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  • in reply to: Monsanto not Coming to Costa Rica #164725

    [quote=”maravilla”]oh please, please please let that still be true. i must have known about that back in 2004 and most likely it influenced my decision to live here, because that was one of the main reasons i wanted out of the gulag — the proliferation of gm foods for general consumption. Remember how many people got sick over Star Link corn?? i am now about to call the OCA and see why it’s taken them longer than 5 minutes to answer my email. jejeje[/quote]

    CR would be under a lot of pressure to accept those crappy GMO laden seeds. I know this would make “Lewis” angry, but Monsanto has deep pockets to buy/trade influence and have a lot of friends in US govt…Monsanto has been caught allying with Black water types, no telling what US govt will/have done on their behalf…..
    Oops, there I go ๐Ÿ˜† again, daring on an international site to say negative things ๐Ÿ˜ฏ about my country and ๐Ÿ™„ thinking again and, terror ๐Ÿ˜ฏ doing the research….
    Side note, was talking to a woman about weight loss, she is on diet and asked me what I was doing. SHe actually said she likes all the additives and GMO’s,etc-aid it gave her food taste. Sums up too many in the US.
    Noted to her-good luck with that weight loss then (I put it much nicer of course, as I am a nice fellow with most people).
    Noted to her that that crappy food, food is lightly used term, has no taste for me these days…….I actually cheated a yr or so agao and ate a Big Mac, made me feel sick…..
    Got a nice Organic salad today for lunch and had Organic oatmeal earlier…good stuff……feeling better and healthier….

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162849

    [quote=”sprite”] and US political and economical issues are relevant to Costa Rica. [/quote]

    SO true, not only due to US buizness interests (they were significant to over throw Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 and Guatamala in the 30’s). Fruit conglomerates interefered there and US has continued to enforce their “regime change” and their ways/views on anyone not in bed with them already-or expendable.
    Central and South America have seen long standing US interventions…..Columbia now is little more then a US puppet state…

    So yes, CR would do well to be on guard against this……

    and yes, the Bible and 2000 yrs Christian teaching are clear on a future One World Govt…..the prostitute striding the seas,etc, likely the power of Washington, DC, NY and London, has been for 200+ yrs now…
    Traditional cultures are at risk, ask the Christeros in Mexico, sold out by the US Govt (Masons in DC,etc).

    Unlike Lewis, use the intellect and do the research…dont just except the propaganda on a silver plate (like Lewis).
    And, use discernment, a lot of kooky things are said out there (Lizard people, Mayan 2012 doomsday,etc).

    You can tell a lot by peopole that are fat-dumb-happy, they dont like to think, challenge accepted stories and often say “gee, guess you think we didnt land on the moon either..” dumb comments, that are oft over-used and not orignal at all….then again, being a slob that beleives everything that one is told does not lend to creativity at all either……they are sleepers that are cranky when awoke…

    and yes, we did land on the moon….and less people do conspire and can-with money, power and demonic powers, do bad things…….like Judas, who conspired with the Pharisees…..

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162848

    [quote=”agarcia”][quote=”sprite”]… Whatever happens, wherever I am when it happens, I would want to be in the countryside with some stored food and a gun or two.[/quote]

    I just love the kooks that this site attracts. Yes I know, when I come knocking on your door asking for food during the invasion of zombies, I mean vampire revolution, err I mean socio-economic crash, you’ll just pull the trigger. LOL.

    But as a part-time comic in all seriousness, do you really need to move HERE sprite?[/quote]

    some kooks, the real ones, cannot read signs of time and actually think that life goes on as it always does, or that the Govt is ready and waiting to help…….one thing those zombies movies to hit home is what can happen in real life when things break down and your neighbors to become zombies-no, not living infected dead walking, but those that wonder why their dollar is kaput and they have no TV, cell phone coverage and the grocery store is boarded up and empty…..
    They will riot then as the easy life is gone and the unthinkable-that their society has become like so many others extinct……
    No reason to freak out, but quietly, prepare, pray and hope that God may forgive…….for clearly, He is not happy with the world at large and many nations in particular that flaunt His will…..

