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  • in reply to: Furniture shopping help #168683

    [quote=”sweikert925″]I’m in the VERY early stages of making that decision, but at this point I have come up with a few general criteria: Within 90 minutes of the airport; somewhere where the climate is even so that I would never (or at least rarely) need either a/c or heat; within a few miles of a decent sized town that has good shopping, dining and health clinic; within a mile or 2 of a major highway. Also, as far away as possible from one of the participants of this message board. (You can probably guess which one).

    I am intrigued by the idea of buying a lot and building my own house on it but a little leery of the additional complications that might arise from that. But that’s one of the things that I expect to learn a lot more about this fall (see below).

    I did like Grecia and Sarchi but those are the only 2 towns of any size (other than San Jose (ugh!)) that I have visited so far. I liked the Arenal area too but didn’t much like the town that my hotel there was close to – can’t remember the name of it.

    I will be taking the George Lundquist tour this autumn so I imagine that will help me to narrow my focus. Given my preferences where would you recommend?[/quote]

    The areas you mentioned would be great as would Atenas, or up near the lake at La Fortuna, Tiliran, Tronadorra areas.

    in reply to: Furniture shopping help #168681

    [quote=”sweikert925″]Thanks. So probably not a good idea to bring my wool orientals with me then. Dang, I paid quite a bit for those and I hate bare floors. There’s no anti-mildew stuff that might work available? Breakage wouldn’t seem to be an issue.

    I don’t plan on bringing any furniture with me other than artwork, electronic gizmos, office furniture (desk and bookcases), lamps and a few decorative things like vases, etc.[/quote]

    sweikert –
    when you make the move to CR, where will you be moving to? do you already have a place or property here?

    in reply to: Furniture shopping help #168679

    Leather up by the lake? Are you sure about that? :-)[/quote]

    I was going to ask the same question about leather down near the beach???

    in reply to: Furniture shopping help #168677

    [quote=”Rf2cr”]We are looking for a high quality leather sofa & love seat, traditional (not modern) styling. Any suggestions on where to start looking? We are trying to limit our search time to one overnighter.

    All assistance gratefully accepted.[/quote]

    Try La Artistica, we have bought a few things there and been very pleased.


    Perhaps “Her Swiekert” may want to try and clean up Chicago before tackling Central America. Maybe like William Walker Sweikert has bit off more than he can chew!

    I am not aware of any ally he has found so far (at least on this Forum) so it may be an uphill struggle, but if he can find a way to relax (or pharmaceuticals to help) then I wish him the very best!


    [quote=”imxploring”][quote=”costaricabill”][quote=”sweikert925″]I think you’re being too pessimistic. The Nicaraguans threw the Sandanistas out once before and I suspect they will eventually do so again. Any new right wing government is then more likely to cozy back up the US, or at least become somewhat less cozy to the Chinese.[/quote]

    Sweikert – you are showing, once again, your lack of knowledge with how things are done and what is happening and what has happened in Central American countries – in this case, Nicaragua.
    Are you aware that the Nicaragua Constitution precluded a president from succeeding him/herself? Are you aware that Ortega has run in every presidential election since 1984 and he is now in his second term having been re-elected in 2011.

    How did that happen? Simple…..
    [i]During an interview with David Frost for the Al Jazeera English programme Frost Over The World in March 2009, Ortega suggested that he would like to change the constitution to allow him to run again for president.[49] In Judicial Decision 504, issued on October 19, 2009, the Supreme Court of Justice of Nicaragua declared portions of Articles 147 and 178 of the Constitution of Nicaragua inapplicable; these provisions concerned the eligibility of candidates for President, Vice-President, Mayor, and Vice-Mayor.[50] For this decision, the Sandinista magistrates formed the required quorum by excluding the opposition magistrates and replacing them with Sandinista substitutes, violating the Nicaraguan constitution.[51] The decision was widely denounced by the opposing parties, the church and human rights groups in Nicaragua.[/i]

    October 19, 2009 was on a Monday – Ortega had called the Supreme Court of Justice into session on Sunday the 18th (with advance planning of course) and had them change the Constitution!

    So don’t start spouting off about “The Nicaraguans threw the Sandanistas (sic) out once before and I suspect they will eventually do so again” without any knowledge of how things CAN’T get done.

    Once he saw how Hugo did it in Venezuela, he took good notes and followed the same pathway.[/quote]

    Same game the former president (another Hugo clone) of Honduras tried a few years back. Unfortunately for him he telegraphed his moves and the folks in his country (including the Supreme court and military) were smart enough and saw where it was headed and put a quick stop to it! They loaded him on a plane at gun point and shipped him off for a involuntary vacation in CR. It was funny when he showed up in CR wearing pajamas and slippers claiming he wasn’t trying to do what everyone knew he was!

