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ParticipantNice I’ll check that out before my trip to San Jose, thanks!
ParticipantYeah they do, but its pretty pricey, was looking for a cheaper place to get it done.. I’ve heard from a friend of a place called Guacamaya ?.. something like that, should have that kind of stuff for a lot cheaper then Toyota. I’ll find out when Im there in SJ, I can always go to Toyota if I don’t find anything else. Thanks for the help
ParticipantI don’t really think the lack of responses on this thread has to do with there not being a place to put running boards on a truck. The tool box I just found on craigslist. Im sure there are plenty in San Jose, I will just find out myself while there if nobody here knows.
ParticipantStill no info. Nobody knows of a single place that might be able to do this? Kinda strange that most everyone on this message board lives around the San Jose area yet nobody knows of a parts store which may provide those services??
ParticipantA few images of our property.. these will be “before” photos. Soon, the land on image #2 will have quite a few raised garden beds for planting herbs and vegetables. Also included are some old photos (from about 3 years ago) when we started to plant our trees. I will post more photo’s in about a week of the trees now. First the view on a typical day:
This is where the raised garden beds will go. Its about 1.5 acres of slightly sloping, cleared land. BELOW:
And here is a photo of just a few of the citrus tree’s we planted 4 years ago. This photo was taken when they were first planted. They are over 6-8′ tall now. There are 12 planted in total.. you can only see a few of them in this photo.
I will post some recent pictures in about a week.. to see how fast those trees can grow.
Participant[quote=”DavidCMurray”[*] ]
When computing the value of the property for declaration purposes, [b]does the c100,000 threshhold apply to the [u]entire[/u] property (that is, the real estate plus all the improvements) or does it apply to just the improvements?[/b]
Thanks in advance.[/quote]
It says quite clearly (In my opinion, how I understood it), that: First calculate all construction, all homes, pools, courts, ranchos, etc. If all the construction comes under C 100,000,000 – your done. No need to then declare your property value, you don’t have to pay the tax.. However IF your construction comes over the limit, THEN you have to go to the additional form and declare your property value. I guess then making the luxury tax your about to pay even higher.
So its clear, if all total construction comes under C100,000,000 = No luxury tax.
Though if your newly recorded construction value is higher then what they previously had on file for your construction value.. (and the tax you were thus previously paying) I have a feeling your property tax my go up accordingly. Not quite like the luxury tax, but I bet they would put your new property “value” on file, and may be more then it was listed as before.
ParticipantAnyone?? So to be more specific..I’m looking for a Diamond Plate toolbox, running boards, and a place to install a DVD/CD player I already have. Anyone know of a place in the SJ area with good prices and reliable service? Any help or ideas are appreciated, Im going to San Jose next week. Thanks
Participant[quote=”perroloco”]There is an accessory store next to the gas station in Santa Cruz. They do tint, radios, etc…. I’ve never used them, but have seen the store there. Also, I’ve seen a few car accessory stores in Liberia as well. Just outside of Belen on the right hand side (on the way to Liberia) there is a place that sells the nerf bars and “mataburros”. It’s just before the place that sells “superbloque”.[/quote]
Thanks. I’m aware of both of those places. I was thinking I could get a better deal in San Jose though, since I will be there anyways. I thought the place next to the Gas station in Santa Cruz was the new Toyota Dealer?
ParticipantThe Toyota Hilux is a GREAT truck. I could not think of getting any other truck here. Even the older ones (94′ and up) are reliable, strong and will get around well. Of course the newer ones look better, get better milage and are more comfortable. Not to mention it gets more ladies looking too. I bought mine from , after looking at some car lots and the Toyota dealer in SJ, I found buying it direct from the owner was the best choice. Of course, doing that means your putting more of the “inspection and due diligence” on yourself. There is an article on this website about buying used cars, read it and follow it. I took mine to the Toyota dealer for a full checkup and inspection before purchase which was $200 well spent. They found no problems.
I paid $24k for a 2006 Hilux in great condition with lots of upgrades, a clean title and no accidents. A new one will run over/around $40K. I have had no problems so far, just regular maintenance, and it goes everywhere I need to go, smooth and in style. I also have a 94′ Hilux which is my work truck, and runs great as well and has had minimal problems given its age. Both are dependable, and will handle the CR better then most, with few mechanical problems.
