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  • in reply to: A Bloody Lady Gaga #199510

    [quote=”orcas0606 FORWARD If the majotity would stop groveling in the mire maybe there would be change.[/quote]
    Change for what? to what? for what reason? purpose? Change to whose idea of progress? Who gets to decide what is change and to what? Progress to what stage? what end?

    in reply to: A Bloody Lady Gaga #199509

    [quote=”maravilla”]remember Madonna and all her catholic angst she decided to work out on stage? personally, i wouldn’t pay to see her OR Lady GooGoo — would rather read a book![/quote]

    Your time and mind, well being would be much better with a book……..:D

    in reply to: A Bloody Lady Gaga #199508

    [quote=”Scott”]That’s what I was thinking ….

    Costa Rica is a predominantly Catholic country and I would have thought that this would have been a very risky and offensive strategy, but maybe that’s the point….[/quote]

    People like Gaga like to offend, as opposed to use talents to entertain, which unlike many, she does have talent.

    Most Catholics-and I find this in any culture-do not translate their faith to everyday practice. Their is a disconnect and that is why the world usually trumps over the Catholic faithful.

    In most Latin countries, the people seem less open to abortion and contraception for example, they are more open to having children and extended families. This, for me a traditional minded Catholic, is great and good, but then it seems most women are having children and there is no real, strong connect about getting married. Most CR women, seemingly, have children out of wedlock. For them and other latin peoples, thier is a disconnect between faith and sex after marriage, not before and reproduction too. It is just assumed, wrongly, that “well hey, we cant help it” as if we are non-intellectual animals or something.

    Converse, in the states, women-and I should add at this point, yes, [u]most definately men too, often we are worse then the ladies[/u], seem not constrained to sexual morals, but there is the contraception and “back up plan” of abortion-families are less united, more spread out and so forth.

    Hence, the average Catholic, far from struggling to live a truly Catholic life, often has compartmentalized their lives between practice-and various levels of this-and actions…..they go to church on Sundays, then live the rest of their week as a worlding, their faith plays no role and hence, they have no effect on the world.

    A truly Catholci society, hence, would be one that is not uptight and “everything fun is evil”-that is a strain of Calvinist/Fundamentalist/Jansenism-but one where stricter morals would play a role. hence, if Lady Gaga was even able to get a gig on CR, it would be low to no turn out…… could ban her from performing for public morals issues……I know the PETA people were not happy and calling for actions against her……..why not Catholics or others……

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174173

    [quote=”loraine”]but I would bet there isn’t one that would ever give up their US citizenship.[/quote]

    not to be unkind nor try to play mind reader with anyone here, but many would not give up citizenship likely for 2 reasons (or amin reasons, if you will)
    1. They have invested too much in SSA and programs and many here are likely on social Security,etc and hence, giving up citizenship may cost them to much in income and benefits. Some may not, absent the SSA check monthly, be able to live in CR or at least, comfortably….even my parents would not and they have 2 retirements from IBM, some may not have that or maybe as well, depending on their work history,etc. Again, not saying this to be rude nor offensive, I just know that many expats that retire to CR are on a fixed income and limited perhaps. Not all, but, many
    2. Giving up citizenship for many on this forum would mean that returning to the USA to visit, handle personal affairs, see family,run a buizness,etc might be much more difficult, what with visas and all. Our tour guide while we were in CR, nice young guy, runs his own tour buisness and it took him 10 yrs to get a visa. I know some here have had to also, return to the States (and same goes for the UK and Canada) for medical treatment that may not be available or as available in CR. My wife, for instance, had a heart transplant at DUMC in 2001 and has her whole life care there for heart issues.

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174172

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]I think crf makes many good points above. It really is critical to become comfortable (or uncomfortable, as the case may be) with the real Costa Rica, the one you’d be immersed in if you really did make this move.

    In another discussion thread, costaricabill mentions paying for meals at restaurants that post their prices in dollars with U.S. dollars. Makes sense to me. But that is not typical of Costa Rica and if you confine your visit to such places, you will not only miss much of the richness of this wonderful country but also some of the poorness. To appreciate what you’d be getting into, you have to get out on the street.[/quote]

    I kept that in mind, the price thing that “Bill” brought up and noticed the difference….Our meal for example in Liberia for late lunch was only in SPanish and Colones on the menu, was good, moderately cheap and a large, large portion…..More then I could finish off……I was starting to get the money difference as the week went on…..esp helpful at times when the USD and Colon were side by side, seemed to be the same and used that as a guide for exchange, more then the formula someone gave me at the airport, that seemed confusing……

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174171

    My wife has family in MD and we got some info and pics, a mess for sure, glad to hear you are doing well.
    Not sure why she brought up the citizenship thing at all, just came out of the blue whilst walking on the beach…noted to her that likely, at our ages, we might lose more then gain by giving it up.
    For me, would consider giving it up if need be, I am hoping the arrogant empire known as the USA though will be too busy with its own destruction to mess with little ol me…..I can quietly go off and live life fuller then the cookie cutter, Wal-Mart on every corner, drab emptiness that is modern USA. Sad, I recall better times,too.

