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Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]Here’s the link to George Lundquist’s website:
Any Spanish you can learn will be a big step forward. Just don’t underestimate how much there is to it. A fair number of Costa Ricans speak some English, and they are very patient and accommodating, so getting along won’t be terribly difficult if you’re not fluent in Spanish. Still, learn all you can.
Much of the Central Valley, the Grecia area included, is hilly. Only you can determine how easily you’ll be able to get around. Maybe some time at one of the local gyms will help.
Yes, most of our needs can be met locally. We do shop some in Alajuela and Escazu, and we get some of our medical care in Escazu, too. Some of that is by choice.
Oh! And taxis are everywhere. Getting around by cab will not present a problem.[/quote]
here is an excellent site top begin with regarding spanish. I am an angel investor and own a small tiny part of this company based on some really cool ideas.
it’s free by the way.
Member[quote=”crhomebuilder”]Costa Rica is the only country where there are five functioning renewable energy facilities and it’s the epicenter of sustainable energy. With more than 90% of its electricity generated from renewable energy sources and goals to reach 95% by 2014, Costa Rica is without a doubt one of the greenest countries on the planet.[/quote]
thank for that info. I did NOT know that to that extent.
i am now in the process of putting together a hybrid system solar and wind.
which should be done by the end of the year.
for some reason everytime I break away from a government utility it makes me smile ๐
last year I put in a well and cut off my ties with the water company. crooks that they are. ๐
next will be energy
then a certain %% of food
October 11, 2012 at 5:52 pm in reply to: Investigative data journalism at Costa Rica’s La Naciรณn #164478davidd
thats refreshing, most Western news agencies are on auto-pilot and take orders from Big Biz/Big Govt…..Nice to see…I know they try to do this in the East, but Russia as an example, they often dont live long….
One has to weed and discern through alternative media and pseudo-alternative..[/quote]
this is very interesting because I also came across this article and had a conference call with 2 of my attornies regarding legalities of this very thing.
costa rica as a general rule is very new to the digital world and is quickly embracing this type of delivery.
problem is they leave themselves very open to this type of abuse. look at the power that this already yielded to a private new organization which in my opinion is already powerful enough in this country.
can you imagine.. the exploitation
they hire programmers to scrape personal information from public sites which goverment leaves wide open.
heck.. Scott I can scrape info on you and get all your immigration information from the major goverment sites.
what houses you own.
get information on S.A.s using your cedula number.
can you see where this could lead to.registry information.
this could lead to identity theft which is already rampant in the States.
La Nacion can use this to further whatever agenda they feel is necessary
most recently was the goverment officials that resigned because of the taxes on property.
very grey area here.
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”][quote=”hakesp”]Where is it “posed” that delinquency, default, foreclosure or short sale will be criminalized? [/quote]
Actually, this has already begun and it’s been reported in the popular press.
In Illinois (I think), debtors in default are being sued in court for collection, but they are not being effectively notified of the suits, so they don’t appear. In the absence of the defendant, a judgement is entered against them. Then the debtor sues to collect, the defendant is again not effectively notified and doesn’t appear, and a criminal warrant is issued.
In effect, the debtor is being jailed for non-payment of a judgement of which s/he was not even aware.
(By the way, this same tactic has been used for years, in Michigan and elsewhere, against parents who are delinquent in their child support payments.)[/quote]
scary times indeed. I am also noticing more police aggressiveness to citizens more so thank before.
I seen a video of a guy who a cop from NYC just took his camera and beat him up. luckily a different cell phone caught the act
it seems unless its caught on video.. there is no recourse for the victim.
[b]question: should there be any correlation to america being the free nation in the world which also has the highest incarceration rate?[/b]
Member[quote=”camby”][quote=”Scott”] [url=]Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven:[/url][/quote]
thought this was interesting and telling:
“Islam forbids the charging of interest, a major problem for the Rothschild banking system. Until a few hundred years ago, charging interest was also forbidden in the Christian world and was even punishable by death. It was considered exploitation and enslavement.”In Catholic Social Teaching, its called Usury and it still is on the books as wrong and sinful, though 99% of Catholics either do not know it or, care….part of sins that cry out for vengeance…
you can also add that in the one instance ( correct me if I am wrong) in the bible when Jesus got angry was driving the money changers out of town
am I right on this??
