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  • in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200748


    you can sign and share this petition if you really care about what happens regarding the GMO issue in Costa Rica.[/quote]

    Will do, might take me abit to weed through language….oops, done and no problemos, posting as well on my blog…..

    in reply to: Just starting our investigation about moving to Costa Rica #173567

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Some of us ‘old timers’ know that guy too…[/quote]

    My dad was telling me the story, guess the guy goes to church with him and is in the K of C, really bummed he is back here and not in CR…..

    in reply to: New Traffic Law Requires Cedula for Driver’s License? #200348

    it is, over looked, sorry……its Monday and as always, a cluster here too…:shock:

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174179

    [quote=”maravilla”]what would you do for a passport were you to renounce US citizenship? that would be a big hurdle to overcome. you couldn’t apply for one here until you had been a resident for 7 years and then you’d have to take the test and sing the anthem. i’ve thought about doing this (getting a CR passport), but i can’t do it until next year. it used to be free to renounce your citizenship, but now they charge you $450 for the application and who knows what else they put you through. it ain’t an easy process, that’s for sure.[/quote]

    There is a site somewhere dedicated to this and from the description and hurdles, a real headache. One would have to have a citizenship lined up to take to renounced the other….again, if so and younger, maybe….but then again, w/ties to the USA, might be easier not to..I know you have to be able to speak/understand and take the test in Spanish, plus history,etc….you serious about the singing part? that would get me deported for sure:lol:

    in reply to: Just starting our investigation about moving to Costa Rica #173565

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]No small fine or tweaks allowed …just possibly deportion.
    You would even be permitted to clean up the bathroom after your emplyee threw up….:oops:[/quote]

    guess the poor guy would have to stop puking to clean or let it sit and nastier the next day 😥
    Know of a guy that had a catering buisness and he forgot to get his papers for residancy in order and got deported, could not return for a long time, wound up selling to his partner….

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174177

    We have a rather poor tax code, no doubt…….
    Interestingly, I have talked to a lot of people from EU nations and also, Latins……they are amazed on what hoops and rules we have and what little we get for it.
    Noted to one fellow, that we cannot provide health insurance,etc as his “third world” (so called) nation does for the main fact we have taxed, borrowed, stolen fake money and topped it off with the expensive task,self appointed, of being Sr. Policeman of the World…..that gets costly……Good to know during the US occupation of Iraq, we DID provide national health care to them, as they had previously…..just not our own…Have to tell people daily that get turned down that there is no program to help them….[u]sorry, I digress, off soap box now…..[/u]

    in reply to: Just starting our investigation about moving to Costa Rica #173562

    Making money, not having to do work is nice sounding, provided one hires a good and reliable employee who will not rob you blind or good off……CR to be sure has plenty of goof offs like any other peoples/nations do, though most seem more hard working then many in the states in general……..
    Again, the law is good, but one has to wonder about enforcement and perhaps, some tweaks to the law, esp if an employee gets sick in the above noted example. Arresting and detaining is rather harsh, as opposed to a small fine and again, a fine in line with circumstances…..otherwise, said buisness would be a mess teh next day, esp if I could not even turn the lock…..

    in reply to: New Traffic Law Requires Cedula for Driver’s License? #200345

    So, until or unless you get a CR license, can you still legally drive with a foreign DL? if so, what are rules if anyone knows….

    in reply to: Just starting our investigation about moving to Costa Rica #173559

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]He was ‘caught’ by migration during their periodic ‘sweeps’ and was held until a lawyer intervened.
    Because his application was ‘in process’ and having a Tica wife and family, he narrowly missed being deported.
    Real estate agents advertise a huge amount of B&B’s for sale, and people purchase them and do not realize that ‘legally’ they are not permitted to ‘cook breakfast and clean up after their [i]paying[/i] guests’.[/quote]

