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  • in reply to: Tico lifestyle #157697

    [quote=”2bncr”] Oh you must mean a noble family centered honest church going God fearing lifestyle.

    Plenty of thieves in San Jose…[/quote]

    Plenty of thieves in every country……what is true in many cases in latin nations is a strong faith and family..even if practice often lags behind belief and the ideal… a Catholic, I look at my brothers and sister of “hispanic” backgrounds and find much to admire, but often am horrified at the loose sexual morals…great, no contracepting as much as others and abortion….but it seems that the majority of non-married women have children……whereas, strong sexual mores amongst my fellow Europeanized Catholcis, but less family structure, more contraceptive/abortion mentality……..except, with my little church, where we have traditional Latin Mass, a resurrgence of piety and many families have 5-9 kids a piece…..but charity at times, is cold, where hispanics have charity and more joy……so, both can share and learn from the other, really…..

    yes, I am one of those rosary saying daily fellows that goes to the traditional latin mass and says his divine office….

    in reply to: Tico lifestyle #157696

    [quote=”2bncr”] Also you can get emergency quality medical treatment in the states for free if you qualify.[/quote]

    as long as you are not a middle eastern woman driving an Mercedes (and hence, assumed that it is her Duck). The free medical you mention, it is often hard to come by, and hard to connect person-care.
    On another thred, you complained about “takers”………would this free care not include taking?

    in reply to: Congratulations Scott… #204443

    52 years old!!!!!!

    Scott you look 35 🙂


    The picture was taken when he was 16.

    and he is the one on the right!!:lol:
    [u]Just kidding[/u], of course!!!!!
    Congrads, nice fourm and site!!

    in reply to: Limbaugh Says He’s Moving to Costa Rica #202328

    [quote=”bogino”]Sorry to say but I [b]KNOW[/b] what I saw and you [b]DON’T[/b]. I was just citing the example of the Middle Eastern woman and her Mercedes as but 1 example of what goes on day in and day out involving so many of these [b]social parasites[/b]. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how polluted and abused our entitlement system is. However, those that are “takers” and not “givers” will always find excuses for defending Entitlements. Not surprising since nowadays it is much easier to sit in the cart than pull the cart.

    As far as the nonsense about maybe the Mercedes belong to her boss or a relative……..[b]COME ON!!!![/b] If you believe that crap I have a GREAT Rolex I’ll sell you for $50.00![/quote]

    you must really love Costa Rica, not founded on the Calvinist “free market” of predestination…

    in reply to: Limbaugh Says He’s Moving to Costa Rica #202327

    [quote=”bogino”][quote=”maravilla”] i agree with David on this one. things are not always what they seem. not in this day and age, anyway.[/quote]

    I agree with the above point. The difference is that you likely believe that most of these people are saints whereas I believe most are snakes.[/quote]

    I am an ex-cop, so my trust factor is often low and have learned over the yrs to try not to judge nad jump to “automatic” conclusions…..again, if I were you, likely would have been mad too, but then, the back story is unknown…….so….could be she is a domestic for arich family and she needed transport for her own goods or the stop was part of a larger one involving the family’s goods she was getting……..who knows!
    These days, be glad for what you have and pray for others…..and yes, fraud when found should be punished……I myself some yrs ago turned in a case to my Supv that had all ear marks of fraud, what happended after I turned it in? who knows, I did my job….

    in reply to: Limbaugh Says He’s Moving to Costa Rica #202326

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”bogino”] I’m am not afraid to call a spade a spade. [/quote]

    Just don’t call a spade “a spade” to his face or the knuckle sandwich that’s floating around the Forum could be yours.

    And what about my Rolex?


    I have a fake one from my grand-dad, thing looks brand new, but cant get it to hold a battery charge….got to get it fixed, looks too nice to sit in drawer…….esp when dressing up a bit.he ahd 2 more, but croded…….

    in reply to: Limbaugh Says He’s Moving to Costa Rica #202325

    [quote=”bogino”]Sorry to say but I [b]KNOW[/b] what I saw and you [b]DON’T[/b]. [/quote]

    what David is saying, I think, is that yes you saw the following:
    -Middle easterner
    -driving a Mercedes

    What you dont know is the back stroy and yes, we workers would all be galled and upset by what you saw.

    But, what is not know by a few seconds or minutes is the following:

    Whose Mercedes is it? hers? neighbors that lent it to her? was it a gift? Did she win it in some raffle or whatever? Why is her ethnicity a factor? You live in the LA area, should not be as you chose to live there. IF she was lilly Sedish looking and white, then would it make it better? Was she born here? You cant know that for a glance or two.

    Yes, there are a lot of cheats out there, I work processing disability cases, now Medicaid, used to, Medicaid and SSA disability and we are being over-run, no hiring, training and more applying then ever. Some of the allegations and stories are plain BS….some are not, must are either not or in the middle……..

    be galled, fine……but what David is saying is 1. giving his experiences from the 60’s to the 90’s and2. we do not know the whole back story of this woman…..

