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  • in reply to: Worried about not talking when I retire #170472

    Don Diego’s comments have been deleted because of VIP Member complaints.

    We would ask that you please try to use less offensive language when you decide to share your life philosophy with us in the future Don Diego

    Thank you.

    Scott Oliver

    in reply to: Invisible in Costa Rica #204895

    a couple bites ehhh… Invisible in Costa Rica,,, hmm first I would slip into the ladrons nest and tag along for the ride, next I would go to the big nest to see why they can’t ever write regulation to a law once it’s been passed and see who brandishes the biggest hunk of Chorizo.

    I guess I could now say it may interest me to spend a night in Casa Precedencial.. aw but no, wrong side of 25. Tisk…

    Hey what about an unauthorized visit to the Cuban’s hotel/casino to set the record straight. Next it would be a visit to Enrique’s plastic surgeon and then on to find the heavenly ladron himself (probally living on the yacht a few slips down). Yeah.. I would kinda like my chunk back.

    in reply to: New Transito requirements #160205

    Offending fourm members?


    Please send me a private mail of that one.

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198787

    Ahhh. Mi amouuur, a true torchbearer. You bare the tourch for Don Diego, now bare it, yes and bare it agian. Now what do you think mi amour, yet again shall I take you to “that place.” The fuzzy refuge free of the world, the place that only I know. Come, I’ll take you again. If you were only mine to protect. I would never trade you for anoter women. Unless of course in return I could get two….. ooops

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198785

    The world’s bestselling author? Star on the Hollywood walk of fame? Surely you jest.

    We will have to divide into two camps, the torchbearers and the disbelievers.

    Dear Don Diego Torchbearers, Although you could never mistake me as a Jew, because of the way they worship their women, as I don’t define myself by my women or my money – I spread them both around equally: nonetheless, I am humbled by the comparison to Harold Robbins.

    For the punk Disbelievers: You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried. Chicas, how many times have I told you to keep the Hawaiian Tropic on my back, not on the computer! One more time and I’ll punt you to Papas (The marina’s nightclub (not for the feint hearted). Yeah I’m grumpy on Saturday mornings. The sleep over’s have left, and the frickin new crew shows up by sneaking through the secret entrance to Playa Santa Fe. Can you believe these little nymphets slip through an opening where the chain link meets the wall (it’s actually cool because you have to be under 125 pounds to fit through) I call it the DD disqualifier) and then swim about 300 yards or so to the Big Boat. So here I am, all used up in my Speedos, and these chicks pop their head out of the water like oversized otters. “Don Diego, Don Diego” Oh my God, by 11 am there is no more deck space. It must be the ham sandwiches and lobster pu pu platters. It could not possibly be for my Zeus like physique and the fact that whoever does the wash gets to pocket the loose bills left in my shorts. I heard I have paid a couple hundred dollars to have a load done! Fwabielve it oh ye Disbelivers. I got to call Jones to clear the deck (he’s my limey biker buddy from London) who has an apartment here. I should charge him for the little burgers all rare and plump in all the right places. Have you ever pushed your finger in a stick of butter after it been out of the refrigerator for 10 minutes. That’s the posterior firmness quality we’re talking. Like I say, you are only as old as the women you feel.

    For the record: 42 years old (But I feel much younger (get it), six foot two, brown eyes, 220, x-large, pony tail and all brown, with thick pubic hair. I just had a mole tattooed by my left nipple (in case you have to identify the body).

    I have been ridden hard (all possible puns intended (APPI) and put away wet, and intend to die before 60. Can you see ol Don Diego in a side cart with a fat biker chick catapulting him around corners up on two wheels? Fagedaboudit.

    Not in the witness protection program…. Yet… Quite remarkable really for an ex-street fighter from the ghetto.

    However playing pool with a bunch of feds for a while wouldn’t be so bad. By the time they were done hanging out with me I’d have turned them and we’d be doing an Apocalypse Now thing. I’d be the Cornel Kurtz and they’d be the hanging out in the jungle having their coconut squeezed by the monkeys. Them coconut squeezer will turn ya too.