    Good to hear he was released, though, after a real hassle….
    In this type of situation, then, one is really dependent on hiring good, honest and productive people and seemingly, disabled to rely fully on them for everything…..
    I take it, one can own and work a buisness of one is the sole employee? Say, that bookstore we discussed on another thred awhile back? or hire a employee and just manage the books?
    In some ways, would not mind a buisness that ran itself, being more behind the scenes, but then, there is a large area for abuse, theft,etc…

    in reply to: Can I really live on $1500 a month in Costa Rica? #168222

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]. If there’s no mention of a review, you may be on solid ground.[/quote]

    Perhaps, as far as the CR Govt and its rules on residancy,etc….but likely, there will be a review, unless our poster reaches retirment age and then, gets switched, automatically mostof the time, to that category. if not, there will be a review and depending on the disease, new rules,cures,procedures,etc, could be bumped off the rolls of disability and hence, no more money and again, they might decide he/she “over paid” and could come after him/her for the amount. He/she would then have to set up a repayment program, crimping lifestyle even more then a fixed income and eventually, SSA might say “enough of this monthly pay back, we want all/more”, which has happened….

    If I knew more about our poster, could say more concretely what might happen, would need to know:
    -how they were approved (a tranplant gets you only one yr as opposed to the normal 3 for under 50-55 yrs of age,etc)
    -their age and education
    -their diary (sounds like 7 yrs)

    A lot of factors…….my wife was under a certain age, and approved not as getting a transplant, but under CHF listings, so she got a 3 yr, with 3 more extended, then the mess of contradictory letters,etc that we yes, their letter might get them by the CR govt, but down the road is an issue. Likely that letter or one with it, would have some statement of a review…..

    Took me many hours of pouring over documents and a 3-4 page letter to the judge that reviewed her case.
    She did not get back on the disability-nor did she want to-and we did not in the end have to pay the $23,000 we “owed”…

    in reply to: Can I really live on $1500 a month in Costa Rica? #168221

    [quote=”kmaxine”]Thank you for your response.
    No, My disability comes up for review evey 6 or 7 years. Beings my disease has no cure, I doubt it will ever be denied though.
    So, this will be a problem then? It has to be ‘permanently’ guaranteed. Hmmmm I will do some checking.[/quote]

    As a note, I do disability cases…..used to do SSA and Medicaid, now, just Medicaid, though still often deal with the SSA cases.
    My wife was on disability and we went through a lot awhile back, not to reinstate her when she was knocked off the disability rolls, but to avoid paying the $23,000 that SSA “over paid” us….I know others to that are getting screwed on it…You might have a 7 year diary and might get renewed, but CR law I think has you ahve to prove long term, steady earnings and you might get is some trouble down the road. One thing the local offices are encountering is that they do not review cases timely and hence, you might get over paid for a few months or even, years…..then they will come after you..seeing a lot now at local office levels of this, straight out lying,etc.
    Not trying to scare you, but would not want you to get too invested, cut to many ties here in USA,etc…..PM me if ya want for further….

    in reply to: Just starting our investigation about moving to Costa Rica #173557

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]This has and will continue to be enforced, either by disgruntled employees or with when migracion is prowling around…
    I know someone who was ‘held’ by [i]migracion[/i], when he proceeded to lock up his establishment one night when his employee was in the process of throwing up in the bathroom …
    This man had a successful business with 30+ employees, married and had children with a Tica but hadn’t yet got the official word for him to work, due to other mitigating circumstances.[/quote]

    How long was he held for? Who turned him in? why?
    I support the CR law about work and nationality, keeps CR peoples from being pushed out for lower wage earners and foreigners, fine and good, but sounds like the Govt there is taking things way to far as well and making the law look bad……
    Would that the USA have such laws, but at same time, we would likely mess it up just as bad in the enforcement of said law. The laws are good, enforcement sucks. Maybe some tweaking or more moderate rules, but…

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174175

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]Sr. camby, “No” and “Yes” . . .

    Any person, U.S. citizen or not, who has earned the right to a Social Security Old Age pension is entitled to receive it. There are, I think, some countries to which SS checks cannot be sent, but that’s based upon conditions in those countries and not on the recipient’s citizenship, U.S. or otherwise.

