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  • in reply to: Visa for Tico to visit U.S. Declined #200637

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]the U.S. has every right to govern air travel in its own airspace just like every other sovereign country does.[/quote]

    true, but a lot of istances where there is no set, written consensus. Sometimes you can take lotion on a plane, then when you land, have to ditch it, still in the USA!!!
    Could take wine into London from Malta, but not from London to USA, though the wine in luggage in hold was apaprently, fine….if I were a terrorist, and I am not, would I not just ignire the wine, in my carry on, when I got into the London airport-or the subway to concourses? or the terminal? or the immigration line? or, over London?

    There has to be more communication between nations and within the same nation at least on some things…..sure, situations can change, true enough, worked enough checkpoints/metal detectors in my time, but still…

    again, you are confused? me too and you are much more travelled/expereinced then I…..

    in reply to: Visa for Tico to visit U.S. Declined #200636

    [quote=”Ronny”]I’m not disagreeing with you, but am wondering if someone not being able to enter the US by land is also put on a no fly list over US airspace.[/quote]

    a lot of US Govt chatter about “home grown” terrorists and those coming from land/sea……Hence they still trying to get Real Id up and operational……but they worry over a Tico..
    Would ad, helped to fight some yrs ago along with others against Real ID… a citizen with valid work, DL and other things, I should not have to prove I can travel on my own tax supported roads…..where’s your papers to go to the 7-11 (for your own safety, of course)…..

    in reply to: Visa for Tico to visit U.S. Declined #200635

    [quote=”Ronny”]I’m not disagreeing with you, but am wondering if someone not being able to enter the US by land is also put on a no fly list over US airspace.[/quote]

    plenty can come by land and many have and likely, still do by sea (thinking Cuban)…..
    Going from US to Europe, I passed through Heathrow to my destiantion this last Fall….went through long lines, presented my passport and stated why I was there, plus that card you have to fill out (cannot recall the name of the card)..what little time left to hang out at terminal, no one bothered me….no questions, though did have to get luggage and re-check in, a real hassle and Brits told me it was due to US policies……most of people at Heathrow were not lilly whites and some did not have a accent like they were born there….we all had to go through process.but, USA and UK on friendly terms, so no Visa hassle……just hate that Ticos have to go through a run around when others come to US and do not…..

    in reply to: Visa for Tico to visit U.S. Declined #200634

    [quote=”Disabled Veteran”]Interesting post. I work for a federal agency, dealing with U.S. Immigration. In terms of visas for Costa Ricans, visas are not difficult to obtain from U.S. Consulates, if he or she has completed a satisfactory INTERPOL check, FBI NCIC check, no fly list check, has a round trip ticket, and enters on tourist or business visa statis. I have interviewed and processed Ticos and Ticas for deportation, based on a visa overstay; and believe it or not, for FILING AN UNTRUE POLITICAL ASYLUM APPLICATION.[/quote]

    I remember my LEO days, it was hard to get the INS office to come out at all, let alone if they had to travel and on a Friday/weekend…… long as someone is going from CR to Miami and then out…but if someone stays, by all means, go through paperwork…..a Brit, Canadian,etc has to to stay longer then set time (tourism, weddings,etc), work, live,etc…..

    in reply to: Visa for Tico to visit U.S. Declined #200633

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Before 9/11, it wasn’t necessary for a Costa Rican to have a visa to enter Canada.
    And I know many Canadians who will not fly in US air space, but some do it, because it is often cheaper. This is from the West Coast.[/quote]

    there again is the rub, the southern USA border is wide open-Bush in 04 ran campaigns in Mexico and Spanish language TV,etc, yet CR’s cannot easily travel…..where any CR’s involved in anything? nope.CR hotbed of radical Islam? not that I heard…..Red light, dont fight, make a right for many Canadians then?

    in reply to: Visa for Tico to visit U.S. Declined #200632

    [quote=”clewis”]The US no-fly list contains only 8,000 to 10,000 names. Right or wrong profiling does exist, but mostly with those associated with Islam. After 9/11 a lot of things changed forever.

