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MemberThe Iphone has Wi-Fi capabilities so that we can install Skype and use when Wi-Fi is within reach.
Also you can get a online number with a USA area code that is a skype number. Look for “online numbers”
People in the USA can either call that number as a regular call from a cell or landline, or you can forward your other
Phones to that Online Skype number and all you will pay is the .02 cents per minute + whatever you would be charged
To forward the numbers to any other numbers. Of course this works only when you have a Wi-Fi connection.
Make sure you are satisfied with the call quality before passing out your new number. Also
This online number cost 6.00 per month or less if bought for more than 3 months at a time.Chariotdriver
MemberI’m thinking that since my phone “could’ work here in Costa Rica, we never turned on the Roaming Feature so not sure but since they quote a price of 1.99 per minute to make a call the I would assume that it could work here.
So if the ATT Iphone has a sim card I could get a few cell phones here in Costa Rica and then at a later date, when I come back to Costa Rica I could swap the Sim card that is provided by ICE here in Costa Rica.
I will have to do some “tweaking” to the Iphone to be able to make it work in Costa Rica I think, Still checking into that.
I know that a friend of mine that lives full time here in Costa Rica uses the same phone in the US as he does in Costa Rica and all he does is swap Sim Cards back and forth as he has one for Costa Rica and one for the USA but uses the same physical phone. Any input on this?
Thanks for all the info,.
I read that too quickly. It will cost me 1.99 per minute to call OUT of CR, I thought that this was the /25 cents or so.
I have Skype loaded on the phone so I will try that for when I’m around the apartment.Chariotdriver
MemberOkay, good news, will be getting that National Plan before leaving.
MemberI have some friends that have a house just a little North of Sarchi and they have some wood floors that have “cupped” from the high humidity in that area.
They are up a little in elevation enough where they are in the clouds sometimes so this might be the entire problem.
Not sure how they are attached to the concrete, sorry.Chariotdriver
MemberI remember seeing a Documentary on TV years ago that showed the then current Military rounding up Veterans that were protesting at Washingtons “National Mall” ( hope that is right) when the US Government would not pay the Veterans what was promised them.
I remember my Dad commenting that he could not believe that this had happened since it was Military guys that were rounding up Previous Military guys without a problem.
Maybe that had a problem with it, but had to follow orders.
I’m sure some, it not all, were thinking that this could be me in a few years.
I said that to say this, If the Military will round up there own lineage, Veterans, then what makes you think that it could not happen to the common man.Chariotdriver
MemberThanks again,
I’m currently on a cruise somehwere off the coast of Guatemala Port on the Gulf side(Castille?)
Will make contact when I get back,..
PhilNovember 27, 2008 at 12:23 am in reply to: Looking for Attorney to set up Corporations in CR #193648Chariotdriver
MemberMS , yes Mississippi,..
Thanks for the contact,
MemberI’m in South Ms at the moment but have stayed in Grecia area 1 week 2 years ago and 6 weeks last year.
Was within 2 weeks of selling house when the financial mess happened.
MemberBy anyone, or Government that would want people to stay in the USA.
Kinda of like a scare tactic to make people uneasy on leaving the USA and moving to CR.Now I’m not saying that this is true, but think about how many people are reading this forum and other forums that are interested in moving to CR. Think about how many Gringos see that overpass and ask what it means.
How many of those people would/could be swayed into thinking twice about moving there.
The decision to move or not to move is made in a persons mind. Information, accurate or inaccurate will tend to make the person decide to go, or not to go.
Perception is a power tool.
Again, not saying that this is what is happening, just food for thought.
If I worked for a Government and my job was to think of ways to prevent the subjects from leaving I would certainly try this as it cost very little to pull off, does not reflect bad on the Government that is actually behind it, and can be very powerful since it makes CR, in this case, look as bad as the place from where they are running.
I think that misinformation has been used in the past when at war with Japan or so I’ve heard. Would it be too much to think that it would not be used in a case like this?
Just thinking out loud, don’t label me nuts just yet.Edited on Nov 25, 2008 11:12
MemberNow this is going to be out there, so be prepared.
What if there was some misinformation being spray painted and possibly placed on websites, not saying this one, to sway people from wanting to leave the USA.
I told you it was out there.
Not saying that I personally believe it, but wanted to share anyway.Chariotdriver
MemberNot to be rude, but you do not seem to be on the right track when it comes to security.
Advertising that you want to bring Lots of gold coins, too many to fit into my pocket, might put them into a shipping container.
I think that I would retire that user name and sign up again, and think about being a little more stealthy next go around.
I mean if word got out,somehow, about someone bringing Gold coins, lots of Gold coins, it might make for a interesting visit.
On another subject entirely, visit for interesting readingChariotdriver
MemberI’ve seen the comparisons (previous article here) of crime per 100,000 of population in CR as compared to major cities in the USA, but has anyone shown how those numbers relate to Tourist in CR to see how the number changes. I want to know what the odds are as it relates to ME as a USA citizen living in Costa Rica so I will know whether to make the move or not.
If someone could factor in those numbers that would be something that I would be interested in finding out.Chariotdriver
MemberI’ve seen a few videos on about microhydro , Do a search and you will see the videos.
The way that I understand it is that if you have a nice running stream with a drop in elevation, the more the better, you can install a 3-6″ pipe running up the hill and entering the stream to “catch” the water to be delivered down the hill to your microhydro generator.
You bottle the 3-6″ pipe down to about 1/2 or 3/4″ and direct this “jet” of water at Pelton Wheel that “catches” the thrust of water and spins a generator.
The water that has spent it’s energy is then collected and just simply diverted back the stream.
The generator produces DC that is stored in batteries and then converted to AC, if you like, with a inverter.
I know that this is the simple version but though that it would do.
the more elevation differential between the collections end and the microhydro end means more energy since it is gravity that you are “capturing” .
Of course a larger diameter pipe in addition to the drop in elevation also means more energy.
Do a search for pelton wheel or micro hydro and you will get plenty of info to read and also some formulas to see how much energy your particular stream will generate once you plug in the head pressure and flow rate of the stream.Chariotdriver
MemberI would imagine that the landlord would prefer what ever source was more stable.
In this case they might not be preferring the dollar at this point.
Unless there is some formula for the devaluing of the dollar and being able to adjust for this. .
That is what I would be looking into if i was a landlord.Edited on May 11, 2008 10:36