    I remember the conversations we had here at that time! Such good times! LOL[/quote]

    I remember as well – it brought back hilarious memories that Swiekert remembers as well….. or not!


    [quote=”sweikert925″]I think you’re being too pessimistic. The Nicaraguans threw the Sandanistas out once before and I suspect they will eventually do so again. Any new right wing government is then more likely to cozy back up the US, or at least become somewhat less cozy to the Chinese.[/quote]

    Sweikert – you are showing, once again, your lack of knowledge with how things are done and what is happening and what has happened in Central American countries – in this case, Nicaragua.
    Are you aware that the Nicaragua Constitution precluded a president from succeeding him/herself? Are you aware that Ortega has run in every presidential election since 1984 and he is now in his second term having been re-elected in 2011.

    How did that happen? Simple…..
    [i]During an interview with David Frost for the Al Jazeera English programme Frost Over The World in March 2009, Ortega suggested that he would like to change the constitution to allow him to run again for president.[49] In Judicial Decision 504, issued on October 19, 2009, the Supreme Court of Justice of Nicaragua declared portions of Articles 147 and 178 of the Constitution of Nicaragua inapplicable; these provisions concerned the eligibility of candidates for President, Vice-President, Mayor, and Vice-Mayor.[50] For this decision, the Sandinista magistrates formed the required quorum by excluding the opposition magistrates and replacing them with Sandinista substitutes, violating the Nicaraguan constitution.[51] The decision was widely denounced by the opposing parties, the church and human rights groups in Nicaragua.[/i]

    October 19, 2009 was on a Monday – Ortega had called the Supreme Court of Justice into session on Sunday the 18th (with advance planning of course) and had them change the Constitution!

    So don’t start spouting off about “The Nicaraguans threw the Sandanistas (sic) out once before and I suspect they will eventually do so again” without any knowledge of how things CAN’T get done.

    Once he saw how Hugo did it in Venezuela, he took good notes and followed the same pathway.

    in reply to: CAJA Costs #161564

    ………. If you are already drawing your monthly payout from SSA, you still will be to get your official letter at the Embassy. The letter they send you for your award in the States will not do it. It is not what the Costa Rica government requires………[/quote]

    When I submitted my documents for residency 3 years ago I included the regular benefits “form letter” from the US SSA stating that I was eligible to apply for SSA and what the monthly amount would be. At the time, that letter was 3 years old. It was accepted by the Consul in DC and Migracion in San Jose.

    Has something changed?


    Scott –
    ¿Qué ha pasado?
    Your post and my response both disappeared. Let’s be fair to all.

    in reply to: CAJA Costs #161561

    [quote=”ratus”]Thanks for the reply…..hhmmmm, need to come up with a new plan. We have 1 pension in one name, that pension is 3000 a month.[/quote]

    Good luck – I don’t know how you will get around that one! Be creative!

    in reply to: CAJA Costs #161559

    [quote=”ratus”]Greetings all, we have been searching the net and this site for a definitive answer as to how much does CAJA cost? I have read that it is based on income, but I CAN’T seem to find the percentage that is used. I saw 13% but that seems high ….if for example you have a 3000 a month pension do you pay $390 a month? Is that for a couple?

    Ratus – Sorry, I can’t give you a definitive answer because from what I can tell the amount they charge is (a) either somewhat arbitrary, or (b) changes every so often with new regulations or interpretation of existing regulations.

    Our total amount for the two of us is about 6.1% of the amount detailed in my Social Security benefits letter, but I have a cadre of friends that I have discussed this with and we have determined that some are as low as 4.5% and others that are as high as 7.5%.

    What I can tell you, assuming you are applying for residency and the CAJA as a pensionado, is that you want to prove that you meet the $1,000/month requirement with the lowest amount required. What I am trying to say is if you have 2 or more pensions, only use the lowest one that meets the requirement when you submit your documents for residency. Say you have a company pension of $1,900/month and Social Security benefits of $1,100/month, then only submit the $1,100/month benefits letter from Social Security.

    As I understand it, the Migracion attorneys used to write the “Resolution” stating that you met the monthly requirement for residency requirements, but now they actually state the amount that you will be receiving as shown in whatever documentation you provide to Migracion, and that is the amount that CAJA will use to calculate your monthly fee.

    Another consideration – only one spouse need actually apply for residency and the other spouse can “coat tail” on the spouse that is applying, so if you are married and your spouse gets has a retirement and/or Social Security and it is less than yours but still above $1,000, then use that retirement benefit document as the basis for your application.

    Again, sorry to not answer your specific question, but maybe this will help.