Member[quote=”watchdog”]You are required to register with your home country Embassy when applying for Residency in CR, regardless of your nationality.[/quote]
yes that is true
BUT this has not always been the case.
maybe in the last few years.
good points
do you actually think I am using my IP location when I post on this board??
or do you really think I am using my real name??? or my email address.
David porfavor.. this is the internet it’s a dangerous place and you should
use your real pictures or any personal information on the internet. whether its facebook, gmail, etc etc.
It’s incredible to actually see people just leave so much personal information on themselves with all the identity theft and undesirables that look to harm other people. this is a fact.
so I can speak “freely” and “truthfully” without any repercussions.
and I don’t feel I am cynical about corruption.
[b]It’s just there[/b]
so whether or not you or I believe it’s not
it still is there
but I do appreciate your feedback.
David ๐
I forgot how little corruption there is in this country ๐
davidd, you’re welcome to be cynical about the corruption you perceive in Costa Rica. Maybe you’re right, but adding to it will, at best, make matters worse.
The more pressing issue is that the sort of bribery that you have apparently participated in exposes you to criminal prosecution. You might be just the guy some government investigator is looking for to make an example of. Break the law if you must, but don’t brag about it. Exercise a little discretion.
I forgot how little corruption there is in this country ๐
Davidwhy did you NOT tell me that I could do this before I renewed ๐
it still went well. I gave the guy 10000 colones and he took care of the renewal without exam and blood work.
took 15 min[/quote]
For the cost of a medical exam and blood typing you bribed a government official? Is that what you’re saying? Were it mine to do, I sure wouldn’t admit to that in public.[/quote]
Member[quote=”DavidCMurray”]There are also driver’s licenses in La Uruca, Alajuela and San Ramon. We renewed ours in San Ramon last week. While there, we had them change our driver’s license numbers to be the same as our cedula numbers. Itvall went perfectly smoothly.[/quote]
why did you NOT tell me that I could do this before I renewed ๐
it still went well. I gave the guy 10000 colones and he took care of the renewal without exam and blood work.
took 15 min
Member[quote=”bogino”][quote=”Scott”]PS. What does this have to do with Costa Rica?
Absolutely Nothing.[/quote]
I have to disagree
since costa rica themselves buy U.S dollars just to keep some sort of stability for the colon. in fact they recently just bought a specific amount of dollars for this reason.
as it gets out of hand.. since tourist pay in dollars and tourism is one of costa rica major revenue stream I see this as being on point.
am I wrong Bogino???
if the the purchasing power of the dollar goes less and less here in costa rica it would make sense that less tourist will come here.
I remember the impact of 9/11 here and all the hotels and employee’s costa rica took a huge hit.
MemberI am confused about something and hope people can give their insights
it appears that all the rhetoric coming from IRAN is always prefaced by
[b]IF they are attacked [/b]they will blah blah bla
can anyone point out when Iran last attacked a country??
the U.S has 45 military bases basically surrounding Iran
does IRAN have a right to protect themselves???
who knows
all I know is everyone needs to watch
2016 obamas america
EXCELLENT film and is right on to the mind of Obama
[quote=”aguirrewar”]I hate your writing on this issue and I hate your LOGIC
Israel never said anything about the NUKES, Pakistan and India have
WAIT A MINUTE, Iran is a threat and they have to be stopped at all costs
I wonder how much it will cost the USA if they get involved in this mess[/quote]
Memberthere is a cool cigar bar downtown
hotel little havana
and they have authentic distribution
great cigar room although you cannot smoke in the bar you can in the humidor
I am curious to know what your thoughts are regarding
the economic future of the U.S.?? short term
and the fiat currency??
would also like to hear scott’s short term views
how long can we actually kick the can down the road??
at what point do we implode???
I hope Obama wins, this way he can actually bring us that much closer to the collapse.. romney would just kick the can further down the road
you see if we allow this major correction to happen which is organic
we can then rebuild again
but goverment keeps propping up artificially
so at what point do we implode
[b]16 trillion[/b]
[size=200][b]20 trillion[/b]
[[size=]b]50 trillion[/b][/size][size=200][/size]???????????
or do we just arrive at a point and say
we are NOT paying our debt??