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162847

    [quote=”maravilla”]i wouldn’t pooh-pooh the idea of converting fiat currencies into precious metals — i know some very astute millionaires who are doing just THAT! And for all the reasons sprite mentioned. as for the Bushes shady history, it’s hardly controversial unless you consider the facts themselves to be controversial but it is well-known that grandpa Bush had his fingers in a lots of things that could be construed as supporting the Nazis- namely, the making of a quick buck. all indicators are that the economic meltdown has not even reached its peak yet and that concerns me, but then 30 years ago i knew that getting “out” and living in a rural area would be what would save us and living where you can grow your own food year-round would be a good idea. if monsanto has its way, the food market will be flooded with GM foods, which i refuse to eat so having the ability to grow heirloom crops is a really appealing idea. i can’t imagine that you garcia and c lewis think the world situation is going to get any better — it has only just begun to tank. vamos a ver![/quote]

    good points, no one should go ape-crap and all :shock::twisted: , but some prep is never a bad idea. Mormons, devote ones, usually keep several months to 1+ yrs supply just in case as they now from their past and future predictions, times get tough real quick….having some good neighbors and a finca or land that has some fresh foods not a bad idea either. I started in back yard some gardening. many cultures have small gardens, my grandfathers did too in states, helped out during the last depression.
    Today, most are behind the blue glare of TVs in USA to know their neighbors, let alone garden,etc.
    Reading the signs of the times.
    Got some things stocked up, a few guns, ammo, water,etc and a whole lot of prayers!!!!
    Padre Pio said, yrs ago, to pray, not much left but prayer and hope….

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162846

    [quote=”clewis”][quote=”sprite”]There is NO AGREEMENT on this site to limit topics, Clewis. We discuss many things here, and US political and economical issues are relevant to Costa Rica. If you are uninterested, simply go away from this thread and quit trying to manipulate.

    I have no idea when the world wide socio-economic crash will happen, but there is ample evidence that it IS going to happen. The only question besides the “when” is the “where to go”.

    Before such a melt down happens, generally speaking, it seems practical to me that moving to remote countryside is preferable to staying in heavily populated areas. And moving outside the US is preferable to looking for refuge within that country. There are more guns per capita there than most other countries.

    I suppose anywhere in Costa Rica which is NOT San Jose would do, although the question of self sufficiency is an important matter to consider. Whatever happens, wherever I am when it happens, I would want to be in the countryside with some stored food and a gun or two.[/quote]

    You are SOO wrong man. There was an agreement. I guess [b]someone else [/b]needs to step in and refresh your memory. With all due respect you don’t even live in CR. Neither do I, but I don’t run around on this site like I know it all. I enjoy hearing from those who do live in country. I could debate you on the issue you refer to but there’s no point.[/quote]

    I neither “know it all”, but I know a lot about CR from a lot of reading, research,etc….and I know that as a latin/Catholic culture, still much there, it is superior to the Freemasonic/Diestic mess that the USA is…further, Americans seem not the least interested to want to change, just go for 4th helpings at the buffet and cheer for bombing people they know nothing about and likely, cannot find on a map…..
    USA could repent and change, but not likely, as we are in Rome around time of fall-people want bread/circuses and no real critical thinking…..which, I gather, is you too ๐Ÿ˜€

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162845

    [quote=”clewis”][quote=”Camby”][quote=”maravilla”]he’s only buying a couple of thousand acres, which is what you need to live in isolation so that if your neighbor sprays round-up it doesn’t cover your property. what i want to know is WHY the Bush family bought 100,000 acres in paraguay? really?[/quote]

    re-read post and apparently, he is thinking of doing some farming and likely, more toward organic then GMO laden food.

    Bush’s have long Hx in oil and Nazis, Paraguay has oil (one of artilces linked noted that Bush buying land thorugh daughter in some marsh land w/oil reserves). Bushes helped to fund Hitler, etc and many Nazi’s-along with war weary every day Germans, fled post WWII to S. America……some prior and in 1800’s….
    I am all for privacy, that 100,000 acress though makes one wonder if it is oil, some other resources or a nice compound for the Global Elites to hang out in and wait out their firestorm they have sowed…..[/quote]

    O.K. [b]CAMBY[/b] You are now taking on more than you should. I sit back and watch your endless comments. You can comment all you want about all that is CR, although you say it is ten or more years before you move to CR and things will be different than they are today. SO now you start taking on US politics and referring to certain presidents in a negative and very controversial way. That may be your opinion but [b]this site has agreed before you came along to not discuss US politics. [/b] So keep running your mouth, make yourself look like the keyboard commando you are, but I for one [b]don’t appreciate you spewing your views on US politics and this site has agreed not to go there.[/b][/quote]

    please, sit back then and zip it up-you obviously buy into any US Neocon propaganda around….and obviously lack the mental abilities to look into things for your self…, have been questioning the accepted pablem since I was small, one of first books I read was the Naked Communist….

