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  • in reply to: CAJA Costs #161570

    I have a 3k a month retirement. Does that mean I will have to pay $340 a month for CAJA. Is their an alternative plan. Also I was told by a Costa Rica lawyer that all my documents to apply for a pnsionada residency would have to be certified in U.S.


    Beleive me the Chinese govt does not have the good will or interest of Costa Rica or it’s people at heart. They only view this as another avenue of bolstering their economy. Wolves come in sheeps clothing.



    PS: Scott: STOP editing my posts, If you do it to ME!!! you do it to others and it ain’t FUNNY[/quote]

    I – and the other Moderators – will edit any post we feel requires editing and when you start going on about about the trash you come across in Costa Rica when the thread is clearly about the possible Nicaragua and Panama canal, I’ll delete it.


    PS. I agree it probably would not happen in Nicaragua in 100 years …

    PPS. We do occasionally edit other posts but you could not possibly know that, could you….
    [/quote]Scott I find it appalling when you and your band of moderators edit peoples post when they don’t agree with your views. If a post is obscene and out of line I would agree with you. But just to play moderator police just because they don’t conform to your beleifs is total censorship.


    Thank you everyone for the feedback.


    [quote=”ddspell12″][quote=”costaricafinca”]You could get cremated.[/quote]I want a traditional funeral in the states.[/quote]I am looking for serious input please.


    [quote=”costaricafinca”]You could get cremated.[/quote]I want a traditional funeral in the states.

    in reply to: Daily Life #162773

    [quote=”VictoriaLST”]Ah those afternoon naps! But semantics is everything. When you say ‘nap’ you think of a 2 year old (or a 92 year old). I really prefer the word ‘siesta’. Siestas are for everyone! Now I can na…I mean take a siesta, and don’t find it at all strange.

    As for how you spend your time in CR, it can be anything. We are still adjusting to being retired but find plenty to do. Read, write, garden, play cards and board games with friends, sit in a roadside restaurant and chat with anyone who comes bye, garden, garden some more, go sailing, fishing and, if you absolutely must, watch some American football. My poor hubby would be lost without some football:D[/quote]Thank goodness for American football. Are there a good selection of games.

    in reply to: Cost of living in Grecia, Costa Rica. #161470

    And I suppose you were born there and never a newbie!!! My cash is just fine!!!

    in reply to: Cost of living in Grecia, Costa Rica. #161468

    And I am an American. So now you can get off your soap box!!!!

    in reply to: Cost of living in Grecia, Costa Rica. #161466

    Nd Davidd i have a healthy retirement with money reserves. So this is one Gringo you will see come down.

    in reply to: Cost of living in Grecia, Costa Rica. #161465

    These people would qualify as very upper middle class!!

    in reply to: Cost of living in Grecia, Costa Rica. #161463

    [quote=”davidd”]this is great news!!! the less americans here the better.

    [/quote]Then why don’t you leave smartA$$

    in reply to: Car Valuation #158219

    Are the prices of automobiles bought in CR reasonable?


    I’m a little confused. If I have my direct deposit going to my bank in US but living Costa Rica will I still be able to access funds from my account using ATM’s?

    in reply to: Can I really live on $1500 a month in Costa Rica? #168199

    May be alittle off the subject but I live on a railroad disability. Does my check have to be deposited in a costa rican bank or can I maintain it being deposited in my bank in the U.S.

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