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  • in reply to: How I got sucked into a cult #166129

    I’d pay to see the movie. I fail to see how intelligent people could be entranced by such a group, but what do I know I wasn’t recruited. :lol:LOL….I think the people there were dropping acid!:shock:

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162853

    Just for your benefit Sprite the following was posted today by Scott on another thread:

    [quote=”Scott”]As long as the Discussion is genuinely related to Costa Rica – as I believe this is – it’s fine by me…

    Let’s always try to keep on track with regards to how these various things affect us in Costa Rica and not go off on a tangent into American polydicks – Ooops! Sorry I meant politics…


    Any Questions? If so refer to Scott.

    in reply to: Moving company #164715


    Don’t know the latest status, but I spoke to Arden last year and she and her family were moving back to the US for personal reasons. Her house in San Ramon is up for sale or sold. If you know differently please post.[/quote]

    Arden is, indeed, in the process of moving back to the U.S., but she will continue to be active in the business. She and her partners have always made the arrangements “from afar”, so where she lives isn’t important to the services they offer.

    And they, too, can provide door-to-door service. They’ll arrange packing, if you wish, delivery of the container to your home, transportation to Costa Rica and clearance through Customs, in-country storage, and delivery to your home in Costa Rica. Their price quotes include all Customs duties, too, so you’ll always know your actual cost.[/quote]

    Thanks David.

    in reply to: Moving company #164710

    [quote=”DavidCMurray”]Arden Brink ( will handle all the details and take excellent care of you.


    Don’t know the latest status, but I spoke to Arden last year and she and her family were moving back to the US for personal reasons. Her house in San Ramon is up for sale or sold. If you know differently please post.

    in reply to: Monsanto not Coming to Costa Rica #164733

    [quote=”Scott”]As long as the Discussion is genuinely related to Costa Rica – as I believe this is – it’s fine by me…

    Let’s always try to keep on track with regards to how these various things affect us in Costa Rica and not go off on a tangent into American polydicks – Ooops! Sorry I meant politics…


    Thanks for weighing in Scott. This thread is not the one I was refering to, rather the thread “James Cameron Relocation” where claims are being made about an American President and his family being involved with Hitler, etc. That thread is way off track and posts were made not related to Costa Rica, but rather to an inflammatory comment made by the poster. We got there last December when a thread veered way off the topic of Costa Rica and into radical vs. non-radical beliefs concerning US politics. Please read comments made on the “James Cameron” thread.

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162850

    [quote=”Camby”][quote=”clewis”][quote=”Camby”][quote=”maravilla”]he’s only buying a couple of thousand acres, which is what you need to live in isolation so that if your neighbor sprays round-up it doesn’t cover your property. what i want to know is WHY the Bush family bought 100,000 acres in paraguay? really?[/quote]

    re-read post and apparently, he is thinking of doing some farming and likely, more toward organic then GMO laden food.

    Bush’s have long Hx in oil and Nazis, Paraguay has oil (one of artilces linked noted that Bush buying land thorugh daughter in some marsh land w/oil reserves). Bushes helped to fund Hitler, etc and many Nazi’s-along with war weary every day Germans, fled post WWII to S. America……some prior and in 1800’s….
    I am all for privacy, that 100,000 acress though makes one wonder if it is oil, some other resources or a nice compound for the Global Elites to hang out in and wait out their firestorm they have sowed…..[/quote]

    O.K. [b]CAMBY[/b] You are now taking on more than you should. I sit back and watch your endless comments. You can comment all you want about all that is CR, although you say it is ten or more years before you move to CR and things will be different than they are today. SO now you start taking on US politics and referring to certain presidents in a negative and very controversial way. That may be your opinion but [b]this site has agreed before you came along to not discuss US politics. [/b] So keep running your mouth, make yourself look like the keyboard commando you are, but I for one [b]don’t appreciate you spewing your views on US politics and this site has agreed not to go there.[/b][/quote]

    please, sit back then and zip it up-you obviously buy into any US Neocon propaganda around….and obviously lack the mental abilities to look into things for your self…, have been questioning the accepted pablem since I was small, one of first books I read was the Naked Communist….

