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Participantcostaricafinca : PS, where are you located? I would love a tour of your farm, It sounds wondeful.. Im sure I could learn something!
ParticipantBy the way, here are some photos and more information about our property:
Participant[quote=”costaricafinca”]I promised myself I would respond to this posting, but here I am.
I would like to say with only 2.5 acres of land, plus multiple houses, where is the ‘space’ to grow what you need?
You mention planting all the fruit trees you could think off, so can you tell us, how many and what species?
But, as yet you haven’t planted your organic garden, and so you still have to find out how difficult that is, to do here.
Please realize that there is no way, even with all the fruit trees will they not produce enough for your use all year.
We are on 250 Acres with[b] many hundreds of fruit trees of many different varieties[/b], many already producing, and for most of the time, there is no fruit![/quote]Well, 2.5 acres = 11,000 square meters of land. The footprint of our 2 homes = 220 square meters – which comes to under 2% of our land area. You asked which fruit trees we have planted, here you go.. Over a Hundred so far:
– Papaya (2 dozen, 5 different types, Hawaiian Varities)
– Bannanas (Over 2 dozen)
– Plantains (over 2 dozen)
– Nancy (native) 5
– Hacote (native) 2
– Mammon-Chino
– Manzana de Aqua (water apple): 2
– Guanabaya:2
– Mango: (over a dozen)
– Avacado: 3
– Manacuya “Lilikoi” On Trellis
– Guava (native): 2
– Almond : 2
– Maronon : 2 (Cashew)
– Coconut: 4
– Heart of Palm: 2 (not doing very well..)
Then there is the citrus orchard:
– Oranges (3)
– Grapefruit (3)
– Lemon
– Lime
– Tangerines
– Limon Dulce (“sweet lemon”)Of course, if you do not fertilize or maintain your fruit trees you may not produce fruit year round. However the picking of good species, maintaining your trees and fertilizing them should produce a constant a reliable harvest. Not doing so, leaves trees which do not produce – perhaps you have many trees but not the time to care for them? That is the case many times, people think Fruit tree’s don’t need care.. thats far from the truth.
We have many of the trees spread out throughout the property, with a specific orchard for the demanding citrus tree’s. A special compost pile is located in the citrus orchard and organic compost “Teas” are made and given every 2 months. Tree’s are checked for heath and sprayed with organic pesticides as needed every month.
With our two homes which take up a whopping 2% of our land, and all the trees planted around the property, we are left with at least a acre of slightly sloping, cleared land for the construction of our planned raised garden beds. We could have over 100, 10 X 4 garden beds in this area. We plan to construct and plant 10 of the garden beds this year.
[quote=”costaricafinca”]”We lived next door to a young American couple, who were doing what you are intending to do, but at least it sounds like you at least decent housing, and both them and their 4 children barely survived with no one to buy their little bit of left over produce.
But, hopefully you are legally working here, and not like our neighbors whose ‘friends’ decided that they were no longer going to financially support this family.” [/quote]I don’t really know what you talking about here, but Ill try to explain our situation at least:
We are not poor people looking to farm to make ends meet. We are just people who want to try to grow our own food, and do something – anything – on our own. I have a construction company with steady work. We have two rentals with steady tenets. By rentals I don’t mean hole in the wall chicken coops.. I mean very nice, new rentals with granite countertop kitchen’s, teak ceilings, and new appliances – high end vacation rentals with a swimming pool and sweeping views. We are 10 minutes to many beaches. It keeps some money flowing. The Organic garden will be a perk to all that as well and a center point of our property. Any tenets can help in the garden if they wish, or pick fruit from the trees. Its a experiance we wish to have on our property and share with others. Our property is called “Finca Esperanza” – if you know spanish you know what it means.
I am 23 years old, I am fit, I speak fluent spanish, and can manage our garden and (eventually) our farm with ease – and we would use lots of paid help. My Tica Girlfriend loves to help too. But as far as I know its legal for me to work in my own garden. One of the rentals (2 bedroom unit) I built and is mine, and the other, my Mom’s. So it helps me get by month to month in the case I’m not building a pool or cabina for a client here.
