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MemberI’m not a financial expert but if it’s an equity loan then it is attached to the property you have used as collateral basically. That attachment is not removed until the loan is paid off. Anything beyond that would be a personal loan with no form of collateral. Not a likely scenario.
MemberCurious too what the bad vibe was. We live in Esterillos Oeste and I have met with Bob and Jeff the builders. From what I have experienced with them they are on the up and up. Some people do not like certain aspects of their project, but I have not heard much in the way of complaints. They are moving along pretty well with the project. They sold out of their Bejuco project and the building there is almost complete.
MemberHave been traveling here for three years,and have lived here over a year now. WE have never heard the phrase used.
MemberMaravilla, you obviously know nothing about the healthcare disasters in the countries you mention. Holland is one of the worst. I agree with some of the previous comments others have made……….. You are a walking sound bite with no substance to your arguments. To make a statement such as “Thank God Costa Rica is a poor country — you may actually survive getting medical treatment because all those frontline pharmaceuticals won’t be rx’d, which certainly isn’t the case in the US where you are more likely to die if you go into the hospital than if you got no medical treatment at all”.
To make a statement like that just shows complete ignorance and shows your “hate American first” mentality.
If you believe the rhetoric you are spouting then you are living in a complete fantasy world.
MemberMaravilla you are so out of touch with reality it’s laughable. You say “It is the responsibility of government to provide basic services to its citizens, including healthcare”……well I say balony. It is a societies responsibility to provide for their own basic needs. It is not the Governments responsibility to provide healthcare. That being said, the Government does supply basic healthcare needs to the working poor. Yes, it’s true they may not be able to walk into Stanford and say treat me, but there are umpteen Govt. programs providing some basic healthcare at little or no charge. Socialism is basically an ebismal failure everywhere it has been tried or is being tried. Even here in Costa Rica the Tico’s that can afford it go to the private hospitals. Are they selfish? Should they just give more of their money to their corrupt government so they can feel good about doing their part and trust their government is going to provide the quality of healthcare that can be obtained through the private sector? Travel to some of the panacias of Socialism and talk to the citizens about their healthcare systems. Canada’s system is nearly bankrupt as is most of the other Socialist countries that attempt it. I do not disagree that there are plenty of irresponsible people and companies who’s sole objective is profitability. There always needs to be a balance. Forced Socialism is not a balance. It is human nature to be creative. People like you expect that we are all suppose to live in this one big commune. Well it will never happen, it goes against most peoples nature. As I think Jenny said in a previous post on another subject “if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Socialism breeds much more irresponsibility and laziness than it’s intended opposite goal. The US has done more to clean up pollution and the environment than any of the people like your self will ever admit. Take a look at places like Pittsburg just 40 years ago. Yes big cities have air pollution from too many cars. It’s not going to be a corrupt Government program that eventually improves on that problem. It’s going to be some creative individuals that are free to do what they do best. Many of the Ghettos around the US’s major cities are glaring examples of failed Socialism. Lyndon Johnsons “Great Society”. All it did was create several generations of lazy people that think the rest of us owe them a living.
MemberAntonic, I have to vehemantly disagree with the advice of your Father. It sounds like a pacifist philosophy and I just can not accept that. I am sure he was a good man and had the best intentions for you and your family when giving advice. However, you can not bury your head in the sand and just hope that the rest of what the world is involved in doesn’t effect you. WW II and most of Europe, especially countries like France are glaring expamples of the failure of the pacifist philosophy. At some point you have to stand up for what is right. Of course “what is right” is a another debate entirely, but you can not detach yourself from the rest of the world unless you are truly somewhere that you can totally sustain yourself throuhout your life with no outside influence and don’t care about the future generations. Very, very few people are in that type of situation. Again, you have to sometimes fight for what you feel is right. I think countries and individuals critisize to quickly countries like the US for trying to do what is right. Many may disagree with the individual politics of an individual President or other leader, but it is not even arguable what different terrorist organizations are doing currently around the world in the name of their personal religions. Yes, many things have been done in the name of Christianity through out history, but there really is no comparison to what is taking place today with in the radical world of Islam. Too many countries today are so concerned on wanting to be on the right side of history they change their position as rapidly as the political polls change. Costa Rica is one example, and is the reason I think this is valid for this forum. Costa Rica originally supported the invasion of Iraq and the removal of Sudam Hussien. A very valid and commendable position. Now that much of the world has cold feet and fails to see the bigger picture they want to try and revise the history of their own support for what happened just a couple of years ago. People are either too young to know, or have blinders on and don’t want to remember that when the coalition of forces finally defeated Germany in WW II it took about 6 years for all of the fighting in Germany to finally be squelched. There were pockets of resitence even though Hitler was gone and most of the high ranking officials in the thrid Riech had either been eliminated or fled. Todays fight is no less a battle for civilization as we know it than it was the case in WW II. Study Islam… is not a religion of peace. The biggest difference between the religion of Christianity and Islam is Christianity does not preach to it’s believers that anyone that does not conform to Christianity should either be enslaved or killed. Again, yes some things have been done in the name of Christianity in the past, by misguided individuals. Nothing on the scale of what radical Islam is trying to do today. Christianity basically says, this is what we believe and we care about you, and we hope you accept what we believe. You can not look at the terrorist organizations operating through out the world today in the name of Islam and make the same comparison.
MemberYou need to let us all know what area or area’s you are interested in checking out. Splitting time with 6 months in one location and 6 months in another might be helpful if you are interested in checking out more than one area and climate. There is quite a difference between the Central Valley, Pacific, and Caribbean coasts. Also let us know if you have a specific budget in mind for your montly rental expenses.