    “propagation of the species” – Sprite please continue the fodder – your raw material is perfect for my artistic/autistic mind. You have all the charm of a Pap smear slide. I can relate to your style – if you were a test tube baby. I have to hand it to you though; no one else seems willing to but head with the double D’s. Are you a Dr Laura podcast junkie or somethin???

    I assure you, and the drudge can attest, I have no intention of discontinuing my maladjusted and immature ways. Oh look there’s another little otter comin my way. Drudge, quick, thats Yaney the ballerina chick, call Jonesy and ask him to bring some diamantes azul. Hurry… I have to be in Miramar by 2:00 to fulfill my prima nocta duty. Don Diego de la Longshanks and away….

    Dam it drudge ,how may blessed times have I told you not to let em hang their wet thongs on the fricking towel bar. Jeeeeeze. This ain’t a girls locker room you know (or is it?)! I aint got time for a shower – Where’s the Dolce Gabanna crap!!!! (there’s a certain ballerina etiquette you know…). When they have the propert ITC ol Don Diegito jumps through multiple hoops. Fwa bweive it!

    So who wants more of this crap. Please chime in, cuz if not I think I’ll give Scott a break. He’s been a good sport and all. I am accustomed to wearing out my welcome, but not in vain. Adulation fix please or I’m ottaher (all possible mistakes intended).

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198777


    Lay off my Marvy man, only so much of the better – and not nough to go around… Now you got her talkin two tiger in the cage kinda of crap. 2B, Id have to dispose of you.


    Okie dokie spritey-righty. I am so content that you are concerned.

    “Glandular imperative” “biological necessities.”

    Why I bet you are just a romantic romp between the sheets. That’s just wrong Sprite. So, uh… Unattractive. Do you sweat? You know sweat is important. Man’s gotta smell. You do realize that. Maybe the gland problem comes for deodorant abuse. I could recommend ADA (AXE Deodorant Anonymous).

    Try testosterone supplementation. Here’s a trick. Get your doc to prescribe testosterone ointment. Yeah it’s a jell. I use it all the time, wait wait wait, no not on me, on the chicks. I use it during the massage prelude, and then quickly cover it up with raw coconut oil.

    They go frickin wild.

    Now Sprite you have been given gold, the inside edge, and now you can be the Big Boat in bed without having to had hone your technique religiously for years (keep those finger nails short). See how Don Diego takes care of the non-believers? Only at Spell it any way you want.

    I just like to love. Now you may be content to do the granpa “serene tranquility”thing. But the Big Boat’s only ready for that when his ashes are mixed with loamy topsoil awaiting a ganja bush. Then you can roll and smoke me. Until then, the Big Boat rolls this way: phone calls I get.

    Beverly: Don Diego I hate you.

    DD: Why Bev?

    Beverly: Because you ruined me?

    DD: Ruined you?

    Beverly: Yeah you SOB. I can’t find any guys that will have sex with me in public.

    DD: Oh, (long pause) sorry Bev.

    Then Bev travels all over the Caribbean looking for African equivalent of Don Diego. With little luck, she finally resigns herself to walk into mid-morning traffic on the interstate in Salem Oregon.

    Spritey Whitey, now promises me, no police assisted suicide or one man 911’s on IRS buildings. Naw, not you… takes too much testo to pull that one. That guy was a patriot! Did you read the letter! Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe! This guy came to the realization too late OWH. Well he has got his own Facebook fan site in the sky. OWH, are you treading that deep river of consternation that leads to troubled acts of homeland dissolution?

    I guess the problem is that you have never seen the serial numbers on a condom (cuz you never had to roll it down that far).Arr Arr Arr

    Dawn, those Chinese probably don’t make the Big Boat size do they. If not, I’m out. Can you research that for me? Dat a girl. Dawn, deep down inside when you lay your head on the pillow at night, staring at the dark ceiling my beautiful one, aren’t you in your heart of hearts a Big Boat fan? Yeah you are… Another DD babe. Now you gotta hand it to the Boat, what could be better initials than double D.

