Forum Replies Created
barbara ann
Memberwe have been here for four years. the best advice I can give is to leave attitude at the border,be patient. The Costa Ricans are kind and helpful. things move a little slower that the states but that is a good thing. Food is terrific almost everywhere we have been. The produce is excellent with fruit markets in a lot of towns, there are great trips you can take and see things you have never seen before.We like Arenal..Monte Verde. We got lost so many times I cant remember but found some wonderful things while we were lost. Buy a GPS for Costa Rica and mark important visit so you can find your way back. Great place to live. We were in our late sixties when we moved here.
barbara ann
MemberHere is my veggie list, when I first came here it helped me
Veggie List
Aguacate Avocado
Ajos Garlic
Albahaca Basil
Alcachofa Artichoke
Arracache Arracache
Arveja China Snow Peas
Ayote Sazon Seasoning Squash
Ayoticos Squash
Bananos Bananas
Berenjena Eggplant
Berro Chino Bendeja Chinese Watercress Tray
Blueberry Bendeja Blueberry Tray
Brocoli Broccoli
Camote Sweet Potato
Carambola Cannon
Cas Cas
Cebolla Onion
Cebollino Chives
Chayote Squash
Charlott Charlott
Chili Dulce Sweet chile
Chile Jalepeno Jalepeno Chili
Chile Mundial World Chili
Chili Panameno Panamanian Chile
Ciruels Ciruels
Cocos Coconut
Cauliflor Cauliflower
Cilantro Coriander
Elotes Duice Bandeja Sweet corn Bin
Eneldo Rollo Dill Roll
Asparrago Asparagus
Espinaca Spinach
Estragon Tarragon
Flores Flower
Fresa Strawberries
Frijol Beans
Fruta Del Amor Love Fruit
German DeAlfalfa Alfalfa Sprouts
Granadilla Importada Imported Granadilla
Guanabanas Guanabanas
Guayaba Guava
Hierva Buena Mint
Hinojo Fennel
Hojas De Plantano Plantain Leaves
Hongo Naturales Mushrooms
Hongo Porto Bella Portabella Mushrooms
Limon Mencina Mencina Lemon
Manon Chino Chinese Castor
Mandarinas Mandarin
Mangos Mangos
Manzana Chilena Importa/Imported Chilean Apples
Manzana de agua Water Apple
Manzana Empacada Pkg. Apple
Manzana Gala Gala Apples
Manzana Verde Green Apple
Manzana Amarillas Yellow Apple
Manzanilla Chamomile
Maracuya Passion Fruit
Mine estopin Squid Mine
Mini Zuquines Mini Zuquines
Melon Melon
Menta Rollo Mint Roll
Mini Vegetales Mini Plant
Mora Blackberry
Mostaza Mustard
Naranja Washington Washington Orange
Naranja Orange
Nectarinas Nectarines
Nampi Taro
Oregano Oregano
Palmito Palmito
Papa Seminilla Seed Potato
Papa Potato
Papaya Hawina Hawina Papaya
Pepino Cucumber
Peras Pears
Perejil Roilo Parsley Roll
Pejiballe Pejiballe
Pina Pineapple
Pipas Pipes
Platanos Maduros Plantains
Plantanos Verde Green Plantains
Puerro Leek
Queso Cheese
Rabano Rollo Radish Roll
Rabanito Radish
Radicho Radicchio
Remolacha Beets
Repollo Cabbage
Repolla Norado Cabbage
Romanesco Romanesque
Romenero Rollo Rosemary Roll
Sandia Watermelon
Jengibre Ginger
Jocote Cauliflower
Kiwi Kiwi
Lechuga Boston Boston Lettuce
Lechuga Escarole Endive Lettuce
Lechuga Fresse Fresh Lettuce
Lechuga LaRosa LaRosa Lettuce
Lechuga Roble Oak Lettuce
Lechuga Romana Romaine Lettuce
Lechuga Urugula Urugula Lettuce
Lechuga USA USA Lettuce
Limon Mandarina Lemon Tangerine
Limon Mancina Lemon Mancina
Mamon China Chinese Castor
Mandarina Mandarina
Mango Mango
Salvia Sage
Tamarinda Tamarind
Tamuga De Dulce Sweet Tamugi
Toquisque Toquisque
Tomate Tomato
Tomate Cherry Cherry Tomatoes
Tomate Mexicano Mexican Tomatoes
Tomate Tara Salsa Tomato Sauce
Tomate Rolla Tomato Roll
Tomillo Rolla Roll Thyme
Tortillas Tortillas
Uva Verde Green Grapes
Uva Rojas Red Grapes
Vainica Green Beans
Vainicas Green Beans
Yucca Cassaba
Zonohoria Carrotsbarbara ann
Memberyes, I have found it in automercado in prepackages and in mas x menos occasionally. you sometimes find it at the ferias. here is a list of spices translated
Garlic Ajo
Basil Albahaca
Caraway Alcaravea,semilla
Aniseed Anis
Saffron Azafran
Cinnamon Canela
Cardamom/ Cardamomo
Cloves Clavos
Chile Pepper/ Chile
Cumin Comino
Turmeric Curcuma
Dill Eneldo
Tarragon Estragon
Mint Hierba Buena
Mustard Mostaza
Oregano Oregano
Parsley Perejil
BlackPepper Pimenta Negra
Rosemary Romera