    As for Canadians the law was changed last year. Read the following:

    Monday, May 9, 2011 The U.S. – The New No-Fly Zone for Record Holders
    On March 23, 2011, “Bill C-42: An Act to Amend the Aeronautics Act” received Royal assent and became law in Canada. Prior to passage of the amendment, the Aeronautics Act already permitted airline operators to share passenger data with foreign agencies that govern an international flight’s destination. This new amendment extends this information sharing by allowing the airlines to share passenger data with US transportation authorities for any flight that enters US airspace, even if that flight never touches down on US soil.

    So what does this mean for the traveling public in Canada? Practically speaking, it means carriers must comply with the US Secure Flight Program by providing Passenger Name Records (PNRs) to US authorities for passengers ticketed on flights originating in Canada that either enters US airspace or that have an emergency alternate landing site in the US. The PNRs are provided to US authorities 72 hours in advance of departure for the purpose of screening against the Terrorism Screening Center’s No Fly List prior to boarding. If US authorities deem that a passenger represents a security risk, that passenger will be subject to additional screening and may be denied boarding.

    There have already been documented instances of travelers being denied boarding in Canada as a result of this new legislation. Unfortunately there is little that the traveling public can do in advance of departure to ensure they do not run afoul of the new policies. If a passenger has an existing redress number issued by the Department of Homeland Security then providing that information at the time of booking should prevent problems on the day of departure, but for travelers who have never had problems before (and who would therefore not have a redress number), there now exists this additional source of concern that their ability to travel
    domestically or internationally is ultimately at the discretion of the US Government.[/quote]

    There was always a glowing laxity in air travel, I grant you, but things “changing forever” could swing both ways, both good in increased security when it was lacking and the many abuses of power from TSA, etc….
    One good thing about me not being in law enforcement any more is that I do not have to worry at DHS, prior to George Bush, no one in their right mind would us the term Homeland, let along a huge octuous Govt agency being called that…..the Homeland was a term more common to Nazis and communism…
    Besides letting men in from primarily muslim nations to learn to fly and then, losing them, the “we are doing this for your safety” really needs more scrutiny…everything these days seems to be “for my safety”, but laws in place, could mean for using speech, apeparing at a rally,etc could lead to being caught and your family never seeing you again, as you languish in a prison in central asia or Cuba… lawyer, contact, charges, trial,etc..
    RICO laws, passed oringally to combat the Mob, then used harshly on non-violent Pro-life protestors….seen it first hand, know people used against…..Joan Andrews, one person…today you are a citizen, tomorrow, someone elses terrorist.
    Know a police detective, went to a mandatory “domestic terorrism” class some yrs back. Who did this group label terrorists? white males, that cited the Constitution and where self-Id Christians. Smae group conduction class apparently advised Missouri and themselves, had history of carrying out bombings,etc…..our Govt, the US that is, paid them to conduct classes……

    Most have then, have balance and helpful skepticism….

    in reply to: Visa for Tico to visit U.S. Declined #200631

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]Hmmm . . . Well, just which country’s rules should apply in U.S. airspace, if not those of the U.S? Suppose, for example, that the family from Toronto was flying over the U.S. on Virgin Airways (based in Great Britain) or on El Al (based in Israel) or on Holland’s KLM. Which country’s rules should apply?

    And would you leave it to the vagaries of Canada’s or Mexico’s (or Great Britain’s or Israel’s or Holland’s) rules to govern not only how many passengers are allowed to stand in line for the restrooms but also the weapons they can carry? Do you really (really) want a bunch of wild-eyed Canadians (you know how they are) wearing their explosive vests while flying over [u]your[/u] city?

    I’d suggest that the sovereignty of any country’s airspace is not materially different from the sovereignty of its land surface in terms of the rules which apply.

