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I don’t need to look in the mirror because i voted with my feet and did a walkabout
so NOW i don’t pay anything.. 🙂 [b]NOT 1 PENNY [/b]
now I get to watch all the minions sit around and get milked by our goverment.
the only freedom we as individuals have left is getting up and leave.
btw- obamas speech was NOT taken out of context. and roads and infrastructure were paid for out of my taxes as a business owner when I was plugged into the system.
when I had my business I lost a million dollars in capital, and barely survived bankruptcy. then finally after 100 hours working a week my business turned around and I managed to finally have profit. kept at it and I managed to finally sell the business for a profit.
in fact being located in NYC my experience with local goverment went as far as when the city decided to rip up the streets to fix some damage which caused me to lose most of my retail walkin traffic for 8 months. want to know what they gave ,t to help out during this.. a sign :shock::shock:
Obama has to be one of the worst presidents in history… everything about this guy is just staged
and when he slips and reveals his true feelings about a topic.. then we see what is in his heart
the problem is Romney is really no better so instead having to choose I said
[b]NO MAS!!![/b]:lol: and my life is great. thank you very much
July 25, 2012 at 11:15 pm in reply to: Hacienda Matapalo’s “Paradise Lost” featured on CBS Miami #174077davidd
You mean to tell me with all of sprites diatribe… that he does not even live here???? :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:
then shame on you sprite..
with all your remarks… [size=][size=200][/size][/size] your still sitting back home in the U.S.
typical american
question: who is worse
[size=200][b]a person that cannot read… or the person that can read but does NOT read at all???[/b][/size]
[quote=”sprite”][quote=”agarcia”][quote=”sprite”]This is a good argument for staying away from the herd. Buying into “gated communities” or multi home projects apparently has at least as much risk as buying a single property on your own.[/quote]
You are so wise sprite. Time to walk the walk and actually move to CR instead of just talking about your vast experience. Pura vida Mae.[/quote]
I sense that my posts irritate you since you feel that one should be living full time here in order to have any opinion of value. Sometimes that is the case. Sometimes that is not the case.[/quote]davidd
I am disappointing in you really 🙂 you bring up a point regarding we have been paying the lowest taxes since 1932
taxes have become so ambiguous and is in everything you do its absurd
in 1913 there was 400 pages of the U.S tax code
in 2012 there are 73608 pages to the tax codedo you really think we are paying less taxes 🙂
taxes are everywhere whether its federal, state, local, goods and services, you cannot wipe your ass without paying some tax.
it’s simple robbery. inflation is robbery, fiat currency is robbery. but again most people are just cruising along.
and we continue as a nation to kick that can down the road further.
the middle class carry so much debt because they are in the middle my friend and the easiest to milk and pilferage.if your a W2- working stiff then you get the worst shaft because they just take it from you and in the end you just get used to it.
looks at these stats.. and this is where all your hard earned money goes. this is why more and more people are just opting to NOT PARTICIPATE.' defer onload='
We have 4.1% of our population (15,000,000 people) on welfare, 15% of our population (46,500,000) using food stamps, 61,572,000 receiving social security or supplemental security, 10.8 million receiving disability, 12.7 million receiving unemployment, and 47,672,971 receiving Medicare.
[b]Now, if my rusty math skills don’t fail me, that totals almost 200,000,000 out of our 313,000,000 people, or a full 60%+ of our population (!) who depend on the government for some type of financial aid
really staggeringactually it makes me sick to my stomach.. and after this post because of health reasons I cannot speak of this any further :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:
and to top this off
when after all the risks and sacrifices and even maybe after a few bankruptcies you finally get a business running and are successful we have a president that tells you
government helped you be successful :D:D
Fairness? 50% of Americans pay NO federal tax. How is that fair? Why not a flat tax so EVERYONE gets to pay their ‘fair’ share? If these gains get taxed as ordinary income, that’ll go from 15% up to 25% and higher. That’s more than a few dollars. And what are the stats on increasing the taxes on every millionaire–doesn’t it come out to an extra $85 billion in tax revenue or something like that–enough for 8 days of what we spend. [/quote]
The taxes Americans really pay, in two graphs
Why do half of all Americans pay no federal income taxes?
