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  • in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174160

    [quote=”costaricabill”][quote=”camby”]Just got back from CR Friday and already down in the dumps about sitting in this windowless cube, home for looks like next 20 yrs….
    Had a great time, despite the rain at times…[/quote]

    So where did you go and what did you do?[/quote]

    Stayed in Playa Hermosa and mainly toured and looked around that area, plus Coco, Liberia and Palo Verde National Park, reserves,etc…..some upper end, some very humble….

    in reply to: First visit to CR coming soon #170618

    [quote=”lisamarie6987″]I have firmed up my visit to CR for dental surgery and to explore options to retire. My pre study included several hours on Utube staying away from travel type videos. I will be staying at Casa Laurin and Ginette has provided me several thoughts of what I can do with the time I have before I leave on 12/11 back to States.

    I hope I accomplish my goals for this trip. Thanks to those on this forum for helping me


    Just got back last Friday, had a good time……

    in reply to: Playa Largarto #170834

    [quote=”Scott”][quote=”camby”]Noticed, in my quest for afordable CR property, that some of those sites are not maintained as well as should be…..emailed awhile back on a property I saw here and it was sold…..noticed other day its still listed as for sale, not sure though now, if re-sale, but still, many sites do not update well……[u]not [/u]knocking Scott, but meaning, some of realtors…..[/quote]

    I understand completely “Camby”

    I try hard to keep the site updated but obviously I rely upon the Realtors to inform me if a property has sold, most of them are very good at doing just that but yes! Some do fall through the cracks….


    It happens, found the same thing w/Ecuador…..

    in reply to: Playa Largarto #170832

    Noticed, in my quest for afordable CR property, that some of those sites are not maintained as well as should be…..emailed awhile back on a property I saw here and it was sold…..noticed other day its still listed as for sale, not sure though now, if re-sale, but still, many sites do not update well……[u]not [/u]knocking Scott, but meaning, some of realtors…..

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174157

    Just got back from CR Friday and already down in the dumps about sitting in this windowless cube, home for looks like next 20 yrs….
    Had a great time, despite the rain at times…

    in reply to: Weather and rain #168104

    We might a few days head more inland,aroudn Arenal or Central Valley..anyone know if there is a good park we can get out and walk around, but not a lot-the wife is not up to a lot of walking and hiking…

    in reply to: Weather and rain #168102

    [quote=”watchdog”]This is the rainy season in Costa Rica and October is traditionally the wettest month on the Pacific Coast and in the Central Valley. The usual weather pattern is sunny mornings, followed by wet afternoons and clearing again in the evening.[/quote]

    I dont mind rain for awhile, it can get that way in S. Florida too and CR is I know tropical, just wanted to make sure if was no 24/7

    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200738
    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200736

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]The dilemma, I think, is that sooner or later somebody has to pay the bills. Sr. Pharg may be pursuing his science unpaid and in retirement, but I’ll bet somebody is helping feed him whether that’s Social Security, a pension, or whatever. By a very long shot, not every dedicated scientist can afford to both work for free and also provide his or her own material resources. The days of the nobleman scientist are far behind us. Just ask the physicists working on the super collider. Sooner or later, somebody has to pay the bills.

    And that’s where the sponsors come in whether they’re government or the private sector. Fer shure, money will dictate the research priorities and, to some extent, the findings.[/quote]

    Like cancer, over yrs, a lot of research for little results…when a big discovery comes, big pharma and their allies in Biz and Govt squash it and often, the people too-relegating them to the hinter lands or worse.

    Bills have to be paid, true and money is needed, true in our present centralized and corrupt system, but therin then the problem. Tobacco industry studies and funding of health,etc came to light in the 90’s..

    The posts I think are slamming the main problems, not the individuals, who are either corrupted, blind or so desperate for work they have to do the dirty work. many live in a bubble, fantasy world like any other area of life….

    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200735

    [quote=”pharg”][quote=”camby”][quote=”sprite”]Money corrupts everything, even truth. Science is no exception. The root of all evil is also the root of GMO plants. Here we have yet another example of how monatized economy based on manufactured scarcity can be lethal.[/quote]

    True, a few can manipulate and control, not freedom….[/quote]

    [quote=”maravilla”]There is no more science for the sake of science. Anyone who thinks that might want to read the Ascendency of The Scientific Dictatorship. Science is bought and sold to whoever can afford to get the results they want or need.[/quote]

    These comments can’t pass without comment.
    I take strident exception to the quotes by maravilla/sprite/camby on science and scientists. I am explicitly reminded of DCM’s tagline Krugman quote.
    I have been a practicing oceanographer and marine biologist with an international reputation for over 40 years; in the area of harmful algal blooms [red tides]. In retirement for 5 years, I do the same research that I did in the previous 38 years, the exception being that now I receive neither a salary, nor research funding. In other words, my profession is now my hobby. Many of my retired colleagues throughout the world do exactly the same. The C.R. situation is bad for Tico and Tica scientists who, though generally dedicated, suffer from low salaries and lack of resources.
    Of course there are hired guns in the science world (big pharma and big tobacco come immediately to mind), but to tar brush all science and scientists is not only uninformed and untrue, but demeaning to both scientists and the accuser.

    No one is tar/feathering “all scientists”, but as you note, you do research, but no pay, benefits, many working scientists can say that? How are firms and agencies to function w/o massive funding? They are not and hence, relying not ov Govt directly to fund, supposedly answerable to the people 😉 but via a lot of private grants with strings….You worked hard and got paid,etc and now can retire w/said fruits of labor..

    in reply to: Insurance in Costa Rica #164181

    No doubt, for a lot of things, can see having private options too if affordable or, same thing, flying back to states perhaps…..

    Interesting, the election on, we here again about the “pitfalls” of socialized medicine, but oddly, silent on the many, many gaps in the USA system…..I work doing Medicaid disability, hear a lot…but…..

    in reply to: Investigative data journalism at Costa Rica’s La Nación #164479

    Would think anything go be abused or muck-rakers could turn, well, mucky
    Why did you call and talk to lawyers? Are they going after you?

    in reply to: Insurance in Costa Rica #164179

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]The CAJA is the national health system. As a legal resident, you are required to enroll in it and pay the monthly enrollment premium whether you elect to use its services or not.

    If your question is about an actual health insurance policy, that’s a somewhat different matter. At the present time, only INS is offering an actual health insurance policy in Costa Rica. INS will exclude pre-existing conditions from coverage and may surcharge you to cover conditions related to whatever pre-existing conditions you may have. Their premiums are based upon your age and sex. INS’ premiums could not be mistaken for “cheap”.

    If you have a commercial health insurance policy in the U.S. now (a Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, etc policy, but NOT Medicare or Medicaid), that policy may afford you some coverage in Costa Rica. The only way to know is to consult a senior manager for the truly straight information.


    hey, if I may ask, for the treatment via CAJA, do they have any issues or higher premiums for pre-existing conditions that you-or anyone here-knows of?

    in reply to: Investigative data journalism at Costa Rica’s La Nación #164477

    thats refreshing, most Western news agencies are on auto-pilot and take orders from Big Biz/Big Govt…..

    Nice to see…I know they try to do this in the East, but Russia as an example, they often dont live long….

    One has to weed and discern through alternative media and pseudo-alternative..

    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200730

    [quote=”sprite”]Money corrupts everything, even truth. Science is no exception. The root of all evil is also the root of GMO plants. Here we have yet another example of how monatized economy based on manufactured scarcity can be lethal.[/quote]

    True, a few can manipulate and control, not freedom….

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 394 total)