Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThe Visa CDW Waiver did work for me in the past but that was several (4 – 5) years ago.
The most important item of your 4 issues is the GPS question and to that I say a [b]Resounding YES[/b]. It is [b]EXTREMELY[/b] helpful (especially if you’re trying to navigate in and around San Jose). And one more thing to remember about GPS if your Spanish is not good. By default most rental car agencies GPS units are set to Spanish. Just make sure when you are picking up the car that the agent makes sure it is set to English because a lot of people overlook that and that can be a hassle.
I’ve always taken my Iphone and my provider is AT&T. It generally works well in Costa Rica depending on your location albeit calls to US are quite expensive. I only use for emergency and as an alternative to calling I text which is a [b]LOT[/b] less expensive.
[b]More more bit of advice re. car rental[/b]. When picking up the car and doing the walk around with the agent to inspect for any existing damages make sure you go over with a fine tooth comb and take pictures if needed with your phone camera. These guys will try to stick it to you if given the opportunity. After I returned my last rental (7 days) the agent found what was a [b]microscopic[/b] ding on the windshield which he “claimed” wasn’t there when I picked up the car. This little scratch/ding was [b]barely visible[/b] to the naked eye. In the U.S. we would simply “rub it out” at almost no cost using a windshield repair kit. This situation escalated to where they wanted t replace the entiire windshield at $1,300.00. They actually charged my credit card and I did battle with these people for 3 months before the charge was removed. The car rental company was a major U.S. company (Hint: begins with a “B”) and I had to work my way up to senior management in their corporate headquarters but at least got it resolved.
ParticipantAre there even any other Costa Rican beers other than Imperial and Bavaria? Personally I like Bavaria Dark.
Participant[quote=”englanddh”]Actually my wife and I have been contemplated moving there. But we are very avid boaters and are Caribbean style of people, in the fact we currently live along the Gulf coast. So my question is, what kind of marina facilities are along the Caribbean coast? Or the only marina facilities along the Pacific coast?
What are some recommendations of places to look at?[/quote]
The southern Caribbean side of CR (Puerto Viejo and adjoining towns) are more like simple fishing villages. I’m not aware of [b]ANY[/b] marina’s anywhere in that area and frankly I hope it [b]STAYS[/b] that way for the sake of preserving the areas character and charm. This side of CR is [b]FAR[/b] more “[b]laid back[/b]” an “[b]relaxed[/b]” and if you want to try and visualize the lifestyle there just close your eyes and think Bob Marley. Way different from the Pacific Coast of CR which does have plenty of “marina’s” some of them opulent, but hen again, that side of he country is alo far more “[b]touristy[/b]”.
ParticipantLOL!!!! Daihatsu versus Audi. Isn’t that like comparing a Mercedes to a Yugo or something like that…..:lol::lol::lol:
ParticipantTo each his own or To each her own. Compared to German made cars, I personally, would never own a Japanese or Korean POS. Afterall, when was tha last time a Toyota won the 24 hour Le Mans.. :lol::lol:
Participant[quote=”sprite”][quote=”bogino”]I’ve visited CR about 14 times now and what you described is pretty consistent with what my expectations are. I just happened to become a big fan of Audi’s over the past 10 years (owned 5 of them already) and thought I would explore the wisdom of trying to get into one there in CR or focus on other much more “[b]practical[/b]” options. Thx.[/quote]
[b]What would make an Audi superior to a Toyota in Costa Rica?
…or anywhere else, for that matter[/b][i][/i]?
[/quote]LOL!!! That’s easy: German Technology.
ParticipantI’ve visited CR about 14 times now and what you described is pretty consistent with what my expectations are. I just happened to become a big fan of Audi’s over the past 10 years (owned 5 of them already) and thought I would explore the wisdom of trying to get into one there in CR or focus on other much more “[b]practical[/b]” options. Thx.
ParticipantGreat Info. Thx.
ParticipantWell…Brasil is not CR, however, I was living in Rio during the early into late 1960’s and I remember going to see Hard Days Night in the movie theatre. Girls were screaming and passing out in the theatre and some had to be ambulanced off. My guess is that level of popularity was probably global.
Participant[quote=”orcas0606″]Four years ago I had a stone lodged in my ureter that was too big to break up or pass. I had it removed by uretheroscopy, kinda scary for a man, in the Hospital Metropolitan (certainly nor Cima but adequate) and my total cost was $2500 (médico and hospital),general anethesia, no pain and home in four hours. I can send the Drs. name and # by privare message. Don’t want to compete with Dr. Max.[/quote]
Great information. Thank You. I’m mainly interested in approximate costs comparing CR to US as I prepare to transition for my permanent move to CR. BTW–the cost here at my local hospital for essentially the same procedure you described is double that: $5K and that’s just for the hospital facility.
ParticipantI forgot to mention The Eagles too. The recently remodeled Los Angeles Forum (former home to the L.A. Lakers) has recently begun staging concerts again. Years ago The Forum held 17,000+ and I’m guessing still about the same. Just recently The Eagles performed 4 or 5 shows at The Forum and my understanding was that all were sold out.
ParticipantAs far as I can guess, I think the only “old guys” (say 70 or so) that could still pack in a large crowd would be McCartney, Springsteen, of course the Stones. I myself would not pay to see them today but that’s a matter of personal preference. I [b]HAVE[/b] seen all of them perform 30+ years ago and those shows were memorable. I rather remember them that way.
Participant[quote=”sweikert925″][quote=”bogino”]Think back to superstars from say the ’70’s or ’80’s that would fill entire stadiums and now they can barely fill a small engagement at the local summer county fair. [/quote]
Well we’ll shortly have an opportunity to test that very theory. Either McCartney’s show will get a good crowd when he performs in CR or he won’t. My guess is that he will get considerably better than a number that can “barely fill a small engagement at the local summer county fair”.
[url=]Here[/url] is a link that may lend something to the conversation.[/quote]Pay attention and read my entire post:
“Paul McCartney is the exception”…
ParticipantThe reason i might pay a “premium” to see someone perform is because I expect to be thoroughly “wowed” and entertained by the performer. What Scott points out about “aging” entertainers is spot on. Think back to superstars from say the ’70’s or ’80’s that would fill entire stadiums and now they can barely fill a small engagement at the local summer county fair. Aging has its consequences and that’s not necessarily bad. It simply is reality. Paul McCartney is an exception due to his legendary status but the reality is he doesn’t sing as well or as vibrantly as he did during his 20’s. I still love The Beatles (both as a group and individually) but I don’t listen current Paul McCartney stuff. I still listen to Hard Days Night, or Help or Abbey Road…etc.
ParticipantThat’s Cheap (compared to Southern CA.)..:):)