Forum Replies Created
July 26, 2016 at 10:20 pm in reply to: Can you drive the Pacific coast from Samara to Nosara? #171073
KeymasterYou can find some decent maps online.
Take a [url=]look at this one[/url] which you can clock on and expand.
Insert your [url=]’From’ and ‘To’ data here[/url] and you’ll get directions:
Keymaster1. In case you missed it, you may want to see: A Brief History of SSRI Shootings at [ ]
2. Ever wondered what LEGAL drugs were a BIG factor in those school shootings? Take a look at: [ ]
3. Here is a shocking list of school shootings, murders, suicides and other violent acts committed by people who were taking psychotropic drugs which you can see at: [ ]
PS. BillNew – [b]We gotta’ have lunch together[/b] the next time you come to SJO area! 🙂
KeymasterOur VIP members will know that I have been saying this for years….
“Make no mistake, the government is ready for a civil uprising…. Indeed, the government has been preparing for this moment for years.” John W. Whitehead
From: [url=]There Will Be No Second American Revolution: The Futility of an Armed Revolt.[/url]
As an example:
“The preparations for the Republican and Democratic national conventions taking place in Cleveland and Philadelphia—augmented by a $50 million federal security grant for each city—provide a foretaste of how the government plans to deal with any individual or group that steps out of line: they will be censored, silenced, spied on, caged, intimidated, interrogated, investigated, recorded, tracked, labeled, held at gunpoint, detained, restrained, arrested, tried and found guilty.”
KeymasterI think the average ‘patriot’ is overestimating his and his friends’ capabilities and underestimating the powers that be…
[url=]Please see this article. [/url]
“If you think that the American people can somehow win in a war against the military industrial complex that the US has built up in the last decade and a half, you are seriously delusional.
Your AR-15 will do nothing against thermal imaging predator drones equipped with Raytheon’s small tactical munitions designed for blowing up single homes. They will not stop the MRAP as it plows through your front door. No matter how you slice it, the most well-armed American citizen is no match for the hundreds of billions spent annually by the US on warfare.
No, this battle will not be won with weaponry as the US spends more annually on defense than the next 13 largest militaries in the world, combined.” Matt Agorist.
PS. The Activist Post website was founded by two residents of Costa Rica.
KeymasterMy family and I have rented apartments at the Diria a few times…
It’s a terrific location where you can walk to practically everything you could possibly need except ski slopes..
Tamarindo is not a cheap destination and there is invariably a big percentage of foreign tourists – mostly Gringos – but the beach is awesome and IMHO, it’s a real fun and secure place to stay.
Hope that helps.
KeymasterThis is interesting..
[url=]The GMO Big Lie dies on the vine[/url] by Jon Rappoport
In May, the NAS issued a comprehensive report: “Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects.” The report’s key finding takes in the entire period of US cultivation of GMO crops:
“[b]The nation-wide data on maize, cotton, or soybean in the United States do not show a significant signature of genetic-technology on the rate of yield increase.[/b]” — Chapter 6, Page 66.
A less ponderous translation: the genetic engineering of crops hasn’t resulted in rising output.
Not higher crops yields? What? All that gene manipulation? All that health-destroying Roundup? And what is there to show for it?
Let’s see. Oh yes. Larger corporate profits.
A great deal of stage magic, a host of technical incantations, a heavy dose of shuck and jive, and poof, more money for Monsanto and Dow and the other mystical babbling biotech giants.
KeymasterThis is Costa Rica….
[b][size=200]Always expect the unexpected! [/size][/b]
KeymasterIf you are a “young family” then pensionado is out of the question, if you prefer not to invest in a home or invest in a business to become an inversionista then the only status left would be a perpetual tourist ….
Keymaster[url=]Costa Rica Guns – What’s the process?[/url]
[url=]Costa Rica Guns – Importing Q&A. By Attorney Roger Petersen[/url]
Please remember that laws are changing all the time and just like many countries, Costa Rica is making it harder and harder for people to own guns.
I do own and I am legally licensed to carry my Sig Sauer but you would be best to ask Attorney Roger Petersen how this might apply to you…
KeymasterYou can see my experience with defamation and slander [url=]here[/url], [url=]here[/url] and [url=]here[/url].
Good luck!
KeymasterDamned right that’s “illegal.”
It’s defamation and slander and in Costa Rica those are serious criminal offences.
KeymasterWhat does that mean though VictoriaT?
“[u]Interfere[/u] with someone’s employment?”
KeymasterWhere have you seen massive diamond shaped weather balloons?
KeymasterIn buying any business in Costa Rica, I try to encourage people to stick with what they know rather than trying to start a new business which they know little about, in a country they know nothing about and doing all of this in a language that they normally do not speak.
So what life experience have you had that you could use to make a small business in Costa Rica a success? Are you a hotel or B&B owner now?
The “best area” will typically be the most expensive too, the secret is to find or start your new business “in the path of progress” that will be the best area in five years time when you’re ready to sell..
Hope that helps.
KeymasterHow fascinating Orcas0606…. Is this said amongst the general population or a specific segment?