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  • in reply to: Moving to CR #158938

    today in NC, we are supposed to get to 71 degrees…

    in reply to: Moving to CR #158937

    I was born and raised my first 16 yrs in Endicott/Triple Cities area…..
    I like your idead-would like a small finca with some fruit trees, veggies,etc..

    in reply to: Migraine treatment #162537

    Every person is different, but he may-if he has not already-looked into cause due to diet or work environment. Ingestion of heavy metals,etc.
    There are some MD’s and clinics open minded or if you can find in N. America or CR a neutropath (I think that is the name).
    Natural News website has some decent articles on:

    hope this might help in some ways…Likely, fresh air, sunlight and less stress always a plus, though we in USA/Canada and Britain far less likely to get enough of that…….

    Have they done any Neuro workups? scans/CT’s?

    One thing that gets over looked at times is Chairi Malformations…..they can cause a lot of headaches

    again, hope this might help some…..

    in reply to: Moving to CR #158934

    [quote=”loraine”][quote=”costaricafinca”]And Aquacate doesn’t get much rain? 😆
    You may want to build a fireplace in your house.

    You may be in for a few surprises….[/quote]

    We plan on putting in a fireplace. We actally know people in the area and have to be mindful of the way the house in situated due to wind/rain. We’re in an area where much of the winds will be blocked due to the hills as well as the forest. The land has fantastic drainage. 10 years? Not bad considering most of the people who move to the beach don’t stay more than a year (several realtors have told me this). We wanted to be on Lake Arenal and didn’t want the SW side due to the wind. I found the farther west we went, the less rain there was. It’s funny how the vegetation changes so much as you leave the El Castillo area and head west. As far as services, I am not too concerned. There is quite a bit of stuff there now, and can always go into Tilaran. But, for me, it’s all a crap shoot right now anyway, since it’s many years til retirement–plus I feel that area is very much up and coming. If I can handle 10-15 feet of snow here, I can handle rain (we won’t be there in the rainy season, tho). I can’t imagine it’ll be as bad as being stranded in Manuel Antonio the year before when we got 4′ of rain in a few days and the roads collapsed. That was a nightmare! When we leave our hometowns, it’s all an adventure regardless of where we go. In the end, I feel if we go in with few expectations, things will be easier. I believe if you have a good support system/friends, are close to a city with services, know the language somewhat and can learn to relax and take things in stride, that’s half the battle. Que sera, sera, right?[/quote]

    thats a lot of snow, where do you live now if you do not mind me asking??

    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205106

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]What? Didn’t your mother teach you to get your roughage? Taco Bell is just contributing to your daily fiber quota. And as for that “mystery meat”, what makes you think there’s any meat in what they offer?[/quote]

    could not finish it, too revolting, but instructive:

    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205105

    [quote=”maravilla”]no matter how good the pain meds, i can’t imagine they would make you want to eat Taco Bell!!! jejeje poor Scott.[/quote]


    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205104

    [quote=”Scott”]Here’s a great, very positive (I ‘think’) example “Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching” for you….

    My gal and I returned from New Year in Guatemala and I came back with atrocious pains in my upper neck, mid-back, lower back and hips… I keep in shape, I run and work out and I had no falls and no accidents so it was quite confusing …

    After I couldn’t stand the pain any more and after I had proved to myself that I really needed to get help other than my weekly masseuse and chiropractor, I visited my friends at the private Hospital Metropolitano TODAY …

    1. Consultation with an experienced orthopedic surgeon.
    2. Two injections – one anti-inflammatory and one muscle relaxant.
    3. 4 x X-Rays of my spine…
    4. A further consultation with the Dr. who admittedly has the personality of a wet cardboard box however, he is a good surgeon.

    Total Cost: c87,445.42 which at today’s exchange rate is: US$173

    How does that compare to the US?

    PS. Please note that this is a PRIVATE hospital…[/quote]

    hope nothing more then a strain?? Did they rule out infections?

    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205103

    [quote=”waggoner41″][quote=”costaricafinca”]Harping on an old(er) subject … me :roll:… with regard to trauma care, at a CAJA facility. I was discharged after an overnight stay, with no follow up instructions and/or care after suffering a multiple fractured pelvis plus other injuries requiring total immobility for 5 weeks. Elsewhere, according to a friend who is a nurse, I would have been kept hospitalized for up to 2 months.[/quote]

    I have always questioned after care, even in the States. Private hospitals tend to keep you just to inflate the bill. Caja, on the other hand is trying to provide the best service at the lowest possible cost.