    PS: Scott: STOP editing my posts, If you do it to ME!!! you do it to others and it ain’t FUNNY[/quote]

    I – and the other Moderators – will edit any post we feel requires editing and when you start going on about about the trash you come across in Costa Rica when the thread is clearly about the possible Nicaragua and Panama canal, I’ll delete it.


    PS. I agree it probably would not happen in Nicaragua in 100 years …

    PPS. We do occasionally edit other posts but you could not possibly know that, could you….
    [/quote]Scott I find it appalling when you and your band of moderators edit peoples post when they don’t agree with your views. If a post is obscene and out of line I would agree with you. But just to play moderator police just because they don’t conform to your beleifs is total censorship.[/quote]

    For the record – I am one of Scott’s moderators and I have never modified or deleted a post, any posts!
    I may offer my comments or opinion about your post or debate what you say, but thus far I have not found it necessary to “moderate”. As far as I know, there is only one other “moderator” and I think he is prone to sit on the sidelines as am I. What Scott decides to do is his decision – after all, it is HIS website & forum!


    [quote=”davidd”]The Chinese are actually smarter when it comes to giving out money

    they know that giving $$$ to costa rica directly would likely be misdirected

    so they build a stadium instead or donate a bridge, etc

    better publicity and also put some Chinese to work so they got a double bang for the buck.

    can you imagine how long it would have taken costa rica to build that stadium if the money was given to them directly LOL

    the U.S. just throws money at everything. this is how they try to buy loyalty.

    and there is also always a price and that usually is never known until in the future.


    The Chinese also got the fishing rights to fish within 12 miles off of the pacific coast of costa rica – and figure that into your price that “usually is never known until in the future”.

    Panama’s fishing limit is 200 miles, Nicaragua is (I believe) 50 miles off of the coast. Costa Rica has huge purse seiner factory ships 12 miles off of the coast!!

    Have you noticed what has happened to the availability of – and price of – seafood in Costa Rica over the past 3-4 years??

    Have you heard anything about the decrease in the sport fishing industry in Costa Rica over the past few years?

    Do you have any idea what the effect on the Costa Rica economy is from allowing the Chinese fishing fleet to operate within 12 miles of our coast?? How many local jobs have been effected – not just the guys willing to hire on as commercial fisherman, but
    the guys in the port that unload the bounty,
    that transport the bounty,
    that clean the bounty,
    that sell the bounty,
    that prepare the bounty,
    that cook the bounty.
    that serve the bounty,
    those of us that buy the bounty!!

    the effect is up and down the economy!

    How much was your casado con pescado 4 years ago versus the price today? How often does your favorite restaurant have fresh atun today versus 4 years ago, and when they do have it, what is the price difference?

    I’m sure the Chinese President enjoyed his coffee in the morning, but I’m sure he enjoyed his shark fin soup and fresh tuna even more in the evening!

    Way to go, don oscar!

    in reply to: Obamacare and living overseas in Costa Rica #204585

    Sweikert –
    Take a few deep breaths and relax, man. I can picture you just pounding away at your keyboard …. thump, thump, wham, wham, bang, bang!!

    With that degree of angst, Costa Rica may not be your cup of tea. For the most part, those of us that are already here left that attitude at the border or stateside.

    It seems to me that you are ready to pppppounce on just about any comment, statement or opinion, armed with the power of the internet to find a “fact” or “opinion” that backs you up.

    So what? There are always other “facts” and “opinions” that will take the other side. Just because it is on the internet doesn’t mean that it is cast in stone.

    Ask Al Gore – he’ll say the same thing and he invented the damn thing!

    Give it a break!
    Breathe…… relax…… tranquilo!

    in reply to: Cost of Living – Electricity Bills in Costa Rica #163561

    [quote=”Dodiefae”]We own a 1400 sq ft. bedroom condo in Playa Flamingo that we rent out. Since Dec. 2012, our monthly bills have ranged anywhere between $550 and $887. We weren’t prepared for this financial hit! I don’t know if renters have the AC at full blast with balcony doors open or what! But the kilowatt usage is 4x as much as our usage in a single family home last August in the mid-Atlantic states. Any suggestions?:x[/quote]

    Obviously, the renters are staying nice & cool – at your expense!

    What some folks do in our area is provide an “allowance” for electricity of, say, $250 or $300 per month, and then when you rent the unit out you also collect a “utility deposit” of $300 or so. Anything over the “allowance” would be deducted from the utility deposit.

    Of course this would have to be spelled out quite clearly in your rental agreement, and if it a long term rental (several months) the renters would have to replenish the utility deposit if you have to use any of it to pay amounts over the allowance amount.

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