    Would you propose to permit a Mexican trucking company to follow Mexico’s truck safety and driver licensure and other rules when driving in the U.S? Do you really want to share U.S. roads with fourteen year-old Mexican drivers who’ve been behind the wheel for thirty straight hours?

    And should U.S. occupational safety rules not apply once the drug cartel’s tunnelers cross the border from Mexico?[/quote]

    No issues w/soveringty at all, but wold be nice to see a balance esp from countries that are on friendly terms….for instance, CR and USA are by and large friendly….I would expect that customs/immigration do its job, of course, but not too many yrs ago, we had a story run in the US of several Egyptian and Saudi men that went missing……they are coming to the US to become pilots!! There was very lax requirements to let them in and to keep eye out for them….yet they came from two nations that were replete with anti-American hostile people and a large and active Muslim extreme base…whether they were nor not, they should have had more stringent requirements then a Tico trying to connect in Miami to Spain for example….the Visa thing seems like a hassle when a person has valid passport,etc… easy answers, esp on a forum of everyday folks like us, true, but a shame…..none the less.

    in reply to: Sngle woman, 62 move to CR? #204108

    [quote=”maravilla”]which was why i applied for resdiency before i even moved here. [/quote]

    how long did it take? apply in CR? or in USA?

    in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201093

    [quote=”AUKEA”]my husband and I just returned from a Costa Rica vacation.
    When we arrived before 2 p.m. at our hotel, we were informed
    that our room was not ready yet. We could see the stress on
    the maid’s face -was she afraid of being fired?-.
    I said that we were very early, and that we’d love to have lunch anyway, and please, don’t rush..we are not in any hurry.
    We both smiled at the lady.You should have seen her face:
    it beamed! While we were having lunch, the manager found us and directed us to a much nicer room. We were sure to thank
    her and show her our appreciation.
    We are so aware that we are outsiders, and go to great lenghts
    to be good ambassadors of Canada, were we live.[/quote]

    My neice and spouse going in 2 months to Banff for wedding, from the pics, would love to go myself…

    in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201092

    [quote=”Disabled Veteran”]The article was right on point. Anyone that has been to Costa Rica more than two days, knows that everyone is a Gringo. I am of color, and you would not know I am not a Tico; until I speak Spanish, I am also a Gringo. I enjoy the people and culture of Costa Rica, the good and the bad. From my 13 years of experiences in Costa Rica, I have found that being of color has some advantages in Costa Rica, both interpersonal with Ticos/Ticas and on a business level. Living in Costa Rica entails real-life expectations,planning properly, educating oneself, and leaving your negative personal baggage and impatience; in your home country.[/quote]

    Do you feel that you are more accepted for being “of color” to use your term? I am told and have noticed, that issues in Latin nations as to “who is black” or “white” is a lot less stringent then in the states….too be sure, there is social stratification no doubt or elements still of colonialism,maybe…but more blending then in the states, wehre race issues still much more hotbed…..I recall reading article on that, that-united in religion and Spanish culture (or Portugese in Brazil), the people were brought to gether much more then the dvide here… that your feeling/experience?

    Do you feel you blend in more?

    Have a very “white” looking friend that at the age of 6 months old, was smuggled w/parents out of Cuba in 1961. He told me, too, the Cubans in Cuba and elsewhere are not that hyped up on race……was surprised when he moved to S. Florida and esp, Conneticut…how an issue it was….

    in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201091

    [quote=”AUKEA”]my husband and I just returned from a Costa Rica vacation.
    When we arrived before 2 p.m. at our hotel, we were informed
    that our room was not ready yet. We could see the stress on
    the maid’s face -was she afraid of being fired?-.
    I said that we were very early, and that we’d love to have lunch anyway, and please, don’t rush..we are not in any hurry.
    We both smiled at the lady.You should have seen her face:
    it beamed! While we were having lunch, the manager found us and directed us to a much nicer room. We were sure to thank
    her and show her our appreciation.
    We are so aware that we are outsiders, and go to great lenghts
    to be good ambassadors of Canada, were we live.[/quote]

    well put, me too-wife and I joked that while in Europe this last fall, if any problems, we would tell them we were Canadians-no one hates you all and most Canadians friendly folk. That said, we all when visiting foreign nations, even me to Canada, need to be good ambassadors…sometimes, I feel Americans more, as more and more, we are none to popular for reasons I have noted already…maybe a tee shirt that says “American, but sane”:lol:
    Glad to hear you seemed to have good time, I look forward to coming to CR soon, I hope…..

