Sounds like a wonderful way to enjoy your surroundings. To be able
to work on a reforestation project sounds so rewarding. Enjoy your
new home. My husband and I are from Canada and have purchased land
south of Dominical. I have been browsing this website often to get
lots of practical information. Where does Martin Air fly out of?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Scott
Enjoy your website very much. Plenty of useful tips.
My husband and I are from Canada and have purchased land south
of Dominical. We hope to relocate in 2 years or maybe less.
Can you tell me what books you have written about? I am interested
in investing information for Costa Rica. Also I would like to know
what changes when a person becomes a permanent resident after 2 years?
Also can an immigrant import clothing for resale without much trouble?
Thanks in advance.
Any suggestions for someone flying out of Toronto, Ont. Canada.
The prices are higher this year and not many deals.
Are there breaks for people who are Travel agents?
Thanks Bev
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