We are pretty well off, for the moment at least. But our idea is to learn to grow our own food, little by little, and depend more and more on ourselves, and our land, for our own food source. We hope to have a dozen chickens this year – maybe goats down the road too. Imagine, all the trees I mentioned above producing, with 4-6 eggs a day from the chickens, and veggies from the garden, it could provide a pretty decent amount of food for oneself.
I could only wish I had 250 acres, but then again, thats way more then enough. 2.5 acres will do us just fine, there’s plenty of room for what we wish to do. Thanks for your input, its appreciated – we are like minded people here, out to do the same thing, but in different places and with different ideas. Any fruit or vegetable you produce yourself, is a beautiful thing. You are lucky to have the land you do, many cannot afford such a large plot. I wish you the best as well! Thanks
ParticipantAlso it appears the value is appointed to all constructions on a said “Property”, or lot. There may be a way to get around this law by subdivision of a property in two or three parts. Each separated part would then be a separate, registered lot and construction would be totaled on each lot and not on the property as a whole. I am not sure on the legal aspects of this but it sounds very possible. Subdivide you property into parts that equal less then C100,000,000 on each part – possible?
Also it states that it includes all investment and constructions – even improved roads, parking spaces, Rancho’s, Pools, basketball and tennis courts, rock/block walls, etc – value must be included. NOT just Homes. This can really add up on a property.
ParticipantDavid: Thats a interesting way to go about it. However do you really think admitting and sharing your plan to not file and to use “purportedly authoritative documents” on a public message board will help your attempt?
I read the document Scott posted. They break the homes down into their respective types of construction. I found my homes fall into the Construction type , This should be a very common for many homeowners. Its a home constructed with block walls, concrete columns and beams. Gypsum, or wood tounge and groove ceilings, tile floors, metal roof covered with plastic, mud or metal tiles. A Master bathroom, very nice bathroom features, aluminum windows, 2 car garage, etc.
They give this type of construction a “value” of C270,000.00 per Meter.
So my two homes, a 2 story 220 sqm home is valued at = C59,400,000 and my 110 sqm guest home with the same finishes would be C29.700,000. So they would total under C90 Million colones.. 10 millon colones under the legal minimum.
I was able to do this myself by locating the type of construction, and using its registered value, and multiplied that by the square meter size of my home. I think MANY homes in Costa Rica will fall under the Construction type and its value of C270,000 per meter.
ParticipantGive the ladies right away. Other punks who think they own the sidewalk do as you wish.. as long as they don’t look like gangsters who will stab you if you bump into them.
ParticipantAbout a year ago, I was in Costa Rica and bought a round trip ticket to California and back. This is after I did not return on my return ticket months before, and made a trip to Nicaragua for my Visa. Anyways, while returning, the lady at the check in counter said I needed a return ticket. I played dumb… saying, “why did nobody tell me before”, and she said I should buy a ticket back. I said I didn’t have the money and I don’t have a credit card – and explained that I am aware of the law that I have to leave every 3 months and have always done so. I also told her I was studying spanish and was attending a spanish school. I also told her she was the only one “enforcing” this rule and if she let me board I would have no problem with immigration. She allowed me to board after providing some information about the spanish school I was going to attend, without having to purchase a return ticket. I had no problem after that. The lady (or guy) at the ticket counter is the only one who will ask, Immigration won’t even think twice.
ParticipantFirst off, You cannot buy a 1 way ticket to Costa Rica – you must have a return ticket, This is correct. However you will NOT be “fined” by the government if you do not return on your return flight. As long as you leave the country every 90 days your are a legal tourist and have no problems. What I would try to do is get a ticket with a return date approx. 9 – 10 months out and then try to change your ticket (for a fee) for a few months later once the date approaches.
Participantzittizzi : Gene, is that you??
ParticipantAhhh OK you guys got me. You win. Really I only like to argue when my opinions differ from others, which is politics happens quite a bit. Thats why I kinda wanted to change the subject back to the original topic off what positive things people are doing.. not a depressing political conversation.. You know, if your doing something, share it with others here. Its amazing what good ideas could come up, after all we are living in the perfect climate and place to grow food.. it would be cool to hear about other peoples gardens.. and there’s great potential for renewable energy (though expensive), lots of water systems that could be done (rainwater collection, water storage, water tanks, grey-water reuse, black water reuse, etc.) and would be nice to hear from others, if they have thought of doing them, or have done them, and their experiences. Sorry for veering the top of discussion in the first place btw..
