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MemberAnd now you will not like me Maravilla.
Why the swipe at Scottbenson about his issues. Is it your business now to decide what others members do to get the residency?
And by the way, “That was a low blow” on your part, being personal between one another in the forum is one thing, DRAGGING the family is pretty LOW
MemberYes Maravilla that is the wrong interpretation of filing a tax return. You file regardless but the forms are different. You must file and if under the threshhold you do not pay anything.
ALLWAYS file your tax return for that year, always. You do not pay everytime you file a Tax return but you will have to answer WHY you did not file for that year. The IRS makes the rules of how much you pay according to earnings if you file that year and if you do not make that amount to pay then you do not pay anything.
MemberYou people are being to harsh with Maravilla.
Why would it matter how she/he got residency is it was legal? How about the Nicaraguan’s and Colonbian’s and others. They come illegaly and stay underground. They owe no property or car’s, so they pay nothing.
It is up to the government of CR and Maravilla to arrange and settle their legal matters and not forum members.
Regardless of your income from $1,000 a month to whatever, you have to file or you are inviting problems (Big ones) with the IRS.
You just fill out a different form at the minimun level and there are no taxes to pay but you still file.
Collecting from the SS and Dept. of Defense are incomes generated in the USA. The amount you collect is what puts you in different TAX brackets.
Go and find out, good luck.
The #’s do not add up
But the reality is that as reported by the “Camara de Construccion” by La Nacion are;
2007 4 million M2 of construction
2008 5.8 million of constructionWith 20,000 construction workers reported for 2008 and another 40,000 for 2009 projected to be unemployed.
Out of 10 MEGA projects, 2 are on hold and 2 on stand by. The rest (6) are being finalized because investment has reached 80%, it does not mean that 100% is sold just that the complex has or will be finished by early 2009.
Permits for small and medium houses are projected to be UP for 2009 compared to 2008.
These #’s are 75% better than the USA where we have an excess of new homes inventory and 1 out of 50 homes will be in foreclosed for many different reasons.
Edited on Nov 09, 2008 07:18
4,999.99 a month of income is gravy in the south of the USA and GREAT in CR. Politics do not change the fact that you will eventually pay the same as your neighbor that makes the same amaunt, IF he is not complaining WHY?? are you.
Maybe because you do not like the new government but you will not be picket out, if you make $250,000.00 you will be taxed as same as anyone making the same amount.
$10,000,000,000 is what we owe read the #’s or maybe read the ZEROS” who will pay this debt??? your sons and daughters or your grandchildren.
WE made this mistake, WE will pay for our mistakes not our children
Edited on Nov 08, 2008 16:29
Edited on Nov 08, 2008 16:30
This law is absolutely stupid and will not pass, WHY? because we are not in 2005 we are now in 2008 and close to 2009.
THINK about the wages both in Costa Rica and the USA, they are going and going DOWN. Who makes $5,000.00 a month in the USA and even thinks about going to CR? in today’s market or any other place.
I make $3,500 a month in a stable workplace and can pay all my expenses and more, imagine $5,000 a month. That would be almost twice and more of what I make right now
$5,000 a month X 550 colones is 2,750,000.00 colones a month, with that I would live like a King in CR.
How many of you make $4,999.99 a month and if you did, why would you move outside the USA.
MemberThank you:
you got my bait for $1,000 a week or $ 4,000 a month, still the same but not $1,400 a month which is what my son makes a MONTH.
Glad to hear you people are making a WHOLE lot more money and are complainig.
Live well and PROSPER.
MemberWell, Well Scott:
I do not pay for labor in CR since I am NOT in CR but I have just paid $5,000 for the education in CR for my son. WHY?
Because it would cost me more to give him a fish a day but if I tought him to fish, then he would learn how to fish and eat for the rest of his live.
Case in point; he works for HP in Heredia and by studing for a CISCO education he makes an increse in his monthly pay and it does not cost me $500.00 a month to support him.
Due the math Mr. Scott, CR is NOT for those that make $1,000 a month, maybe people that make $1,000.00 a week will make it.
Edited on Nov 02, 2008 14:03
I get your point. Your website is from CR for CR but for English speaking NON-CR who desire to live in CR.