    DD: You have passion, Sprite, and your skill is growing. Nevertheless, to enter Don Diego’s world, I must give you something which is completely beyond your reach.

    Sprite: Ah, yes? And what is that?

    Don Diego: Charm.

    Drudge! We are low of coconuts. Call in the monkeys to make some oil….

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198771

    Aw Marvy, I can’t belive you have a hubby that had the same “I” problem – I can’t fawabelive it! As you can see, my “rants” are not anti-woman. I love the dear little creatures. My posts disparage the men that will not act masculine. People will take what is available. Human nature. So if men want to cave in, sell-out rather than compromise, well they have made their bed and I hope they enjoy making it over and over as their dominant other sure aint gonna do it.

    And both of these secure women confirm that they are indeed attracted to veril men that at one time reveled in the DD syndrome (or maybe still do (big groucho wink here). A right of passage if you will. So all you gals out there be sure to raise your boy children to become cowboys at heart. Let em fight on the playground, fall out of trees, sneak a peak in the girls locker room and pea on the seat. And when they are teenagers, don’t open the bedroom door unannounced. That aint fair.

    I never got the lift-the-seat deal. Maybe you girls don’t put it up cuz you like it when we boys leave it wet. Kinky putas… gotta love their conniving little hearts

    Regardless, all you good sports out there understand my observation illustrate that many gringos lack the will to be masculine. This leads to them accepting the ball and chain. And then when they cry foul over the deal they bought into, you girls have the right to stick it to them. As you have always wanted to do but physiologically couldn’t. They are just too tired and its too hard and those guys that went to war for us, well they were duped and we are too smart to fall for that, and anyways they are a dying breed, so that means we are safe.

    Wait wait wait. Are you so sure about that?

    The lack of masculinity in the Gringo society makes it safe? Well remember you young moms, (I have the highest respect for motherhood – it the equivalent of men fighting to protect), when you see the Dockers or ice skates, it’s time for military school I know Dockers are for the older boys, but its never to late).

    And to you males out there that wish to become masculine, well maybe you could… aw never mind if you aint done so by now, you are probably a lost cause anyways.

    It’s good to be king and it’s good to like sex. Shutter you pop psych types – yes I am advocating sex as therapy and necessity – a way to stay sane in the chaos. By the way, does anybody know the call letters of a company that make condoms? I am going to buy some stock. And all you gals out there just plain shame on you for thinking about how enjoying it would be to take a ride on Don Diegos Big Boat.

    Well we have those low beautiful clouds with northeasterly winds at about 15 MPH. I d say the humidity is reasonable maybe 50%. Time to motor out of the marina. Or maybe I’ll just get lazy, it is a little windy anyways. The beaches to the East of Havana are only a 25-minute ride away and they are excellent. Unlike Varadero, there is no resort-atmosphere there and the separation between tourist and the local locas doesn’t exist. The water is extremely clear and perfect for swimming. Drudge, wax and water up the horse, stock the bar (trunk) and stock up the salsa, techno and reggaeton. No peaking in the rear view mirror on the ride home or you’ll get another 15 pesos fine… Pervert!

    Hey Sue and Marvy, maybe your hubby’s would like to visit? I’d invite you guys too but there really is no sense in bringing sand to the beach… (Arrrrrrrrr). Claro que no matey… Monte Cristo and awaaaaay!!!

    in reply to: Accommodation Recommendations for April Visit #202062

    Hi Dawn, how did you come to choose the central valley? Have you been there before? I have an extensive history with Costa Rica and am curious about your research. What research resources were most helpful? Most people choose the beach first.

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198765

    Maybe I need to syndicate this crap?????

    Funny thing is you women seem to resonate with it and I have only recived one privte message from the guys out there. Whadup wit dat?