Here are my two Hilux’s. You can see what you should get for the money. Big Red is a 94′ and Pimpy Silver is a 2006′:
ParticipantI just read the whole Ebook. It went through everything, answered every question I had. You have to update your property information – even if you feel your under the requirement. If you are under the requirement, it saves you from having to file additional paperwork, but you must report your construction value in line with the new system of appraisal. If your under, you don’t have to pay the additional tax and you don’t have to then calculate the value of your property and report that as well. If your over – well, then you have to calculate your property value as well and pay the Luxury Tax. Either way, you have to fill out the declaration and it has to be accurate, fines of 5 – 10X unpaid taxes can be given. Properties that are subdivided but owned by the same owner are calculated together. To get around that; perhaps having them in separate corporations could do. Just a over view of some things I learned and was wondering, that Ebook got all the details on how to file and calculate everything. I would think anyone who is still unclear about all this should read that document.. you will then be “in the know”
ParticipantI will provide a phone number to their office in LA via Private Message if requested. Thanks
ParticipantTpverde: Thank you for your post.
1)Yes, your are right.. Permaculture is many things: It is the act of designing your entire property to function harmoniously in all aspects; having your gardens, water disposal & runoff, waste material reuse, using the natural layout and composition of your land, all in a way which works together for the overall benefit of each system. Because each property is different, and each person’s wants and needs are different, its a system that must be designed and many factors must be taken into account.. And if done correctly, a circle of life can be created where no waste is produced and all aspects of the property function together. Thats the idea, but a lot of thought and planning must be put into a property way before “Diving in” to its development.
2) I want to have meat in my diet as well, thats why Goats are of interest and chickens of course. I plan to do high starch and easy growing foods like Yams and Potatoes. I will do some searching to gain more information on ojoche, and the aerial yam you mentioned. Also where could one go about finding the Perennial’s you mentioned: quelite, moringa and katuk? By seed ordered in the US?
3) Bamboo.. A material that could save the world.. I love the fact you mentioned it, I can’t forget to plant some.. Its very important to restrict its spread by creating underground “block-aids” or walls to restrict its growth. Otherwise.. that stuff can spread all over. The tricky part to bamboo is to confine and keep it in one place. The stuff grows easy otherwise.
A few questions I have for you.. living in Guanacaste and growing some of your own food – do you make your own compost? Do you use bins or a pile? Also any home made organic pesticides you have tried and tested in your garden?
ParticipantYou have a few options here.. There is DHL and the USPS that will send international to Costa Rica. It won’t be cheap though and you will have to pay import tax on anything you bring in. People use forwarding addresses in Miami as the cost to ship from there to Costa Rica is cheaper. You won’t need a government license or permit unless its a contraband (and good luck getting one if so..)- ie. certain medicines for example. Most who live here in Costa Rica try to have friends, family or anyone they know coming from the US bring what they need. If you are in the LA Area I know of a shipping company that sends containers every month and charges by the box if needed. It would take up to 2 months for your box to get there (sometimes there really slow shipments), but its untaxed and flat rate, and you just pick it up near the airport in SJ.
ParticipantIt makes perfect sense.. It’s only now after such a bill is about to be passed through congress do the insurance companies think of such an idea. I mean, people have known about offshore medical care for years and years.. Why haven’t insurance companies taken advantage of that too?? Now its like they are forced too as they may not be able to compete in the US. Im surprised they wouldn’t cover the whole deal – airline tickets, hotel room, etc. as all that would still be half the cost of similar care in the US. To cut your costs in half is no small thing. To send your clients on a airplane 4 hours away to do so just makes sense.. the only question I have, why haven’t they done this sooner?
ParticipantAnother project we hope to do.. and by hope, I mean quite a far way off after other “priorities”.. after the garden beds, after the shade tents for lettuces and other fragile crops, after the chicken coops and chickens. But we have a small seasonal stream running through our property, and I really like the idea of a fish pond. Tilapia perhaps. There is a perfect existing pond like area to do it, to make a damn and line a pond area. I could even have some ducks there I figure.. Anyone have a Tilapia pond here? Not only is it a great protein source, but great for the compost pile as well! I know its not easy, and its important to keep the stock down to reduce competition and allow the fish to grow.. anyone have a fish pond of some sort? Produce any eatable fish from it?