Hello, My first husband (who is costa rican) and I got burned several years ago. He “bought” land in a remote area and the folks who were watching it left. we were living in US. Of course squatters moved in. My husband struggled without success to be granted a title. The gov would not grant him a title (perhaps he had the wrong attorney). We remained in the US and my husband never got his title. Squatters got the land BECAUSE 10 years passed and my husband had not hired a reputable attorney to fight his case. Moral of this story: don’t buy land not titled in the Register National. Check the title before you get emotionally involved in the property. Be sure the title is clear. And dont leave your land unattended, even for 6 months! I invite you and all the readers to check out my travel blog. Im on the web costaricalearn Loaded with very valuable information on all aspects of traveling in c Rica and its categorized for easy read. Good luck, ann
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