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  • in reply to: Gold and silver #158177

    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]What about declaring the value for that carrying-more-than-$10,000 out of the US and into CR? Do you fudge and think of the coins as collectibles and not money?[/quote]

    some coins are classed as collectible and not monetary….at one time, the USD had “redeemable for gold” and now, “federal reserve note”, meaning redeemable for nothing…..
    so, the gold/silver coins might be classed as antiques and/or collectibles….

    in reply to: Gold and silver #158176

    I know some that have gold certificates, one out of a UK bank…would not trust that as the bank still has control…then again, fires and theft would relieve you of your money, too.
    I have some gold, silver-certainly not enough-and in a lock box at the house………

    in reply to: Practice Vs Theory Crisis in Costa Rica #158133

    [quote=”maravilla”]. I drive a 1986 Volvo station wagon.[/quote]

    My Padre got one of those a year-two back, wanted one like he saw when he was in High School…..spent a few bucks to get in fixed up and painted…….Long, boxey volvo station wagon (at time, had 2 big dogs, now down to one)

    in reply to: Practice Vs Theory Crisis in Costa Rica #158132

    My point to our fellow is that looks can be deceiving…..

    that said, know what you mean, the arrogance some have to those not willing to be flashy enough or snobbish enough in cars,things….

    Our cars are paid for too, a nice feeling. Bought my wife’s Ford Mustang 2010 for her and paid cash, nice feeling. It was not the flashiest model, nor all the bells/whistles, but she really wanted one, most of her life has been sick (likely, I will outlive her by many yrs-PM me for more personal), has suffered a lot and heck, the inheritance was hers….She deserves it and more, so, happy Christmas to her 2010.

    We live in an area very status conscience, even in this economy and with the “new southerners” and yankees, becoming very snobby. Old school southerners normally, not as flashy-many very non-discreipt, despite wealth…

    but yes, one should not judge by the car alone………our EBT lady noted above may have borrowed, won the car or now, poor, whereas she was not prior……the car could be the only thing left of a former lifestyle…… one day, on EBT the next….I see it a lot in Medicaid cases, more and more now are higher educated and better earnings then a few yrs ago……..

    in reply to: Practice Vs Theory Crisis in Costa Rica #158130

    [quote=”maravilla”]you’re not one of those people who think the new fines are only for gringos, are you? they are not. and the Tico who gets such a ticket is not making $350 a month. those people can’t afford cars. in my town we have a plethora of hummers, bmw’s, mercedes, and even a porsche and that doesn’t include the high-end monster trucks that Ticos like so much. nobody who is making that low wage has a car — and i am willing to bet on that.[/quote]

    would agree with the Tico/gringo comments and those of my recent opponent in debates here.
    When in Rome, etc…
    and only not opposed to Godly order….in CR, its is NOT my country, hence unlike AMericans that come, complain and then leave when CR does not resemble a Neocon fantasy, replete with Walmarts, I try to blend in and live/let live… voice raised only when there is a wrong, as would be anywhere……..and esp, when talking about a culture/people that are fellow Catholics (hence, my recent signing up and blasting opinions in Malta Times…..) Not my country, there, but my “people” ie, Catholics

    in reply to: Practice Vs Theory Crisis in Costa Rica #158128

    As far as laws, my views:

    1. Must conform to the eternal law of God
    2. In conformity with His Church, the Catholic Church
    3. Laws that are out of whack with #1 and #2, not to be obeyed-like abortion, unJust wars,etc…..
    4. Saw laws are generally grey-like jaywalking, nothing unbiblical, but might lead to accidents, costs,etc..
    5. Laws in direct opposition to God are to be resisted…..force being only a last resort, but allowable….
    6. Anarchy is not a system for Christians, not biblical at all.

    in reply to: Practice Vs Theory Crisis in Costa Rica #158127

    [quote=”2bncr”]Very limiting but cushy definition of cowardice.

