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  • in reply to: FATCA – The despicable truth for U.S citizens abroad #169195

    Scott…I think this thread has long ago ran it’s course. There is no agreement here just a pissin battle..The intent of your original post has been lost..This is where we were last December.

    in reply to: FATCA – The despicable truth for U.S citizens abroad #169194


    I don’t agree with alot of what sprite sais

    but sorry chummy he is right on the money.

    if you are too blind to see this then shame on you

    keep doing what your doing..

    But I AM pointing out to anyone complaining about unjust war and confiscatory taxes they are dealing with a criminal U.S. government which uses force and threat of force to enslave them and to take the fruits of their energies. They should know they are living in a tyranny which is fast becoming world wide and Costa Rica is no refuge. They should know that bowing to that tyranny only makes it stronger and I believe that the intended end game is a world which will be much less acceptable to them than the one in which they now live.


    You just can’t help yourself can you? If I had your attitude I would never move to CR and live in peace. You won’t and you can’t. Where is that Sprite forum?[/quote][/quote]

    Smekuly….Which way is the wind blowing today? Don’t you remember you started the thread that lead to the rule? Is your memory that bad? Look in the mirror man…:idea:

    in reply to: FATCA – The despicable truth for U.S citizens abroad #169192

    But I AM pointing out to anyone complaining about unjust war and confiscatory taxes they are dealing with a criminal U.S. government which uses force and threat of force to enslave them and to take the fruits of their energies. They should know they are living in a tyranny which is fast becoming world wide and Costa Rica is no refuge. They should know that bowing to that tyranny only makes it stronger and I believe that the intended end game is a world which will be much less acceptable to them than the one in which they now live.


    You just can’t help yourself can you? If I had your attitude I would never move to CR and live in peace. You won’t and you can’t. Where is that Sprite forum?

    in reply to: FATCA – The despicable truth for U.S citizens abroad #169177

    [quote=”maravilla”]anybody over the age of 30 knows where that line comes from, so in no way was i attempting to take credit for that!

    i spent mroe than 20 years in the music biz and my ex-father-in-law was very intrumental in the southern music scene, and was the winner of grammies and even a nomination for an academy award. i could list some of your Texas stars that he discovered or signed to his record label, but that would be name-dropping!! jejeje[/quote]

    Maravilla, I’m friends with a songwriter here in the South that wrote songs for Elvis “Kentucky Rain”, BJ Thomas “Somebody’s done Somebody wrong song”, Waylon & Willie “Lukenbach Texas”, just to name a few. He was credited for bringing music back to Memphis and also had his recording company in Nashville. His name is Chips Moman. Would he be your relative? He won 3 Grammys and received a lifetime achievement award.

    in reply to: FATCA – The despicable truth for U.S citizens abroad #169171

    [quote=”Scott”]The “despicable truth” emerges about FATCA

    According to the IRS, “FATCA requires certain U.S. taxpayers holding foreign financial assets with an aggregate value exceeding $50,000 to report certain information about those assets on a new form ( Form 8938 ) that must be attached to the taxpayer’s annual tax return.”

    “Here’s the kicker. Foreign banks who thumb their nose at the US government and do not enter into the information sharing agreement face a steep penalty: a 30% tax will be withheld on US-source income that goes to, or through, their bank.”

    Taken from: [ ]

    Please also see…

    Why FATCA is Bad for U.S. Citizens Living in Costa Rica and America, Why it Should be Repealed and What You Can Do Now!

    [ ]

    FATCA Is NOT For Fat Cats – The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act for U.S. citizens.

    [ ]

    Financial privacy is officially dead!



    It’s just disgusting..Even more disgusting this bill was presented to congress buried in a bill to help returning vererans find work.


    [quote=”Scott”]I had started this ONLY to address how this might affect the cost of living of our US members who are living on a fixed income in Costa Rica and it looks like this thread has run it’s course ….


    Agreed. Some just can’t help themselves I guess. Just me, but I’d just delete.

    in reply to: Hacienda Matapalo …. #168913

    I find this kind of crap disgraceful. These crooks should be prosecuted and left pennyless. This kind of stuff may explain the hesitantcy of many to buy in CR, especially with a developer. I am beginning to see the point of some complaints here against these “expats” and it shines a bad light on those who are honest folk looking to relocate in CR.
    Good job Scott.


    [quote=”sprite”]I guess the destruction of the US middle class and the dollar will have very little effect on Costa Rica…After all, the colon is not tied to the dollar, is it?

    And the collapse of one of the biggest sources of tourism and trade would be of no concern to a completely self sufficient and prosperous Costa Rica, would it?

    I suppose Smekley would rather wait to discuss fire safety until sparks form the burning homes around his house start a fire on his roof.