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198764

    OK Sprite, my Indian name for you will be “One Who Hopes”

    You choose to hate me now – I get it and don’y ya worry none. Many a “once a man” better than you cannot dare face his corroding masculinity in the mirror. The thing that upsets them is they have lost the truth in their heart about what a man is supposed to be and how they are supposed to behave. The fact that to be a man means hardship, and the fact that they want to lay with their little puppy brethren nursing at their mommy’s teat, makes them suffer. The idea that you have to earn your place in the brotherhood of man is simply too much for most emasculated males. Sprite are you one of them. Tell me honestly, do you wear Dockers and your chick where’s the leather. Make a leather clothes count and tell me who has the most skin.

    Gringo marriages suffer from this. The women thinks it is “cute” (nice manly word) when men (and I use the word looselys, more like eunuchs) are made to hand in their colors (that’s a biker terms for the efems out there).

    Pop psychologists will tell you how to behave, what a woman wants (who gives a crap, – I know what they will get), but what they miss is that life should not be a passionless march through the mundane. The negative consequences I have endured were from expending physical, mental and financial risk capital. But dearest One Who Hopes, as you can tell I have enough incredible experiences to write one of these little ditties daily. How thick is your autobiography? The difference among you and me and our doghood is that I am a wise, experienced puppy. You are an old dog with a “where’s the beef” bio.

    I have lost a lot. I have not however, lost my belief in God, people or living hard, doing what men do: not taking the easy way.

    I know plenty of poor people that have never lost a dime. Whether they are rich in deeds, knowledge or money, I know not one rich person that has not suffered significant loss. How much have you lost OWH?

    This thread connects to the “what’s holding you back” thread I just finished reading where someone said it’s a matter of people “not knowing themselves” that holds them back.

    Well it’s the same thing about Gringo marriages. Latinos know themselves. They do not buy into the “there is something wrong with men” crap.

    Gringos do not want to fulfill their masculinity. To understand what it means to be the provider, leader and family figure head. To be the patron!

    This void is nicely filled by the women in their life. So the cat starts teaching the dog how to purr.

    Do you think the other cats what to hear a dog purr. Publically they commend him and say how “cute” (eventually the dogs purr the same feminine words). Privately they mock him.

    Same with the other dogs. “Hey boys did you hear that dog purring the other day? “yeah I did and he gets to hang out with the others kittys.” He might fit in nicely with the other pussy cats but don’t anyone invite him for cigars and rum in the clubhouse. What a pussy (cat).”

    What I love about the Latino cultural, as opposed to the effeminate Gringo culture, is that Friday night is boys night out. Oh we still go home to our wives and family, spoil them with support, but we do not give up our social characteristics, our male values, for a “relationship” with a woman. You know what has replaced boys night out in the US “women’s night out!” Do I need to further make my point?

    Brotherhood exists here. In the US, the effeminates have killed it. You are supposed to want to hang out with your woman. What a joke. Sure a romantic date out, etc etc, but going to a soccer match with your woman. Doing guy things with your woman? Give me a break. All you dogs that purr have skewed things and no wonder there is such unrealistic expectation in Gringo marriages.

    You have handed over the keys to your masculinity. Each time you cave to the pressure of the little dicktator, you gain a good night’s sleep – but lose respect. That has had an accumulative effect on your brothers and has now allowed the whole society to go gay and feminine. You can’t blame the woman for taking what they can get. You have to blame the “men” for giving up. And you efems have given up. And now you want the Latinos to give it up. Probably so you won’t feel so bad for your next mirror check.

    You think my philandering is decadent. You “men” are rotting the foundation of the new Rome. You are decaying the masculinity the makes cultures great. You weaken the fighters. The protectors and the brotherhood that men value so much that they risk their lives for it.

    Funny thing is the women don’t really want you to be this way. You know, it’s like chick talk. Say this, mean that.

    Yeah yeah chick talk is very cute (there is that effeminate word again), but just like chick talk, what women say they want and what they yearn for (what they want in their hearts, not minds) is completely different.

    They want a badass Rottweiler that unleashes the Wildman. Not a sex on demand human vibrator that purrs like a pussy. They want a leader they can be proud of, not someone who runs to mommy when the guys next door intimidates them. Think about it. From a mans point of view do you want a big muscle bound woman to lay in the grass? They want effeminate men about as much as we want masculine women. But men don’t want to pay the price, do what men do. They would rather take the easy way out and cower – like women.