    If you dont enjoy my “spweing” then by all means, tune me out and move on…..Smeulky, Scott and others are critical of US politics……
    DO you want CR to become a little USA-replete with materialism, war mongering, jingoism,etc? if so, I might look farther south to retire, if your kind take over CR and destroy it, the way you have turned the USA int oa militarisitc, materialistic nation…..I cant go a day without some war mongering propaganda and waving the flag jingoism…….

    YaDaYaDaYaDa….You know nothing about me. You just come on here with both guns blazing, running your mouth about things a fifth grader could read. You start comparing my beliefs (which you don’t know) to all things bad while you make outrageous claims you can’t back up. Did you know my uncle died from cancer from the poison he contacted while working for Monsanto in Pensacola, FL? Do you really think I would be in favor of their poison? Have you even ever been to CR? How long did you spend in country? You say you’re 40 so how many years before you get there? Are you so dumb as to think that things will be the same then? Why would I want to destroy a country which I love and will be retiring to in probably 2 years? Why would you assume that I like all things American? Why would you think I wouldn’t want to enjoy a life of peace and harmony with the native Ticos and their culture, have a garden and share with my neighbors? Again you claim to be a man of God. Do you think Christ would want you to have a “me against the world survivalist shoot-to-kill anyone that is starving” attitude. Do you have any idea what a starving mother or father would do to feed their children? Are you just gonna mow’em all down? You better bring lots of ammo and save the last bullet for your murderous self so you won’t suffer a beheading by a machete. I’ve tried not to judge you here but you are making it very hard. Would you dare share the words you spew here with your “Christian” brothers and sisters? Your pastor, priest or anyone of faith? No sir. If you think most here care what you say, then you are a foolish self-indulged idiot. Think again. Your words about US politics will draw fire and you will turn everything here into a flaming mess. Just as it became here last December before most here called a cease fire. Where is the peace in your heart? Do you have any? Here’s to hoping you find some.

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162841

    [quote=”sprite”]There is NO AGREEMENT on this site to limit topics, Clewis. We discuss many things here, and US political and economical issues are relevant to Costa Rica. If you are uninterested, simply go away from this thread and quit trying to manipulate.

    I have no idea when the world wide socio-economic crash will happen, but there is ample evidence that it IS going to happen. The only question besides the “when” is the “where to go”.

    Before such a melt down happens, generally speaking, it seems practical to me that moving to remote countryside is preferable to staying in heavily populated areas. And moving outside the US is preferable to looking for refuge within that country. There are more guns per capita there than most other countries.

    I suppose anywhere in Costa Rica which is NOT San Jose would do, although the question of self sufficiency is an important matter to consider. Whatever happens, wherever I am when it happens, I would want to be in the countryside with some stored food and a gun or two.[/quote]

    You are SOO wrong man. There was an agreement. I guess [b]someone else [/b]needs to step in and refresh your memory. With all due respect you don’t even live in CR. Neither do I, but I don’t run around on this site like I know it all. I enjoy hearing from those who do live in country. I could debate you on the issue you refer to but there’s no point.

    in reply to: James Cameron Planning to Flee US? #162839

    [quote=”Camby”][quote=”maravilla”]he’s only buying a couple of thousand acres, which is what you need to live in isolation so that if your neighbor sprays round-up it doesn’t cover your property. what i want to know is WHY the Bush family bought 100,000 acres in paraguay? really?[/quote]

    re-read post and apparently, he is thinking of doing some farming and likely, more toward organic then GMO laden food.

    Bush’s have long Hx in oil and Nazis, Paraguay has oil (one of artilces linked noted that Bush buying land thorugh daughter in some marsh land w/oil reserves). Bushes helped to fund Hitler, etc and many Nazi’s-along with war weary every day Germans, fled post WWII to S. America……some prior and in 1800’s….
    I am all for privacy, that 100,000 acress though makes one wonder if it is oil, some other resources or a nice compound for the Global Elites to hang out in and wait out their firestorm they have sowed…..[/quote]

