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ParticipantI don’t think our opinions are different at all regarding energy and corporate powers wanting to maintain current energy sources for many reasons. Yes many options are on the table regarding renewable energy.. why hasn’t any powerful corporation taken them and made them into a economically viable alternative is the real question. Before going into Civil engineering and construction management in college I was thinking very much about Engineering in Renewable Energy development. I still kind of regret the decision of not pursuing that, but still think I can make an effect on how people build their homes, effect the landscape and their surroundings and helping others to design their property in a way that works best for them and the earth.
I am enrolling in the CFIA here in Costa Rica to finish my Civil engineering degree.. I am 22 and think still a lot of difference can be made by just guiding people of a similar mindset into designing their property in a sustainable way. I run a small construction company here in Guanacaste but hope to get more into Green building and Solar/Renewable energy system installations in the whole country. I think that would be a great way to help others, and to use my knowledge and studies in this field in helping others implement their plans if they don’t know where to start..
So besides my personal plans, I have bigger plans I hope I can put into place too. Permaculture design, property use/management, sustainable development, green building, renewable energy, organic gardens/fishponds, etc. I think offering services like that to others here can give a lot of people who are unsure how to get started, a way to do things here. I have yet to find any sort of business that offers those services, have you?
So many people just jump into things without thinking it through when doing their own projects – when working with limited space and money its best to do things right the first time. The placement and design of systems is the most important aspect of developing a property in a sustainable matter. Just consulting with others to aid in the design can make a huge difference with minimal cost.
Edited on Oct 23, 2009 21:15
Edited on Oct 23, 2009 21:16
ParticipantSince I asked the question, I might as well share what we have done too.. I have felt (since discovering shocking facts about the future production and supply of oil while writing a paper for college 5 years ago) that the world economy would be winding down to a halt right about now. I feel that all the actions by governments – war, bailout’s, debt – are all just to buy time. How much time.. nobody knows. But its all doomed for failure long term. So knowing that we are being bought time, for the price of billions of dollars per day, you might as well use that time wisely. Pick your location, where you want to be, find a property in your budget (while taking a lot of things into account if you plan to build and live a sustainable, or a more sustainable lifestyle). Read books about permaculture, organic gardening, sustainable building, and put that into effect on your own property. Or hire someone who knows how to create those systems which work together to produce food, energy and to enhance your property productivity.
What we did.. is bought a 2.5 acre property in Guanacaste. First year we planted all the fruit trees we could think of. We built our house with two rentals to provide some income. We are stock piling as much food as we can. We are starting our ogranic garden this next year, getting some chickens, maybe a goat or two. We hope to produce enough fruits from out trees, vegetables from our garden, eggs and meat from the chickens, and milk from the goats. We feel we can produce what we need.. but we know it will take time to get the hang of it. We are focusing on security with dogs and guns. We hope to build a big enough water tank for 3 months worth of backup water. We too live in the mountains, a decent distance away from others in a very peaceful setting. Yet we know we would be found once things got really bad.. we hope to find some like minded people near us, but haven’t had much luck. There are people who agree on lots of issues, but none that take it seriously to do something about it.
ParticipantNobody really knows?? I’ve seen Scott cover pretty much every topic in existence, do you know what the deal is with bullion trading? This could be one of the hardest to answer/hard to find a answer to/ question I’ve posted on Costa Rica Message boards.. Is it to be traded only by banks, can people trade/barter or sell/buy between themselves? Can somebody open up a coin/bullion shop? There should be a answer out there somewhere..
ParticipantI know of a great, trustworthy and affordable furniture maker in the town of Filadelphia. However he speaks only spanish so you may need a translator. He can do everything though, all hand made.. beds, tables, chairs, dressers, kitchen furniture, doors, etc. all with hardwood and custom made to your specs. I have a construction company here and I use him for all the furniture we need, best prices I have come across. His place is really hard to find, unless you know where to look, and he only speaks spanish. But if you can find his shop it would be worth it.. if you interested let me know, I could perhaps help translate for you.. he needs some business right now, now that the economy is slowing down.. you can email me at if your interested in meeting up with him
ParticipantI would report this problem to AyA.. if they cannot help you, you may be forced to pay the unfair prices, or dig your own well, or collect rainwater. I don’t know about water regulatory laws much, but whatever they are doing doesn’t sound legal. You should contact an attorney.