Forum Replies Created
MemberCongratulations and many more happy years together. Our daughter has her big day the 12th of next month.
MemberMay be malaria. Go see a doctor. Good luck.
MemberWe use Equity Trust co. They don’t really have to do much it seems to me, but they do it well.
MemberThank you for the link to the German bakery. They say they can make American and any way we want it. They keep flours from all over the world. He even said I could send a recipe that I liked if I wanted. Thanks again. Amelia
MemberContinental brings pets from all over. We flew our big dog on Delta in the cargo area without a huge hassle. Good luck.
MemberMy daughter’s costa rican fiance’ has been denied a visa without any reason at all. He and my daughter filled out a 30 page questionaire, paid the 140.00 plus 14.00 for the phone call to the embassy. He was denied without being asked a single question. The lady at the embassy just stamped it denied and said “move on”. Clearly the embassy in CR needs new management and someone educated in public relations.
MemberI was 3 days over and nobody said anything. I don’t know what would happen for a longer overstay.
MemberWell Geegee, sounds like you all did a WONDERFUL thing for your Tico child. That is a lot more than just the offer of a visit. However, the problem remains the same. Our daughter, who is a lawyer, talked with an immigration lawyer today and there may be some recourse. I am not sure about it yet but I do know that woman should lose her job, period. It is imperative that people who work with the public at least be nice, which she clearly was not. I too intend to write a letter, (I don’t know to whom yet) to complain about the treatment our friend received. Perhaps if enough people complain the US will make some changes. Not that I am holding my breath—-Thank you for your story-at least we are not alone. And yes, our friend had to work a long time to earn the money he had to pay and will never see again. If you are turned down you should get your money back since they aren’t doing anything anyway.
MemberTalk about a “tempest in a teapot”. OK, Ok, I had no idea the visas for those creeps was issued by the state dept. The truth is, one of my best friends is Pakistani, although they don’t normally wear turbans. I withdraw my turban comment and feel duly flogged. My own husband said I was out of line. But, I am fully p——off when a hard working, perfectly upstanding Tico can’t get a visa. He worked hard for the money to come, we would have sponsored him anyway we could have, including putting up money to be forfeited should he not return home. He didn’t even get the chance. The State dept is entirely too highhanded and those persons who handle visas could at least act respectful. Clearly they weren’t “raised right”. I was taught to be respectful whether I was going to be granted my request or not. It makes me feel ashamed of my own country for the behavior of one person. And again, to all you turban wearers out there I humbly apologize. Marcella was right, this topic really has nothing to do with what people put on their head and I should have shut up and thought before I typed but I am just so angry.
MemberWhile I normally avoid the fray when fights break out on this blog I just couldn’t resist this time. The reference to turban wearers was related to the fact that this country coddles most people who come from countries where turbans are commonplace. I refer to Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. I haven’t forgotten the 9/11 high jackers nor the killing of all the Americans who have been sent to die in their defense. I don’t hold enemity with the Klan, anti-semetic folks or really any other group. But I cannot deny my prejudice against those persons who denounce the US then can’t wait to come here. It has long seemed to me the US should be far more careful in who they let in. But, I am exceedingly annoyed when a perfectly respectable person who has nothing but good feelings toward the US should be denied a one week stay here when all the other undesirables are not only let in but trained to attack us.
MemberWell, just be still my heart——
MemberBoy, this tax stuff is getting more and more complicated it seems. My husband is a tax attorney here in Alabama and even he has to read everything twice to make sure he has all the details. It seems like there is something new everyday that contradicts what was said the day before.
MemberThank you to absolutely everyone who responded. David’s ideas seem the best but I doubt my daughter would agree. More replies are always requested as this is a one-time event (at least for us) and we really want to do it well. Many thanks to everyone. Amelia
MemberWe overstayed by 2 days and nothing was said about it when we left.
MemberI admit to having never seen a moldy cow. We are just trying to be smart about what we bring.