    A team of doctors evaluates you every morning and decides what is the best course to take. Then is the time that you have to ask questions about home care.

    After a surgery I had all the right questions regarding cleaning the surgical wound but even so I ended up with a septic infection because we were not aggressive enough in the cleaning. I ended up with another 10 days in the hospital. I blame myself rather than the Caja system for my problem.

    We are living in a society that is vastly different from where we came from. One thing that we expats have to remember is that Ticos bow to authority. When they are told by a doctor to rest they assume total rest. We expats tend to be more aggressive and push to get going again.[/quote]

    Perhaps, a happy medium, as I for one hate submission, but also know at times I have to be humble……sorry to hear about your infection, had an aunt that is in her 80’s that got one, has not been right since and she lives in FL. Supposedly “first world”, yet took a long while to Dx and then to Tx..

    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205102

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]What? Didn’t your mother teach you to get your roughage? Taco Bell is just contributing to your daily fiber quota. And as for that “mystery meat”, what makes you think there’s any meat in what they offer?[/quote]

    yikes, Mike Adams of Natural News had an article some time back about pork products and had a zoom lense on the meat..a lot of fat, unknown substances,etc….

    Seems CR more into good, wholesome food and often, Organic….at least, more then the plump, waist expanding USA..

    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205101

    [quote=”maravilla”]elsewhere meaning WHERE exactly? in a US hospital where they would’ve milked every dime they could get out of your insurance policy? or a private hospital here where it would’ve been ka-ching ka-ching for them? if it’s a for-profit system, then yes, they keep you as long as they can get away with, but i am of the mind that it’s best to get the hell out of there asap to minimize what you can catch in the hospital such as some bacterial infection that could kill you. but. . . considering the extent of your injuries, it does sound a little remiss to have discharged you so soon, and completely crazy for them not to have given you any instructions. sheesh. i just hope i never get sick or run over by a truck![/quote]

    I work on disability cases and used to know a MD, the hospitals in USA always have to give dsiharge instructions and refferals, even if you have a GP already, they have to formally refer you to someone….that said, and I work now exclusively on MEDICAID cases (used to do that and SSA disability cases) a lot of people fall through cracks and see no one.
    They either are not aware of free clinics and/or sliding scale clinics or do not want to incur the costs and go untreated.
    Lack of $$ means, too, poor diets……
    Could be worse is the only response I get from “conservatives”
    A lot of hospitals will treat for free, then write it off and/or bill US Govt, which of course, impacts all of us as well in states (or tax paying expats).
    But little follow up care……

    in reply to: Moving to CR #158928

    [quote=”maravilla”]nope, two hours away.[/quote]

    lost track with a fellow that afew yrs ago, moved back to CO, I think the SE part of state. He was working and living at soup kitchen as part of a Catholic relief group or something similar.
    Not sure where, but recall him mentioning his family was from there at one point and was very poor. His biggest complaint, having grown up in S. California was the weather. He is Hispanic and too bad, could not travel to parts south….he knew Spanish, too…..

    in reply to: Costa Rica Banks – HSBC has been sold #160229

    [quote=”Scott”]HSBC has changed dramatically since they were the Honk Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation… It’s probably a bit more complicated now to move opium money…[/quote]

    did they date back, then, to the Opium wars? or after in the drug trade?

    in reply to: Costa Rica Banks – HSBC has been sold #160227

    Used to have a mortgage with HSBC yrs ago..they were all over Malta when I was there in the fall…..

    in reply to: Moving to CR #158926

    [quote=”maravilla”]i can get to the beach in under an hour from my house, and there have been days when i went to the beach with the unrelenting heat and was grateful that i didn’t live there and could go home where it was pleasantly warm and cool enough at night to sleep under a down comforter. and that’s the beauty of costa rica — we have 75 microclimates and all manner of terrain from which to choose. i am at 4000 ft. here and 7900 ft in colorado. except for living in manhattan, i have always lived in the mountains but it is not without challenges that’s for sure. the biggest problem is that flatlanders have no clue how to drive in the mountains.[/quote]

    are you near Arenal?

    in reply to: Costa Rican Income Tax #200423

    [quote=”Scott”]NONE of the reputable offshore banks and offshore financial services firms I have access to will do business with U.S. citizens..[/quote]

    why is that? US laws on banking? US becoming to financially unreliable? Banks just plain sick of US?

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