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  • in reply to: Attitudes on Expats #160492

    [quote=”sprite”][quote=”camby”]I am interested in what you all have experienced that have moved out of your respective countries by your fellow countryman?

    Anger? bigotry? charges on being unpatriotic? pity?blank “why would you go there” stares?

    I have heard many say that if you expat out, for work, personal or retirement, somehow you are unpatriotic and anti-___ (usually american). At a work lunch the other day, a lady I worked with said this, about a fellow that moved to Belize, saying something like “hey, he chose to move out of the USA and turn his back on this country, so he deserves what he gets”

    Bare in mind, this is a black lady, Democrat, Obama supporter and early 30’s with college 4yr degree, not a Red state flag waving white Republican, though have heard this from both “sides” of political/racial groups…

    I know some are envious, but has anyone gotten grief, etc?[/quote]

    Sounds like you might be living in one of those “red states”, camby.:D[/quote]

    Sadly, yes, but the comment most recent I got that was negative was from a black female that is an unabashed Obama supporter……I find they are more anti-expat now in power, when not, will be much more pro-expat……..
    No, most people I find are ignorant of history and geography, but also the “why would you go and do a thing like that” kinda thing, citing the fact that the USA has, I guess, a chain store on every block, at least where I am…..and somehow, a Applebee’s and Walmart=Pura Vida to them..

    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200768

    [quote=”maravilla”]- the scientific evidence is there — excuse me if i don’t have the time to write an entire doctoral thesis to educate you on an issue .[/quote]

    Dont bother, you would waste a lot of your time and effort, she would not bother to read it anyway……would only taking it seriously if it came from the EIB mike and that aint going to happen……no truth there…..the positive, with exercise and good diet, you will live longer and healthier more then likely…..

    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200767

    [quote=”VictoriaLST”] We were in the States for a week.


    Good chance to catch up on friends, family-cold all jointly go down to local chain store and load up on chemicals known as processed foods……perhaps, fight in a crowd on Black Friday at the ChinaMart (Walmart)….

    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200766

    Besides the fruits/veggies, there are some good documentaries on Youtube,etc about fast food. After months and yrs, why are the burgers not decayed? They look the same or, nearly so, from day of purchase.

    Not sure why anyone would want to-baring finances,etc-want to eat chemical foods with know carcigens,etc…..likely, the same ones that might, say, listen to Limbaugh…..

    in reply to: Attitudes on Expats #160479

    True enough and not really bothered if someone is not happy with me, my opinions, decisions,etc….

    good on the Stossel quote too

    But, what I was really trying to see-from those of you that are expats, is what, if any, reactions you have had from family, friends,neighbors,etc? whether good or bad……

    in reply to: Attitudes on Expats #160477

    also, would like to hear the responses that Canadians, Brits get vs USA….

    in reply to: Starting a painting firm – is that a valid business idea? #200967

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Unless, once again the rules have changed, you have to be a Permanent resident.[/quote]

    is that on all firearms or, handguns? say a shotgun, rifle?

    in reply to: Starting a painting firm – is that a valid business idea? #200966

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”camby”]would at least if living there want a shotgun….[/quote]

    Well, if owning a firearm legally is important to you, you’ll probably want to steer clear of Costa Rica. At the very least, you’ll have to be a legal resident, take a gun safety course, take a written test (both [i]en espanol[/i], I believe), and pass a psychological screening. Before those conditions are met, you cannot import or possess a firearm.

    Somebody jump in here . . . Can temporary residents, ([i]pensionados o rentistas[/i]) own firearms, or must one be a [i]residente permanente[/i]?

    will yield to Scott on this, I know he had a article not long ago on firearms posted, but, I read somewhere that the CR legislature change the firearms laws to citizens and permanant residents….was not sure though if it meant handguns, rifles,or all the above….in NC, you can purchase a rifle or shotgun w/o permit, but it still 🙁 gets entered into Fed database…..I had a SKS one time and it was……not sure about foreigners, might be allowed to own those if legal and long term……again, will yield to Scott or others……

    in reply to: Starting a painting firm – is that a valid business idea? #200964

    [quote=”maravilla”]Somehow we manage to tick off a lot of people wherever we go.[/quote]

    Yeah, no kidding, imagine that……perhaps, arrogance in word and in action?

    in reply to: Tico lifestyle #157707

    [quote=”critterhill”]I’m thankful I’m in a red state that still has a good economy as well as elected officials that will fight the feds on all the crap they are trying to force down the throats of the states.

    sure, ok then…..I saw a unicorn today too and it spoke to me…:roll:

    in reply to: Tico lifestyle #157706

    Some nations have no inheritance tax, some none on property, but on buisness.
    Most have national healthcare.
    Both Dems and Repubs in the USA have helped keep these inheritance taxes on the books, raising and lowering amounts and percentages at times, but in the end, they are still in place. Why should someone have to eitehr resort to a lot of legal manuvering to avoid the taxes or get hit with them on property in the family for 100+ yrs? My wife and her fellow heirs got hit with this-and she lives in a red state, thank you, as if there is a difference in NWO party #1 or #2! HEr family farm has been owned by one or another part of her family since at least 1850.
    Red state/blue state, its all a farce to keep people asleep and rootng for both controlled Parties. Look at UK, the major 3 all are for more taxes, EU membership and increased police state actions.
    No Republican nor Dem will last long nor get elected for being a stand-out, look how Ron Paul was treated and his movements (like Tea Party) quickly subverted!
    Red state/blue state, it matters not, both Parties in the USA are under the bankster NWO type and not going to fight the feds or anyone else, unless it is a pre-arranged ,WWE type of fight, already planned out.


    in reply to: Starting a painting firm – is that a valid business idea? #200960

    [quote=”elindermuller”][quote=”maravilla”]no bank accounts, no permits, no driver’s licenses WITHOUT a cedula. whooo hooo. we’re getting more and more like the US every day.[/quote]

    Would a Tico-Tourist with just a passport get all this in the U.S. ?

    Not in Germany !![/quote]

    Hey, if you get a chance, can you send me a PM and tell me more about this, what you mean, etc-I am part German and would like to know more…..thanks….

    in reply to: Starting a painting firm – is that a valid business idea? #200959

    [quote=”maravilla”]no bank accounts, no permits, no driver’s licenses WITHOUT a cedula. whooo hooo. we’re getting more and more like the US every day.[/quote]

    One of reasons, still have Ecuador, Belize on my radar, though Belize is too anti-gun, would at least if living there want a shotgun….not too much to ask!

    in reply to: New Italian Restaurant in Santa Ana #158821

    [quote=”maravilla”]you don’t have to live on rice and beans to eat cheaply in costa rica. we do eat beans — limas, garbanzos, black beans, fresh red beans — and we do them in many different ways from a variety of cultures. we don’t eat meat, but we do occasionally eat chicken and some fish or shrimp (and lobster when it’s available). where it gets expensive is buying gringo packaged stuff. but there is every kind of vegetable available here and all the herbs so tonight we are having fresh pesto sauce with bucatini and grilled aspargus as an appetizer. total cost for two people: about $3.00.[/quote]

    man, sounds good, I do eat meat, though less then used to

    in reply to: Tico lifestyle #157704

    The last few posts are good reasons I am so intent on leaving and starting a-fresh somewhere else…esp as I am aged 41and it does nto get easier as one gets older, to make a new start and esp, as I need income, to start something of my own….that success curve goes quickly down when you hit mid 30’s…..Col. Sanders a exception..:D

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