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  • in reply to: Estate Taxes in the U.S.A. Going Up BIG Time. #168428

    [quote=”clayton”]Please define for us GOP/Teapartyisms, and your disdain for love of God and country. I see Costa Rica as a country full of proud self reliant hard working people who are not sitting back and waiting for the government to come in and provide for their every need. A hard working little “r” republican will fit in just fine. However if you are from the northeast or a severe type “A” personality you may find it hard to adjust.[/quote]

    Obviously, you have missed my other posts, or you would not accuse me of disdain for God, I am a-and I really hate inadequate labels, but-Traditionalist, rosary/Breviary saying Catholic that goes to Mass at least 1, if not 2-3 times a week. One is taught to love their country, but not its faults, nor to make excuses or hide them. the USA was founded as a nation on faulty principles that are now rather evident.
    the “isms” are clear to those outside the false paradigm boxes, those boxes some tight, narrow nad ill defined… I can usually tell, esp when the economy, religion, guns,God,etc is brought up, quickly waht false paradigm someone buys into. With Mr. White, it appeared and still appears, to be a Republican/GOP mantra. For others, Democrat/Liberal.

    Tico/a’s are hard working and patriotic, but I do not see the hard nosed, aggressive, superiority and idolotry I see and hear, daily, in the USA.
    Not much of a A personality at all, a liv nad let live most part, esp when I am in another’s country…..that AMerican need to change, berate or look down on non-Americans does not apply for me.
    Oddly, the CR actually does havea lot of Govt provided services-like strict labor laws, esp on non-CR’s in hiring and pay,etc. [b]CAJA is a Govt program [/b]that is mandatory. Likely, old age/retirement pensions and other perks too.
    I find int interesting, the same “conservatives” in the USA are more then content to collect Medicare, and their SSA checks, though said checks, usually 5-6 yrs after they start, are over what they put in. Add it up…so, that money comes from others, at the force of the Govt.

    in reply to: Estate Taxes in the U.S.A. Going Up BIG Time. #168427

    It is good to hear that you care about your employees, that they are not just some number or cog for you, but important. Good to hear. What is happening when you move? sell buisness? run it from distance?
    Simple life is good, but wondering if CR is a right fit…esp as you tag your slef “lover God guns, freedom, wife”, all fine in themselves, but sounds like a billboard for GOP/ tea Partyisms. CR not a likely good fit, as guns more restricted there, esp to foreigners and they have no aggressive, nationalism that you see in the USA, with obsessing over militarism and a hankering need of world control, mixed with rabid fear of everyone else……
    Perhaps, Florida Keys? more rural Texas?
    Hope CR is for you, but not sure with what you have written thus far, it is a good fit w/Toby Keith AMericanism…..[/quote]

    I get the feeling you have an issue with anyone that loves, God, Guns, Freedom, notice I did not include my wife, don’t want you to love her, that’s my job.

    I don’t know too many people who don’t love freedom, in order to have freedom, one needs to keep the government under control, hence the 2nd admendment, the right to bear arms. If one does not love God, well, that’s between them and God, I am just glad I won’t have to answer for that question when my time is up. I know people that don’t beleive, and that’s all well and good, but what if they are wrong? I would rather error on the side of caution with that one.

    CR may or may not be the right place for me, only time will tell. If I am meant to be there then I will be, if not, then so be it. CR is not the only option on the table.

    As for the business, doubtful there are buyers lined up in this economy, albeit it is successful, but no one is buying much these days. So my plan is to operate it as remotley as I can, we are pretty wired up technology wise for a construction firm.[/quote]

    my issue is with obvious GOP/tea Party lingo and republican talking points. Freedom is bantered around , but never defined. It is a vague “thing” we should all like dearly, but never defined. Guns, I have a few, plus a concealed carry permit and am former law enforcement. Not a pacifist, at all, nor though a flag waving militarist. patriotism is more then slogans and waving, or complete trust/obediance in Govt. Your wife is your own, as is mine mine. 2 straight, hterosexual guys-great and good deal!
    I support loval, small buisnesses and those that run them, dislike multi-nationals and Mega-corps.
    I am an active churchgoer, prayer daily, several times.
    I support Third Parties and dislike many policies.
    I am proud of your hard work, initiative and success, but take issues with your “blame the poor, that are parasites” comments, its very marxist “them vs us mentality” and though many are truly lazy, many more are poor through no fault and would love to get out of the pit, but often is very hard. David McMurray has seen and worked with it, me too. many lack training, resources…