    The U.S. State Department’s behavior toward Costa Ricans who are seeking tourist visas to the U.S. is, indeed, very restrictive, so renouncing one’s U.S. citizenship in favor of Costa Rican citizenship would, as you say, very likely make it much more difficult to travel to the U.S.

    And really, there’s little advantage to renouncing your U.S. citizenship especially since, for the most part, you would still be liable for U.S. taxation under the IRS Code. Other than as a political/philosophical statement, what would be the point?

    IF I was young, not paid much into SSA system and had no family, for me, it would not be an issue. For me, and wife, we are ages 41 and 42 resp, and have family here that would be difficult to visit if we had only CR citizenship, plus adding in the headaches of visas,etc.

    Though I am on record here for being highly opposed to much of the USA’s culture at presetn, foreign policy,etc, giving up citizenship as thigns are now, is not wise for me, nor her. Perhaps, down the road there may be some reasons, perhaps, it is highly unlikely I would do so.

    I am curious-and feelfree to send me a PM if you prefer over a posted response-to your statement “you would still be liable for U.S. taxation under the IRS Code. “

    I know for retirees and USA citizens working in CR, would still have to pay the IRS,but if we cease to be USA citizens, how would they still have claim to us? to fund the SSA? fact we were citizens at some point? Just curious how that works.

    Side not, I sent a message via Facebook to our tour guide, he apparently is holding off his trip to the USA, he was suppsoed to have arrived to NYC last Tuesday and luckily, cancelled, what with the Sandy storm mess…….was afraid he and wife were going to come anyway and get stuck….not pleasant for our folks, let alone, those from other countries that are already visitors and not familiar with the ins/outs….waiting to see if he is coming later….
    Kudos to whoever suggested Tico Tours Guanacaste, they were great and took good care of us…….

    in reply to: Just starting our investigation about moving to Costa Rica #173555

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”rxmurphy”][quote=”DavidCMurray”][b]So if you own a restaurant, for example, you can schedule workers and assign duties, but you cannot open up, you cannot close, you cannot cook or bus tables, etc.
    Sounds like the perfect job for me David! If only I could paid for that.[/quote]

    My (admittedly limited) understanding of the restaurant business is that if you want to make a million dollars, you have to start with two.

    Curious-lets say with time, expense, money, lawyers,etc-I buy or start a resteraunt……I have to hire only CR citizens…Fine and good….
    Things are busy one day and the tables are nto getting bused/cleaned quickly enough, food is backing up,etc…through no fault of the Tico/a workers, things are just palin old busy….I bus a table in my buisness to help things move along and maybe, clean a dish,prep a plate to go out….
    Am I now in violation of the CR law? and if so, how often is this, really, enforced? How often would one of my employees squeel on me? yes, realize they could if they wanted to get something on me and stick it to me, fine..but really, how often is this enforced? Hiring additional help or calling in people might not be a reasonable long term idea…..

    in reply to: A Bloody Lady Gaga #199511

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]I think you guys are way, way off base. Actually, it’s a late-breaking ad by the Romney campaign showing how the privileged few will be lifted yet further while the majority are left behind to grovel in the mire. The substance on Lady Gaga’s front is caviar which she can afford to squander. The substance on the black man is a mix of his own sweat and the dust he’s been left in.

    Good insights, I think the imagery is telling-like Madonna’s at the awards the other month or so, she is trying to revamp her career and being best for outrageous by Gaga and others…..her imagery was very telling as well, a lot of clearly recognized occultic, masonic imagery and in the end, these people, whatever religion, race, political bend, are clear-we are rich, powerful and you are not, we rise above you… grovel, serf…….
    Gaga has talent, she does nto need the gimmicks and crappola….actually, w/o the makeup and clothes, not a bad looking lady either……apparently, these days, talent, singing ability,etc is “passe” I guess……

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