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MemberYou are comparing apples to oranges. The Sea Hawks stadium is in the USA with the latest technologies, material, equipment AND workers. I am talking about CR, which does not have the latest or the greatest as the USA.
You can pour 1,000 yards of concrete a day in the USA due to the availability and infratructure. Try to do that ib CR.
I can guarantee that 200 Chinese cannot by themselvescannot built the stadium in CR in 12 months. Who will prepare the job site, load and drive the materials to the site, plan the unexpected and changes to the master plans, etc, etc, etc.
apples to apples not to oranges
MemberCome on people! 200 workers CANNOT build that stadium maybe 2,000. What the Chinese are bringing into CR are their experts in arranging for the building of the stadium.
200 Chinese working 18 hours every day would complete that stadium in 20 years.Warren
MemberWe the USA have impossed the way business is supposed to work. Just look at Wall Street to the Walmart way and the rest of the world.
There is good capitalism and also a bad side to it. The USA and 75% of the world are in a financial mess because of wrong investments but things will change, we cannot go an inch down because we have reached bottom. There will be more bad news in the next 6 months which are consequences of 2005.
Wait until after the USA elections when “THAT ONE” gets elected and start to see good things happening in the air of things. But, be warned that the next 18-24 months will be rough for a lot of people.
And if you do not believe the US economy will be better in the future, then why? is Warren Buffett spending billions of his money in USA stocks.
Edited on Oct 19, 2008 10:44
Edited on Oct 19, 2008 10:50
Calm down and take a “chill pill” we are being Socialised, just like Hugo Chavez said “Bush is sitting next to me on my LEFT side.
And; Scott look at what is happening in Nottingham, England. The meltdown has reached London, England. Houses that were appraised and sold for $1,500,000.000 are now $700,00.00, half the price and DO NOT even think about London where 2 year ago they where selling 1 square foot of homes for $5,000 and that is a flat close to Trafalgar Area.
I love Wall Steet.
15.77% inflation and food cost 28% which affects POOR families. Let me tell you minds that those # affect everybody in CR. Are you sure you are reading the market correctly. Maybe 1/4% inflation on “la canasta basica” is nothing to you but for my son and family it is more than .25% increase in expenses and with no increase in their pay.
Who gets a .25% increase in their paychecks to stabilize these costs.
Dream on people, you are not the average Tico.
MemberJust absolutely AMAZING
We go to slept (Rip Van Winkle) with a surplus and wake up with a 9 trillion deficit and we blame??
Thank God for President Roosevelt and Social Security because if NOT!! I would be living with my Republican son.
MemberWhat sott is saying is TRUE:
Many venezuelans are coming to the US and other countries to hide, save or invest their $$ before Chavez takes it. There are many weathy Venenuelan citizens that are doing this.
This is not a defense for Chavez but what citizens in Venezuela are doing with their $$, they are TAKING their $$ out of the country so that Chavez cannot take it and they are investing worldwide.
Would you have $1,000,000 or $10,000,000 in Venezuela NOW, not you would take it out of the country invest them and PROTECT out of Chavez’s reach and Costa Rica is one safe haven besides Miami but in Miami they got burned, not so in Costa Rica.
MemberI will agree with you grb; It’s called a Market Correction. Prices went up because of “Speculation” and not real value. Public and Private projects are not identified separate, it’s bundled. The Central Valley keeps building at a healthy pace according to “El Financiero” newspaper. This is normal and should keep on going. What slowed down this area in the Pacific Coast was a combination of over building, pure speculation combined with Oil prices that spiked, inflation, which in turn raised all construction costs and living cost too. Panama has slowed down also, projects are on hold until the current inventory are balanced with the proper demand, which is down at the moment compared with 2005-2006.
MemberIf you live in San Jose or the Pacific and are an Idiot or act like one, then you will be robbed, mugged, killed, etc.
These 2 US citizens went to bars to pick up women and bring them to their apartments. Either Colombian, Nicaraguan or from the Dominican Republic. Wake UP, prostitution is legal in Costa Rica and they have to carry ID. Go to the love motels not your homes with women that have no ID and Pimp’s. If you pick up these women of the night and take them to your home’s, they will see where you live, security, entrance and exit, what kind of goods you have and rob you with the aid of their male friends.
These are not only Costa Ricans commiting these crimes but illegals by 90% of the times. If you go asking for trouble you will find trouble. Go flaunting Dollars at the Red Zone or some other un-healthy places like some Bar’s at 2:00 AM, alone and I will bet you by the time you leave you will be robbed or maybe even murdered. This happens all over the world not just in Costa Rica. 9 times out of 10 a Tico will commit a crime of opportunity, steal your camera, laptop, cell phone etc. Because you left them in the open but these other crimes are commited by hard core criminals against foreign nationals that go to the obscure places where crime is not a joke.
Use common sense but if you want to go to any country and savour your dark instincts then you will have to go to these places and it will cost you, one way or another.
Memberscottbenson forgot to add that the Costa Rican nationals (proportionaly) deported from the US is a very small percentage compared to people from Countries like Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Haiti etc.
I have had members from my wifes family come for 6 months on tourist visas to the US and work for those 6 months. Most of them are truck drivers and well sought from transport companies because they are responsible, dependable and show to work everyday.