    I suggest hormone therapy. The “man” kind…[/quote]

    unlike me, you do not address your long response to anyone-is it me? David McMurray? Sprite? who?

    and thanks, the last few yrs of testing, I have high testosterone levels and was a serving law enforcement officer, front lines on the war on crime w/o tanks and planes,etc…..Own firearms, havea concealed carry permit and more then willing to put a round in the first fellow that sticks his head, un-invited in my casa, esp at night…..

    your response-fist to face and cutting, again, with other posts, is really starting to confirm me in the view that you are a American Neocon and likely, wont fit long in CR….or if so, poor Toco/a’s.

    as ntoed in last post, sorry if I am wrong somewhere there…..

    and if this response you psoted was nto to me, save the time in arguing with me and address it to whoever you feel needs hormones and/or is a coward……in your mind…

    in reply to: Practice Vs Theory Crisis in Costa Rica #158126

    [quote=”2bncr”]Come on Camby – are you another one that cannot have provocative honest discussion without playing the “I am offended” card. Typical gringo/a…

    Your opinions regarding the discussion topics would be welcome.. your options about the discussion and its manner are not welcomed by me…

    They smack of censorship.

    I think Scott feels that we are all adults here….

    If you want censorship go to Costa Rica Living yahoo group and discuss where to buy pomegranates… you will feel right at home there as there are plenty of rules to follow and expected behaviors to live up to![/quote]

    I can talk honestly with people that can actually talk
    Nowhere did I call for you or anyone else to be censored.
    Nowhere did I say I was offended-as a individual, nor as a tax payer, American,etc….

    you take a very narrow view of interpreting and trying to put words in ones mouth, while not reading what is actually written, nor asking.
    Your response above and other posts are “typical gringo” and more fitting for Fox News and/or Freerepublic forum.

    after complaining about “censorship” neither was called for by me nor indicated, you then yourself tell me the following:

    “Your opinions regarding the discussion topics would be welcome.. your options about the discussion and its manner are not welcomed by me… “

    So, besides Scott, you are the appointed/self appointed moderator?

    Tell the truth, you are a AMerican neocon, true? can spot them a mile away…..if so, then again, another example of a waste of who gets to live in CR and who cannot at present.

    If I am wrong, them my apologies, but your post on welfare, food stamps and your whole manner-being offended, implying others are and censoring you and then assigning motives, blame and the like where none is stated nor found, is rather telling……it is typical of the American Neo

    again, at no time was I saying in past threds I was personally offended, nor offended on behalf of some group or other persons….none at all….

    The card is in your imagination and applied to me where no reason exists for it, neither stated nor implied.

    and as you have stated that there is no “typical Tico’tico lifestyle” would like to see what a typical Gringo/a is like, as you seem to reject the “typical” person/group discussion……..

    I am sure Scott feels we are all adults, though his opinion is not expressed on this here…….and as adults we were have a discussion that at times, was maybe a but heated and obviously, not w/o disagreements……..

    You seem to be upset, seem to feel maybe ganged up on and still, cannot defend your discussion of a Middle Eastern Duck Woman…….ie, that what you saw might just be surface and not telling the whole thing…

    The American response is actually YOURS the fretting over food stamps, those “sucking ” the system and the immediate judgment of people based on-what a few minutes-snapshot…..

    I drive a 7 yr old Ford, yet have no food stamps, live in a nice and old part of town and still ahve around $95k in the bank…..

    You see my car, old, somewhat with wear/tear and I am in my gardening clothes-you assume I am maybe poor or lower income, when I make nearly $40k a yr, live in a nice area of town,etc….

    Think, if you are offended,and your response to me seems highly likely that you are, how do you feel the lady you judged might feel if you said something to her?

    Know a guy that saw a young man using his food stamps, the guy was rich and actualyl told off the food stamp user and told him he should invite him over for dinner as he paid for those food stamps teh young guy was using…..

    Said rich fellow is a self-id “Christian”.

    and “conservative” GOP voter…..

    yet, knows nothing about the guy in front of him, his circumstances,etc….

    in reply to: Limbaugh Says He’s Moving to Costa Rica #202330

    [quote=”maravilla”]just what does that explain, Victoria? that my ex-father-in-law was very wealthy? And, your point is??????? my point was that the maid and the cook (a couple!) often drove his car to do the errands. And i am sure in a town as xenophobic and snobbish as EH was/is, that must have raised some eyebrows, but who cares?


    your point is well made, for those not following, her point is:
    -domestic servants are not rich
    -most are likely not to be able to afford new or fairly new, Mercedes and
    -often are allowed to use these cars to run errands

    and likely, might while using said vehicle, do a errand or two on their own!