MemberYes, I am in Esterillos Oeste. I guess one would say the building going on in Jaco for sure is changing the landscape there. For the first time you have what would be considered highrises going in on the beach. It’s a little depressing driving through Jaco now and seeing as many as 3 or 4 cranes high above the town. We never really liked Jaco that much any way. We only go mostly for some shopping. The building going on in Esterillos isn’t changing the landscape too much here yet. The gated project by Costa Rica builders Ltd. is on the road coming into the village and not on the beach or even within view of the beach and the rest of the village. Nothing big is going in yet down in the village. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time though. For now though, Esterillos still has the small fishing village feel.
MemberI think the $65 a sq foot figure is in the ball park. A good source for ideas and advice can be found at
Talk to Dave
Membercan confirm what David said. You are throwing away money renting at the airport. Most people stay the first night in the general area when they first arrive and that can be a waste in it’self renting the car when you first arrive at the airport just to have it sitting in your hotel parking lot. San Jose is not a place most people want to drive around, especially if it’s your first time here. Check with the rental car company because not only will they typically pick you up at your hotel and bring you to their office, but many will deliver the car to your hotel that afternoon or first thing the following morning.
MemberDavid, I take anyone’s so called data with a grain of salt. Many statistics, surveys, and polls, etc. are taken in a manner, or worded in such a way to favor the outcome the writer wants. In regards to company softball teams and bowling leagues I am speaking from personal experience in organizing such teams and leagues for many years and enteracting with the other team organizers. Reality is what it is and in this case the reality is the exchanges back and forth on this and other forums regarding Mr. Gale’s company. It’s not complicated and we don’t need a psychologist to twist things around and analyze something that simply isn’t there. I don’t discount the credentials or the fact that Marilyn has helped probably countless individuals through her field of expertise. My gripe is the psycho babble explanations of things when it is not warranted. I know it’s hard for a psychologist to realize, or some of the wanna be psychologist to realize, but most areas of life are just not as complicated as you make them out to be. Of course though, if you aren’t able to convince people that they need your psycho analysis then you have wasted a lot of years of schooling. In this particular thread there were very few exchanges in the bulk of the thread other than those between Scott and Mr. Gale.
There was no rallying of the group to defend Scott here, which was the whole pretext of Marilyn’s psycho analysis. So you asked what the reality is…….well the reality is Marilyn analyzed something in her own mind, something that never actually took place. Why does a psychologist do this?…….now there is an interesting case study and analysis.
MemberSorry, but I have to disagree with you Marilyn. Psychologist typically over annalyze a situation, actions, or conversation. Scott was more than capable of defending himself, and has done a fine job, and very few members of the forum circled the wagons as you say. That is not to say the members to not like and respect Scott. It simply did not happen the way you are trying to analyze it. If you have followed this forum as well as others in regards to Mr. Gale and his company you would know that the attacks or disagreements are with Mr. Gale and not a rallying of the troups in defense of Scott.
One of my problems with most psychologist is pointed out in your own statement of “Perception is everything; reality makes not a bit of difference” This is definitely true of the typical psychologist, but in this instance Marilyne, reality has everything to do with what has transpired here. It’s not rocket science and is not a case study in group mentality.
In regards to company softball teams and bowling leagues, those are almost always organized by an individual employee who enjoys organizing such activities and have nothing to do with the company organizing them to “cement the group”.
Memberfrankly the original post is a bunch of gobblygoop……is that a word? It is a bunch of generalizations that for the most part are out dated at best, and not deserving of debate.
MemberThe real issue here Mr. Gale is the majority of the people simply do not like your style of doing business. Some, based on personal experience question your integrity in fullfilling the promises you and your company make. You and your company are the only ones responsible for perpetuating the reputation you now have. There are plenty of people obviously willing to put money down with your company without ever seeing the property for themselves. While you graciously offer for anyone and everyone to come and visit your projects, the high pressure sales tactics of your associates badger people to invest before seeing. That is foolish on their part and is something that no intelligent investor should ever do, and I doubt you would ever do yourself. What is on this forum is but a small portion of statements by people disatisfied with your company, your level of customer service, and follow through on your companies promises. Yes, many are uninformed and just jumping on the “bash Paragon” band wagon, but many are people that have actually had dealings with your company and are passing on advice to people based on how they were treated. Again, you have no one but yourselves to blame for the reputation you now have. If you and your company are as legitimate as you claim, then the best thing for you to do is follow through on your commitments and fullfill the promises you and your associates make to investors. Arguing on this forum like a highschool kid, basically yelling back and forth “I know you are, but what am I” does nothing to defend your company, and does nothing to change peoples opinions of you and your company. Action Mr. Gale, and only action on your part will convince people otherwise.
MemberI”m getting into this discussion very late, however though I will attempt to add something constructive. Where I would disagree in part with Jenny is that is as simple as having more crime where there is high unemployment. The bigger problem is the lack of morals, respect, and absolutes being taught and reinforced through out society. That especially goes for the US, but still trickles down to the growing countries through out the world. In our area of the Central Pacific the majority of crime can be directly associated with drugs. That is an issue of morals and lack of character, not unemployment. It is not as simple either comparing crimes between a country as large as the US with Costa Rica. The US has upwards of 100 times more people than CR. All though rampent in certain areas, the violent crime is somewhat isolated in the US. Yes there are the crazies that shoot up a school or post office or office building, and the parents who take out their entrie family. I don’t blame that as much on unemployment as I do on an over medicated society that has been taught that nothing is their fault and there is always someone else to be blamed for your short comings and failures. There is no simple solution, but I don’t believe in just sitting back and accepting it either.