    O.K. [b]CAMBY[/b] You are now taking on more than you should. I sit back and watch your endless comments. You can comment all you want about all that is CR, although you say it is ten or more years before you move to CR and things will be different than they are today. SO now you start taking on US politics and referring to certain presidents in a negative and very controversial way. That may be your opinion but [b]this site has agreed before you came along to not discuss US politics. [/b] So keep running your mouth, make yourself look like the keyboard commando you are, but I for one [b]don’t appreciate you spewing your views on US politics and this site has agreed not to go there.[/b]

    in reply to: Wifi hotspots #160507

    I have no idea what you have, but as far as I know you’ll need the same thing in CR,That being a high speed internet connection to a service provider(ICE?) and a wireless router for WiFi. You then need a wifi card in your laptop.

    in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201088

    Yada,Yada,Yada [b]Camby[/b]

    You should know what happens when you ASSume anything. I do not yet live in CR and I still reside in South Carolina. When you make a blanket statement about Southerners you should MAN UP and be able to take some heat from those you accuse of preaching hate and turning any country into glass. You only make yourself look silly. So next time you want to spew garbage maybe you could tap into that brain of yours before typing away and making such idiotic statements. After all you are a “man of Christ”. If so I ask you WWJD? Hope you find some peace in life. Go ahead and have the last word. Matters not to me.

    in reply to: Visa for Tico to visit U.S. Declined #200630

    The US no-fly list contains only 8,000 to 10,000 names. Right or wrong profiling does exist, but mostly with those associated with Islam. After 9/11 a lot of things changed forever.

    As for Canadians the law was changed last year. Read the following:

    Monday, May 9, 2011 The U.S. – The New No-Fly Zone for Record Holders
    On March 23, 2011, “Bill C-42: An Act to Amend the Aeronautics Act” received Royal assent and became law in Canada. Prior to passage of the amendment, the Aeronautics Act already permitted airline operators to share passenger data with foreign agencies that govern an international flight’s destination. This new amendment extends this information sharing by allowing the airlines to share passenger data with US transportation authorities for any flight that enters US airspace, even if that flight never touches down on US soil.

    So what does this mean for the traveling public in Canada? Practically speaking, it means carriers must comply with the US Secure Flight Program by providing Passenger Name Records (PNRs) to US authorities for passengers ticketed on flights originating in Canada that either enters US airspace or that have an emergency alternate landing site in the US. The PNRs are provided to US authorities 72 hours in advance of departure for the purpose of screening against the Terrorism Screening Center’s No Fly List prior to boarding. If US authorities deem that a passenger represents a security risk, that passenger will be subject to additional screening and may be denied boarding.

    There have already been documented instances of travelers being denied boarding in Canada as a result of this new legislation. Unfortunately there is little that the traveling public can do in advance of departure to ensure they do not run afoul of the new policies. If a passenger has an existing redress number issued by the Department of Homeland Security then providing that information at the time of booking should prevent problems on the day of departure, but for travelers who have never had problems before (and who would therefore not have a redress number), there now exists this additional source of concern that their ability to travel
    domestically or internationally is ultimately at the discretion of the US Government.

    in reply to: Visa for Tico to visit U.S. Declined #200624

    [quote=”Ronny”]This is a bit dated but an interesting read.
    A Canadian family flying direct to Puerto Vallarta from Toronto can now be denied boarding the plane if not pre-approved by the US because they are entering their airspace.
    I know a flight attendant that once mentioned that as soon as a flight enters US airspace, some of the rules change on board, like the number of people that can stand in line at the washrooms for example.[/quote]

    Given what has happened in US airspace I’m glad to comply by their rules. They are in place to protect the passengers.

    in reply to: Drug smuggling in Central America #202842

    [quote=”debbieincr”]Love him or hate him, it is difficult to disagree with what Ortega in Nicaragua says about drugs in the U.S.

    Ortega said the spread of regional drug violence was rooted in the U.S.’ inability to control its drug consumption.

    “Why don’t they concentrate their resources on controlling the consumption of drugs in their country?” he added. “While they continue to fail to control the consumption of drugs, they continue to contaminate and poison this region.”

    From Fridays Tico Times.

