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MemberUcan- Dating for only 5 years and wanting to get married and move to a foreign country. Why are you rushing into this sooo fast. Marriage is one thing and living in CR is another. Despacio–take your time, and try living with her for a couple of years in CR before you pull the trigger. I have been dating a colombiana for 3 years “walking”( I have got to save my energy), and I am just starting to get to know her. Don’t bite off more than you can chew at one time. Buena suerte
MemberAltho the Tangeri is my favorite in Jaco, it is just outside of your stated budget. You might try the Balcon del Mar on the other side of the stream from the Tangeri, or perhaps for something cheaper and slightly more rustic, Clarita’s.
MemberAlthough I have rented from many different rental companies, and many times from Budget out of SJ and Jaco, I have crossed them off my list. On my last trip, I had arranged a rental for 5/6 days for $88 +/- online. Upon arriving at the office DOWN from the airport, first the manager tried to charge me a $200+ airport tax, long and short, after 15 minutes arguing, no airport tax. Next, she tried to charge me more than 3 times the price that I had arranged online-fortunately I had a printout of the online reservation, so after another 15 minutes I got close to my online reservation fee. Then after coming to terms on the car rental, she told me there are only 2 insurances available, and altho I don’t know the finer points, I know that there are 3 different types. You got it, another 10 minutes, and I have all 3 insurances–better safe than sorry. Now is when it gets really good. I inspect the car, noting all the imperfections and take off from the office down Paseo Colon. I don’t even get to the turn going downtown and 1 car with 2 ladrones pulls up and yells out that my tire is going flat. RED FLAGS!! I just keep going on the flat looking for a safe, nuetral place to turn off into, when another car with 2 more ladrones pull up yelling my tire is flat. Finally, I make it into the ESSO on Paseo Colon, and guess what, both cars of good samaritans follow me into the station, all of this happening in broad daylight
I get of the car, knowing that I have to bluff and discourage these thieves from reaping another victim. Fortunately the station owner sees the commotion and comes out with 4 employees and the ladrones take off. Very close this time. The owner then shows me where an ice pick had been stuck in my rear tire, surprising since no one had been next to the tire since I left Budget. Upon calling Budget, they said I would have to pay for the tire. I replied that when I got it fixed that I was going to bring the tire and the car back and stick it up her *****. The story goes on, but the point is to avoid Budget at all costs—-THEY ARE THIEVESSeptember 21, 2007 at 12:56 am in reply to: Do I really need an SUV or is a Midsize car enough #186756diablo
MemberI have to agree with Hummer, altho I have rented a 4WD at times, I have been all over the country, crossing rivers(in spite of what the contract says), climbing mountains paths, etc., in an economy car. Many times I ended up in situations where a 4WD would have been preferable, however, if you are staying on the main roads, you should have no problem without one
Buena suertediablo
MemberGotto agree with Lotus, I rented a Yaris with full insurance for the $220 figure this spring. Took it down to Playa Zancudo, up and over to Drake’s Bay, across I don’t know how many rivers, got lost in the mountains on roads I had my doubts that it would make it–but back in Jaco with no problems–except the front plate fell off somewhere.
MemberMr Benson-
Although I agree with much of your statement-sad story,associated risks with living in Nicaragua, different judicial system, I find that your
“U.S. can’t bail him out and should not because he took the risk of living in a unstable invironment.” somewhat hard to swallow. At what point should the US abandon human rights. I’ll bet that the Jews were glad that you weren’t making judgements in Europe in the ’40s when Europe was an ” unstable invironment”. Then, again, I’ll also wager that blacks in the southern US were happy you weren’t around before civil rights when the south was an “unstable invironment” ETC, ETC. The fight for HUMAN RIGHTS in the world, hopefully, will continue, inspite of attitudes such as yours.diablo
MemberOn the main highway, north of Jaco, on the corner at the turn off for Los Suenos
I have a Canadian friend that rents houses around Tarcoles (north of Jaco). Many of them are right on the beach with pools, furnished.
Her site is, which doesn’t show all the houses.
Buena suertediablo
MemberOne thing to consider with going to Golfito is that if you don’t have a truck, what is it going to cost to have it delivered to your location.
MemberI have been going to Jaco for six years now, and have heard about this highway from the first trip. The money, initially delegated for this road, mysteriously dissipated into thin air, and now more money has been directed this way. When it happens is still anyone’s guess. My guess is that it will happen, but there are a number of people who believe that this speculation has already been included in the price of real estate, to a certain degree. On the other hand, many believe that the upcoming growth in Jaco, and the Pacific coast, will be staggering in the next few years.
MemberHow do you think the difference in driving from Michigan down to CR would vary from driving from Michigan to Florida, and then shipping a vehicle(filled with tools and clothes)to CR and then flying down???
If you catch the concertina wire at the right time of day in CR, when the sun is glistening off it at just the perfect angle in a dazzling display of light and steel, you just might change your mind and find it somewhat appealing. YMMVdiablo
MemberOnly problem with the newly paved roads is that, now, it is somewhat dangerous at times with the cars speeding up and down–the potholes acted as speedbumps
MemberJaco update–the main street was repaved two weeks ago
MemberI beleive that this new supermarket is the Maxi Bodega, and the reason it looks like a US store is, I have heard, that Walmart owns part of it.