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When I was in the air force in the early 60’s we got nuke air to air missiles. The NCOIC was an ex-sheet metal man, he knew nothing of nukes. One day an alarm went off in one of our munitions bunkers. What we discovered was the NCOIC had about 15 nuke warheads stored in a bunker that was only supposed to hold 6 weapons. The warheads were extremely hot from nuclear interaction, had they been left in there much longer the HE (high explosives) would have gone off scattering nuke material several hundred feet not to mentioned how many of the missile men it would have killed or poisoned. What happened to the NCOIC, nothing, we were told not to say anything to anyone or we would be court marshaled. More on the sharp military intelligence.
MemberIn my humble opinion I think we should try and not buy anything made in China. So many things being produced there are either of very poor quality or have bad ingredients in them. I’ve had what looked like well made tools from China break without putting undo forces while using them, as an ex-mechanical engineer they look like built in flaws. Perhaps it is their way to have a war without firing a shot. Who said I’m being paranoid????
MemberEditer & Scott,
I agree that it is a great map and will be getting another to hang on my wall as well. The one that I have is getting a lot of use already as we are planning our first trip in July. I have found many places that other maps do not have. There are a lot of homes that we want to look at in villages that are only on this map and some are on well travel roads.
Thanks Scott for making them availible.
Art EdwardsBTW- I’ll be ordering another CD at the same time.
MemberI have installed the tool bar and the translator button. When someone goes the the button page they can right click on the Spanish to English button and then click on “add to favorites” on the drop down menu then open the links folder and add. Just what I did. Works great!
Thanks for the tip.
Art Edwardsartedwards
The area where I lived in Bakersfield CA would not allow solar panels on the roof. the only thing the association would allow was the small dish TV receiver and it had to be located where it was not easy scene from the street. Recently the laws have been changed forcing the associations and cites to allow the installation of solar panels and such. I do not know if this includes the wind generators or not. I’m not sure but I would would think there must be a way to either force cites to change their policies or to sue them for not going along with conservation of energy and getting away from fossil fuels.
Art Edwardsartedwards
I thought the video was good. The first voice was hard to understand, perhaps a lady’s voice would come through better. Some of the scenes were to long while others too brief. The people in the field riding away on horses was to long while the scenes of the dancers could have been more detailed. The street scenes with the costumes was very good, the riders on the street was very happy. Your voice could have been a little richer to be heard over the music. The music was great, perhaps when you expand the DVD you could add in another sound track but going back to the original one during the last bit. The colors were great, made things exciting.
Art Edwardsartedwards
Nope, ICE ain’t the only electric company that has great wisdom. I live in Kern county (in California) at the southern end of the San Joaquin valley, our prevailing wind comes right down this valley pilling the smog up right around Bakersfield. In their infinite wisdom they built 6 new power plants (natural gas) in Kern county right around Bakersfield. Again in their infinite wisdom the air pollution went up so they went after the farmers, fining them for causing the increase in air pollution. Now for the final bit of wisdom, the power is not for Kern county, we have enough, but we get the air pollution. We live in the foothills east of Bakersfield above the air pollution but it gets higher everyday, that’s part of the reason we are leaving this mess as soon as possible and coming to Costa Rica.
I’ve looked at the site and the unit your speaking of, unfortunately I don’t read enough Spanish yet to understand the information. I’ve also searched on-line and have only discovered that the Solray unit is made in India. This type of system is something that we would be interested when we move to Costa Rica soon. I’ve emailed the distributor and will post back if there is English info on that unit. Thanks for the heads up.
MemberJason and all,
Here is a link to one site I’ve been looking at for complete solar systems. I will be contacting them for a complete system breakdown on the packages. I’ll post what I find.
Check them out and see what you think. Perhaps if enough people get together they could make a multi-buy and get even better deals. They ship free in the states which could be LA and form there a container to Costa Rica.
I’ve never heard of any birds getting killed by the wind turbines, the blades turn so slow any bird should be able to avoid getting hit. Solar power in Southern California is around $23,000 for a 3KW unit, what you don’t use you sell to the utilities. Perhaps it would take some time to recover your investment but you would be looking at many years of little maintenance. The cost of power keeps going up so payback gets shorter all the time. When I do move to Costa Rica I’m thinking of bringing some solar panels with me to hook up to a battery storage system for when the local power goes off. I’m looking for the payoff on a system at current prices when I get it figured out I will post my findings.