    Sprite ol chum. I realize you tried to rally your masculinity on the last post, but although you get Brownie points, it illustrates that your comprehension and then response comes from one who sports the yin genitalia. You don’t make the team, but keep trying. You owe it to your woman… right? (wrong). You owe it to yourself and your kids.

    Try developing a brotherhood. Hang out with real men that are risk takers, not that lame bunch who hang out in groups passing the talking stick. Morons. To be a man and command respect of women and their admiration and their lust and love, you have to be brave. That means taking the path of resistance. Sporting the non-pussy genitalia. Once you have this right, renegotiate your soul with the wifey and then you will be free to join a brotherhood. Your only hope as of today will be to limp (all puns intended) along in the sisterhood that is running the effeminate nation you call home “yes dear” home.

    BTW I have gotten two private messages that concur with my herculean macho stance. I guess some woman are starting to realize that the new pussyhood of men is bad for their sons, our nations and the frequency and quality of their orgasms. To those women I say you have risen above the self serving and are true patriots – and deserve a ride on Don Diego’s Big Boat!

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198759

    You see if more women had a realistic view of life like Marvy, relationship between men and women would at least be friendly. Now I know you say you trust your spouse, but are you friends with them? Probably not because if you shared your true feelings they would run off to the attorney and you know what then…

    Marvy you still married? (not that it matters… Arr arr arr). I shall have drudge pour you an honoary Cube libre )Drudge! pour me one for marvy) and there it shall remain at least until me or one of my drunken soulmates (I can’t beive I just wrote the nauseating chick term) knock it up and over while doing the …. never mind

    My co-parent (like that term?) runs our daughter’s house, and is on the payroll and happily so with boyfriends and all (we agree that there will be no insignificant others in our child’s sanctuary). We are great friends and she’s not looking for marriage, I guess that shoots to crap your theory about maturity Sprite (she Latina of course). Funny how that money thing works… I follow the advice of if it floats, flys or f_ _ks – rent it.

    But I have no need for validations or the person I sleep with to do my wash, and I have resolved my death and embraced the transient nature of this existence, which by the way has created the freedom one needs to take the risks I have taken which have resulted in the dream life I am living. (that would be my dream life – not yours BTW). In other words, I don’t play it safe. Yes, I have been robbed, beaten, broke, humiliated, abandoned and never used any of it as an excuse to quit or cry. Water of a ducks ass (or was that back). On the other hand I have lived enough life to be able to have the time and experience to write this crap. Well I won’t bore you with the spoils but they are so incredible you couldn’t make em up if you tried.

    Sprite .. the education continues

    Childish loyal mature responsible.

    I take it you are a practicing churcianity.

    I have nothing against spiritual – but churches. Are you kidding me? Sprite, you have been conditioned to believe your own stories about, fidelity, childishness, maturity and responsibility.

    You probably do not have the inclination to examine your thinking, therefore examine the stories you tell yourself about the above subjects. If you did, you would find that each of the stories you tell yourself about these subjects are based on an assumption somewhere, so you can’t really know if any of them are true. And 99% of them are not. But the suffering you endure by repeating them to yourself is just like your parents warnings ringing conditioning that you never approved of. Being a child you had no choice. As an adult, you have a choice to reexamine your beliefs. However it is your attachment to your stories (that reinforce your beliefs) that make you suffer and keep you in quiet desperation (The attachment to the stories, that is, they are familiar and you like them), not the stories themselves that bind you. Fugly aint it?

    Examining your thinking and thoughts allows an open-minded person to redefine their thinking and themselves. However, your spouse, your church and your government (you know the problematic one), does not want you to do this. Why? Because it creates freedom. Yeah, sad but true, they do not want you to be free. But they want you to revel in the illusion of freedom, a lifestyle only the rich in the US live (why do you think CR is popular). Remember the old hippie saying, “Free your mind and your ass will follow”? It’s true. Although Cubans have issues with programming and suffering, they are passionate about living, because they have so much time to live here. Nobody works! There is little money but a lot of time to sing, dance, play and socialize (that that means actually having sex with people – oooh).

