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  • in reply to: Condos near Liberia #203499

    Right now I’m working on location. Next will be the specific complex.
    Any advice would be welcome![/quote]

    Did you review this?

    in reply to: The Number Of Gringos Living in Costa Rica #167499

    Who are these banksters who consider retirees as “useless eaters”? The people who run banks will cater to any group of people who have money and the age group that collectively has the most money saved up are the elderly. Seems to me that bankers look at the elderly as favored customers and very useful people indeed.[/quote]

    Sweikert –
    as a relative “newbie” on this forum, it is obvious tht you are not aware of Sprites utter disdain for most things USA, especially the financial & economic structures. Before you get too far along in trying to debate “banksters” with Sprite, you might best be advised to search some of Sprites past epistles regarding “banksters”.
    If you choose to continue, be prepared to spend endless hours of trying to change “Sprites World” with no hope of succeeding.

    in reply to: Diesel fuel in Sardinal #201269

    [quote=”ratus”]Can anyone tell me, if the gas station in Sardinal, has diesel fuel available? We are looking at at a VW TDi and dont want to drive 100km for fuel:shock:[/quote]

    Not sure which “Sardinal” your are talking about, but if it is the one in Guanacaste (versus Punta Renas), please indulge the following comments:

    I will admit up front that I have not visited all of the “La Bombas” in Costa Rica or even those in Guanacaste, but everyone I have been to sells diesel. And Guanacaste/Sardinal is only 7km from Highway 21 and I am pretty sure you will find a fuel station (including diesel) within 10-15km either way.

    Many, many people have a much longer hike than that!

    in reply to: cell phone cards? #200948

    [quote=”njackson”]I hear that you can purchase some sort of card or chip to put into your cell phone so that you can make international calls/texts across the miles. Is that so, and is it affordable? Do I go to Verizon to amend my contract or what?[/quote]

    If you take a minute and click on “Search” in the white field above, then type “cell phone” in the box where it says “search terms” you will find dozens of entries on this subject, many of which deal your question.

    in reply to: Costa Rica #5 best spot to retire #199538

    I think it’s Gollo, but anyway, the next time you are in one of their stores look closely at the price tags. You can buy just about anything they see on credit – – but it is 43% annual finance charge (interest). They know that a typical Tico can’t save up $600 to buy a washing machine or TV, but they also know that “to keep up with the neighbors” that same Tico family will buy these things on credit and be in debt for years and years.

    in reply to: INS, private health insurance #198936

    [quote=”barbara ann”]Does anyone know if there is an age limit on acquiring private health insurance in costa rica and if they have pre existing conditions in their requirements?[/quote]

    yes, and yes.

    Check with the INS agent on the age limit, but I know they have exclusions for some pre-existing conditions, like “cardio vascular” and “pulmonary”.

    I thought last week you were asking about the cost of moving back to the US.

    Hopefully that has changed and you are staying here, but if not, you can get an INS “International Policy” that will cover you in the States, but it only pays the costs (rates) that are applicable in CR.

    in reply to: Costa Rica’s Western (Pacific) Coast #172871

    [quote=”Corpexec”]What do you think of the peninsula area South of the Liberia / Canton area? Have been looking at costal property for a small hotel. Interested in any comments regarding the area.[/quote]

    I presume you are talking about the Nicoya Peninsula …. if so, that is a huge area with many variables. There are plenty of small hotels available for sale, and right now buying existing can be a lot less expensive than building, so unless you have “a better mousetrap” you may want to look at what is available to be purchased, refurbished and operated more efficiently & professionally.

    As Scott said, we can offer more specific information if you are willing to better define your area of interest and goals.

    in reply to: 20% higher rainfall predicted in 2013 than 2012. #170034

    Here is my take on the subject:
    1. Either Sweikert925 really has a lot of books (see his photo) or his picture was taken at the library! Plus he has links to web sites that he feels support his position.
    2. jmcbuilber also has a lot of links to web sites that he feels support his position.
    3. I don’t think these two guys like each other and it is obvious that they will never convince the other to change their mind.
    4. We had a very nice, refreshing rain last night along the central Nicoya Pacific coast.
    5. Today is a bright blue sunny day.
    6. Why don’t you two guys take this off of the forum and communicate directly (use PM, exchange emails, Skype each other, etc.)?

    in reply to: The Number Of Gringos Living in Costa Rica #167466

    So I guess we could generalize and say that counting gringos in Costa Rica is like counting illegal immigrants in the U.S. – – – nobody knows!

    in reply to: The Number Of Gringos Living in Costa Rica #167464

    [quote=”costaricafinca”][b]sweikert925[/b] Registering at the US Embassy is only a requirement of approx 2 years ago. So, when one applied before then, it was optional. Canadians are also ‘requested’ to register’ at their Embassy[/quote]

    As for as the US is concerned, registering is still optional. This is from the US Department of State web site….