    in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201090

    [quote=”clewis”]Yada,Yada,Yada [b]Camby[/b]

    You should know what happens when you ASSume anything. I do not yet live in CR and I still reside in South Carolina. When you make a blanket statement about Southerners you should MAN UP and be able to take some heat from those you accuse of preaching hate and turning any country into glass. You only make yourself look silly. So next time you want to spew garbage maybe you could tap into that brain of yours before typing away and making such idiotic statements. After all you are a “man of Christ”. If so I ask you WWJD? Hope you find some peace in life. Go ahead and have the last word. Matters not to me.[/quote]

    again, you show not what hate I “spew” at all…and did not address what specific race I offended nor stereotyped..

    as far as “garbage”, it was not me that passed the Patriot Act, Military Commisions ACt,etc and Etc over the last 10+ yrs. IT is not me that prop for a aggressive foreign policy….

    Man up I am, that is why I tried to affect change by running a state Third Party for 4 yrs, spoke out in news and on state capitol,etc. That is why I pray, daily, for the USA, that it stops its road, as did Rome, to destruction.

    That is why I “maned up” and went through 6+ months of police academy yrs ago and served my country as a police officer for 4 1/2 yrs, part of that as a crime scene investigator-a target on my back every time I went out in public. I had to deal with the dead ,the wounded living, abused kids, raped women, etc….yup, real “un-manly” there sport…

    I did not take an oath to this Neocon govt nor its cheerleaders…..

    So you are in SC? great for you….do you like the censorship, the laws now in USA that say that anyone can be abducted, tortured in some foreign nation, stripped automatically of citizenship? or just taken out, ala”24″ style?

    Your anger at me seems that you do and it is silly and calumny to accuse others of racism and bigotry….

    wake up my friend and see what is going on around you, yes it can happen to you, as Pastor Neimoller noted so well….

    If you are blind to what is going on in the USA, then please, stay here and wake up, do something……for me? I am tapped out. I have some emergency rations, guns, ammo-but would prefer to quietly slip out and start over, as my ancestors did coming to the USA to begin with

    well, most of them, my great-grandmother was Iroquis…hence, a small part of me is asiatic…

    again, no proof other then venting that I am a racist, bigoted, a “phobe” of some sort, nothing really………

    I am mad about what has happened, going on now and will continue-that is then, bad? should I get all apathetic and sit on the couch, stuff myself full of MSG laden food, get fat again and say why bother that people are being bombed, rape, subjugated for American “super-powerism” and the mentality that USA has all the answers? and that, darn it all, we will force everyone else to think, act, look,dress,etc like us?

    I look, after Christ and His Church, to true patriots like Wendell Berry, etc..for some clarity….

    Not sure your snarky “man of CHrist” comments at all, I do know that American militarism on behalf of globalism and rising antichrist world system is not Godly nor just….

    again, not sure of snarky comments, I am by far not perfect, but can read the Psalms alone to see we not put our trust/hope in princes…….or Empires…..

    in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201089

    [quote=”maravilla”]in all fairness, spending four weeks in Los suenos is not the same as living in Costa Rica. it would be hard to have any negative opinions about this place from that perspective. Most of the ticos i know could not afford to spend even one night there, much less 4 weeks. you could not possibly have any grasp of what living here is like staying in a luxury resort. and that is part of the problem of people who come, have a wonderful experience in the lap of luxury, and then think they can function in this dysfunctional society. i can guarantee you that daily life in this country does not even begin to resemble life in Los Suenos! but they come anyway, based on some unrelatistic expectation only to discover that it is NOT Disneyland; it is hardcore Latin culture filled with all kinds of prejudices, quirks of human nature, rituals, and patterns, none of which you will ever see in a resort area. so before you make a move, you should probably consider living in several areas, deal with daily life of trying to navigate the healthcare system, the banking system, the utility company, and on and on and on.[/quote]

