Forum Replies Created
Participant[quote=”Scott”]I LOVE BBQs but I do have a trip planned for late January so please let me know when….
PS. That’s “if” I’m invited of course ….[/quote]
Scott, of course you are invited and we will schedule the festivities solely around your availabilty. Somehow it may have slipped by you, but we all assumed that you were to be the “named sponsor” of this First Annual “WLCR Meet & Greet” event, with your other volunteer duties to include helping David with the landscaping and gardening for a few days before we all show up, serving as event parking coordinator, master of ceremonies, videographer, chief correspondent for the Spanish speaking dailies, assistant chef (to Jim S), chief bartender (with recipe and direction from David), food service director, and designated driver.
Of course, in exchange for allowing the rest of us to enjoy the afternoon and optional sleep over at David’s (did I mention your pillow fluffing duties?) we will gladly allow you to have a “tip jar” to do our part in raising money for your new business endeavor, “Project Ignacio”. In fact, I bet you could set up a booth and allow those that wanted to make a small donation the opportunity to have their pictures taken with a cardboard cutout of Ignacio (you said he was camera shy) and then get 5 minutes of private investment advice from the man himself, and I am speaking of Ignacio himself.
It really looks like it is all coming together nicely!
ParticipantOK, this is getting interesting!
It looks like we will need to hire a “nurse” that specializes in the “4-hour problem”, and probably need to rent some “porta-johns” as well!
David’s proposed “Mixer Mix” sounds interesting, and enticing. I imagine you can use gin, vodka, rum or guaro with equal results. We will probably need 5-6 melons to get the mixture just right.
I’m still waiting to hear from Jim S about the BBQ!
Happy Halloween!
Participant[quote=”costaricafinca”][b]costaricabill[/b] I didn’t mean for anyone to think that ‘our’ Guanacaste beaches are only reached via bumpy roads, but was trying to point out that some that are popular with the younger set may be harder to access and that for them this is not a concern until they get older….[/quote]
I re-read it and now get your point, which is well made. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
ParticipantNot all of Guanacaste is full of gringos, and not all of Guanacaste is dusty bumpy roads. I can drive all the way from the airports in San Jose or Liberia to my home in Samara without ever touching an unpaved road, unless there are landslides on the main highways – and we all know that NEVER happens on the roads to the Carribean coast except maybe 4-5 days a week!
And the population of Samara is a very comfortable mix of gringos and Ticos, with very attractive pricing conditions right now for homes and/or property.
But seriously, as others have said it is much better to rent first and try several different locations to find what suits you best. Remember, living in CR is both an adventure to a new and different lifestyle, and a journey to determine what you really NEED to live comfortably versus what you WANT to live comfortably …… and it takes time to find out!
Welcome to Pura Vida and good luck on your adventure and your journey!
ParticipantSprite [quote=”Quotes warning about shadow government have been made by presidents Jefferson, Wilson, Lincoln, Eisenhower and Kennedy to name a few. If those people were crackpots, I need to hear your definition of crackpot.[/quote]
Sprite, I never mentioned “crackpot” – I believe that reference may have been an unintentional self-inflicted wound. But rather than make unsupported, outlandish claims about quotes by past presidents (which have absolutely no relevance to this discussion) why don’t you ACTUALLY provide the quotes from each source that you cite? And please don’t forget the other presidents you reference when you say “to name a few”.
I doubt it. Obama is part of the same power infrastructure that selected Bush. I have nothing but criticism for all of them.[/quote]Now it’s starting to make sense….Sprite the conspiritorial heathen brings it all into perspective:
When Obama blames Bush, he is actually blaming himself. I can’t believe I didn’t figure that out sooner! Apparently Pelosi is not part of the “power infrastructure” that elected both Bush and Obama, because she hasn’t figured it out either.
I guess we’ll see W and George Souros sharing a Texas BarBQ sandwich almost any day now.
Participant[quote=”gallinj”]This kind of warning does not seem to deter Canadians from travelling to Florida … especially now that the Canadian dollar is at par with US dollar and predicted to go even higher this winter.[/quote]
What a great comparison – – and I can assure you that having lived in Tampa for over 22 years prior to our move here – that kind of warning DOES NOT deter the Canadians from traveling to Florida!!
Participantquote=”sprite”]I think if I were strapped to a chair with my eye lids taped open and forced to watch streaming video, I would prefer a Spanish novela over a any sports game. I never understood the fascination with watching males play with balls…..[/quote]
oops sorry!
Sprite The Heathen – please, just let me be the one to strap you in and tape your eyelids open – I promise to put the TV on a “fair & balanced” program for you to watch, and thanks again for supporting the young men & women that make up our military through your tax dollars.At the risk of agreeing with you, I agree that we should not have our military in 172 countries around the world, nor do I think we should be supporting all of those countries with foreign aid. We could solve many, many domestic problems with those $$. We could even build a fence along the southern border and help stop the illegal immigration problem, but we would have to put a gate in it to return those that are caught – would that make the entire US a “gated community”.
Of course from your earlier epistles I am confident that you prefer an open door policy!
Participant[quote=”larrythehat”][quote=”sprite”]I think if I were strapped to a chair with my eye lids taped open and forced to watch streaming video, I would prefer a Spanish novela over a any sports game. I never understood the fascination with watching males play with balls…..[/quote]
Then don’t watch it.[/quote]costaricabill
ParticipantI downloaded the program and clicked on a channel – after about 30 seconds it stops streaming and a message comes on that says “We have exceeded our streaming capacity to your country – please purchase the premium package, click here” – or something to that effect.
happened twice.costaricabill
ParticipantYou can find it here:
NC up 14-3 at halftime[/quote]Do you need to purchase the “premium package”?
ParticipantHow do you know they are missionaries- can you tell by their “position”?
ParticipantLotus – all valid points and well worth repeating!
Participant[quote=”Versatile”]After reading a lot of these threads it is very easy for me to come to the conclusion that there are many expats that are “OUT THERE”![/quote]
You are definately correct that some of the authors on this forum are “OUT THERE” – but remember, not all of them (thankfully) are expats, at least not in the true sense of the word. Although they may not have relocated physically, it is apparent that some may have become “expatriates to reality”.
ParticipantSprite the Heathen –
you must really be having a bad day, or days, or weeks or life!I can find very little, if anything, in any of your posts that is ever positive. With respect to your most recent diatribe, think about almost every business (restaurant, bank, appliance store, grocery store, condo building, garden shop, furniture store, etc.) you see not only in San Jose, Escazu, Santa Ana, Heredia, etc.) that you see – 90% or more have armed guards either inside or outside, and probably half the owners or managers have a gun under their desks – Is that because they have a “gringo gated community attitude?”
I have even seen churches that have armed guards outside!
Then, as twinzor1 says, take a look at the preponderance of homes (from the shanties to the mansions) that have invested in razor wire, knife-sharp fences, broken glass embedded in the top of stone fences, etc. Some of these folks have obviously spent as much or more trying to protect their homes as the spent to buy their home – Is that because they have a “gringo gated community attitude?”
In one post today you write “to each his own.” Then you criticize others for the way they choose to live, where they choose to live and why they choose to live that way!
Go back and read some of the truly absurd things you write some times – maybe you are doing it solely to try and get a rise out of me or others – if not, I hope you get help, and soon. If not, I fear that before long you’ll be living behind a locked gate, not by choice and not in a community! If so, I hope you and Nurse Ratchett get along well!