    I did get to that Supermercado in Coco, was nice and very busy, we regret we did not get a chance to get to larger, farmers markets, though a few stands here and there set up and enjoyed them. had I spent more time or did any cooking while there, would have loved to frequent them….
    No, not going to push to hard at all with the move/wife thing at all,too many want to play Pretend (that things will get better, that they are better off then everyone else,etc)

    in reply to: Declaring income made in Costa Rica to IRS, etc. #168158

    [quote=”watchdog”]There are some offshore business income exemptions which exist for U.S. Citizens for income (approx. $90,000.00 U.S. annual income) [/quote]

    is that up to 90K or 90K and above? will look into article, was wondering if someone had the Cliff Notes and for life of me, cannot 😆 get a hold of Mitt Romney…:roll::D

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174166

    Down in teh dumps that cannot purchase even a small plot,,,,,have the money, wife will not commit to it at all, in part, due to some legal/financial issues we are having to deal with here….

    Yes I would come back and would consider moving to CR. I had a good time, she too, but will not budge on finances right now 🙁

    ALso, she is too imbued with the “america will bounce back, its God’s paradise and it will be fine”, so, not sure about her wanting to move or not….would not say, only say she would not give oup US Citizenship, which not sure what that means to her, nor why it came up, as I did not ask nor bring that up.

    I think, for my mental,physical and financial health, I feel I have to get out of the USA ASAP…..that and we are close to collapse and anarchy, anyways…..

    Sad I had to leave, sorry cannot come back, nor invest and cannot continue to live in this sewer, yet right now, cornered and powerless to act……

    Addendum-she did have good time, was remarking how happy people were, even in poverty (comapred to average USA) and how laid back life is….her a heart patient like her, wold be a positive improvement

    in reply to: Moving to CR and want people to go in on charter plane #172901

    Your cat, then, is a native Tico(a)?


    [quote=”Scott”][quote=”maravilla”]oh, yes, and if you don’t report and if they don’t have a number to reach you, they will cut your benefits until you check in. i spent exactly one hour on the phone changing an address last week. the poor woman kept asking me which STATE costa rica was next to. i had to give her a geography lesson. she had never heard of costa rica. you can call the 800 number and do this over the phone, but after my ordeal, going to the embajada might be easier.[/quote]

    SOmeone actually asked you [b]”…which STATE costa rica was next to…” [/b] ???

    You’re not kidding either are you Maravilla?

    granted, I have always been a bit of a nerd on history and geography, true, but yeah, the USA education system and the average ambition of the USA citizen to learn, is that bad. Not sure about Brits, hope some better, but…….I find the most ignorant are usually more often to cheer the arrogance of USA foreign policy, though not always, some just plain dumb….

    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200740

    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Repeating what my expert stated, AM Costa Rica reports: The European Food Safety Authority also found numerous problems with the French study, from not enough control rats to substandard analytical methods. And the French science academies said the release of the study, which coincided with the release of a book and a film highlighting the work, raised ethical problems.

    At the University of California at Davis, toxicologist Alison van Eenennaam questioned the researchers’ motives.

    “I think it was a cynical ploy to exploit the scientific process to create fear in the minds of consumers,” she says.[/quote]

    The mainstream usually poh-pohs this….despite the mountains of contradictory evidence, food is often not labelled nor discussed…..Mr. Smith, to repeat, has a lot of studies suggesting manufactured food w/chemicals,etc are NOT that healthy….and linked, in part, to rising obesity, asthma, diabetes,intestinal issues, etc.

    The best that a employee of a likely highly funded, corporate gifted university can say is that the study=fear mongering is telling…..and ignorant of the other issues…..

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174164

    [quote=”costaricafinca”][b]camby, [/b]it is important to recognize your wife’s hesitation, because coming here without you both ‘being on board’ is the recipe for disaster.
    Too many have come as a couple and only one of them returning.
    Maybe time will make make a difference.
    This is why it is important to come and see the country, first hand and not just pack up your belongings.[/quote]

    of course


    [quote=”maravilla”]oh, yes, and if you don’t report and if they don’t have a number to reach you, they will cut your benefits until you check in. i spent exactly one hour on the phone changing an address last week. the poor woman kept asking me which STATE costa rica was next to. i had to give her a geography lesson. she had never heard of costa rica. you can call the 800 number and do this over the phone, but after my ordeal, going to the embajada might be easier.[/quote]

    We are no longer allowed to even call the local SSA office, our supervisors contact them and then we only are allowed to get messages…that said, usually i ignore if need be…..that said, 1 hour is terrible, but you did get off a bit light believe it or not….and yes, the arrogance of USA diplomacy coupled with complete ignorance of the rest of the world-and often a lack to want to know/learn anything, is a problem……most figure the USA is the best, why know anything about anyone else, just bomb them and/or pity them is the attitude….and USA history/geography knowledge is appalling. One of reasons I never majored in history, much as I would have liked to…..why teach morons that dont want to learn and could care less?

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174162

    Earning income,etc is biggest part of the hold up…..for her, its not willing to face facts that things are not going to stay here in USA rosy nor improve, wants to live in fantasy land about things going on and coming…….

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174161

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]It doesn’t sound like a move is in the near future [b]Camby[/b]… or is it? :wink:[/quote]

    Wife had good time, but still not sure about any move, she is like many in USA….that said, looking into ways to earn income, which is biggest hurdle and also, settle some things in the USA which for her, has put any investments,etc on hold….

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