Then; Scott, what happens to those that live around you in CR? What about the real CR? Stop for a minute and think about the people around you in CR, those that not have the buying POWER of the EURO or US$. Then how would you like it to be for you or your family?
Why not educate those araound you also. CR IS NOT immune to the world effects in money issues. Out of the 5 legs of income, tourism is 1/5 of income and it just happens that 70% comes from the USA which by the way is -25% as of now, good luck CR.
I travel to CR every year and Oscar Arias “said” that unemployment will be 40,000 next year, add 20,000 for this year, do the math for a population of 3 million, not counting the Nica’s.
The #’s do not add to saying “all is well in CR” we are in a recession worldwide and CR is not immune.
Stop comparing the #’s from CR and the USA, it is not the same population and not the same economy. Employment in CR will decrese and will continue to go down from 2007 to 2009 by .1% per year.
PS: Scott; you are living in CR but; not the Tico’s world, your income is completly different from the Tico’s income. Or maybe the question should be! Could you live in CR with a wife and two kids with an income of $1,400 a Month??? without your wife working.
Edited on Nov 02, 2008 09:25
My oldest son is living in CR with his wife and two daughters’ with the equivalent of $1,400 income a month (his wife does not work) because my oldest grandkid was born blind.
Tought times in the US and CR economy and Crime is on the rise, just ask my wife who is in CR right now.
This Economic Meltdown affects the whole world and CR is part of it. The # are down for ALL investments, employment, costs, houses, etc, and CR is not insulated from this phenomenom.
$56 a month for a person in CR is EXTREME poverty, $122.00 a month is poverty and there are more than 95,000 families in CR in extreme poverty today (2008) than (2007.
In the USA those #’s are growing exponentionaly.aguirrewar
MemberI hate to be the one to say “It is going to rain on your Parade today” but read this article which describes what is happening to the REAL Costa Rica.
95,000 more poor people in Costa Rica
By Gillian Gillers
Tico Times Staff | ggillers@ticotimes.netPoverty and unemployment increased in 2008, as the economy slowed and incomes failed to keep up with inflation.
The percentage of households below the poverty line increased to 17.7 percent in July from 16.7 percent the previous year, according to a study released yesterday by the National Statistics and Census Institute (INEC).
The study, based on queries of nearly 15,000 households nationwide, shows that about 95,000 more people are below the poverty line in 2008 than last year.
Unemployment also increased to 4.9 percent from 4.6 percent, and extreme poverty increased to 3.5 percent from 3.3 percent. Still, poverty and unemployment were at their second-lowest point since 1995.
A household was labeled as “extremely poor” if its income was less than $56 per person per month, the cost of about 42 basic food products. A household was “poor” if its income was less than $122 per person per month, the cost of the food basket plus such necessities as housing, clothing, education and health care.
Víctor Hugo Céspedes, vice president of INEC’s board, said he had expected poverty rates to be higher in response to a mere 3.3 percent growth in GDP expected for 2008.
But strong growth in income and employment in 2007 provided a cushion to soften this year’s bad economic news.
Still, poverty and unemployment may increase further once this cushion wears down, he said.
The size of the employed workforce grew 1.7 percent in a 12-month period ending in July, down from 5.2 percent the previous year. And real income grew 1.7 percent in the year ending July 2008, down from 14.1 percent the previous year.
Meanwhile, growth in the hotel, restaurant and financial sectors shrank and construction stagnated. The trend could be evidence that the global financial crisis began hitting Costa Rica as early as July, Céspedes said.aguirrewar
So you are saying 200 chinese will built the stadium in CR. 1,000 yards concrete is also not possible in the USA which equals 27,000 cubic feet which you can pump in the USA at the rate of 1 cubic feet a minute.
27,000 x 1 min. = 27,00 which equals 450 hours divided by 24 hours pumping = 14.75 days which means you are RIGHT but.
Use 14 pumpers or 20 and then it is 1 day or less to pump 1,000 yards a day. We have that and more in the USA, check how they did the Hoover dam, many years ago and what we can do today.
Well, does CR have this capacity? Or did the Chinese will bring their equipment that equals the USA’s capacity?
Your call