    [i][/i][b][u]Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)[/u]
    The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service provided by the U.S. Government to U.S. citizens who are traveling to, or living in, a foreign country.
    STEP allows you to enter information about your upcoming trip abroad so that the Department of State can better assist you in an emergency.

    STEP also allows Americans residing abroad to get routine information from the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate.[/b]

    in reply to: It takes a community #203321

    [quote=”davidd”]why would you comment on a deleted topic??? just curious?[/quote]

    perhaps the comment has more significance and validity than did the original topic!

    W-41 recalls the community spirit that those of us in our age bracket grew up in & with, and it just wasn’t in the rural areas. I grew up in urban Houston, and it was the same there – almost every adult looked after you, and in most cases you respected almost every adult.

    Sadly, you can’t say that anymore!

    in reply to: Which Costa Rica beach areas would you recommend? #199016

    [quote=”costaricafinca”]Here is a link to the publication of [url=]the safe and not so safe beaches[/url]. Take this info with a pinch of sea salt.[/quote]

    costaricafinca is 100% right to say – [b]”Take this info with a pinch of sea salt.”[/b]

    If you read the accompanying narrative it has little to do with “crime” and more to do with proximity to medical facilities! To wit:

    [i]”Some of the conditions taken into account in the report are the proximity to medical clinics (known as EBAIS in Costa Rica), access to emergency services like ambulance and fire and police protection. Gutiérrez explains they took into account “real potential dangers”, like if the beach has a defined evacuation route.”[/i]

    I’m sure that others will chime in to defend their areas, but as far as our neighbor, Playa Carrillo, is concerned I can assure you that both Samara & Carrillo have EBAIS clinics, a police station, ambulance service (like anywhere else in CR, be prepared to wait a while) and both communities have a defined evacuation route: It is simply stated – If a tsunami warning – “GO UP!”, if an earthquake is happening “GO OUTSIDE!” Both worked well on Sept 5th during one of the top 5 earthquakes in the world last year!!!!

    I would suggest that this article and listing is seriously flawed. A couple of the “safer” beach areas are only accessible by boat, so how is there any “defined evacuation route” in the face of a Tsunami? Sure, some of the more developed, more populated, more “condo’d”, more touristy areas may have better medical and a “defined evacuation route” (for what the study doesn’t say), but please read what the original poster is asking about and looking for.

    in reply to: Which Costa Rica beach areas would you recommend? #199012

    Please check your “Inbox” for a Private Message (PM) I just sent to you. The “Inbox” link is at the top of this page, just under the orange banner line.
    Good Hunting!

    in reply to: Obama to visit Costa Rica #173963

    I don’t really give a hoot about the birth certificate flap. There are plenty of photoshop experts that have suggested that it is a “constructed document”, but I think he is doing a lot of other things that concern me more.

    First on my list is that he decided to really screw up my day on May 2nd by flying into San Jose! My wife flies back to SJO on that same day and I can just imagine what the traffic is going to be like around the airport before, during and after his arrival – both vehicular traffic and the scheduled air traffic.

    Of course the other solution might be to contact the White House and ask if it is possible that they make a quick stop in Florida to pick up my wife. Even with all the news about how much it costs for Air Force 1 each time it takes off, King Obama doesn’t seem to care, so I’ll give him a call and ask – it can’t hurt. Even if he says no, maybe I can convince him to agree not to disrupt the scheduled arrival of Jet Blue flight #1695.


    Ah, but for a look at actual facts, see the following article from Industry Week, a source that actually knows what it’s talking about . . .

    David – You should know that this is no time to be using actual facts as a scare tactic! False claims and rumors work much better!

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