    Until my early 30’s, was a sloganeering, flag waving neocon, so I can spot the type a far off….
    Just suggesting that with your mentality, based on your psots, that you will likely hate CR and leave, stay and stew or wind up making all of us Americans look a bit worse.then, all around no one is happy, inc you and family.

    in reply to: Marchamo #168451

    [quote=”maravilla”]marchamo is the price you pay to drive your car – it’s like a registration fee and minimum insurance coverage. i have a 20 year old car and it cost me $130 to register it.[/quote]

    this is I take it from posts, yearly amount, like the car tax bill I just got in mail, due end of 1/13

    in reply to: Wages in Costa Rica #168808

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”camby”]Sounds to me that in the end, might as well do all the work yourself, health and abilities depending of course. Too much headache otherwise….[/quote]

    Said he who has never picked coffee.

    true enough, but unless one has a huge lot and/or coffee plantation, my comments would still apply……otherwise, then the headache commences…..

    in reply to: Costa Rica Votes For The Palestine UN Resolution #165594

    [quote=”davidd”][quote=”sprite”]Maravilla, I would not even respond to that evil nonsense aimed at you. I knew a topic like his would draw the scum from the ooze. Its hard to stay on topic when that kind of hatred hatches out within the thread. Nobody is going to change corrupted minds like those with historical facts and logic.[/quote]


    congratulations on your civil educated reply to ms maravilla

    because of your response

    I now do NOT believe in the BIBLE

    shame on you[/quote]

    that little much makes you not accept the bible? fickle? or really, never did to begin with? likely, that……
    sorry Scott, missed your comment on posts, will hold off any more…..

    in reply to: Costa Rica Votes For The Palestine UN Resolution #165593

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”Scott”] I like to use authoritative sources VictoriaLST like the the former Chief Rabbi of Israel for example – let’s call him the Jewish Pope – who is publicly quoted in the Jerusalem Post stating that:

    “The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews
    Goyim were born only to serve us.
    Without that, they have no place in the world
    Only to serve the People of Israel.”


    No, but, at same time, they have a contempt in the Talmud that surpases most racism.
    A book just came out, controversial, from author Hugh Akin, Synagogue Rising-now I disagree with this support for the Protocols of Zion, but his book is replete with quotes and sources, much like E.Michael Jone’s Revolutionary jew book. There is enough out there to smell smoke, see fire and connect.
    There are also several jewish groups opposed to zionism, for various reasons……..
    AKins had a good talk, have it on a disc, that makes a good point that the Catholic position was to convert, not to exterminate, even though as in any group, you had some that were bad apples-clergy and laity alike.
    No whole-sale slaughter like the Pilgrims and others of new England,etc. Protestants whites showed the contempt and racism rarely seen in the Catholic colonies that blended people together and today, a lot less racial tension.

    This sounds uncomfortably familiar . . . Oh, yeah! I’ve read exactly these sentiments from seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century European and American texts, only substitute “non-whites” for “non-Jews” and “the lesser races” for “Goyim”.

    Bigotry is hardly the sole province of the Jews.

    in reply to: Unlocked U.S. Bought Cell Phones #165999

    [quote=”kwhite1″][quote=”DavidCMurray”]I’m afraid you have it right, Bill. It’s not just a matter of the iPhone having been “subscribed” (your term) to Verizon. The electronic components inside the iPhone which commit it to use on a GSM system or on a CDMA cellular system are incompatible. There’s nothing you can do to one of them to make it functional on the other system.

    This isn’t an administrative issue of who sold the iPhone or what its internal software settings are. It’s a matter of the nature of the two cellular systems (GSM and CDMA), how they operate, and the frequencies they operate on.

