion of who is right, wrong, intelligent, plain dumb, truthfull, etc..
I post very rarely here but read all of them on a weekly basis and I recognize some of the more frequent members by their comments when they post.
Sometimes I laugh when reading some comments and on other times I just shake my head.
El respeto y la educacion es mas importante que la razon.
MemberCuba belongs in the Caribbean not the Americas’ and SS has IOU’s from the US Treasury.
Are the pension plans’ also broke for Federal workers??, IRS, State Dept, Dept. of Defense, etc. then what about being REALLY broke; IE. the State of California, Florida, Michigan and many others.
And who?? is the real USA. Congress the Senate or the President of the USA.
answer: NONE of the above but “We the people”.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.You better start thinking about my USA instead of yours since it does not belong to you.
Maybe you will remember this one;
“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
Or this one by Sir. Winston Churchill
“We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”
Men make their destiny and not the other way around.
Think about you can do for the future of your children and grandchildren since you lay the future foundation for them TODAY.
“The United Socialist States of ALL the Americas”???
Which America? North, Central or South America?? or all of them??
Socialism?? in the USA??
Just look at Social Security, it is for everyone and mandatory if you work, then why is Universal Health coverage not as good an idea??
Just my opinion
and a humble one
MemberYOU AIN’t seen nothing yet;
hold on to your pants because part II will not be pretty and we will soon roll into part III which will be very troubling and taxing to all of us. we are sliding way back into a HOLE thinking we are climbing out of it.
do you really think the American people are “stupid” and they don’t know what is happening, the #’s are skewed from unemployment to the deficit and they are REAL but like others they think it’s just a matter of time and we will be all right
and they are WRONG
you cannot unravel 8 years of wrong in 8 days or 8 weeks, not 8 months, the damage done will take many, many more years to fix
now that I have let my RANT out, PLEASE excuse me and I mean all of you