    Good thoughts, I know of people that went to Mexico and saw only fancy resorts and pristine beaches, but never really saw what ordinary Mexicans live like, good and bad….nor cultural norms,etc. Friend of mine went to San Jose a few yrs ago and noted there was a lot of poverty and bad areas, despite the nation being by and large, well run and clean, prosperous compared to many other Latin nations……
    I like Sanibel Island, yet could not afford to live there, cheapest tiny condo sold for $160K….most that work there do not live there and only travel for work..even many owners of smal shops cannot live there, commute from Ft. Myers and nearby areas…..

    in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201087

    [quote=”Scott”][quote=”Johnzane”]For a company called WeLoveCostaRica, you sure spread hate. What else do you mean by publishing this obvious attack on white Americans? In Hawaii, we call them f**king Haoles. But do you see this epithet published in trade publications and websites like this? Of course not. Hawaiians are not about to bite the hands that feed them, and dealing with a few annoying tourists is not going to change that. Paradise is not without it’s snakes, but I’d rather not read about them. Please stop running anymore of these hit pieces, they do nothing to build loyalty to your brand, much less Costa Rica.[/quote]

    1. Thanks for your feedback Johnzane about a letter written by a U.S. citizen happily living in a rural area of Costa Rica – far away from tourists – with his Russian wife…

    2. Would love to understand how you think this letter is spreading hate? Because the writer and I – and many others – all agreed that it was educational and would help people.

    3. Would also love to understand how your twisted mind works and how it is an “obvious attack on white Americans”?

    4. This is not Hawaii and the published letter is not referring to “a few annoying tourists”, he’s referring to people who live here.

    5. I don’t give a damn what’s published in “trade publications” and if you don’t like what is written here please feel free to unsubscribe because I will publish more articles about snakes.

    6. There is no company called WeLoveCostaRica, it’s a website.

    Happy New Year!


    some make a life out of sniffing for any signs of bigotry, however faint or in many cases, non-existant……but hey, guess I am now a labelled “racist hater” because I hate seeing my nation become a bloated, fascist thug and most going along with it, more interested in TV and propaganda news…..sports, etc…

    in reply to: How do the Nicas do it? #203509

    [quote=”guru”]They are like being a WASP in the U.S. They pass for locals so no one asks. But they also live in an entirely underground economy as do many Mexicans in the U.S. They work jobs where people pay cash and do not report taxes.

    This becomes a form of economic and legal slavery. They cannot apply for government benefits so they pay cash for medical treatment. They cannot complain about their pay or working conditions else they may get turned in. The employer does not have to do the paperwork for taxes, insurance, workman’s compensation. . .

    Why “legal” slavery, because at least in the U.S. (but also in other places) it is allowed to happen. Big corporations LIKE low wages. And all it takes is a small but significant percentage of workers that will take sub-standard wages to drop the wages of ALL. When big corps are happy so is the government. . . Individuals also enjoy cheaper goods, so we let economic slavery exist.

    People say the illegals do jobs nobody else wants. THAT is a lie. The illegals do jobs at wages citizens can not afford. Did you know that with housing cost 10x what it did to build in the 1970’s that carpenters, masons, plasters and painters earn HALF in uncorrected dollars than they did 40 years ago.

    Its the same in Costa Rica. The big growers like the cheap labor. . . so there is pressure to NOT enforce the law.[/quote]

    for residents/citizens, it drives down wages, for the “illegal” immigrant, it means living in shadows and off grid, sometimes good, unless one has a family, chidlren, needs medical,etc……but what do I know, since in criticizing my own people, I am now a labelled “hater’ and “racist”:shock:

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