    If you dont enjoy my “spweing” then by all means, tune me out and move on…..Smeulky, Scott and others are critical of US politics……
    DO you want CR to become a little USA-replete with materialism, war mongering, jingoism,etc? if so, I might look farther south to retire, if your kind take over CR and destroy it, the way you have turned the USA int oa militarisitc, materialistic nation…..I cant go a day without some war mongering propaganda and waving the flag jingoism…….

    in reply to: Monsanto not Coming to Costa Rica #164722

    Likely, willl change due to CAFTA/NAFTA/DAFTA,etc. CR too friendly with USA and Monsanto helps run USA. Read not long ago an article noting that US State Dept will fight against Monsantos enemies…..a country too anti-GMO might have a “regime change” and a “spring” with GMO plants blooming…..

    in reply to: Moving to CR #158941

    [quote=”loraine”][quote=”Camby”]I was born and raised my first 16 yrs in Endicott/Triple Cities area…..
    I like your idead-would like a small finca with some fruit trees, veggies,etc..[/quote]

    Oh, we’re in Syracuse. We really have some of the worst weather in the US. Very hot, humid summers and bitterly cold, snowy winters. Spring and Fall are beautiful but very short. I would love a small finca…we have a 3/4 acre parcel which we are fortunate enough to have fruit trees. Our future plan is to buy the parcel next to us, which would give us another 3/4 acre, but it’s too pricey now. Camby, which area do you live? Are you in CR part time?[/quote]

    Actually, live in NC, USA..hope within next yr to come to CR to visit..or sooner if we can sell some land here, to check into a few places I am considering….not much going on in Syracuse is it….still have family in Triple Cities area…

    in reply to: Starting a business in Costa Rica #162278


    I am all for supporting local artisans,growers,etc,etc-but at times, one may want or need something no readily available and a drive distances may nto be option, internet would be better. There may be some things CR simply does not have or , very pricey one may want…..

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162838

    On upside, the wife is seeing clearer that the end is nigh for US and that we may in fact have to emigrate out….CR may not be immune, esp too freindly at times with US, but might be able to blend in more and coast…..still, along w/CR, thinking of Ecuador too as a possibility…..

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162837

    [quote=”maravilla”]he’s only buying a couple of thousand acres, which is what you need to live in isolation so that if your neighbor sprays round-up it doesn’t cover your property. what i want to know is WHY the Bush family bought 100,000 acres in paraguay? really?[/quote]

    re-read post and apparently, he is thinking of doing some farming and likely, more toward organic then GMO laden food.

    Bush’s have long Hx in oil and Nazis, Paraguay has oil (one of artilces linked noted that Bush buying land thorugh daughter in some marsh land w/oil reserves). Bushes helped to fund Hitler, etc and many Nazi’s-along with war weary every day Germans, fled post WWII to S. America……some prior and in 1800’s….
    I am all for privacy, that 100,000 acress though makes one wonder if it is oil, some other resources or a nice compound for the Global Elites to hang out in and wait out their firestorm they have sowed…..

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162836

    I am looking at property, online for now, in CR for just when things do blow up…sadly, wife not willing to move until we sell certain land here, tied up in a estate that her uncle, who is executor, is still dragging his heels on final remains of duties and does not want to sell (he actually things sales and economy will sk rocket in near future if we jsut hang in there, keep paying huge taxes and wait). We now looking at lawyer to separate land we own and others that want to sell from him, who does not. We have offers, though much lower then those that he turned down ( and did not tell some of us about). Still, there are buyers. In meantime, I do have money for small, modest finca,etc….but have to wait..
    Malta was on my list, but too small ,dependant of resources on others and stricter buying laws for foreigners…CR has been top on my list and have a cousin that has been to CR a few times and has land in San Ramon area……

    in reply to: 7,000 new jobs in Costa Rica in February 2012. #162251

    [quote=”Scott”]Thanks Tom, have no idea how I missed that one …

    Another crystal clear example why our young people MUST learn a second and if possible a third language to help them succeed…



    I’m 40, so rather screwed on that one until can retire and learn Espanol by immersion….if at that, though plan to make every attempt…..

    in reply to: Starting a business in Costa Rica #162276

    whats a “aerocasillas address” ??

    in reply to: Starting a business in Costa Rica #162274

    [quote=”smekuly”]as a person that has 10 years experience of operating retail business here.

    which included a bar and various internet cafes and bed and breakfast etc

    all i can say is this

    the quickest way to lose your passion about living in this country is to actually plug into the local economy and corruption.

    this country is broken that is all there is to it and the only way to make things move forward is continually breaking the laws so you find yourself in a position where you become a criminal by way of default.

    so if you want to [b]HATE[/b] costa rica

    go and open up a small business here..:D

    instead of opening a brick and mortar business go online.. as i am now doing

    quite successfully I may add ๐Ÿ˜€

    and the best part of this is that no one knows what I do for a living and i mingle amoungst the locals buying fresh produce at the local feria.

    no inspectors

    no tax people

    no muni police

    no immigration

    no local rats coming out of the woodwork to extract money..

    look at scott oliver

    and how he makes his living.

    he lives high up in a penthouse.. behind his computer all day in his underwear :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:

    sometimes I even bet he takes a few days without showering :D:D:D:D

    now life is pura vida[/quote]

    what sorta online buiz??

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