If you take into account the total tax burden, most everyone is paying, and they’re paying surprisingly similar effective rates. And it’s easy enough to understand why someone struggling to make it on $30,000 a year would chafe at paying 25 percent to the tax man in a way that someone cruising along at $500,000 wouldn’t
[quote=”loraine”]If you personally were in a deficit position, would you charge up your credit cards to continue to live as you desire or would you cut back on your spending to make ends meet? [/quote]
That is precisely why the middle class carries so much debt. Everyone wants to keep up with the Joneses and own the newest of whatever is on the market rather than planning a budget and sticking to it.[quote=”loraine”]I live in NYS and we are taxed to death (and in one of the highest property taxed counties in the US). When one of two pay no federal tax, there is something wrong there. [/quote]
You are confusing local county taxes which finance only local issues. If you don’t like the tax structure there you can move to Alabama or Mississippi where the taxes are substantially lower and the infrastructure is substandard.
[quote=”loraine”]The only people who think this tax structure is fair are those who are paying nothing…50%.[/quote]
Read the citations that I provided to find out how wrong you are.
Memberpaying taxes is the same as throwing money out the window weather it be in costa rica or especially the United States of America.
here is another example of one of thousands of where your hard earned tax monies are spent
my parents who are both retired have been hard working all thier lives and proud. they live close to the edge since prices are going up on everything.
I told them just go and apply for food stamps.. they might as well because at least they paid into the system all their lives they might as well leverage that since the government is outreaching to people to come and join. it has nothing to do with pride just do it
you see the problem is 2 fold
1.) politicians are [b]INCOMPETENT[/b], simple and this goes to the president down to it’s subordinates.
it’s easy to spend your money. it’s not theirs
they provide no real value 98% of the solutions that they come up with is creative ways to tax people.
2.) the majority of People are walking around more aware of the season finale of Doctor House or why is jennifer lopez leaving american idol than what is actually going on in the real world.
BUT this is going on all over the world.. there are really no places to run.
so whats the answer??
become a [b]“permanent tourist.”[/b] There’s no such thing as a real tax haven anymore — even Swiss bank accounts, if you can get one, are not what they used to be. You ask what the point is of leaving when all governments look at their subjects as milk cows?
Well, a tourist is an honored guest who spends money in the local economy; he’s welcome and largely left alone. No one place is perfect but if you can distribute your life across various jurisdictions,
none of them consider you to be their cow.thank goodness I am a [b]NON-PARTICIPANT[/b]T and I pay no taxes aside from the taxes I pay when I purchase goods and services.
do you guys handle citizenship and obtaining costa rica passport???
I have been married for a few years and we had divorced 2 years ago so I know I am eligible
and now I also have 2 kids that are born here.
I am currently a permanent resident
let me know
MemberHello guys
I have a few thoughts and would like to hear feedback from the experienced seasoned people living here.
as we all know this country is notorious in creating these laws that are valid today and tomorrow not and valid the next.
it’s like “she loves, she loves me not she loves me “
since alot of people on this forum generally want to comply with the laws the first thing that crosses the mind is where do I pay
then something happens where its changed again but the early adopters got the shaft so to speak. But I guess they have peace of mind 🙂
I remember Scott when he paid that $600 fine for some transit law and shortly they changed it back to $10 bucks.
so in this example scott lost out that money. because if there is 1 FACT here in this country and I would love to hear someone tell me differently
once you pay.. there are NO REFUNDS 😀
same silliness happens with the luxury tax..
my point and question is
what happens to the S.A. that have no assets and are just allowed to fade away and dissolve..??
how would they go after a corp and the directors.. since many of the people that are on the S.A. were costa rica relatives and such to get the initial company started. I remember the lawyer would get his secretary and other people and list them.
also depending on when you started your S.A. the passport number you used is probably different now since when you get a new passport there is a different number.
all this actually makes it difficult for them to actually go and collect.
now KEEP in mind I am speaking of S.A. that have no assets or bank accounts..
I would speculate just like the way they collected the rich peoples taxes on nice homes that nothing will happen
and depending on when you set up the corp I think it would not be worth the effort for them to follow thru.
these crazy laws here regarding taxation and collecting revenue does not solve any of the issues and problems here. the roads and services all stay the same.
I wonder where does all this money go???
MemberI never ever post on these forums but mention any of these puppet U.S. presidents and it gets my blood boiling sorry 🙂
funny I moved here 20 years ago to get away from these disgusting ( ahhrrg .. vomit excuse me i just vomited) political puppets
and they still follow me 🙂