    I have a Verizon IPhone 4S, because I am a long time subscriber they unlocked my phone and I have the international data plan. It worked in Haiti and Belize while on mission trips. I just checked with Verizon and they state it should work in Costa Rica as well. The key might be that it is unlocked, but we will see. Worst case I can buy a local mini SIM card and get it to work that way. We will see said the blind man.[/quote]

    how much is that international data plan, roughly?

    in reply to: Marchamo #168449

    Since I come to this site to learn, can someone take a second and give me a real quick, simplistic explanation of what is a Marchamo? is it taxes?

    in reply to: Estate Taxes in the U.S.A. Going Up BIG Time. #168424

    [quote=”kwhite1″][quote=”davidd”][quote=”DavidCMurray”]Sorry, k, but the wealthy and powerful DO write the laws. They influence who gets nominated to run, finance the campaigns of their chosen, and pay the lobbyists to be sure that those who are elected toe the line. And they accomplish a great deal of that with resources unavailable to the rest of us. In every meaningful way, the already absurdly privileged do run the show primarily for their own selfish benefit.

    If you cannot tolerate the prospect of giving up just a little of what you have to alleviate the needs and suffering of your fellow citizens, that simply puts you among a large minority (or maybe a majori-ty) of your uncaring fellows. No one can make you feel empathy. Just don’t expect anyone to admire you for it.

    David Murray

    I would love to see your balance sheet of charitable donations

    I would speculate without ever seeing it that you it’s very little


    because people that hold your beliefs are generally the cheapest people around when it comes to donations.

    you love to preach about giving and you usually do this best with other peoples money.

    do some research on our current president and vice president.. and see how generous they have been. obama has only increased his giving in the last 6 years because of attention to this area.

    just spending your life in so called pubic service is the easy way of saying I never had the cajones to stake my claim in the real world

    and settled for a government paycheck and pension after 20 years

    let me ask you David

    in the last 3 years of working did you juice up all your overtime so you can max out your retirement salary..

    you sly dog you. 😀

    I myself admire K for being a self reliant individual

    taking a risk in the real world

    creating REAL jobs in the marketplace from the profits of his efforts . not creating jobs off the theft of the taxpayers.

    I admire you because your probably teaching your children some great qualities of self reliance and great core values.

    which will help them become productive citizens of the world.

    NO ONE can tell you how much to give or spend your money.. you simply give because you want to.

    good for you and I hope the pleasure of meeting you one day.

    think about the mass exodus that will occur over the next 10 years of affluent productive people in our society.

    this is what needs to happen in droves..


    PS. someone once said


    David, I am humbled by your comments. I do what I do because it is the right thing to do. I don’t look for glory or recognition. Only a small handful of people know what I actually do. I took look forward to meeting some of the fine people on here, even you David MC. Just ribbing you!

    I have a firm stance on provide for yourselves, if you need a hand, outstanding, I am there to help. But if you need a hand out, continue to hold your sign at the interstate onramp.

    I provide 15 families with an income, I am scared to death about the possibility of having to let them go because I cannot afford them and the fines/taxes I will have to pay. Ask my wife, I litterally cry at times when I have to release someone, it bothers me to the core. But, I am the mean corporate type that only cares about money right?

    I am ammused at the comments on these “blogs” or whatever you call them, it is easy to hide behind a keyboard and be as passive aggresive as you want to be, no one on here will hand you your last paycheck and wonder what will happen to your kids as you drive off. This my friends, it what is wrong with the US, we have become a society of passive aggresive people that have been desensitized to real life.

    I long for the simple life.[/quote]

    It is good to hear that you care about your employees, that they are not just some number or cog for you, but important. Good to hear. What is happening when you move? sell buisness? run it from distance?
    Simple life is good, but wondering if CR is a right fit…esp as you tag your slef “lover God guns, freedom, wife”, all fine in themselves, but sounds like a billboard for GOP/ tea Partyisms. CR not a likely good fit, as guns more restricted there, esp to foreigners and they have no aggressive, nationalism that you see in the USA, with obsessing over militarism and a hankering need of world control, mixed with rabid fear of everyone else……
    Perhaps, Florida Keys? more rural Texas?
    Hope CR is for you, but not sure with what you have written thus far, it is a good fit w/Toby Keith AMericanism…..

