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  • in reply to: What are my options? #169523

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”johnnyh”]You do keep the cat inside, right Dave?[/quote]
    Long-time participants in this Forum know that Dave [i]is[/i] the cat. The nameless bearded dude is just there to give Dave a place to sit . . . and to scoop the litter box.[/quote]

    have 2 of them, one a lap cat, the other not….:lol:

    in reply to: Devil in the details – Why I’m Leaving America #169877

    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Social Security Trust Fund? You be trippin’ Dave. The fund is going broke, it loans money to the government by buying T bonds, they are going to have to shore it up somehow. If it is secure, why don’t our congressional officials have to retire on it?[/quote]

    I am aged 41, do not have much hope to ever see that money…wife was on SSA disability for a few yrs, told her to be glad she got it when we needed it……but likely, will not see that money again……one of reasons considering some very modest investments in CR….fund my own retirement, in part at least and if a profit at certain level, perhaps, fund some part or F/T CR living:lol::D

    in reply to: Devil in the details – Why I’m Leaving America #169876

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]camby, you’ve not said where you live now, but every place has its hazards. If it’s not earthquakes all along the Pacific rim, it’s wildfires all over the west, it’s tornadoes in the midwest, or it’s hurricanes in the entire eastern seaboard.

    Yesterday’s earthquake injured and killed fewer folks than most such tragedies in the U.S. True, the one located near Poas three years ago was much worse but, as compared to the losses occasioned by Hurricane Katrina, it was small potatoes.

    So c’mon down and see what the good life is all about.

    Live in NC, USA
    wife is very nervous about leaving the country, in part due to health issues, in part, that USA mentality the C/S america is poor and shoddy…….still want to come, but need to make sure area I planned to stay/visit is not too terribly damaged, planned to come 3rd week of October….Playas Del Coco area…

    in reply to: Earthquake in Costa Rica – 5th September 2012 #171106

    [quote=”*Lotus”]Glad to hear you are okay Scott, looks like your home held up well structurally.[/quote]
    might add, glad all here are seemingly safe and well……told wife that CR has stricter building requirements then other latin nations-or many USAV builders to boot…

    in reply to: Earthquake in Costa Rica – 5th September 2012 #171105

    [quote=”camby”]Was about to book my room/flight for first visit to CR, wife was finally on board and now? She aint even interested and does not want me to go either w/o her…..was going to look into some investement property and hoep, someday perhaps, to come back more permanant[/quote]

    actually, she loves Florida……so good points…saysm she was rather stand-offish on going to CR…..somewhat due to health concerns, being that far from ehr regular cardio-team and all, true, but also, was a bit stand-offish in going somewhere outside the USA in general, though we went and had good time last year in Malta/Sicily……
    Tried to get my mother to go, as my dad was gung-ho to buy and settle in Liberia area at one point, now, does not want to go to CR at all for reasons unknown…..suggested mother come with us, might suggest, mother and I go…….she is more easygoing during trips then in person and less neoconny.:lol:

    in reply to: Earthquake in Costa Rica – 5th September 2012 #171102

    Was about to book my room/flight for first visit to CR, wife was finally on board and now? She aint even interested and does not want me to go either w/o her…..was going to look into some investement property and hoep, someday perhaps, to come back more permanant

    in reply to: Devil in the details – Why I’m Leaving America #169872

    [quote=”sprite”]The article up on the home page, “[url=]Why I’m Leaving America[/url]”, hits the nail on the head. I am always pleasantly surprised to find others with whom I share a world view. The author lists the many good reasons for the action and says that he believes he will stand a better chance of survival outside the U.S. territory.

    This sounds logical to me. There are bound to be places on the planet where living through world economic collapse will be less painful than at the vortex of the storm.

    But he doesn’t say where that might be for him or how he plans to effect and maintain his escape. He states that he may even be underestimating the capacity of the U.S. government for vengeance towards dissidents and deserters.

    As I go over my situation and my plans to leave, I am reminded that the devil is always in the details. I try to imagine how world economic collapse will play out in Costa Rica for expats. There is literally a world of change on the way.

    wish I could leave, wife was ready to go and visit, look at investments, then the earth quake and she is not wanting to go anymore….

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162851

    well, will stick to CR related topics as Scott has, on the other thread urged.
    You and I are not looking like to be friends, so, will move on and leave you to your opinions….
    I find moving on and up very peaceful…..

    in reply to: Monsanto not Coming to Costa Rica #164735

    [quote=”maravilla”]i got kicked out of class in the third grade for reading The History of Philosphy by Will and Ariel Durant — and it’s been all downhill for me since! and there are a lot of people who like to shoot the messenger. my backside is loaded with arrows! jejeje[/quote]

    had my share as well, one of reasons I do not any longer go out of my way at all to make friends..wife feels it is unhealthy-and likely it is, but I find it less frustrating and a lot more peaceful of existence…..perhaps, I should involve myself less on forums…..

    in reply to: Monsanto not Coming to Costa Rica #164734

    My comments on Hitler/Bush were in response to the question of why he might be buying land in Paraguay…..I responded with what I had heard and there is a lot of at least circumstantial evidence either way.That and long history of Bush family with nefarious groups, which is well documented.