Participantyeah I have viewed the discussions there, however no real answer came up. Just peoples opinions.. Its hard to believe such a simple concept is so hard to understand/ find answers too.. Wish there was a lawyer somewhere that could add their input
Participant“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war” – Abraham Lincoln
I hate to break it to you.. but the Republic has been destoryed. Democracy is just a illusion. Your freedom is what you make it.
ParticipantI hope your not writing from the US because if you think your in a free, democratic country its not worth arguing this with you. If your not in Iraq fighting in the war for your so called freedom you have no right to call anyone a coward.
ParticipantWell I think you agree with me on many points. Economic warfare may not be the best term to describe it, I just feel thats how the US would look at any attempt to replace the complete domiance of the dollar in International oil trades. When in reality its just an attempt by other nations to prepare for the eventual decline of the value of the dollar and the US economy.
The fact is the US is Bankrupt. The current policies by the “Federal” Reserve amounts to Quantitive Easing – and when that happends and the economy does not grow to meet the amount of money being printed, inflation will follow. So the why would the rest of the world want to depend on using a currency that could rapidly loose its value at any buy its most critical resource?
Of course a basket of currencies, including backing by gold/silver would be the most stable option. Seems fair to me at least. But the US doesn’t look at it that way. Many feel that the US is willing to do anything (including the use of force) to maintain the dollars dominance in the trade of Oil. It does keep trillions of dollars a year flowing through the economy, it creates demand for the dollar and a reason to buy bonds. It doesn’t matter if a single currency like the Euro for instance, or a basket of currencies replaced the dollar – what matters is any action to do so, and would mean a dramatic change on how the dollars looks to the rest of the world. After all, the currency is only backed by its faith in the world markets. The loss of that faith alone could trigger collapse.
About Oil, its production has declined since 2008. We may look back at 2008 as the peak of oil production, we may not. It could be that supressed economic growth means less demand. It could also mean less supply is supressing economic growth. Its anyones guess.
Now about preparing.. you can do that anywhere you want… Costa Rica or not. Costa rica however has many advantages and I would not pick any other places. I mentioned in my first post why I chose Costa Rica. I could afford to buy the land I needed, build a house and do projects without a loan. The climate allows easy planting, no hardships of heating/cooling, and a comfortable living environment. Its a beautiful place to live and enjoy life. Its a stable democracy and has no army. 80%+ of its electric is produced sustainably. There are intact local economies and trade. Where else in the world can you find all of that??
ParticipantAlso a note regarding energy. As you of course know Oil is the lifeblood of the US economy presently. It does not just account for the transportation sector, and a quarter of electrcity generation, but also plastics (huge), pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, etc. etc. There is nothing that can complete with the wide range of products oil produces. Sure, you could use alternative energy to produce electricity, change all cars to electric or hydrogen cars, change all farming to organic (impossible.. given the shape of industrial farmland now), etc. It would just be a huge undertaking on a massive scale. And why do that when theres still oil left to pump, buy, take over (steal) and sell.. and keep things going on that system as long as possible, as long as its profitable.
Now there are also economic systems at play that depend on oil for the current model of economic growth, developement and the flow of money. Oil is priced only in dollars (at least, for today), playing a huge part of its status as “The” reserve currency. It also maintains a huge flow of money, and thus a demand, for the dollar. After the peg to gold was taken out in the early 70’s, the dollar was then tied to Oil and thus world trade in general. To take out oil, is to ween away from the dominance of the dollar. So im sure its a US economic policy to maintain the worlds reliance on oil, since the US is dependant on its sales.
Of course, the US dollar domiance as the sole currency for Oil trading worldwide will soon end anyways, and has been in the process of such transition for a long time. However any action by other world governments of such will be consitered economic warfare. By the time that happends, will be the time you will want to be on your own in Costa Rica – growing your own food, having your own water, etc. because thats stuff starts getting ugly.