    So, they are unfaithful, childlike (childish), immature (they dance sing and play a lot of dominoes), and irresponsible because they do not work or pay bills (because they don’t have any!).

    So Sprite you can tell yourself all the stories you want about how this idea of responsibility etc etc etc that you have bought into and self reinforced is so true and right, and good and correct. You can work for your government, your spouse and your church. And me? Well I will be down here below the “truth and righteousness” radar living each day to its fullest and I promise you I will be childlike, immature, unfaithful to my government, girlfriend, and church, but true to myself while I party my ass off, read, write, swim, bicycle, and motor around this huge island full of authentic people who don’t define themselves the way you do. You are bound. I am free. You are like a sentry stationed and guarding your hoard. I am like a guerilla fighter, roaming, hitting and running.

    Which life do you want – a free one or self-delusional one. Among my friends we call that a “No Sh—ter.

    That means it aint something you want to hear – but it’s something you need to hear. You can thank me later or hate me now. Your choice.

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198756

    Thank you Lotus…

    Are you married? Or are you happy? – Groucho Marx

    Try that one out on the golf buddies.

    Yeah I tried to find my old posts just to pleasure myself (man you girls have dirty minds), but to no avail. I guess they are lost. I posted a lot and tangled quite a bit with David and that goofy Cuban(?) chick.

    Was that you that called me nastier than a sidewinder? What a compliment. Scott got pissed at me for passing the line as I always do, so I thought I would give him a break. I think he has finally come to the conclusion that women have enough advantages these days and one no longer need to defend their now almost non-existent honor.

    Yeah I still call a spade a spade. Something wrong with that or do I lack political correctness? Oh just the mention of that set up phrase makes me want to drive the porcelin bus. So how is Costa Rica these days? Last time I was there was to cash a check.

    Been living in Cuba, want to enjoy it before Fedelito kicks the bucket. Man is the living good here. Reminds me of the good old Clinton days. Got a watermelon red metalic 57 Chevy 4 door hardtop (the model with the optional modelas and without the post between the doors. Better to load the chicks in and out. I am working on restoring a 58 HD police special. Suicide clutch and no front brakes. It a basket case now, but Pepe (the drudge) is on it. Should be done for May and the Playa Este runs.

    Bought the boat early last year and just livin large my man. Got a kick out of the new persidential elections so I thought I would just check in with my favorite fourm and just toss in my dos centuevos. A chick president, it’s just so damn cute you know? Think of the possibilities. Do you remeber what Jack Nicholson said about a woman president in the movie A Few Good Men?

    Probally get admonished again for being a bad boy… Funny evertime that happens, here comes a new opportunity. Quick to hire, quicker to fire. Drudge, bring me some of that $2 a pound lobster BBQed with lime and butter. Cubans use lime for everything, even herpies. Aw but I wouldn’t know about that (pass the valtex please).

    That is one of the great things about Cuba, no matter if its lomo, carne res, pollo or langosta, except for the women, Crystal, Buckenero and the Havana Club, it’s all $2 a pound!

    Ok, back to my womanizing ways… You know Cuba is the only palce I can have my driver pull up on the sand kick open all four doors, blast the stereo and open the trunk/bar and have at least a half of dozen chicks in thongs salsa dancing or doing the tremblece around me in a matter of minutes. If I actually have to walk the beach to find a girl, the days been a disaster… One of my buddies brings my knock off parts for my 57 just for access to the marina and my blow by… Yea, I know everybody hates me, well almost everybody… I just want you all to know that I am a firm supporter on the Cuban Ballet.

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198754

    Ah I see you remember how, knowing you, you probably never forgot (girls take notes)? Very good, and I will administer that with several grains of salt found on the next margarita. Left you speechless mi amour? pero no-no-no. Tell me, nenita, what do you fancy mi vida, pearlas or diamantes? I shall send my valets to the ends of the earth to find you the finest jewels. After all it is dia de los enamourados …

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198752

    On guard my little likeable one, but fist I must deal with messier Sprite.