I did this once with american express many many years ago.
I was in a bind that was put on me with a partner.. and owed them almost $50,000
american express wanted their money NOW and I said I will pay them over time because I don’t have it
they kept aggressively trying to collect when it came to the point I just said
screw you guys I am NOT paying
and guess what
I never paid them. :shock::shock::shock:
here is a great video explaining world collapse in 3 minutes
1. There’s no question that the benefits of the past three economic recoveries have gone primarily to the top one percent. Those recoveries include the one in the second Reagan term, the one during Clinton’s term, and the current one. That does not mean, however, that there has been no recovery. Millions of new private sector jobs have been created. The stock markets are at all-time highs. If the current recovery, however slow, isn’t a real recovery than neither were the two previous, and we must have been mired in the economy of the early 1980s (which isn’t so) ever since.
2. Please explain just what the U.S. government is currently in default of. What is it not paying?
3. Some folks have always sought to migrate. We are among them. And maybe there are more and more joining us, but the net change due to emigration/immigration is definitely a positive number for the U.S. Far more are traveling in than out.
Remember that while more Americans may be leaving than ever, stated in absolute numbers, there are also more Americans. One one-thousandth of one percent (or whatever) becomes an ever-larger number the more Americans there are. The denominator is critical to the analysis.
4. The Federal Reserve is hardly the only factor in the weakening status of the Social Security Trust Fund. Had the absurdly wealthy not been given yet another advantage years ago, the Trust Fund would be in much better shape than it is today, after decades of mismanagement. Worse, there’s still time for the crooks in Washington to resolve matters.
Please don’t vote. The sky is due to fall on election day and you don’t want to be caught outside.
Membersorry David
but you are so wrong it’s not even funny.
please.. do some dilligence
do you think we have NOT been the aggressors over history.
do you think we have been guilty of false flag deployments in order to trigger predictable responses??
do you think we have not been responsible directly or indirectly for millions of deaths both americans and non americans
for what
freedom????? democracy???
Cmon David..
the U.S. is the most violent country in the world..
we are just the masters of disguise like the wizard of oz..
sad to think someone of your intelligence actually believes what he does
what about our debt????
I was waiting for a reply like this ๐
in a perfect world everything works as they should
traffic laws, tickets, taxes and the application of it
but we do NOT live in a perfect world
and you add in the incompetence level and corruption of our little costa rican goverment and to me it looks like another tool to extort money.
david cmon man think it through.. your a smart guy
so how will they implement this??
so now we will have the transit and immigration share information??
what information?? passport info?? drivers license info.
so imagine a tourist arrives here after a long flight
they arrive at immigration
and then they show up as an unpaid ticket and cannot be allowed to enter the country???
so it will be presumed at that point the information is correct
where is the due process..
they will be made to pay and then they will have to bear the burden of proof to get thier money back
yea right ๐
let me tell you 1 fact of costa rica
Ticos [b]NEVER EVER return money[/b] once it’s gotten
it’s like the rent deposit when you finish a lease of an apartment.
you never get that back.. always an excuse like.. repainting, or something.
regarding possible solutions.. I have not spent the time evaluating this.
I am a firm believer that once should always respect the laws here or anywhere else
not because they are correct or its a law
but just to avoid getting into the bureaucratic cogs of government.
keep the faith
PS you know when I read a post like yours I think about the actions of the sea Sheppard guy. I forgot his name
he has a warrant for his arrest here in costa rica.. but we all know that it’s japan that wants his ass.. and he knows this and instead of having faith in the government process.. he takes off and jumps bail
good for him
[quote=”DavidCMurray”]So you think that scofflaws should just be allowed to run amok? What other means of enforcement can you suggest? And the solutions are so simple: first, just obey the law; and if you slip up and get a ticket, own up and pay up. What’s the mystery?
And why do you automatically assume that the government is incapable of enforcing this new policy? Maybe you should get yourself a ticket, fail to pay it, leave the country, and let us know how well it is or isn’t working when you head back.[/quote]