    That does not make one a “liberal” at all, but we do not know enough to automatically conclude she is a cheat ripping off the system……maybe, possibly, but a Duck can be many things when not quacking by your boat…..

    in reply to: Practice Vs Theory Crisis in Costa Rica #158123

    later posts in this thred sound like a adversarial forum in the states, a lot of use of “patriots” and conflict……..take the AMericano out of USA, but not the USA out of the Americano……

    in reply to: Panama – 90 Day Jump #202035

    I read International Living (and yes, aware of its faults, to be sure)….a lot of articles last yr about Panama and replete with the usual sales push……..

    Looks nice and to each their own, narrowing my search to CR, Ecuador and Belize… down, 2 to visit still……

    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200752

    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]:roll: ‘Jeepers’ and ‘golly gee’! I wish I could say what I really think about all this, but Scott would ban me for life for that kind of ‘discussion’.:twisted:[/quote]

    This is rather flippant and condescending……obviously you have a different opinion and judging by the dates of the posts, [u]have not bothered to even do any research for yourself nor your family’s health[/u]…..suckers are born every moment, no? So are willing sheeple…..could respect more if there was any real discussion, alternative facts, thesis,anything really…you might want to move back to the USA, we are replete with Franken Foods…..

    A very childish and willingly uninformed post….but, some people dont care about their health…fine and good…..some smoke, drink…..oh well….:lol:

    in reply to: Genetic Roulette #200751

    [quote=”maravilla”]spare us. please. and just keep gobbling your GMOs.


    Some just dont want to or cant mentally, process the indications of Frankenstein engineering……on them for the mutations to their bodies, kids and generations, plus the FM, IBS and other issues……if the Elites cannot kill you fast, will do it slow and plenty of sheeple for it…no haterizing, just saying (after 30+ yrs of research and seeing a lot come to pass)

    in reply to: CAJA rates have risen… #201935

    any way to pay while here in USA, with no property, residancy,etc? Nto sure if could lock in or at least something?

    in reply to: Limbaugh Says He’s Moving to Costa Rica #202288

    [quote=”Scott”]”I want every one of my listeners to know that I’m not going quiet. I’ve spoken to my producers, my distributors, and my advertisers and we’ve all agreed that the show will go on. [url=]I’ll be doing The Rush Limbaugh Show live 5 days a week from Costa Rica[/url].”


    PS. This is [i]satire[/i], it is NOT a serious news story… Thank goodness!

    PPS. Which “celebrities” would you LIKE to see living in Costa Rica? Any suggestions?

    No real suggestions, maybe some low key and decent ones, but certainly, no Republicans nor neocons…CR is already, seemingly, too tied to the USA, dont need them down there making it worse (Limbaugh, Sinise,etc….)

    in reply to: Limbaugh Says He’s Moving to Costa Rica #202286

    Someone had an amusing cartoon on FB last night, Limbaugh sitting in the EIB studio, where his head should be looked like a cloud and bomb going off……caption, Limbaugh reaction to election..

    Was great!

    Part of me wanting to move out of USA would be that I could relax and eventually, shed worrying at all about this sorta thing…whole time I was in CR, did not watch any USA news more then in passing, did watch the Americans Getting Killed channel (I think it was channel 5 and/or 45, something like that, I think it was AVN or something, nicknamed it that as it was seemingly non-stop CSI, Criminal Minds,etc….)

    in reply to: A Bloody Lady Gaga #199513

    [quote=”sueandchris”]Gaga does a GREAT concert and I believe that this one at the National Stadium is close to sold out. Gaga focuses her concerts and music on disenfranchised young(er) people. The blood has nothing to do with anti-Catholic imagery.

    Often her songs speak directly to young people who don’t fit the norm of commercialized “beauty”, are often bullied and ridiculed. Those folks have responded to her music by the millions worldwide and are happy to call themselves “Little Monsters”.[/quote]

    We have to look beyond gimmics, though and often, these groups and performers have a more subtle and hidden imagery and symbols……many times, worked within….One has to look, critically, beyond the obvious and yes, sometimes, pople do see things not there or look at things distorted, we all do….I know of a priest that, prior to his coming back to Church and ordination, was in studios when the groups had open occult ceremonies and “blessing” said albums to Satan or other “dieties”. madonna not long ago had a concert and there as a great deal of pagan, masonic and demonic imagery, not a coincidence at all. Sometimes things are as they are, sometimes, there are more hidden… has to discern and not go off deep end either way, where “the devil is under every rock and bed” or gaga over some thing/one and not seeing behind the mask.

    As noted previous, Gaga has real talent, she chooses to do bizarre things instead, which clouds her real gifts….some, all they have is cheap and shocking theatrics……she could easily do more…..a shame….

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