    Would you agree or disagree with this?[/quote]

    “Other than the shooting Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?”

    in reply to: Costa Rican Income Tax #200405

    I would be shocked if your earned interest would be tax free. But I don’t know CR tax law.


    in reply to: Negative, Lazy Gringos Blame Everyone Except Themselves! #201075

    [quote=”Camby”][quote=”Johnzane”]For a company called WeLoveCostaRica, you sure spread hate. What else do you mean by publishing this obvious attack on white Americans? In Hawaii, we call them f**king Haoles. But do you see this epithet published in trade publications and websites like this? Of course not. Hawaiians are not about to bite the hands that feed them, and dealing with a few annoying tourists is not going to change that. Paradise is not without it’s snakes, but I’d rather not read about them. Please stop running anymore of these hit pieces, they do nothing to build loyalty to your brand, much less Costa Rica.[/quote]

    Actually, Hawaii should be independant, it was stolen in a USA led coup, buy wealthy American industrialists (Dole fruit people I beleive for one).

    Now, that said, America, the nation I was born, raised and still, live in, does not feed me-actually, much food is imported these days, much like everything else not shipped to commuinist China.

    God does feed me, it is scriptural, look it up-who is in charge? Isaih ch. 30 echoes several psalms in that God, obediance to Him, equals wealth (and not, not some stock option). It equals sustanance.

    Another point, I am a white European-origin (EuroAMerican if you will :roll:) male. I am proud of my Scot and German forefathers. I am very euro-centric, but also, look openly at other cultures.

    I am a traditional (yup, pray the Divine Office, say rosary and go to a Latin Mass) Catholic, hence, much of Costa Rica, though a different flavor/history of Catholicism, I can relate to in many ways. Hence, that, coupled with great weather and nice Ticos, makes CR top on my lists of places to retire to or flee even to.

    America, for decades of neglect, factionalism, partyism,etc,etc is dying.large parts are a war zone in major cities. A nation founded on radical “dont tread on me” liberalism, do whatever you like was the motto basically. Through in Deists and Freemasons, and it was a pot ready to explode and decay…..and now it is….

    My forebearers, when they could not effect change any longer, left… too wish I. I served my country in the “war on crime”, crime won btw. I served 4 yrs as chairman of my states third party,etc,etc.

    It is not hate to point out the obvious and documentable fall of the USA economically and in standard of living. It is not hate to point out the arrogance that the USA, on its own and on behalf of Israel (our undeclared 51st state), in that we tell everyone what to do and by gosh, if they do not do it, we set up false flag operations, bombing churches, schools,etc to get the results we want (for our corporations too). Obviously, you do not really have your eyes open and certainly, do not live in the South, where people actually worhsip, nearly, the military and relish talking about bombing and turning people/nations into glass!.

    Ever see pictures of chidlren after a nuke affects them? or phospherous weapons?…something to cheer about? Bear in mind, most do this from the sfaty of their living rooms, 50-100 lbs over weight and never serving even-fine for your kid to go die for the NWO, or lose a limb, eyes or their minds. After Vietnam, plenty of people thrown like garbage out on the streets as the VA either did not have resources to help them or did not want to report them in the stats…..I had to deal with a few as a cop…..

    No, many of us do not want to play “pretend” or wear rose colored glasses any longer (now, one almsot has to wear blackened). We do not like Patriot Act I and II, and all the other garbage that has been passed since. Not really wanting to be brutalized while a gang of TSA thugs gang rape my wife.

    Yup, give it time and USA will happen.

    So, please, stay in hawaii under the protection of Uncle (TSA-molesting) Sam….for me, want to get the hell out now…..

    Thinking of looking into a neocon directed site, where flag wavers can get rid of me by donating…naw, they are too cheap and too busy reciting jingos and flag waving during their 2 minutes of hate……the real haters, BTW, are neocons and the 98% of AMericans stooging to them…give or take a %[/quote]

    Camby, since I don’t know you I’m trying to reserve judgement on you personally, however you are making it very hard to stay silent with your racist comments about people in the South, I was born and raised in the South and I resent your remarks. For someone who professes to be a follower of Christ you sure seem to harbor a great deal of hate. I also see you tend to post a comment on any post made here which you may or may not know anything about. You said earlier that your brain works faster than you can type. Really? I wish you PEACE and happiness.

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