    You can guess and suppose all you want and you’re free to do so. Of course any educated person knows that the collapse of the U.S. economy would change the world. Not just the US, not just CR, but the entire planet. I ask you, what can coming on this site and getting into arguments about this situation with others do for people who want to know more about Costa Rica and plan to relocate there accomplish? I don’t believe Scott created this site for that purpose. I’m sure there are tons of sites you can easily find to hash out your talking points. Scott has listened and to his credit he cleaned up his site from those issues and arguments. Without attacking you I for one am just curious what do you think your contribution is to the goal of this site? I see you’ve been coming here for 6 years. I’m sure you are welcome here. You’ve said you’re moving here. How long have you said that? What could you possibly contribute to someone seeking information on CR? You don’t live there. If I’m in your shoes I would have acquired all the information I needed to make the decision to live here or not by now. Surely you have that information by now. We live in an information age and information is readily acquired through numerous sources. Your a member of one here. Most people would have said at some point “Okay I have enough information to make the move and come down and rent a casa for a while to see if it is for me”. Is that not a reasonable assumption? I’m not trying to attack you Sprite and you are a free man both in the US and CR. Although I’ve been here a short time I have learned quite a bit in preparation for our move here in two years. We visited for the third time recently. We know where we want to live and we have friends there. We love the country. I’ll just stop there so as not to attack you which is not my goal. You know when I came here I read more than post and I still do that. Even Maravilla and I often disagree, but I seek no confrontation with her. Quite the opposite. She and I have agreed to meet for lunch next time we are down. I look forward to hearing her views and I’m sure we will have a lively debate, but one that I will certainly enjoy. I’m sure we will share a meal and maybe a few Coronas. I think I’ll bring my camcorder and tape it. LOL.

    My point is that more time than not when I see your posts here they become argumentative. What’s your point? I hope you understand this and not take it as an attack on you, I just hate to see people here get into pissin battles here that lead to nothing. Peace man..

    in reply to: mystery disease kills thousands in Central America #168537

    [quote=”maravilla”]i’ve read 4 or 5 articles on this mysterious illness and all the “scientists” say the wagging finger of blame points AWAY from pesticides, but i don’t believe them for one minute. there have been 20,000 deaths in Central America from this and knwoing what i know about the banana industry and how the bananeros suffer all kinds of illnesses because of the chemicals they use, it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if it was chemical related. when you go into a banana plantation they have BIG warning signs everywhere about the chemicals. at least they aren’t using the Bordeaux mixture anymore.[/quote]

    Makes folks think about the bananas and pineapples they’ve been eating….Chemicals have caused way more damage than any “good” effect derived from their use. Ever wonder why cancer is way out of control in our generation? Our parents and their parents didn’t have to deal with it on the scale that we do today. I’ve battled it in the last 11 years and I’m glad to be cancer free. I could discuss that subject for hours as I know we have a cure. I read about it and it’s real. Big Pharma and Docs don’t want it released and deny it’s existence because cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry. You think GE would want it released when they build CAT scans and MRIs? What would happen to all the cancer centers? We are being killed by the people who pretend to protect us…I get angry when I think about it.


    Okay..Smekuly with all due respect, you must have missed my previous post on this thread. You got off on a tangent of US political candidates and that issue has nothing to do with CR. Please let me know how I should respond in the future, no satire, nothing to cause anyone to think, language, etc. I will make sure I use your criteria when you’re involved in a conversation. Peace man.:roll:



    its must be oxygen deprivation or something because I have no idea what you meant by your statement??:shock::shock:

    [quote=”clewis”][quote=”smekuly”]Your right Maravilla

    Ron paul SHOULD absolutly be the president of the United States

    BUT he will not win

    he does NOT fit the cosmetic look of a president and his age is an issue

    I think he may be the last honest man in politics

    oh well.. truthfully whoever wins does NOT matter since aside form the entertainment value of watching these morons. they have no effect on me.

    lets see how many changes happen here in costa rica


    Oh my…When do Costa Ricans vote? Absentee Ballot? Oh sorry they don’t vote for the US President.:shock:[/quote][/quote]

    Sorry smeluky but it is what it is..take some time and think really hard..Maybe someone could enlighten you my friend.


    [quote=”smekuly”]Your right Maravilla

    Ron paul SHOULD absolutly be the president of the United States

    BUT he will not win

    he does NOT fit the cosmetic look of a president and his age is an issue

    I think he may be the last honest man in politics

    oh well.. truthfully whoever wins does NOT matter since aside form the entertainment value of watching these morons. they have no effect on me.

    lets see how many changes happen here in costa rica


    Oh my…When do Costa Ricans vote? Absentee Ballot? Oh sorry they don’t vote for the US President.:shock:


    [quote=”maravilla”]they should get rid of the Fed. it is the root of mucho evil.

    as for Obama — i’d rather have him than any of those other yokels like Newt, or Santorum, or or or or

    you’d better have another passport if you are going to give up your citizenship.[/quote]

    Well we could debate that one but that’s not the purpose here.
    The Fed is the root of most evils when it comes to the US economy.8)


    Totally agree. It’s making it hard on anyone who wants to relocate to CR.

    in reply to: Lake Arenal #166064

    That’s great. Sounds like you will do well and enjoy a peaceful, rewarding life. Please keep us updated.

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