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  • in reply to: Dogs Barking #174214

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]If you choose live in an area that offers a corridor for them to travel in, [/quote]

    is that like a duck crossing?:lol:

    in reply to: How little do people know #172274

    [quote=”Scott”]on my website [/quote]

    rather a good point to remember….in the end, your site, your call…

    in reply to: How little do people know #172273

    [quote=”johnnyh”]I have often wondered who owns the Central Bank of Costa Rica. I mean, who are the real stock owners? Anybody know names? Or is that taboo? We know that the Federal Reserve Bank in the States is owned by private banks who are mostly owned by the International Rothschild bankers, and since 1913 the Dollar has lost 95% of its value. Great record Fed! But since all central bankers produce endless fiat money tied to the US Fed, or as we know, all nations worship the Fed being the reserve currency for the time being. Does the Costa Rican Central bank take its orders from higher up. You know what I mean.:shock:[/quote]

    a good question, as most nations w/o a Central Bank tied to the USA/UK are now invaded and/or occupied or under threat……if CR is tied to the DC/London crowd, the waves might really be rough when that back fires….

    in reply to: How little do people know #172272

    [quote=”sprite”]American citizens are taught a ridiculous philosophy called “American Exceptionalism” which says that we are the best and brightest and god’s favorite people (after the Israelis). So I suppose the thinking is “why bother to learn anything else about economy?”[/quote]

    Exactly and “why learn about someone elses culture” persists….one poster to a travel site from USA summed up this attitude recently noting Costa Rica as a “small ,third world country”

    very arrogant the attitude-or plain indifference….

    in reply to: How little do people know #172271


    yep.. that was me

    it appears that the “king” Scott found it not useful if any of the little people posted something that not favor the king.

    it’s ok that he posts diatribes of bashing the Israelis etc and such

    thats ok 🙂

    it’s his board and he can do whatever he wants

    I posted not to blame any particular sides but to reveal an ignorance in general of the american populace.

    one young lady even suggested we promote corporate losses 🙂

    I bow to the king and ask for humble forgiveness



    I have been reading posts here for six years and I do not recall seeing Scott post anything critical of the Israeli people. I have seen posts critical of the genocidal Zionist regime in Tel Aviv and their minions elsewhere. But I consider that to be a public service no different than me posting a criticism of the criminal government in Washington DC, my home land. And it is all relevant to life in Costa Rica as an expat.[/quote]

    Good points, one can be critical of a Govt and/or organization, but not per se of people…. In the USA, anything that is critical of the nation state of Israel is branded as “antisemitism” and relegated to hate speech…….when it is not….is criticizing Germany=hatred of Germanic peoples? no…..

    in reply to: How little do people know #172270

    [quote=”waggoner41″]I was in receipt of an email from titled “here is an example of the ignorance of americans”, which has apparently been removed, with a link to a video,. The video apparently depicts a Republican asking Democratic conventioneers if corporate profits should be banned. The responses are an idication of how little that Americans, as a whole, know about economics.

    I have spent many years researching and discussing economic issues as they relate to the American economy and have found that it is not only Democrats who have little understanding of economics. American schools, through high school, do not require any classes on economics and the entire population is totally illiterate when it comes to economics or how economics works. Our universities turn out graduates in economics but I don’t see that they spend much time digging into the historical issues that affect our economy

    I do not have an education in economics but if you take a critical look at the decisions that our elected congress has made over the past 60 years you will find that congress itself has little understanding of economic issues or the possible fallout of their legislation.

    Since World War 2 the U.S. has been looked to as the economic pillar that drives the world. Up until this century it was true but things have changed. While it is true that Americas economic prowess finally fell apart during the Bush administration there has been a cumulative effect on the economy over the past 60 years that has led to the problems that we now face that are the result of decisions made by nearly every administration and congress, whether Democratic or Republican since Dwight Eisenhower took office.

    Blaming one side or the other is an exercise in futility but the fact that the American economy affects the entire planet should be of concern to us all. We feel it here no matter what our sources of income.
    People get ver partisan and beleive that the “other guy” caused all the problems…….like the recession of late, somehow got tagged fully on Obama…….though plenty share the guilt of the economy…..

    in reply to: American Busted With $37K in Undeclared Cash #173832

    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]I wonder…….if you buy colones in the States, can you bring in more than $10,000 worth?[/quote]

    Might I beg another question-should I buy colones in USA? in CR? or use US bills when I arrive…..what is easier?

    in reply to: Dogs Barking #174210

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Children’s screams and howler monkeys have something in common.
    According to [url=]Wikipedia[/url] [i]”Howler monkeys are widely considered to be the loudest land animal. According to Guinness Book of World Records, their vocalizations can be heard clearly for 20 mi (32 km)”. [/i][b][/b]
    We have a troop that stays around the bottom of our property and you would think they were on the back steps. During the day I enjoy hearing and watching them,[/quote]

    what is the CR law on monkey’s? protected? Not saying shot them, per se, was not sure what you can do about them…..

