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Memberyou pay the IRS for any profits you make regardless of where you live, once a US citizen who will pay TAXES until you DIE
MemberI think it is “CHOMPIPE” and over a decade ago while in a visit to CR I was invited to prepare one. It started with grabbing the chompipe by the neck and opening his beack and pouring a bottle of “guaro”, release the bird and watch him until he colapses from the massive intoxication.
Then you prepare him in order to be cooked. Up until this day a remember that scene. A drunk chompipe.
Memberin any case:
make a claim in the US Embassy with Tricare Prime and you will get paid Tri Care Standard
they will pay you Standard and if you do not chance from Prime to Standard in the USA the Embassy will do it for you AUTOMATICALLY
the SYSTEM is in place to shortchange you, try to beat IT!!! and you will lose
the trigger is the CLAIM from outside the USA and you lose
MemberHere we go again:
you do not have Tricare prime outside the USA and when you go to another country you FALL under Standard regardless of country
OUTSIDE the USA you swith from Prime in the USA to standard in Germany, Panama, Honduras, Paraguay, Costa Rica or ??? any other country outside the USA
If you do not change when you leave the USA the change is automatic when you put your claim outside the USA you go from Prime to TriCare standard
Prime in the USA is $12.00 Co-Pay out of $1.00 or $1,000.00
outside the USA you fall automatically in the standard and you pay %25 of the total medical cost
my wife goes to CR every year and when she needs she goes to “La Clinica Biblica” for medical attention. ! the bill MUST be in Dollars not colones and when I put the paperwork here in the USA I get reimbursed %75 of the total bill, when she is in the USA I pay $12.00
A big difference between Tri Care Prime and Standard, find out for your self
MemberTricare Prime Vs. Standard
Prime is only in the USA and your co-pay is $12.00 regardless of the bill.
$100.00 bill your co-pay is $12.00
$1,000.00 bill your co-pay is $12.00Standard:
$100.00 means you pay $100.00 and fill the paperwork for a claim you get 75% or $75.00 back
$1,000.00 is you pay $1,000.00 and you get $750.00 backdo the math
Edited on Oct 19, 2009 18:16
MemberYour VA disability remain in effect regardless of where you go to live. On Tricare question; you will go Prime to Standard in Costa Riva. You will pay out of “pocket” all expenses and be reimbursed 75% when you make the claim.
YES he is a prisoner of the system and he will not see Florida again in a long time besides HE has to make his payments for child support.
He does not have a permanebt residency, he has a CAGE from he will not escape.
I don’t think so.
MemberTrue statement Kidd:
:Two: I have to put 13 months of child support in our court appointed account at BCR to leave CR.”
Now think about this for a moment; if you do not come back and have any property after 13 months it will be garnished by the State towards your child support payments and you loose your residency in CR.
You do NOT have permanent residency with this arrangement you my friend are a prisoner of the SYSTEM because the “STATE” has NO children and the state will not pay when the father is alive and you are the one to pay the Child support for your son/daughter and if you do not pay your father and mother are liable if living in CR.
I would not like that kind of residency
MemberForeigners who own homes
may get temporary residency
By Chrissie Long
Tico Times Staff | clong@ticotimes.netWhen Costa Rica’s immigration reforms were approved in August, there was one change that seemed to escape the headlines of local newspapers and media reports.
Nevertheless, it could be the most significant reform for foreigners.
Under the new law, non-residents who own more than $200,000 in property can apply for temporary residency as an investor, allowing them to take advantage of the country’s public health care system along with other services not available to them as tourists. The clause is expected to take effect March 1, 2010.
For Michael Newhouse, an agent with GoDutch Realty, this could be a key to jumpstarting the country’s flagging real estate market.
“The market has been so down,” said Newhouse, who has worked as a realtor here for four years. “But maybe this will be an incentive for people to buy.”
According to Newhouse, property owners in Costa Rica have not reduced their sale prices, despite the worldwide recession. Neither have many people defaulted on mortgages, which is a major factor in driving down home prices in the United States.
Unlike the United States and some European countries, where the governments have introduced homebuyer programs to stimulate the market, Costa Rica has seen no such programs.
“Instead of people coming to Costa Rica to buy a home, many are finding better deals in places like Phoenix, Arizona,” Newhouse said, expressing optimism that this reform could turn things around.
“We hope this will be an incentive for people to spend over $200,000,” he added.
The opportunity to become a temporary resident through owning a home doesn’t just apply to new buyers, according to the communications office of the Immigration Administration. Current homeowners can also take advantage of the change.
Temporary residency lasts one year and is renewable. After five years, residency can be renewed every two years.
Other reforms to the immigration law include higher fines for undocumented foreigners, the ability to apply for residency entirely within Costa Rica and the opportunity to renew a tourist visa without leaving the country.
Temporary residence for investors
is applicable to those who can prove:
Investments equal to or above U.S. $200,000, according to the official exchange rate determined by the Central Bank of Costa Rica, whether in real estate, shares, stocks or in projects of national interest. For renewal of immigration status, a person needs to prove that the investment is properly registered and taxed.Source: Memorandum from the Immigration Administration
At my age I have to be close to a Hospital, being retired from the Military I have TRICARE for my health benefit, $12.00 CO-pay if I see a RN, PA, Dr, Specialist or a Rocket Scientist
Not only is my wife %110 tica but my oldest son was born in CR (thank you Uncle Sam) the other one in Germany and the last one in Panama
It’s not worth it for me to stay 12 months in CR, maybe 4?? out of the year
and if the residency is going to cost me 13% for “La Caja” then NO THANK YOU
MemberThank you both; elindermuller and endure
But there is more to a 90 day visa extension. You need to file the form for the extension and also 3 photos passport size. Certified copy of all the pages of your Passport with every page signed by a notarized agent or Lawyer.
Certified photocopy o f your exit ticket from C.R. (Airplane Ticket) and you must prove that you have $500.00 for every month of the extension (60 day’s Max)
I am pretty sure that some lawyers in C.R. will be able to provide this service.
The extension is for 60 day’s but it does not say if you can do it a 2nd time. I believe you could or leave the country for 72 hours.
I don’t see the $100.00 requirement there is a 175 colones per month in stamps.
Edited on Sep 11, 2009 07:48
You did your paperwork while being in CR as a “Rentista” first and now with your son born in CR.
My son is 26 years old and in CR, I will do my pepers before I go to CR, there is a Hugh difference.
It is called “Vinculos Familiares” this qualifies you for automatic an residency and work permit. You carry your (temp) papers until the process is finished, some people say 1 year and you have your permanent residency papers
How do I know this? Because my son was born in CR and I asked a lawyer and that is what he told me. I only need the Police Report and birth certificate, my son his passport and cedula to prove Vinculos Familiares.
He said he has military retirement income which adds to his Social Security income and put’s him in another income bracket and that is why I tell everyone to file regardless. It will not hurt you to file and NOT pay the IRS but it will be an OUCH if you do not file and the IRS finds you in contemt of their regulations.
Just file, it is only a paper trail for you and if the IRS latter investigates you for any reason you are covered. Regardless of if you do not have to pay any taxes, FILE.
MemberNo you don’t get it. Settle down and think about this as it is Not right for him to zing you and by the same then it is not right for you to go on the low end to defend your position.
Hold the HIGH ground always, let stupid remarks be answered by intelligent ones and be above the water mark.