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Participant[quote=”aguirrewar”]I would go with the 9 month @ 10.50%
the 18 month is double the time and only a 1.65% difference
I live with the “PRESENT” Money theory and not with a PROMISE of payment after X amount of time
9 months looks better than 18 months, by half the time[/quote]
ParticipantWhat is the difference in rates between say a 6 month or 1 year term versus the 2 year @ 12%+?
Participant[quote=”DavidCMurray”]When we met Sr.Zamora last week, he showed us the latest Fitch rating….
[/quote]HAHA! We should all know by now how useless the ratings agencies are. Recall….that “DAYS” before AIG essentially went BELLY UP their Short-Term Debt Rating of A1+/P1 was the equivalent of a long-term “AAA” rating(I’m just citing 1 example). I guess if it’s only a modest portion of your savings you’re placing in these CD’s you should be fine.
ParticipantIf you Google “Geckoes Lodge” you might find that interesting. I’ve stayed there. Property owner has 2 houses (vacation rentals) on his property which is a beautiful location. It’s a couple minutes away from Playa Cocles, one of the nicer and more popular beaches in that area. Further north is Playa Cahuita, also a very nice beach. The only beach I would avoid is the beach in Puerto Viejo which has been known from time to time to expeirence “incidents”.
Participant[quote=”DavidCMurray”]We’re about to jump into a CD denominated in colones at around 8.5% for a year. I’ve heard that there’s a cooperative in San Ramon paying 12.5% but I have no personal knowledge of that.
[/quote]Does CR have their version of FDIC Insurance on CD’s and other Deposits?
ParticipantNotice how now that we have achieved new highs in the markets and the DOW has doubled off it’s Financial Crisis bottom all the “[b]experts[/b]” and “[b]analysts[/b]” are [b]NOW[/b][u][/u] talking up the Bull Market and notice how since that hype has begun we are getting fresh reports of significant new inflows into stock mutual funds. Translation: The [b]STUPID[/b] small retail investor is jumping into the market now……at the [b]TOP[/b].
Secondly, you buy stocks when the economy is [b]growing[/b], unemployment is [b]declining[/b], companies are [b]selling[/b] stuff (versus cutting expenses) and things are [b]looking good[/b]. You [b]DON’T[/b] buy stocks just because bond yields are at or near 0% and you [b]THINK[/b] you might do better in stocks.
Thanks. but I’ll stick with my 5% muni’s.
ParticipantOr as they say in Mexico: “Manana…….Manana………”
ParticipantActually reminds me of Copacabana or Ipanema beach in Rio.
ParticipantI like Andrew Napolitano’s concept about taxation: “Taxation is [b]THEFT[/b]”.
As far as the Estate Tax going up, given the current march towards European style socialism and a system whereby Government will take care of everyone every source of potential revenue is on the table so that should not come as any surprise. As Bill Clinton said recently: “It’s ARITHMETIC”. There is simply [b]NOT[/b] enough money in the government coffers to feed all the [b]Takers[/b] so you have to squeeze everything you can out of the [b]Makers[/b].
ParticipantIf this had happened in the U.S. the fired worker would undoubtedly have sued both his boss that fired him as well as the customer he tried to rip off. I’m glad this owner did what he did. Hopefully no repercussions.
ParticipantThis is not a day trip option but I’ll toss in my 2 cents:
I’ve been to all corners of CR and hiked in many forests. Unquestionably and without any doubt the best area to experience wildlife including, in particular, reptiles is the OSA Peninsula. Second best is the opposite side on the Caribbean in Gandoca Manzanillo.
Participant[quote=”maravilla”]why would anyone want to do this??????????[/quote]
ParticipantThen, of course, there’s always Craigslist. I did a quick search under Apts./Housing using keyword Santa Ana and there was no shortage of listings.
ParticipantI know that when using an IRA to invest in RE you cannot use the property as your primary residence and you cannot rent the house out to family members. Does anyone know whether the property can be rented out to an Ex Wife who, technically, is no longer a family member? Thx.
ParticipantI think that if you decide to expatriate and move to Costa Rica, Brasil, France or wherever you would do so with the intent of “[b]wanting[/b]” to immerse yourself within the culture you are moving to because that’s what you like about the idea.
After all, if you’re an American moving to Costa Rica (just using this as an example) and you immerse yourself with the local American community in Costa Rica then what’s the point of moving in the 1st place.
If you’re [b]only[/b] motivation to expatriate is economic then I think that’s the wrong reason to move.
In any event, if I decide to move to a different country it’s because I want to become part of the local culture and what anyone else may think or say about that I could care less about.