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  • in reply to: Counterfeit US$100 bills #180091

    Thanks Maravilla.
    When are you coming down with large sums again?????

    But seriously, I appreciate that info. Can save carrying a few hundred in unusable bills around downtown.

    in reply to: Buy or Lease an auto, or 4 X 4? #180082

    O.K. I went on down the list of discussions and ran into the link to the Russ Martin article. I thought you meant Russ Martin had a wesite selling used cars.

    in reply to: Buy or Lease an auto, or 4 X 4? #180081

    Thanks Lotus. It’s the middle of the night here – no sorry – I see the first light of dawn and thanks to you I have been touring the site. I found so much information that I didn’t know existed, but the one thinmg I didn’t find was Russ Martins used car site.

    Please educate me…


    in reply to: Permission From US Govt, to Travel to Costa Rica #179755

    Amen to that Marcia.
    I came to the U.S. in 1964 fleeing the restrictions of Britain. Back then The U.S. was a wonderful country filled with opportunities and friendly, generous people. But all that is well behind us. I’m tired of the selfishness, and I’m tired of the upside down “justice” system too.

    But to comment on the second posting – about American companies trying to take over the world I have just one thought.

    How much of the United States is owned by Americans? Not much. The dollar is worth nothing except on paper. Social Security will be revealed as bankrupt within ten years (it already is but our government won’t admit it).The younger generation is ignorant and illiterate and couldn’t hold a job even if the governemnt hadn’t given all the jobs to our “friends” the Chinese. So, who is going to pay the taxes to support our fine society ten years from now?

    The United States is owned by the Muslims who run OPEC and the Chinese who sell us everything we use.

    Take your money and run Marcia. Put it into Costa Rican Real Estate and sell that real estate for a profit to all the other fleeing Americans to make a enough profit to last the rest of your life. You’ll find some good real estate on Scott’s site and if you’re dealing with Scott and those he recommends you’ll know you have an honest deal.

    My first house is almost finished and I’m about to buy my second piece of property. I’m coming down in February – permanently.


    Good for you Scott.

    Those of us who are tired of the scumbags salute you.
    Let this continue to be an elite and forthright site.


    in reply to: Rental #178884

    BEFORE EVERYONE JUMPS ON DEAN and executes him in a fit of mob-justice let me say a word about the situation.

    I have done business with Dean for about two years on a regular basis and I can tell you he is one of the best. He has one fault. He is loyal and he trusts people too much.

    Christian is quite the oposite and did Dean a great deal of harm. About a year ago I told Dean that Christian was bad news and that he needed to fire him. Dean wanted to give him a second chance and he did – and a third and maybe a fourth. He should have fired him immediately but unfortunately Dean felt sorry for Christian. Finally he did fire him and had to pay him a settlement.

    I have been in the same situation as an employer and twenty years ago my kindness cost me a business and more that that (but I don’t need to go further with the details). Yes, I should have fired a lot of people but I felt sorry for them and my kindness landed me in very serious trouble.

    Now Christian is long gone.

    Dean is still the guy with the very big heart who cares for his clients and, given a chance, he will provide an even better service.



    in reply to: Starting a busines in Costa Rica #178348

    Thanks for taking the vote on toasted or not toasted. I see that the majority wants them toasted. I will keep that in mind if I can ever overcome the rest of it. But the matter of who, and how to open a business probably should come first.

    To be honest, by the time you had all savaged (not sandwiched savaged) my idea I gave up on it and decided instead to concentrate on other things (one of which I will mention in a moment). But now that gsekam has breathed a breath of new life into it (not very sanitary I fear), I’m willing to give it another little try.

    So, if I opened a little café with some sandwiches (untouched by gsekam’s breath), and a few light meals but did not actually take a profit, I could supervise it right? Now, if I had a big enough storefront I could put a little office in the back in which I could use my computers right? That would answer another problem because my home in the nearby mountains can’t get cable, but in the town my little office could have cable and I could deal with Emails etc. and I could also record worthy TV movies in that little office. Then the profits (if any) could go to a Costa Rican partner and perhaps some could be used for my project of helping the local English language students to speak The Queen’s English. If you do not know what that is Scott can help.

    Now. As I said there is another little question of business.
    First part. I have a small (very small) coffee plantation on which I will be building several homes for sale. I believe I am right in thinking this will present no problems right? I can build a house, mark off a three-acre tract and sell it as a package?

    Second part. If I build one of those houses as a guesthouse and advertise in the U.S. and Canada to have people stay there by the week, how would you recommend handling that?

    For one thing would it make any sense to ask them to pay the deposit by credit card and the rest in cash or to pay part of it into a non-profit (either Costa Rican or U.S.)? I have the U.S. one already in place.

    Thanks to you all for your great insight and thanks most of all to Scott for putting this great plan into operation. It’s just the best idea since toasted sandwiches.

