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  • in reply to: Moving to CR #158924

    [quote=”maravilla”]my house in CO is in an exact similar location as my house here — in the mountains, off a two-lane road (sometimes), 6 miles from town, on a hillside overlooking a big valley. the difference is we get no snow here and there are cafe and banana trees instead of pine trees. so living in the mountains of costa rica isn’t all that different for me. i have all the same challenges that for a flatlander might be daunting.[/quote]

    not having the cold/snow is a big plus, while still having the other beauty,etc.:D

    I tend to drift more towrd coast and beach, if not on, then close to get too…..though CR, he can easily have both in short time….for me, I can right now get to the beach in 2.5 to 3 hrs, mountains, more like 4-5 hrs……

    in reply to: Moving to CR #158922

    [quote=”maravilla”]there is a happy place for everyone here in CR. i know some people who think i am crazy for living where i do because we of our proximity to the cloud forest up the road from us. i know people who moved because of it, but i love it, and i’m glad it’s not for everyone. when you live in the mountains, which, let’s face it, are ever everywhere, there are always going to be challenging roads — it comes with the territory. i personally don’t understand why anyone would want to live at the beach! so there you go.[/quote]

    Being from Colorado, a bit like there w/mountains I imagine….though diffrent, too, of course…

    in reply to: Nicaragua/Costa Rica – Border Crossing #161680

    [quote=”GEEGEE”]Same in coming back in from Panama. We waited for 3-4 hours coming from Panama, because they decided to have a STAFF MEETING AT 1:00 in the afternoon. NO Kidding. [/quote]

    Thanks for that great belly laugh, I needed it today :lol::lol::lol:

    Bear in mind, I am not laughing at you nor the misery you, no doubt, faced in waiting so long…that sucks big time…..but as a Govt employee, who works hard and is not a slacker-that did make me laugh….I had to wait coming from heathrow to NYC about 2 1/2 to 3 hrs from paoint A to the terminal, but at least they had plenty of workers….rude, to be sure (yes, actually more so then the NYC side) and the screener a real ass, but that is something….
    Glad you are back to your home and safe though…..I am all for more laid back and less rush-rush-the American way (resulting in obesity, stress and general apathy), but that is a bit too slack……..

    again, sorry for your hell with that, but thank you for putting a smile on my face before the boss arrives at work and reminds me what a screw up pee-on I am……

    in reply to: What’s the cost of a car in costa rica #159917

    [quote=”maravilla”]i wish i could import my 1986 Volvo station wagon that is just sitting at my house in colorado. i love that car, but i don’t want to pay some extortionary price to get it in country.[/quote]

    how do you get around CR now? rent? bus?

    in reply to: What’s the cost of a car in costa rica #159916

    [quote=”maravilla”]i wish i could import my 1986 Volvo station wagon that is just sitting at my house in colorado. i love that car, but i don’t want to pay some extortionary price to get it in country.[/quote]

    My priest a few yrs back got one of those, he knew a guy that spiffed it up a lot and di some improvements……looks good, even new paint job.
    Driving it in might be option, that would entail multi-hours and driving across Mexico, Guatamala,etc…no thanks….

    maybe besides realtors, Scott might want to add a new section on reputable car dealers :lol::D

    in reply to: Sngle woman, 62 move to CR? #204121

    [quote=”maravilla”]that is criminal in my mind to charge those egregious and extortionist fees for insurance. with what you would save by not paying those fees, she could probably get all the medical care she needed here.[/quote]

    every yr, our costs for coverage go up, including out of pocket, meds,etc….deductables too, though not as bad.
    Have seen no raise/cost of living in yrs…..
    Legislature even shot down a proposal to give us 40 hrs vacation, at least……they did that a few yrs back.
    After taxes, I am down $40-50 a month, not inc the meds and vsits costs….we paid something like $6000 last yr for her Clinic vists,etc…..meds, a few K’s…….
    Either one has to set up a payment plan-we did-and then get arm twisted to pay off the balance to “clear the books for the year”-we wrote that check…….
    Yet in year 20001, the 3 major hospital system spent around 150 million in “free” care, mainly to illegals and indigents….not saying “let them die on the street” at all, mind you, but we then have to make up the difference…..
    yet again, for election time, a lot of hot air about “Obamacare”, usually by conservatives that have litle issues anymore with Medicaid/Medicare,etc…….
    We have a Mexican consulate, too bad could not bill them for their citizens care, at least……

    Some writers to local paper suggesting that health care not a right for the poor, but offer no alternatives……

    in reply to: Schools in Costa Rica #205132

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]There are many ‘American’ and other private schools around the country.
    Scott has a ‘list’ but I can’t find it … but am sure he will post it, again.[/quote]

    wondering if that could be an option, at least when kids first get there vs quick immersion….
    For me, would want to learn and was never good in a classsroom trying to learn Espanol…..