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174130

    [quote=”loraine”]Playa Hermosa is a beautiful beach. We stayed at La Finisterra there and had the most gorgeous views. We were there is early Nov and it was so hot. I’d rent a compact SUV while there and do some exploring. We had a very good experience with Budget in Liberia.

    We booked a boat tour/booze cruise out of Brasilito, which I think departed out of Flamingo Beach. It was a nice cruise where we got to see so many dolphins, snorkling, etc., and dropped anchor and could swim to an island. I neither drank nor snorkled but had a great time anyway…so pretty out there![/quote]

    how far is that boat from hermosa? happen to recall teh name of company or a link? Thanks!

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174127

    [quote=”Vikes1″] The catholic church in Hermosa is open air on the sides with all types of flora and fauna visiting during the service.[/quote]

    any idea where it is located? could not find on a map, not as clear where the center of town,etc is, where usually a Church is located…….know where it is in Coco..

    in reply to: American Busted With $37K in Undeclared Cash #173826

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]The Customs form the flight crew will give you shortly before you arrive in Costa Rica says that you must declare currency and other securities in an aggregate amount/value of $10,000US or greater.

    Were it mine to do, I’d adhere to this very conservatively, were I bringing in something like precious metals the value of which might be open to question.

    We always bring in a ton of merchandise that’s either not available in Costa Rica or which is more expensive here. Because the language of the Customs form is a little ambiguous, and because everything is for personal use, we declare nothing and, having retrieved our luggage, always go through the “Nothing to Declare” line at Customs. So far, we’ve never had a problem with medications, pet supplies, electronics or anything else.

    good, figured most be a large amount…good to hear no issues w/electonics,etc..surprised they dont get you on that sort of thing….

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174125

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Boating tours are not really ‘big’ here along the Guanacaste coastline, so tours are few and far between. Should read, there are tours but most going to the same spot…
    More, if you head to to Golfito and Drakes Bay, but you don’t have enough tome for that[/quote]
    yes, noticed more into eco-tourism, inland activities or extreme sports,etc…..have a cousin that has land in San Ramon area, was planning to move there, build and spouse a big time boater, was going to start a tour buiz….real estate bust and USA economy put a long hold on that……

    in reply to: Finally coming to Costa Rica #174124

    [quote=”Vikes1″][quote=”camby”]Booked my flight and room other night, finally coming down to see for myself, can only stayabout 5 days though.

    Anyone know best way to get around when on the Guan-coast? From airport?

    Also, cannot locate any information, yet, on taking possible boat tours… a lot on jungle, etc, not much on boating…..[/quote]

    It depends if you want to explore the coast or stay in one place and take side trips. For example, if you stay in Playa Hermosa or Playa del Coco, it’s only a 25 minute ride from the airport and you are on the beach. You can take side trips from there.

    If you want to do that, I can recommend Tico Tours in Playa Hermosa, they have a wide range of tours from land to water. They can also pick you up at the airport and bring you to a hotel or condo rental in Hermosa or Coco for about $60.00.

    If you want to explore the coast and stay in different places such as Flamingo, Tamarindo etc I would suggest you rent a car.

    All the familiar companies such as budget, avis etc. will pick you up at the airport and are located just off the airport grounds so the return is easy.

    It’s the rainy season now so a 4WD would be best just in case, but you can probably see what you want to see by staying on the main roads and book side tours from where ever you decide to stay.

    Hope this was somewhat helpful. Rick[/quote]

    thanks, will look into that…wanted to stay in Playa del Coco, but compromised w/wife and staying in Hermosa, taking side trips….likely some time in Coco shopping, browsing,etc…..and nto sure if there is a Church in Hermosa, likely to Coco for that…..

    in reply to: American Busted With $37K in Undeclared Cash #173824

    How much is the amount before one has to declare? Say Ifly in with $500 in my wallet for the week…? Declare it?

    in reply to: Earthquake in Costa Rica – 5th September 2012 #171109

    [quote=”gomiqueen2″]Although I have lived in many parts of the world and have experienced various disasters as a Disaster Cadre Team Member prior to FEMA being established way back when – I can’t say that I like being around (or in) hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados or storms at sea – but; my plan A was to move to Costa Rica, leaving here in PA in Nov and my plan B was to move to HI where I had previously lived. I was coming with my darling little Mimi girl (my beloved cat) but she passed last week – shook me up and I miss her terribly – but – Plan A is still on track and I hope all will be well with the world of CR when I arrive to live in my “spot of paradise” (long sentence I know – breatheeeeeeee now). p.s. Hope I find a permanent rentals that is built as well! Can’t live in fear all your life and can’t live under a rock – get out and feel something – anything![/quote]

    well put!! my thoughts too!!
    sorry about your cat…:cry:

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