Forum Replies Created
Participant“[b]You can Go Your Own Way……..[/b]” (Fleetwood Mac)
ParticipantI myself would be [b]PERFECTLY[/b] happy socializing with..howlers…toucans….a sloth….a snake….butterfly’s…some of the beautiful cats in CR…frogs….etc. 🙂
Participant[b]MAN!!!![/b] What back and forth on this thread on what should be a very simple issue.
My take is that the CR RE market never became as overextended as was the US market, consequently, when the global downturn got going the CR market did not (or has not) experienced as severe a downturn as in other markets. Are prices generally cheaper than they were 2 or 3 years ago? [b]Absolutely[/b]. However, I certainly would not say that the CR market is down 40% or 50% as in some US markets. To me the CR RE market looks like it’s going through more of a traditional cyclical RE downturn as opposed to a bubble bursting.
As far as the Central Valley–there is plenty for sale there. I would encourage the author of this thread to spend some time there…look around….be patient…and shop intelligently. It’s all relative. Pick a number: $150K…$250K…$450K….more….and look at your surroundings and consider the quality of life and then ask yourself: Could I come remotely close to anything like that in the US or Europe. I [b]HIGHLY[/b] doubt that.
Given the level of uncertainty or concern the threads author has expressed I [b]strongly[/b] support the idea of renting for 6 months…a year…or however long it takes to reach your comfort level that CR and/or the Central Valley is the place for you.
And isn’t it amazing how many Americans are in those ‘famous’ bars buying female companions?
Scott[/quote]How would [b]YOU[/b] know Scott? :lol::lol:
ParticipantI first went to Jaco on a visit about 10 years ago. Went back on several occasions after that but stopped going there maybe 5 or 6 years ago due to the over-development and crowding conditions…construction…etc. For me it had lost some charm and character it once had. Over the years it has attracted hoards of young Americans looking for “action” from places like the famed Beetle Bar. There is a fair amount of drug dealing and trafficking in Jaco now and it’s simply a more riskier place than it was say 10 years ago. If you’re going to live outside of Jaco but close enough so that you have access to the etc my guess is you should be fine. The climate thing is all a matter of personal taste s I won’t comment on that.
The “responsible” tourists are visiting the typical touristy places such as Manuel Antonio..Arenal…the beaches up in the Tamarindo area etc. as well as many other parts of the country as it becomes more and more popular as a vacation destination. My last several visits I’ve been down to the southern Caribbean zone and on the other side to the Osa Peninsula.
Participant[quote=”sprite”]Bogino, smekuly
Your imbecility in disagreeing with me would depend heavily upon with what you disagree, how you disagree and, most importantly, where you disagree.
As I said before, too many Americans expressing imbecilic ideas and attitudes publicly in Costa Rica is liable to give the rest of us a bad name. If you like US empire building, being raped by the banks and losing your constitutional rights in the name of patriotism and really believe that Americans are better than everyone else, PLEASE keep that stuff back home in the States where it can fester and bring about the fall more quickly. This slow agonizing death of empire is getting on my nerves.[/quote]
And the [b]RANT[/b] continues…….
Participant[quote=”DavidCMurray”]bogino, smekuly (got it right!), what if I disagree with both of you?
Or what if we agree on some things and disagree on others? Does one disagreement brand me an imbecile for life? What if I change my mind?[/quote]
Agreeing and disagreeing are perfectly fine. No issue there. It’s when some of these people start resorting to personal attacks that the discussion has gone beyond its usefulness.
In any event—the original topic had to do with the US losing its AAA rating and now we have had enough time to see the consequences of that downgrade. Investors are demanding [b]MORE[/b] treasuries now than before the downgrade. Have a nice day.
Participant[quote=”clayton”]Sprite, please make your own plans as you see fit, and I may agree with you on this prognostication. You needn’t continually have diarrhea of the mouth though. Costa Rica has not helped you as an ugly whatever you claim to be.[/quote]
Well said Clayton. I’ve decided to no longer waste my time responding to miserable and angry imbeciles. Thx.
ParticipantHAHA!!! I won’t hold my breath Scott………:lol::lol:
ParticipantThose who bet against the the courage and resiliency of the U.S. are fools.
Participant[quote=”maravilla”]spoken like a true right winger. you can’t even concede that the war in Iraq was started on a false premise and that hundreds of thousands of innocent people died because of that lie? at least mr. Smelly makes some cogent points. war for the sake of war is evil and sending your innocent children (rich children don’t go to war!) to die for a lie is a form of insanity. and that is one of the main reasons i chose costa rica — there is no Army, Costa Rica is not going to invade some country they’ve decided is out of favor, and they do not spend trillions of dollars funding the war machine so people like Donnie Rumsfeld can make a truckload of money on his Haliburton stock. the US could fix the debt in a heartbeat if they just stopped funding the perpetual wars we start.[/quote]
As I said Lady..discussion over. And by the way—let’s not forget those crazy [b]LEFT[/b] wingers JFK and LBJ that sent tens of thousands of Americans to their graves (FAR more than have died in Iraq & Afghan). It works both ways dear. Pura Vida!
aside from being taxed to death all my working life.. do you really think I or I would send one of my children to go and fight in someone’s war?? to become some fodder because some bureaucrat decided that there are weapons of mass destruction someplace so we need to go and invade.
[b]I admire and have respect for all our soldiers because they believe in what they are doing.[/b]
but to ask such a question is ignorant.
and that is what scares me the most
ignorant people and the world is full of them.
this is what drives people all around the world to do stupid things..
Discussion Over. I have ZERO respect for people like you. Good Luck.
they got you on this one my friend
the united states of america is indeed screwed its just that most people in the US are too busy with thier own lives to realize it until the shit hits the fan
by the way
the only people that are dying to get into the U.S. are the less fortunate people.. people that really have nothing.
and the people that are migrating away from the US are the educated somewhat more affluent people. NOT rich.. just alittle more affluent.
costa ricans are very happy here and go visit the us for to visit
I still visit the US but I would never live there again.[/quote]
Have you ever served your country?
Participant[quote=”Disabled Veteran”]When is a politician lying: when they are moving their lips! America is screwed, as long as it only has a two party system! It amazes me that people vote for a politician, against their own interests. Americans never think outside of the box, or exercise any critical thinking.[/quote]
Yet another Boo….Hoo…Hoo.. I HATE America Whiner. PLEASE do us all a favor. If you’ve already left America then stay where you are and please don’t return.
Participant[quote=”maravilla”]the US has an illegal immigration problem thanks to NAFTA which destroyed the farming system in Mexico. And if you think the Mexican immigration problem is bad, check out what is happening in Italy, France, and England when it comes to the flood of immigrants. Italy is talking about closing its borders to keep stem the tide. Not EVERYONE wants to come to the US. the problem i have with capitalism is that for you to have a lot, someone has to have nothing. And the financial collapse we have experienced is the direct result of capitalism, and i think that is evil.[/quote]
Capitalism is not for everyone…nor is Socialism..or Communism…etc. If we are fortunate to have choices then that is a [b]GOOD[/b] thing regardless of ones political persuasion. Ultimately…the most important thing is that we are [b]FREE[/b].