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  • in reply to: IRS reporting… #162233

    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Good ol’ IRS.

    We have a small finca here in CR and are planning on planting hundreds of harvestable trees over the next year, primarily rosewood (cocobolo), cedro, laurel, and perhaps a few mahogany (teak doesn’t grow well where we live). These trees take from 15-50 years to grow to harvestable size. Any trees harvested will be replaced with additional trees. Naturally, there will be expenses connected to the farm and we will list those expenses as deductions on our tax returns. The deductions will offset any monies we need to take from our IRAs. Let the IRS thugs figure that one out.[/quote]

    Like that idea, for me, would want a acre or few, plus with fruit and veggies either already in place or could plant…nice, fresh and off the vine..

    in reply to: Small appliances #163161

    Does CR have industries that make appliances? I have heard they have good makers of furniture…

    in reply to: new Passport article #160559

    [quote=”aguirrewar”]you are required to let the Embassy know when you visit a foreign country for an extended time, just in case you want to go home when the AK-47’s open up

    or you get arrested

    or you get pretty sick

    or notify your next of kin that you are DEAD[/quote]

    True, we notify the State Dept in case of emergency, in other country or personal…

    in reply to: IRS reporting… #162231

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”camby”]that 93K limit though is fairly good, considering investment and would be under that…..[/quote]

    But you understand, do you not, that the $93k exemption is for EARNED INCOME DERIVED FROM YOUR OWN WORK — YOUR OWN LABOR, not from rental or other non-earned income. It has nothing to do with any investment.

    oops, gotcha, mis-understood.

    in reply to: IRS reporting… #162227

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]Under the IRS Code, all U.S. citizens are subject to U.S. taxation regardless where they live or where the income is earned. So the answer to your question about rent income, investment income, dividend and interest income and all other forms of income is that all that income is, indeed, fully taxable as if it had been earned in the U.S.

    Earned income, derived from your actual work, is also subject to U.S. taxation, so if you come to Costa Rica and sell real etate, run a business, teach English or whatever, the income from that work must also be reported and tax must be paid. Unlike other forms of income, however, there is an annual exemption of about $93,000US from taxation for legitimate earned income.

    There may also be exemptions to take into account taxes paid to foreign governments. Does anybody know for sure?[/quote]

    that 93K limit though is fairly good, considering investment and would be under that…..

    in reply to: dot connecting and passports #205204

    I think a good back up plan is always good, to leave or where to go, etc. Again, makes me feel bad I have no buisness to travel with,etc. Rather untalented and find it grating the IL articles occ, the ones that are “well, with my talen for ___ I make tons of bucks and go all over the world” type of thing.

    Prepare true, bad things coming, definately, but no reason for that bridge, always “work, hope, laugh, pray” of Saint Padre Pio…

    in reply to: dot connecting and passports #205203

    For me, want to leave for a less toxic and more relaxed environment…..more and more, my countrymen are looking crazier and crazier, what happens when one lives thinking they are #1, has no regard to even know anything about the rest of the world and sees paranoia more and more-everyone otu to get you mentality……Seeing it more daily, people more stress, less open minded.
    Cannto speak 100% for UK, but as an avid reader and one that is largely British in much of my make up, I know that the UK is ahead of rest in the police state, perhaps, some of the old colonialism on the rise again, albeit, differently applied.

    TSA is a problem the leering and the crimes and behavior that is now well documented.Thefts, humiliation,etc.

    Dr. Roberts is a good source of info!

    Scott, like that pic, pretty and harrowing looking to cross.

    in reply to: IRS reporting… #162225

    David, do you have to report to the IRS any profits you make on buisness in CR? say a rental property you own?

    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200728

    [quote=”maravilla”]There is no more science for the sake of science. Anyone who thinks that might want to read the Ascendency of The Scientific Dictatorship. Science is bought and sold to whoever can afford to get the results they want or need. Data are routinely withheld; clinical trials are skewed and manipulated to produce whatever result they want. And that is what has happened with GMOs, but it is backfiring like crazy. Instead of the Bt toxin crops doing what they were intended to do they have spawned superweeds and superbugs that can only be managed by obscene amounts of — guess what — ROUND-UP! Surely there has to be a special hell for the mad scientists at Monsanto who sold the public a complete and utter lie.

    often science lies for its own reasons-to defend something.and attack what is against, despite the evidence to contrary. We see this a lot of discussions on creation,etc….also, science is expensive and hence, we see much of it is fueled by cut thraot academia and Big Biz……

    in reply to: Devil in the details – Why I’m Leaving America #169912

    [quote=”waggoner41 I am in Costa Rica becauise I am old and tired of fighting winters.[/quote]


    Excellant, good a reason as any…..I want to leave before I get to old to leave and before things get where I cannot…at some point, the jews in Germany saw the writing on the wall, some that coul left, others of means could not accept it and likely at some terrible point said “crap, if I could do this over…..”

    excellant reason to move-cold, winters……..BTW, I too am on facebook…

    in reply to: Buying property- 100 house rule #202947

    Wow, thanks, interesting and always like to learn, esp history…..

    in reply to: Buying property- 100 house rule #202945

    I hope, sometime, to come back to CR and check out more the Nicoya area, perhaps will a bit during this visit. What is the southern cross?

    Thanks to a nice lady at work, who never fails to get any/all vaccines, but has let her crud go untreated, now am sick and hoping to shake it by time I leave in 15 days…..nice of her, stay home? take meds? nah, will just hack and cough and spread it..

    in reply to: Devil in the details – Why I’m Leaving America #169900

    Perhaps, it is more in the mind and culture, American vs latin.AMericans are stressed and working self to death, Latins work hard, true, but dont seem as obsessed about things.
    KNew a fellow that was a workaholic, pressured by the culture and taxes, regulatons,etc…was awlays angry about his hsipanic workers taking breaks (bear in mind, hot weather, labor intensive work). Noted to him, went over his head, that they work hard, but work to live, not live to work….

    in reply to: Devil in the details – Why I’m Leaving America #169899

    My advice, when having to deal with SSA-do as much online, keep all communications, go in person when possible and expect long waits, lines and very rude and arrogant people (either the culture and/or the burden of paperwork)[/quote]

    I believe you but, believe it or not, I had the opposite experience in Miami. The clerk with whom I spoke in person was extremely polite and informal. Maybe I was lucky, huh?

    As far as waiting is concerned, I am pretty sure it is nothing like the long waiting for anything in Costa Rica.[/quote]

    seems to vary, and yes, have heard stories like yours as well as the opposite.
    Talk about wait, had to get our cable adjusted and wont bore you with the long wait and multiple calls, transfers, more waits,etc….

    in reply to: U.S. Debt is Largely Fictitious? #160409

    [quote=”davidd”][quote=”camby”][quote=”Scott”] [url=]Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven:[/url][/quote]

    thought this was interesting and telling:
    “Islam forbids the charging of interest, a major problem for the Rothschild banking system. Until a few hundred years ago, charging interest was also forbidden in the Christian world and was even punishable by death. It was considered exploitation and enslavement.”

    In Catholic Social Teaching, its called Usury and it still is on the books as wrong and sinful, though 99% of Catholics either do not know it or, care….part of sins that cry out for vengeance…


    you can also add that in the one instance ( correct me if I am wrong) in the bible when Jesus got angry was driving the money changers out of town

    am I right on this??[/quote]

    out of the Temple, true enough, not sure on town. They were notorious for money scams and fraud, much like Rothchilds of today. OT had a lot of info on money and debt, here is a short article I fellow I know wrote some years back:

    main site at that time (now not active):

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