Forum Replies Created
Participant[quote=”sprite”][quote=”DavidCMurray”]sprite, it is not the case that I “must” read what you write. In fact, in the main I do not which I’m sure you can understand.
Today is a rare exception.
[/quote]Of course, today is an exception.;)
Just as all the other responses have been.[/quote]Actually Sprite, YOU are the exception, and I say that with equal degrees of levity and seriousness!
How else can you explain that both David and I, being at seemingly opposite ends of the political spectrum, each find most of your epistles and diatribes to be meaningless drivel that drone on and on about what seem to many (most) of us to be the same repetitiously mundane issues.
Obviously those issues are very important to you and you host a passionate interest in them, but I’m pretty sure that you are in the minority on this forum as well as in life.
Rather than get into it all over again and end up talking about the political implications of gated communities – here is what I believe:
I honestly believe that if someone (or anyone else that is as intelligent as you obviously are) really, really despises (hates) his/her political system and government as much as you obviously do, then I believe that person could (would) find some way to get out of that country and go live elsewhere. I respect your right to feel like you do and the passion of your belief – but I, and others, have an equal right to disagree with you without the vitriol that is found in many (most) of your entries on this forum which I understand was originated to be about the pros and cons of visiting and living in Costa Rica, not about how much someone hates living elsewhere.
You know where you want to go – so do it, make your break, let it happen! It can’t be that you are hanging around where ever you are hanging around trying to make more money, because you believe that money is worthless and is printed by a government that has no right to tax you and all of it – the government, the money, the taxes, etc. are illegal and immoral. That government and the money they print can’t possibly be the vehicle you plan on using to make your escape – I know you have a better plan that doesn’t involve having money, or its equivalent. The time is now, get out of there – you want to do it, so do it! And then, like many of us, at least you will be in a happier place and will probably find yourself enjoying life more and worrying about things like that far less often.
“Just Do it!”
Participant[quote=”maravilla”]i just did it again and the amount came up.
According to today’s AM Costa Rica, it appears that the deadline is 15-Jan.
Participant[quote=”aguirrewar”]Absolutely right
“But until that happens, please leave the “living here” responses to those of us that actually “live here”.”
My wife is Costa Rican, my oldest son born in CR and I lived (past tense in CR) besides having a house in CR and visiting every year But since I do not live there, I should not comment AT ALL about CR.
Makes perfect SENSE
[/quote]Obviously my comments were intended for those “infrequent and or short term vacationers” that have spent minimal time in country but feel compelled and qualified to provide advice on all subjects dealing with living here. Again, obviously, those that visit regularly and stay for extended periods (to actually experience day to day life in CR) or anyone with your experience(s) in living here in the past is more than qualified to offer that experience and information – so I overlooked that category of “have lived here” or “formally lived here” – my error!
Participant[quote=”davidd”]Well Ladies and gentlemen
being that David Murray is now forum moderator I must bid you all farewell and wish you all a merry Christmas.
Having Him as forum moderator reminds me of a cross between nancy pelosi and Barney frank
:shock::shock::shock:[/quote]I think he has been a Forum Moderator for quite some time already and you see very, very few interruptions or deletions by “the Moderator”.
And, if you are concerned that David is too far to the left for your liking, please rest assured that there are plenty who will feel I am too far to the right! (In the past I have been accused of being just to the right of Attila the Hun!) But I try my hardest to avoid the political discussions on this Forum or with friends. My feelings are that you may have and hold whatever political and religious feelings that suit you, just don’t try anfd force them on me!
But the Moderator’s role is not to control the discussion along the lines of one’s political leaning(s). It is solely to help Scott make sure that no vulgarity, crudeness, threats, personal insults or the like get published, and that people learn to “navigate” the Forum and are directed to existing discussions that may already answer their questions.
I wrote Scott just a few days ago and ask him if there was anyway to redirect the Forum to its original intent which I understood to be helping people learn more about Costa Rica as they plan a move or visit here, helping those of us that are already here gather more information about living here, and sharing resources that will make living here a little easier! I specifically asked Scott if there was anyway to limit all of the political rants and raves (left and right) and warned him that I was beginning to see something even worse than politics being introduced – RELIGION!
Scott responded by asking me if I would like to be a moderator because he is so busy already. I actually never said yes, in fact I responded to his invitation by telling him that I was very busy as well, but I did ask “what does a moderator do and how much time does it take?”
Next thing I know, I be a “Moderator”.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with discussing politics and religion, but I don’t think that was the intent or purpose of the Discussion Forum on [b]We Love Costa Rica[/b]. There are other blogs and forums created solely for those purposes.