    in reply to: Wages in Costa Rica #168806

    Sounds to me that in the end, might as well do all the work yourself, health and abilities depending of course. Too much headache otherwise….

    in reply to: Wal-Mart: How a retail giant fueled growth with bribes #173580

    Thred noted:

    if one looks over posts, one sees a clear shift for inheritance taxes to a variety of comments on business,jobs, employers vs employees,etc……

    in reply to: Wal-Mart: How a retail giant fueled growth with bribes #173579

    [quote=”costaricabill”][quote=”camby”]Sort of goes well with the current debate on the taxes/inheritance thred…..[/quote]

    duh, huh??[/quote]

    there is a thred going now, started by Scott, about inheritance taxes that has devolved into a rich vs poor, have vs have nots,etc thred….part of discussions revolving around should Mega-Corps pay taxes and what amounts, fair shares,etc….so, no no “duh” its a active thred at least yestereday and I think, though could be wrong, you particiapted on that……let me know if spelling out more simply needed 😀

    in reply to: Wal-Mart: How a retail giant fueled growth with bribes #173569

    Sort of goes well with the current debate on the taxes/inheritance thred…..

    in reply to: Estate Taxes in the U.S.A. Going Up BIG Time. #168417

    [quote=”kwhite1″][quote=”DavidCMurray”]The fixed cost of driving ten miles to work, as a percentage of total income, is far greater for someone earning the minimum wage than for a high income earner. That cost is further exaggerated by the fixed cost of the gasoline tax which they both must pay. The same can be said for every other flat (read: “regressive”) tax.

    If you think that the population generally is better off when minimum wage earnners are supporting their families on $4.00 per hour (take home) while a rather small strata are struggling along on $400.00 per hour, then you’re an apologist for regressive taxes. If, on the other hand, you believe that the society is healthier when income is distributed a little more evenly (just a little), then a progressive tax structure is more to your liking.

    Me? I’d be happier if the President and Congress made the tax structure much more progressive and if that cost folks in my circumstances a little more of their discretionary income. True, I might have to go downstairs to write this on my iMac, rather than upstairs on my iPad, but if the United States’ many poor and undernourished children ate a little better, or if more of its 50 million citizens without health insurance got covered, it would be worth it.[/quote]

    David, I appreciate the fact that a lower income family has a greater impact for the taxes charged for “everyday” living. Common sense is that one with $10 and one with $100 is effected differently by a tax of 10%. One has $9.00 and one has $90.00. But does that constitute justification to charge someone that makes more than their neighbor a higher percentage for taxes? What is the motivation for someone that is “penalized” for making more money to start a business that employs 15 people. When there is documented cases of “government assisted” folks making more than the average business owner?

    My argument is when you have more takers than givers, what motivates the givers anymore? When that happens, the givers are more apt to become takers at that point. Human nature is to take the path of least resistance. What happens when the givers become takers? Total economic meltdown, which I am very afraid of, this will be the demise of the greatest economy in the world. This very reason is why I am working harder and hedging my bet to move before this happens.[/quote]

    who says more takers then givers?
    even takers spend money, generate buisness and taxes-esp on booze, lottery tickets. That is aimed at poor people anyway.
    and who made these people takers? Dont you think the elites would love pople slowly boiled to rely on them, a new serfdoom of some proporations?
    Blaming many and creating yet another fad thing, now the “47%” is a diversion from the real problems and real takers, the elites.

    I try, best as possible, to frequent and support the local, small and ind buisnessmen.

    I avoid the

    in reply to: Estate Taxes in the U.S.A. Going Up BIG Time. #168416

    [quote=”costaricabillTake a look at any (every) State budget and see just how much money comes back to the States from the [b]federal government.[/b] It is a big part of every state budget![/quote]

    problem is, there is little over sight from states. Initially, the states were meant to have most power and money. More localized power then distant D.C.
    One of reasons senators were appointed by state legislatures.
    Now, even Congress refuses (save Ron Paul) to view the Fed and its operations in any detail. We contonue to borrow money, print more bills and spend more, yr after yr.
    What private buisnessmen gets to do that?

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