Art Edwardsartedwards
The huge problem that I see is not what can be done but when. Those large computer corporations won’t stand for their power being interrupted, they will move to another country before ICE knows what is happening. ICE knows what needs to be done but the bureaucracy prevents them from doing anything till it’s to late. I’ve done some checking on the new solar panels and find the prices have drop considerably. Where I’m living now near Tehachapi California has a huge wind farm developing 1.6 megawatts per unit, that would seem to be a very quick answer to Costa Rica’s problem. ICE would have to start now to keep those computer related companies from moving, I would wager that other countries are plying them with their own power systems if they would just move. The other thing that needs to happen today is to stop those high rise buildings and other power hungry buildings. Water does renew itself but just how fast is the question and if this global warming is happening then fresh water will become scares. As an ex-engineer I know it takes time to put things in motion, that is something Costa Rica doesn’t have. They need to start construction of wind power plants yesterday or the economic crash they heading for will be something Costa Rica will never recover from. I have an engineer friend that installs turbine power plants and he says that it would take way too long to set things up to stop this disaster from happening that way. He did think there are some small turbines that could be brought in quickly if Costa Rica can find the fuel. That would only be a stop gap measure to give them the time to build the wind power units. Of course all this is just my humble opinion.
Art Edwardsartedwards
MemberWe have problems in the States not because we have arms, we don’t use them is the problem. The police cannot use the arms for what they were designed for. You do not point a gun at someone then not use it, the criminals laugh at the police because they know the police can’t shoot unless shot at. It’s not being armed that is the problem, it is not using the arms. If you think a criminal will steal if they know that they will be shot on sight then you’ve buried your head in the sand (that is not directed at you but at people in general). If you know that if you put your head through a hole in the fence that someone will hit it with a baseball bat are you going to do it? I think not. The media pushes garbage at us because that is what people want. We won WWII because we went at it with everything we had, not because we made threats. If you are 65 years old and a muscled person breaks into your house intending to do harm can you stop them with a flower? No, you can’t, but if you are known to be armed and will use your firearm do you think that intruder will rush in to get shot? I think not. We live in a world where criminals are turned lose because of prison over crowding, what does that show the criminals? Not much, make the punishment 10X worse than the crime and crime will slow down. If you think we made this a violent world you’ve never seen a dog loose in a chicken pin, they kill just to kill leaving dead chickens all over. Did the dogs owner teach that behavior to his dog, no, why, because he also owned the chickens. Action is what it takes to stop problems, not worrying about the criminals rights, as far as I am concerned they give up the rights when they do crime.
I own firearms and I target practice, I would shoot an intruder if necessary but I haven’t had to because they don’t come around my home. My neighbors are armed as well, criminals don’t come around because they know the citizens are armed and will use their arms, amazing though, no one has been shot yet!artedwards
MemberI too agree, you find crime everywhere if you look for it. I do plan to carry and have the proper paper work for a concealed weapon. Knowing one has their own personal protection gives one a certain advantage, you don’t look for trouble but you can look around with clearer mind, you can see trouble before it sees you. I also will not pull a weapon to threaten, if I do pull the weapon it will be used, too many people have been injured by threatening with a firearm and have no intension of using it. That is foolish, you give off a certain air that says “I’m a coward and can’t follow through”. A tough person will see that right away. Carry if you must but know what to do if you need too, don’t hesitate, it will cost you your life or worse your wife’s life.
MemberI am not sure just how to solve this problem for the Ticos but I do know that all people will sell for whatever they can get for whatever they are selling. The only solution that I can see is a surcharge of some percentage be placed on houses sold that are way over the price that the house originally was purchased or built for. That would include all homes be it a Tico who has made a large profit or any sale that is raising the prices for any property in Costa Rica. These large developers should be hit hard, not to put them out of business but to level the playing field for all. When you level the playing field then you have a market that helps all, not just the people that are in it for the large profit but for anyone who gets a price over what the local Tico can afford. The huge profit takers do not hurt themselves but those that can’t stop the over charges should be compensated.
I’ve had another person tell me to first make a friend of a local Tico and let them be your spokesman. I think that I have found a Costa Rican “Realtor” who will take very good care of me and the wife. They come very highly spoken of and have listings that seem to be much lower than others. I will meet with them in the near future and go from there. We will both be retired and cannot afford to take chances. What it will cost to work with these people will work out to be less in the long run. They do charge a fee but with all they do and the fact that they know the laws it will be well worth it. Scott Oliver gave me the heads up on the Realtor so I do believe them to be who they claim to be.
PS. They do have a local Tico as an agent. -