So I think it will do all of us well to review the guidelines published by Scott and I would hope that (like David) I seldom have to “moderate” as a Moderator, and I hope everyone sees the value of limiting our entries on the Forum to things about visiting, living (coping) and loving Costa Rica, pro or con.
To each of you, I sincerely hope that you have a great Holiday Season and a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Participant[quote=”camby”][quote=”costaricafinca”][b]camby,[/b] you really shouldn’t comment on something you obviously know nothing about…:roll:[/quote]
Your comments were insulting and if I want a talk-down and spank at my age, can get that from the boss at work.
[/quote][b]or your wife![/b]
Camby, I think I can speak for several other Forum members (whom I have had PM and off-line communications) when I say that what kind of grates on us is that you have spent (as best I can tell) maybe 2-3 weeks total in Costa Rica yet you seem to want to answer almost every post with all this advice and counsel to those other people considering CR as a full or part-time destination.
Your recent post about (loosely quoted, because I don’t have time to explore all of your epistles) “spent a couple of weeks in the Hermossa, Playa del Coco area, really liked it….” was great, and appropriate, and I am sure very much appreciated by the fellow looking to come to CR for the first time. Likewise, your inquiry about the marchamo – good question and I am sure helpful to others.
But when you start posting 15 or 20 posts a day on subjects that involve [b]living here[/b], then that’s when you will get, and deserve, a “talk down” or a verbal “spank”!
Relax a little and give us a break. It is great that you so sincerely want to move to CR and it is unfortunate that your wife feels differently. CR is not for everyone, and I am sure that she has her reasons for not wanting to leave her comfort zone, her family and the US.
Hopefully you will get to visit here more often, or perhaps live here on day – I’m sure that if you were my neighbor we would enjoy some spirited conversations over some “sundowners”. But until that happens, please leave the “living here” responses to those of us that actually “live here”.
December 22, 2012 at 12:17 am in reply to: Wal-Mart: How a retail giant fueled growth with bribes #173588costaricabill
Participant[quote=”VictoriaLST”]The point is, there is no “on the spot fine” – although the handy “Costa Rican Spanish” book tells you how to say it. Asking to pay such a ‘fine’ is just a way of offering a bribe without using the nasty word, ‘bribe’.
So, yes to Costaricabill. There are real bribes.[/quote]
There is a big, BIG difference in paying off a “white shirt” transito officer and “white collar crime” as reported in the article!
Participant[quote=”Doug Ward”][quote=”Scott”]He certainly made a very stupid decision and he paid the ultimate price for that …
My immediate reaction was the horror of his family as they watched their father being mauled to death.
PS. But does this have to do with Costa Rica though? :lol:[/quote]
Well. It’s reminiscent of the taxistas when exiting arrivals with luggage at Juan Santameria. For those who don’t know; that’s an airport a little over an hour from Costa Rica.:wink:[/quote]Actually, it is an airport [b][u]IN[/u][/b] Costa Rica, near the capital city of San Jose, and it can take an hour more or less to drive there from downtown San Jose, depending on the traffic – – – I think that is what Doug Ward meant to say, notwithstanding his comparison of killer lions in Africa to CR taxi drivers trying to make a living …..
I’ve done it in 25 minutes (myself & in taxis), and other times it took almost 2 hours!December 21, 2012 at 3:15 am in reply to: Wal-Mart: How a retail giant fueled growth with bribes #173578costaricabill
Participant[quote=”VictoriaLST”]Bribes? What else is new. :roll:[/quote]
And Victoria, what proof do you have? Have you ever paid a bribe in Costa Rica? And please, don’t start with “no I haven’t but…..”
Like you say, [i]”There is what you think, what you want to believe, everything else….and then there are the facts”[/i], so tell us, is this what you think, or is it what you want to believe or is this a fact?
I’m waiting for the fact(s) mam, just the facts!
December 21, 2012 at 3:08 am in reply to: Wal-Mart: How a retail giant fueled growth with bribes #173577costaricabill
Participant[quote=”aguirrewar”]Wal-Mart de Mexico is a sub-division of the headquarters for Wal-mart in Bentonville, Ark.
W/M de Mexico handles all of the Central and South America operations to include the stores in Costa Rica
IF!!!! this happened in Mexico it also happened in Costa Rica[/quote]
That is really kind of foolish to say without any proof, isn’t it? The story about the small town in Mexico seems to be thoroughly investigated and well documented, yet you are ready to pronounce it as a certain fact that “IF!!! this happened in Mexico it also happened in Costa Rica” with no proof at all. Do you KNOW something that you are not telling us, or is this only conjecture on your part?
If you said “IF!!!! this happened in Mexico it may have (or probably) happened in Costa Rica as well” then I would not question it, but for you to proclaim it with such certainty is a hasty generalization, and wrong!