    That said, will try for myself at least, to adhere closer to the rules/guidelines in the future and save anything else for any private messages,etc.

    My apologies if I broke the forum rules.

    “Lewis” is apparently none to happy with me and apparently, we are not going to become fast friends-oh well. I apparently rile his nationalism like no other here for some reason….

    again, Scott, my apologies to you and others if I have veered off the path on the forum/rules……

    in reply to: Monsanto not Coming to Costa Rica #164730

    [quote=”maravilla”]Arias vende patria = Arias sold his country! and indeed he did as his parting act before leaving office. there were demonstrations galore over this. there was grafitti everywhere that was very anti-Arias, anti-Bush, and anti corporate influence. there is still some grafitti (the Arisas vende patria line) that has not been painted over, as well as this one — Arias no es mi presidente — Arias is NOT my president. and i think this one is still up, too: Arias es la puta de Bush — Arias is Bush’s whore.

    gout and ibs at 40? you got some work to do or by the time you are 60 you will be popping a handful of pills and making Big Pharma even richer![/quote]

    yikes, attacking Bush, Big Pharma :shock::lol: some lurking here might get rather upset:lol::o

    Not me, though, I like candor……and people that are thinkers, whether I always agree or not..

    in reply to: Monsanto not Coming to Costa Rica #164729

    [quote=”maravilla”]Arias vende patria = Arias sold his country! and indeed he did as his parting act before leaving office. there were demonstrations galore over this. there was grafitti everywhere that was very anti-Arias, anti-Bush, and anti corporate influence. there is still some grafitti (the Arisas vende patria line) that has not been painted over, as well as this one — Arias no es mi presidente — Arias is NOT my president. and i think this one is still up, too: Arias es la puta de Bush — Arias is Bush’s whore.

    gout and ibs at 40? you got some work to do or by the time you are 60 you will be popping a handful of pills and making Big Pharma even richer![/quote]

    I have heard that about Arias, yet another US puppet…..a lot of them get this way through buiz or going to elite US schools. Chincilla seems a bit of improvement, from what I can gather, granted, mainly through English publications.

    No, IBS is mainly gone now, soo too gout….no more pills for either….doing a cleanse right now that is interesting, to say the least…..

    That and pictures of me, convinved me to lose the weight…I was around 245 lbs on a 5’7″ frame and could not step out of car and walk at that point without pain in feet and popping gout pills. Now, I get out and can sprint most of the time…Sometimes, I forget how fast I walk…..

    No, much better now, weight around 185-190, was down to 179-183 in Sept…varies a bit….

    Most of issues are gone I was having besides the IBS/gout….

    at 60, would love to be as of reason considering a move prior to then……more healthy location….Nicoya Peninsula is top on list or somewhere nearby (Pacific S,etc)….or Ecuador.Malta nice, but expensive to buy property if not Maltese……

    No, much better now….I no longer sit and watch Bigest Loser at 245lbs with bowl of ice cream, like I used to….

    Got tired of achy, clothes not feeling/fitting right and looking/feeling tired……

    in reply to: Non-resident leaving CR every 90 days #160199

    [quote=”maravilla”]if you’re coming to costa rica on vacation you had better make sure your passports are in order otherwise you could wind up like this family:

    Yikes!!! I know a lady, a teacher that has US residancy, but still a UK citizen. Tried this last summer to travel a few weeks in Russia and could not as her passport (UK) was around 6 months left before it expired…HUsband is a US citizen and had some sort of visa trouble, not sure what….

    “Most countries, including Costa Rica, require as a condition of entry at least three month’s expiry on a passport. Some even as much as six.”

    in reply to: Monsanto not Coming to Costa Rica #164727

    [quote=”maravilla”] Arias vende patria as the grafitti says.[/quote]

    what does that mean to the average Tico when used?

    true enough, for me, I change my eating habits and preferances-no Jenny Craig, Wight Watchers or other gimics…..
    I cheat more now, admittedly, then 2 yrs ago when I started, but key for men is to keep calories under 1800, unless your everyday lifestyle is intense physical……for me, got ot gym 2x week, plus any home/yard work a plus and eat smarter.

    I am going to be 41 this May and have, at my peak, lost 62 lbs and no more gout, IBS,etc……much more energy and clarity, better moods too (was angrier and moodier prior).
    Feel and look better, which translates to better attitude, self confidence….

    Not bragging at all, just saying, it can be done and I tried all sort of diets, never worked……

    I try to eat organic as much as possible….

    Use probiotics too…..and Vitamin D, lots of good food w/nutrients (normally, sucked out of most corporate foods).

    By nature, I am a Phlegmatic, so, really, hate to work out-but like the energy and stamina I get…..was good whe nI was in Europe this past fall…..I was not sore, nor huph/puff either…….

    in reply to: Moving to CR #158951

    hey, guess at times AI am a little pschotic too :lol::D

    it makes life more interesting!! :lol::D

    and far from dull….

    That said, would be nice to live NEAR a beach, but say, more in mountains too, which CR seems to have those options as well…..I dont mind heat, AC would be a requirement in at least bedroom and LR.
    humidity, fair enough, that is rough at times….then again, I live in a state that gets over 100 and humid for months…NC in mid July, often in 90’s at night….when going to bed…..:shock:
    Try to stay 8) on your visit and move……

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