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  • in reply to: Residency requirements #176499

    Gee Gee…We will be arriving in CR on the 21st of June. We are just beginning to pull together the paperwork and will start the process while we are there. With any luck we will be moving in the early fall. Currently we live in Alberta, Canada. It will be great to meet you! Our names are Bryan and Tressa….feel free to email us at

    in reply to: Residency requirements #176496

    gg…my husband and I will be taking George’s tour on June 25th, is that the one you are going on. We also will be starting the process for rentista status while we are there. Could it be that we will be on the same tour? Do you plan to attend the ARCR seminar after the tour?

    in reply to: Should I change my daughter…errr..dogs name. #175364

    Thanks for the feedback Scott.
    She is indeed beautiful, intelligent and graceful, not to mention gentle, and loving…. just my biased opinion of course 🙂

    in reply to: What should we move with us to Costa Rica #175226

    Jenny thanks again for your feedback. Thanksgiving dinner sounds great! You mentioned that I could write you directly, which I would appreciate but don’t have your address. If you like you can email me at: I would love to hear from you!

    in reply to: What should we move with us to Costa Rica #175223

    Jenny and Maravilla, I’ve been reading your exchange with interest, it sees that really it boils down to personal opinion and a concensus on bringing linens. I may be considered materialistic but there are some things that I just don’t want to part with, however the cost of getting them there may cause me to reconsider.

    Has anyone you know shipped some of their household goods to C.R.? My big question at this point is how can we estimate what we will be taxed on our goods on arrival. If you can suggest a resource that might help me find this information it would be most appreciated.

    Jenny is there anything about your move to C.R. that you regret, and do you have internet service in your home?

    Planning our move there is very exciting and sometimes a little frightening….I can hardly wait to be there tho.

    in reply to: What should we move with us to Costa Rica #175215

    Lol, I hear you, it does seem a bit overwhelming at times. I was kinda hoping you were from Canada so that you could recommend a company to do our shipping.

    in reply to: What should we move with us to Costa Rica #175212

    Maravilla thanks for your feedback. Are you moving from the United States or from Canada?

    in reply to: What should we move with us to Costa Rica #175211

    Thanks Scott! First of all a serger is a machine that neatly finishes the insides of seams on fabric.

    The antiques are chests of drawers that have been passed down in the family for many years as well as china type things that are more of an ornamental nature.

    Can we bring artwork, large prints or will we be heavily taxed on them. We think that we will ship our belongings in a container and the cost I am really not sure about is the amount we would be taxed on bringing them to Costa Rica.

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