December 21, 2012 at 2:46 am in reply to: Wal-Mart: How a retail giant fueled growth with bribes #173576costaricabill
I’m sure all of you have seen Star Trek, the Next Generation where all the inhabitants of the Federation can lead lives of success whether you are a klingon or a ferengi or a human, in short, the future is kind of rosy in that you can become a Captain Picard, or an engineer, or an artist, all beneficial to the system, even a traveler, just wondering through the solar system and beyond, or an modern day colonizer of planet Ururu or Onehunglow.
Well it seems that our immediate future has been all planed out by the bankster elite, and is more of us becoming serfs, otherwise known as peasants. It’s turning out more of a Fritz Lang’s Metropolis.
But I didn’t realize this when I was 20, or 30, or 50 years old. I finally wised up to their game and I’m fevereshly (is there such a word) trying a different strategy.
Our Presidents, our Congresses, all our leaders are in on the fix. They are the club. And as George Carlin said. We ain’t in it!
[/quote]Oh no, it appears that Sprite is populating!
[b]This is supposed to be a thread about Walmart! [/b]
Once again we have someone trying to redirect a serious subject into “Star Trek”, “klingons”, “ferengis”, “Captain Picard”, “Ururu”, “Onehunglow”, “banksters” “Metropolis” and of course that most respected philosopher George Carlin. Please try and remember, he was a friggin’ comedian!It is meaningless babble like this that makes me hope that tomorrow really is the end of the world.
December 19, 2012 at 10:39 pm in reply to: Wal-Mart: How a retail giant fueled growth with bribes #173572costaricabill
Participant[quote=”Scott”]We [url=]discussed this here[/url] initially in April but the story has become much bigger.
You can see the new article by Josh Haner and Brent McDonald in the New York Times link below.
[url=]The Bribery Aisle: How Wal-Mart Used Payoffs to Get Its Way in Mexico[/url]
Scott [/quote]
A long article but very interesting, and sad.
at one time, maybe still, Malta had a law that you could not tax inherited property-not sure if that mean only home or, home+ buisness.again, things may have changed and not sure about money inherited, might have been a limit…..either way, recalling reading some yrs ago the law there and was surprised how much better it was then the USA, and they have a national healthcare to boot.
Likely, might change as savings eatne up and things morepricey now they joined the EU…..and the Euro, well……[/quote]My man Camby, you are on a role today!! Too many post to count and I am sure you aren’t through yet.
I guess you are on holiday, you certainly (in good conscious) could not be spending this much time “at work” on WLCR.
Anyway, not my point, which actually is [b]SOUNDS LIKE YOU MAY HAVE FOUND YOUR PARADISE! [/b] Maybe it is Malta for you and your bride. Has she taken you there yet to check it out? You said she probably won’t be coming back to CR, so I assume that means you won’t either! I’m not being critical, just realistic – I’m happy that you married well. If only I had been so lucky I would not have had to put in 45 years of toiling to get to the point of retirement.
I’m sure she is a wonderful lady and you are lucky to have her. So, it looks like Malta may well be the place for y’all to grab your piece of paradise – write and let us know how you like it. You are indeed a lucky man!
December 19, 2012 at 7:38 pm in reply to: Wal-Mart: How a retail giant fueled growth with bribes #173571costaricabill
Participant[quote=”camby”]Sort of goes well with the current debate on the taxes/inheritance thred…..[/quote]
duh, huh??
Participant[quote=”Sailor”]Because of my many trips to Brazil, I have been declared legally blind. Heaven help the males of the species, if Ticas adopt the same sting attire.[/quote]
Have you spent much time at the Guanacaste beaches? We have several here in our little area that would compare favorably, and oh how I would like the opportunity to be the judge!
Show me how the Income Tax is an appropriated tax and I will shut up. Otherwise, I think you should look closely at your state of mind. You suffer from a normalcy bias. You have been taught to scream “nut job” at any contradiction to the lies that have been instilled in you.[/quote]Sprite, do the banksters or the cabal pay for the construction and maintenance of the federal highway system, the air traffic control system, the military purchases and paychecks, NASA, federal grants, reimbursements to States for education, food stamps, unemployment benefits, healthcare for the needy, and on and on?
Take a look at any (every) State budget and see just how much money comes back to the States from the [b]federal government.[/b] It is a big part of every state budget!
Have you been listening? There is a big argument going on about “federal spending”. It’s all over the news, even in the main stream media. Surely you have heard about it!
Ooops, you probably don’t read or listen to the news, do you.
With your way of thinking they could cut out a lot of the hassle by just sending the freshly printed money straight to the banksters or the cabal or the IMF – why do they ever put it into circulation?