Dust Bunny

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  • in reply to: Residency through a Reforestation Program #196172
    Dust Bunny

    Steven, you can do it in Panama for $40,000.
    They seem to want North Americans to move there.

    in reply to: Income requirements for residency #196039
    Dust Bunny

    I have one query.
    I recall a mention of an extended tourist stay of 6 months. This exstended stay was to carry a $100 USD charge. Does anyone know if this came to be a part of the final draft?

    We are rentistas and will apply for our permanent residency later this year so this change will not matter to us and we feel lucky for that. We would not have moved down if we had to put $150k into a Costa Rican Bank. That is a good chunk of change to put up into a national bank. The government crumbles for any reason, your money has no guarantee.

    We have friends that have been here 15 years and own a hotel, they still are here as tourists and leave for 3 days every 3 months.
    A second friend owns a restaurant and has been here for 7 years under the tourist law.

    I think that this is the BEST option for people considering moving here. Your 3 months can be as easy as a bus to San Juan Del Sur Nicaragua for a few days on a beach. Cost may be $3-$500 per time ($1200 – $2000 per anum) Takes a LOT of trips to make up $150,000

    in reply to: Randy Berg and CR Home #192794
    Dust Bunny

    The truth is that Randy Berg solicits for and collects money to use as seed capitol for his developments, or to use to purchase land that he re-sells through his company CR-Home.
    I know this to be the truth because I am invested with him.

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