    By the way some have sagely advised getting the advice of an attorney. Believe me, I will, but I have already found that the attorneys can be about as good as you help them to be by having foreknowledge of the matter. That’s why I am geting all the good advice I can from you wonderful people.

    With eternal gratitude


    in reply to: A good Costa Rica resturant and a good car rental #178361

    You need to try the Beirut Restaurant behind Rosti Pollo in Sabana Park. Very nice. Very clean. Tony, the owner, is from Beirut.

    By the way since somebody seems to be down on the Israelis let me put something in perspective a little.

    I lived in Beirut when it was a beautiful peaceful city in the early sixties.I knew Baalbeck well and I can tell you there was nothing there except the ruins dating back to Roman times and perhaps beyond. Those who want to take over the world took over Baalbeck in order to control the Beka Valley as part of their plan to force Lebanon back under the Syrian totalitarian regime. Lebanon was 60% Christian back then and only 40% Muslim. When Arafat was kicked out of Jordan for trying to murder King Hussein and bring about a revolution he decided to destroy Lebanon instead. He stirred up the Muslims and forced most of the Christians out. Tony is one of them and I have Lebanese Christian friends in many countries who were forced out of their homes and businesses.

    Israel has been fighting for her life, surrounded by Muslim countries and with a pack of Muslims within her borders. This has nothing to do with Arabs and Jews, it’s Muslims against the world and Israel is the most vulnerable. The Israelis have never started a war and only want to live in peace in their tiny country surrounded by enemies. And, if you read the Bible you will find that God Almighty designated that small country as His in the whole earth and he deeded it those who believed in Him, the descendents of Abraham. That’s why Islam wants it. I could go on, and on, but I’m not sure this is a forum that should deal with what might be called politics (or what I might call the survival of sanity and decency). If anyone wants to know more may I suggest that they go to the website TheLandIsStillMine.com and order the book that explains the whole situation in a methodical and clear-cut way. By the way those living in Costa Rica might obtain the book more easily by sending an Email to the author. I believe he has some copies in San Jose.

    in reply to: Starting a busines in Costa Rica #178342

    My thanks to all who contributed but particularly to Gringo Tico for such a lengthy and informative treatise on the subject.

    The truth is that I am not looking to make a living from this. I would like to help the small town to which I am moving to have the opportunity to experience a little of other food cultures, although I do not want at all the change the character of the town in so doing. I do also want to employ some of the locals if possible just because I care about them and the town. My wife and I also would like to take some of the English Language students and perfect their pronunciation and grammar in order to help them do something with their abilities.

    I have a Tico friend who already has a business in town so it seems sensible based on your observations to put him in as President and let me just show the employees how to make a little café work.

    On the other hand, if there is too much red-tape involved I might just shelve the idea because at 66 I do not relish fighting City Hall to provide a service for the locals.

    Just want to stay busy and do some good.

    in reply to: Bad Experience with Global #178049

    Can somebody tell me who deals with consolidating a small load. I need to send some antique furniture total 70 cu feet. I might also ship other items with a total (including the above) of 190 cu.ft. I’ve tried the contact 6 or 7 companies but they don’t reply. I have to assume it’s because the load is too small. So what does anybody suggest?

    in reply to: Costa Rica Images – GoogleEarth.com #178308

    You can find it at
    But I’m curious to what you can see people doing on the beach. Is it something to do with sandcastles? Gimmee a clue!

    Seriously though, he’s right, it’s good for San Jose area etc and some of the beach areas but you won’t find much of the rest of the country with any decent resolution. I wanted to find my coffee plantation near Turrialba but all I can see is trees – and nobody seems to be doing anything up there.

    in reply to: The Clash of Cultures, Gringo vs Tico #177501

    What appalling ignorance.

    Anyone who reads the New Testament will surely know that there is no mention of Catholics. They didn’t come along for 300 years.

    The first believers in Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, were obviously Jews. Every one of the apostles was Jewish. How could anyone in his (or her) right mind believe they had anything to do with the Vatican? There was no Vatican.

    And of course since the Christian religion was sidetracked to make it more politically correct to the pagans it became something entirely different and certainly not what God intended. Indeed in the early fourth century they threw out everything Jewish including all of God’s feast days and replaced them with pagan ones. What they didn’t know was that in doing that they were also throwing out the real Jesus. Jesus always was Jewish but He’s been turned into a Greek-Roman, blond haired, blue eyed, plastic replica. The wonderful thing is though, that the REAL Jesus is still alive, and you can find Him if you reject the false one and read the Bible instead of listing to false teachers.

    in reply to: Renting a Car… si o no? #177630

    Dean is the best because he cares. Try getting that from the “big guys.” Things can go wrong occasionally with the very best and it’s how they handle it that counts. Dean and Diego are very caring people and I would never hesitate to deal with them again. Their vehicles are well maintained and the price is right too.

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