Salt Sal
Sage Salvia
Savory Saturega
Thyme Tomillo
Vainilla Vanilla
Vinegar Vinagrebarbara ann
Membercheck to see the size of your field, they typically put them in for mice depending on the size of your lot. so most places recommend toilet paper be placed in the trash can, also when you are traveling take some toilet paper with you. I cannot count the times toilet paper was not in the womens bathroom in gas stations, hand sanitizer too. sometimes no soap.
barbara ann
MemberI can tell you from personal experience:
1.Real estate agents are not licensed and most have no training to sell real estate.
2. the companies I contacted here want 6% PLUS they want you to pay 13.5% (their tax) on their commission.
3. Most offices are not staffed and are empty.
4. I am retired from the states and sold real estate in two states with extensive training, memberships and licensing. This is not the states.
5. There is no cooperation between most agents, the MLS is really not used or non existent in most markets,
6. I have been told by agents that they do not want to use an MLS because it takes too much time to fill out information on the properties they list.
I am discouraged by what I have seen, there are some people, and I would not call them agents,that really try hard. You will have to go by referral from someone that knows each individual company.
I have found that advertising here on we love costa rica has been our best bet so far.barbara ann his nickname is junior and his office is near the american embassy. He was terrific and we referred him to others. we had a horrible attorney in jaco that has an office in jaco sol
barbara ann
Memberl always pay at the municipality, if you pay in january you get ten per cent discount
barbara ann
Memberthis is the attorney we used and he is excellent. He can explain a lot by email. The agencies we contacted were not as user friendly. we were referred to him from a friend and it worked out well. the residency requirements have changed somewhat so this is my best lead. His nickname is Junior
barbara ann
Memberthere are citronella plants. we found a lemon grass which is supposed to work. go on the internet and take a pic to a vivero and they should be able to show you plants.
barbara ann
Memberthe bad mosquitoes are during the day, they are the mosquitoes that spread dengue, the female is the carrier. At least that is what we were told at the hospital when my husband had dengue fever. tey told us and you will think I am crazy that they bite about 4-6 o’clock in the afternoon and I guess they are the smaller mosquito. look on the internet, I bought plants that are native to costa rica that repel insects including mosquitos and put them around the pool and entrance to the house. go to the nursery and ask, they are inexpensive and you can pot or plant them in the ground.
barbara ann
Membercant afford the initial investment of solar. some quotes are as high or higher than the states
barbara ann
Memberwe are in jaco, our electric is 300+ without using air conditioning. this month ICE raised their rated another ten per cent. I think they have raised the rates every month since the first of the year.
we went to ICE with a spreadsheet showing our usage which is between 800 and 900 kw a month for four years yet our bill has gone from 160 to over 300.
we had blown in insulation put in to see if that would help and led bulbs. got rid of the curly mercury laden chinese bulbs. we should know next month……………its awful.
I have friends that are paying over 400 with families here
barbara ann
Memberbe very careful, the first atty we had in jaco kept our file for one year and never did a thing with it,. The attorney we finally used is close to the US embassy and is excellent. A lot of people use ARCR but I found their price to be higher
barbara ann
MemberWhere do you get the form? /We are renewing our drivers license next week. do they provide you with the form?
barbara ann
Memberwe have lived here over three years and used magic jack for the states. it works if your internet connection is working well