    Sprite, the education begins…

    You mean it depends upon unrealistic expectations that relive one of the minor necessities in life such as the joy of living. They may end up divorced but they do not end up disappointed. Who wants to have some shared equal marriage anyways? Powerful women do not want to be equal to their subservient men. Just ask Edward ‘s wife? And who wouldn’t want a feminine woman after putting up with Lizzy? I’d rather walk on my lips over molten lava than cozy up to that ice berg. And I bet Hilary doesn’t wear a thong, but I am sure it’s mandatory that her girlfriend does.

    Face it, in the states if you are a man without means over 40 you are on the out. Even if you are fit and handsome, women are looking for the bread (and I don’t mean pumpernickel). Sprite you illustrate my point. It’s the mundane world that I loathe. Why do you think I am in Latin countries? Like you, to spread around progressive joys of the unnatural values found in US living? Redistribution of wealth? Women wearing the pants? Come on, the question is why are you in Costa Rica? To further poison the macho culture? To profess more of the mutinous, mundane, monogamous, monotonous life that bores the crap out of people (although they won’t admit it). Burn bright, burn fast, burn hot and then burn out. Costa Rica is for living – try it sometimes, you might like it.

    Yeah I’ve done put up with the wifey crap for about 15 minutes. That was long enough to know that I didn’t want a level “playing field.” Mature is not the word I would use when it comes to marriage these days. It’s more like neutered. So tell me young ladies what do you want, a gelding or a stallion? Oh, you want a gelding that you can parade around but functions like a stallion. Sorry ladies, it doesn’t work that way. We know you want it all, but the biologically impossible? Well take that up with God and the next NOW meeting. Maybe you can have Gloria Albright represent you to HIM. Or is God now no longer a man? What equates marriage with the profound anyways? Most of the time people marry because they are shallow and want nothing to do with rejection, challenge, and risk. If mature means monotonous than I agree with Sprite.

    Latinos are immature in this area? Latinos like to live. Gringos are weak in this area and that is why Latinas favor the gringo gelding for the barn. Aw but in the field it’s the other way around my friend.

    If women need to give up being equal partners to be lovers and mothers then I say give it up. What could be more important than being a mother? And a lover? That is what you remember when you head is on the pillow at night, not what year and model car you drive and how your wife laid out your clothes in the morning (that are color coordinated with hers – except you get the Dockers and she wears the leather). You want me to trade my virility and material wealth to my wife, and what does she give to me, a short leash? That’s the gringo deal my friend. I have my family and my way. If not, it’s the highway/autopista. I did not create this fortune to be ordered around by my princess in my own Castillo, my friend. Are you crazy? Grow a pair.

    Have you tried the Cuban Slide. Now that’s a rollercoaster. And yes I prefer up and down to limping around (all possible puns intended).

    Marvy – my prendita, I have been in the land of cigars, music, song, liquor and laughter hanging out with the Ricardo’s at Casa de la Musica and the Marina Hemingway living on the Stormtrooper. She’s my Sea Ray Sundancer motor yacht. With her, I need no other. She requires moneys, like all of them do, but she brings me treasure – She, unlike the others, allows me to author my dream. You will be the hero of your own life – so make it a good one. Drudge, another mojito, and one for my horse too, The Malecon has never looked so inviting. And do pray tell me why in the world would you dare to even consider that I would want a liberated woman. If I wanted that, well I might as well get the real thing, a gay man. I don’t need to be hot-walked (track term for those who don’t know the equestrian life). I threw off the bridle and lead the moment I exited the womb. So Marvy my sweet one, are you happy to see me or did you spill a Mojito on your lap? Love em and hate em ehh? I know how you feel.

    in reply to: Gringo marriages / Unrealistic expectations #198749

    Excessive recognition, heaving bosoms! Ah, merely another day in the life of a master nobleman. Drudge, my Chianti and cigar please… Avanti!

    Now I ask, what woman would divorce me over my superfluous yet discrete indiscretions??

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