    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205082

    [quote=”maravilla”]some benefits yes, but not expensive life-saving treatments, which most gov’t programs cannot afford to bear. CR is no different, and here is a doc on the problems they have in the UK with their national health service — but it’s no different anywhere else really.

    you mean, the universal problem if MD/RN shortages?

    in reply to: SOPA Act #202027

    [quote=”Scott”]Sopa support drops off as blackout protest rattles the internet

    Several Republican lawmakers dropped their support of the controversial bill on Wednesday as Wikipedia, Google and Reddit spearhead a massive online protest

    “Political support for controversial online anti-piracy legislation began crumbling on Wednesday as leading websites staged an unprecedented one-day protest against the measures.”

    [ ][/quote]

    was hoping pressure could be applied by other groups-not likely on FB second to revenues and the reports FB tied to NSA……

    in reply to: SOPA Act #202026

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]Sadly, making you pay for sonething you may not want is the very face of American merchandising. If you don’t believe me, just try to buy a single six ounce Coke or even a six-pack of them. Sorry, but if you want a drink of Coke, you’ll have to buy half a liter and maybe not just one. Who among us consumers decided that we want all that Coke?[/quote]

    advertising, as it is, is manuipulative. Most Big Box companies have PH.D.,etc on staff to help manipulate. BBS did a multi-part special on this.Freud’s nephew really got into that for cigarette companies and others.
    One historian I can recall listening to in talk, noted under eth guild system in Middle Ages, advertising was illegal in many areas………

    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205080

    [quote=”maravilla”]gov’t health programs have to evaluate the cost of treatment for an older person vs a younger person and their life expectancy. after a certain age, a major thing such as a transplant would not be a priority as it would be for a person who was 20. the programs have to figure out how much it will cost to extend the life and if it costs too much, oh well.[/quote]

    true enough, seems that some countries seem to respect older people then others..some offer older people more benefits..etc..

    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205079

    [quote=”maravilla”]she is a Tica with no way to leave the country — try getting a visa! hahahaha and medicaid does not transfer here or if you leave your home country. so she is stuck and completely beholding to a system that works sometimes. . . .[/quote]

    gotcha, was not sure if she a US expat or not…..yeah, she then w/CAJA and any private….or not….
    If US expat, could at least travel if need be back to states or UK/ canadian w/their systems.

    Brit lady I noted never plans to get citizenship in US, worked long enough to get retirement/health from UK, though she despises the UK health, she did earn it and figures to retire soon teaching in US, 2 retirements and wider health options then some…..

    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205076

    [quote=”waggoner41 I’m 70 years old so get priority when waiting for preventive care at the local clinic.[/quote]

    Thats already better then the USA and UK, where the older you are, the less people want to do for you, at least in Govt programs,,private often too…..unles syou got a lot of $$
    Even as a busy and fairly health 70 yr old, you would be far down on a transplant list if you were in great shape except for say ,a kidney, but very healthy other wise…..

    in reply to: The ‘reality’ of health care in Costa Rica #205075

    [quote=”maravilla”]i’ve heard good and bad reports about the caja system — Waggoner and his wife have good reports, but i just talked to a neighbor of mine who has been told she has a cancerous tumor underneath her eye socket that is causing her pain, tingling, numbness, and sleeplessness and the test they said she needs is being scheduled TWO YEAR FROM NOW!!!! I doubt she would be alive to have that test, but who knows. so it would be good to have a stash of cash for medical emergencies if you are forced to wait for some kind of treatment that may or may not be life-threatening.[/quote]

    In this case, could your neighbor afford Tx out of CR? does she have access to health care insurance in USA? Britain? is she a Tica/Tico?

    Though living out-of-country, she if a US citizen could consider applying for SS disability and/or Medicaid…..
    Lets say part of fullt imte of year I am in CR, but I officially am still a US citizen and citizen of my home state of NC.
    Possible if, with English language records (these days, almost impossible to get translations of records), could be possible to be aprpoved and Tx in NC and/or USA

    I do disability cases for a living, used to do Federal and Medicaid, now just Medicaid…..PM me if you want, will need some info…..and not guarantee I am 100% right, but something to consider……nice if one can have foot for health in CR and their native country, if possible……if an expat…know a Brit lady that gets insurance in the States, bust is legal resident and can get Tx in UK if she is over there and needs help…….

    in reply to: Schools in Costa Rica #205130

    [quote=”maravilla”]and private schools aren’t cheap here either!

    are your children bi-lingual? my neighbor put her 11 year old into a public school here and the hardest obstacle was the language barrier — she caught on to spanish pretty quickly but it was still a huge hassle.[/quote]

    for Gringos, are there any “american schools” like in other nations? Maybe around US/UK/Canadian Embassy,etc?

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