    so her father-in-law was rich?-a few posters here sound like american conservatives, so, to them, this should be a reason to celebrate the “pull yourself up by bootstraps and make a ton of money” that is so at the heart of conservative thought on economics..

    in reply to: Crime in Costa Rica #203491

    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Oops, it was the CDC, which also recommended the Hep vaccine. Got that as well.[/quote]

    wow, and the CDC never lies and is always straight with people! sure…

    Sad, some want to beleive this and are able to live in CR, those of us that dont buy this americanized pill popping crappola and are stuck in this desicated culture……..

    in reply to: Crime in Costa Rica #203490

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”maravilla”]you guys can have all the vac’s you want. i pass, so you can have my share.

    Gee, maravilla, does this mean you’ll pay for our annual flu shots??

    No flu in yrs and take vitamin D, more soo in flu season…..also, the vaccine only supposedly stops a hand ful of strains, so, taking it and causing terrible side effects, attacks on your natural immunity-is it worth it to block a few out of 200+ strains? a MD I know would say “no” quickly….

    that said, our tour gudie told us while we were in CR that the SE part of the country, around Limon,etc is more crime ridden, also, San Jose…..

    in reply to: Crime in Costa Rica #203489

    [quote=”maravilla”]and i have heard that they will do a home invasion type raid to take the children to have them vac’d. it’s the long arm of WHO reaching everywhere. [/quote]

    true, the long arm of the WHO/UN/USA…….this is the type of crappola that makes me at times ashamed to say “yes, I am visiting CR and from the USA”….wish I could get away with saying “from Canada” or somewhere….

    in reply to: Crime in Costa Rica #203488

    [quote=”maravilla”]i am talking about “home schooling” — as in teaching your children at home and NOT sending them to school. and just try not vaccinating your kids here. They will be yanked out of your home so fast.[/quote]

    that vaccine pushing crappola is likelystemming from the UN and the USA via direct Govt monies or through the NGO/think tanks…..shame on CR for allowing it and pushing that agenda!!! it is actually geared toward destroying the genetics and ability to breed and live healthy…..massive vaccinations will likely, in 1-2 generations, destroy CR and bye-bye to the Nicoya/Blue Zone….talking about crime!!

    in reply to: Crime in Costa Rica #203487

    [quote=”maravilla”]and homeschooling is illegal.[/quote]

    really? now that is rather sad, as long as testing and standards are in place, it should not be……..
    Some of CR Bishops might want to put in their $0.02 on that, as most Catholic leaders are supportive of home schooling……then again, I hope that CR schools in general are not the sham they are in the States….

    in reply to: Tico lifestyle #157698

    [quote=”2bncr”]What is meant by an American lifestyle… tell me[/quote]

    well, lets see-for starters and not unilaterally, but as a group, in general, Americans are:
    -the #1 obese on the planet
    -least likely in the western, white world to learn a second language and
    -do not seem to care and
    -this leads, amongst the “we are the best” mentality, to look down on and pity other peoples are poor, not educated, lacking,etc..
    -the #1 nation in most surveys ands tudies to be depressed, take anti-depressants and in general, the biggest pill poppers in the worl, also
    -some of the most stressed people on the planet, often leading to
    -highest incidence of crime, esp violent and are usually in the top 5, often #1, in incarcerations. oddly, we seem to lead the planet on murders, rapes and serial killers (exculding communist regimes, Hitler, Pol Pot), but in everyday types of peoples.
    -are economy is a dead beast and going to drag the planet down.
    -often the most arrogant in terms of foreign policy, military-we think and act like we run the planet and treat others in that fashion…..

    My recent visit to CR, my wife was flabbergasted that the CR does not have a military…she asked our tour guide “who defends you?” He was rather shocked and perplexed and asked “what do you mean? who is going to attack us?”

    I noted to her that CR is like the Swiss or Iceland in some respects…..they keep their noses out of others business, no one screws with them, if they want something in CR, they come and enjoy….
    It is a American militarized mindset that has led to our paranoia of “veryone out ot get us” and our tinkering in the affairs of others that has led to us having a large target on our backs…….and the stress, destroyed economy of being the world’s policeman and “super power”, again, a stressful way to live and a perverted mindset that has led us to live arrogantly and distrustful of others…..

    CR I know has a border dispute w/Nicaragua, but so far, things working out peacefully…

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