We bought a lot is Carillo back in December of 05 in Celajes and our realtor , who we highly recommend by he way ( Samara Property Company) said that the Ritz was going to build there. I am a little skeptical though because they would not have exclusive direct access to the beach since the beach in public, unless there are plans to change that. It would definitely change the landscape of the area.
We have been to Samara sveral times and just bought some property about 5 minutes south of there in Carillo. You will love Samara you will not want to leave but if you do you will find the roads going north are fine( paved roads) with a few potholes large enough to get lost in in. The roads or road south is all dirt and winds and twists through the mountains (can get a little hairy). Gorgeous drive and a real adventure if you have four wheel drive. We went down to Punta Islita which took about an hour or so, it will be a lot shorter if you can cross the river ( it was too high when we were there). Unless you are staying at the Punta Islita resort don’t bother going there they are real jerks they wouldn’t even let us come in and have lunch since we were not staying there. Good luck , you will love Samara.
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