May add that 99% of them return after those 6 months.
This phenomenon happen’s all over the world. In Spain there are thousands of illegals from Africa and South America, the US, well you know, Canada also has a problem.
There are hundreds of reasons why people leave their country but all are just trying to better themselves some have little school and others have some college. One trend I have found is that more women are trying to enter the US than men. This is being documented with the famous raids the INS does on some factories in the midwest of the US.
One thing about being Illegal in any country is that you have NO protection what so ever. You are taking a big chance and if you are a victim of a crime then you are alone without the benefit of help from any Goverment agency.
MemberLet’s get back to the basics’
My oldest son was borned and raised in Costa Rica, came to the states when he was 18 years old, left after 1 year because he was homesick. Came back 2 years latter for another 3 years and left again. Why? all the back and forth, because he is a Tico with a US passport. He will always be a Tico and Costa Rica is HOME for him.
He is married now, working in Heredia for HP and makes $1,200 a month with two daughters. He lives a frugal life, not spartan but a simple one to US standards. Why would he trade what he had in the US for CR? The answer is simple for those that understand the Hispanic culture, it is “Family first” for Tico’s..
CR is not for everyone. If you do not learn Spanish, their culture, religion and food then you are a Foreigner living in your own world.
We try to understand our problems here in the US, housing, gas prices, taxes, political climate, elections coming soon, war’s, etc and make our own criteria based upon what we know here in the US. The same applies for the Ticos in CR. If you take your ideas from the US and try to apply them in CR you will be out of your environment. Long time ago I learned to go “Native” when living in another country and because of that I enjoyed living in Costa Rica, Mexico, Germany, Spain, France and others I visited. As I told you before my oldest son was born in San Jose, the next one was my daughter in Stuttgart, Germany and the youngest of them in Panama City, Panama.
CR has a spike in crimes and is being addressed the “Tico Way” the housing market for those that invest over $100,000 in CR is also being corrected. Because not many CR nationals have $100,000 to buy a home in that range.
If you think you are going to buy a house in CR with US standards for less than $100K through the internet then you are gambling with your $$. I can buy in Sarchi, Grecia, San Ramon, Poas area 1/2 acre with 1,400 sq. ft. Tico house where the Temp. are 66 to 78 all year long for $70,000 because of my families contacts and upgrade it to US standards for $10,000 more. My oldest son is Costa Rican, my wife also and her family can facilitate me in the purchase. They know the real prices of homes in CR, not the internet prices.
Out of all the places I have visited and lived, it is Costa Rica that has my heart. Heck I wished I had the financial means to live permanently in Paris, France but it is way more than I can afford, what a city (Paris).
Back to basic’s about CR. I know the language, culture, religion and I like their food. So I am willing to assimilate easy, not live like some US citizens’ in CR that cannot or will not be able to do so. I can be comfortable speaking English and eating Hot Dogs and Hamburgers watching Monday night Football or being at my wife’s brothers house with all her family watching a soccer match eating “Gallo Pinto” and “Olla de Carne”.
About Costa Rica or any other place that is close to your heart and you are considering for retirement. Do your homework, visit that place you want to retire, select the area and rent for 6 months then it is up tou you to decide.
estos son mis dos colones
MemberYou are right up to 85% of ethanol and 15% gas. So 50-50 is OK and 80-20 too. What is interesting is that the goverment is considering a NO tax on flex-fuel vehicles, this is the important issue.
MemberAnything built after 1999 in the USA car wise is capable of Flex-fuel or more, it will accept up to 90% gasoline with 10% of ethanol, so you have 90 gas + 10 ethanol and yes any vehicle that meets this definition will be tax exempt by CR laws.
This is not a concept idea but a proven fact. Here in the US we have ALL gas stations selling flex-fuel, it has 10% ethanol and 90% gas.
BTY gas will reach $4.00 a gallon by July 2008 even with ethanol in the USA. RECOPE is just doing what other countries are adoptig.
MemberOur perception of crime is not the same as to a “Tico”. When my wife who was born and raised in San Jose reads about murders in CR she complains bitterly about the fact that CR is not the same as 40 years ago. I on my part understand that it was a Panamanian, Colombian or other country illegal commiting these crimes. Yes some CR do crimes too but not in the same numbers.
Ask any Tico, 40 or 50 year old how they feel about the security issue in CR and you will get an ear full of negative comments. Why? because they remember 40 or 50 years ago when a murder was one way to much for them in CR.
My wife’s daughter got mugged in San Jose one month ago. When she found out about it she was on the phone for 4 solid hours calling the family in CR from the US, my phone bill went up the roof.
It is a different matter when you hear about a crime statistic that happens to someone else compared to someone in the immediate family.
You make your interpretation about this post but please do not call my wife and try to talk to her about crimes in CR, you will get a long speech and all negative. LOL
MemberIt all depends on your style of living, meaning the Costarican or US way. Gallo Pinto or “T bone steak”.
My son lives in CR the “pura vida” style because he was born and raised in CR. He used to live in the USA but did not like it and returned to CR 3 years ago.
He makes $1,200 a month and has a wife and 2 kids’ (3 and 5 year old), his wife does not work. Doesn’t have a car and lives ok with the help of his family.