Forum Replies Created
MemberThanks to responders. I should have realized that WeLoveCostaRica has the answer to my concerns.
Member“…more complicated than I would want…”
Welcome to Costa Rica, Victoria.
MemberIf you’re just starting to set up a household and need to buy a lot of major appliances, Golfito can be a good option. If you’re only going to buy a couple of items, Maravilla is right. The incidental expenses will eat into any savings that you might get from your purchases. Also, you might be disappointed by the small selection of brands in the stores. You will see the same brands of appliances in most of the stores (Sansui, LG, etc.). Still, there are good prices on most of the goods for sale there.
One thing: try to make your purchases at the outlets that have stores in the town where you are locating. That way, if you have any problems with your purchase, you can take it to the store and they will be more likely to give you some assistance (or so I’ve heard. I haven’t had any problems with any of my purchases yet, touch wood.)
Booze IS cheaper. I need to start drinking more.
MemberI guess Perez Zeledon is outside of your delivery area. It’s not fair to talk about all this good barbeque and not have it available where I live. Well I hope you’re successful enough to become a chain. Put your next restaurant in the Southern Zone, please.
MemberI’ve just renewed my license via internet. Thank you all for your input.
MemberYeah,looking at your picture, I can understand that.
MemberThanks Rosiemaji. I’ve contacted my Sec. of State’s office in Illinois about the possibility of an early test. I also reside in Perez, and I know that the fines are getting ridiculously steep. Like you, I’ve never been asked to show my license. I am close to getting my residency (I hope) and then I can see how relevant R. MacGorn’s article is.
Maybe we’ll run into each other at the feria some Thursday. I’ll be wearing a carnation and carrying a copy of the Chicago Tribune.
MemberThank you, sstarkey. You’re a class act to acknowledge the sincerity of my posts. I understand your exasperation with the present state of political discourse. It’s sad that reasonable people can’t have reasonable discussions anymore.
And don’t take Lotus’s comments too seriously. Go to the Search link above; not the one at the very top, but the one under Forums. Type Lotus into the field and you will see that he has no qualms about adding his two cents worth to a wide variety of topics. He has a gazillion posts on this forum and it’s disingenuous of him to discourage others from posting their opinions.
Memberareca, you seem to be very well informed, so perhaps you could post a list of the organic farms and community supported agriculture that the U.S. government has raided. Can you give us dates, locations, and maybe website references? I know you’re not making this up.
Hope does supply a substantive reference to government raids at web site seems to be geared toward alternative farming and the page cited is about raids on two farms by [u]state agencies [/u] in California and Wisconsin. I don’t know what the underlying facts are as to why the farms were raided. There could have been sanitation problems or perhaps licensed dairies pulled political strings to eliminate competition. However it was not the federal government that raided the farms. The agencies were local. I don’t know if the federal government has conducted similar raids. I do know that I have no problem with someone monitoring the safety of the food I eat. I’m not sure if those nearly 400,000,000 suspect eggs would be off store shelves if profit were the only motivating factor after the recent salmonella outbreak.
But this is all beside the point! It’s the extreme examples that Hope presents that got me writing:
EO10998 gives them the ‘right’ to take over all food resources and farms. Whoa Nellie! Do our farmer friends know this? Do you know that this also applies to your raised bed of salad greens, tomatoes and herbs?
EO11000 gives them the ‘right’ to mobilize civilians – you and your family – into work brigades under government supervision. Work Brigades? As in slave labor? Or chain gangs?
EO11051 gives them the authority to put all orders into effect should there be tensions, economic and financial crisis.Chain gangs? Slave labor? The Geheim Staatspolizei stealing the tomatoes from our backyard gardens? All these Executive Orders give “them” the right. The ever unholy “them.” It saddens me that more forum members don’t see the ridiculousness of these claims.
MemberI agree with you sstarkey, the stuff is everywhere, and I usually have the same approach that you suggest. I ignore the silliness. There have been a lot of postings on wlcr reader forums which I thought were inane, including some from members whom I agree with politically. Generally I just bite my tongue and move on. The difference this time is that Scott has presented this article on the home page with factual articles about farmers markets, affordable Costa Rican dentistry, and building homes using steel framing and drywall. He is presenting an opinion piece as news giving it a cachet of truth. This is what I see happening in the States and it’s one of the causes of the dumbing down of a large percentage of our population. (That’s my opinion, of course, but this is the forum, not the home page.) So I felt that I needed to say something. Edmund Burke is credited with saying: “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” I do nothing often enough. Once in a while I like to pull my head out of the sand.
It took about an hour and a half to construct my letter, including reading the citations that Hope Tierra provided. Maybe it was a waste of time, but it was somewhat cathartic for me. I’m in a different place than you are sstarkey. I’ve already built mi casa in Perez Zeledon and have been enjoying the pura vida for several years now. I also enjoy this site and have learned a good deal from it. It’s helped me to make my transition to pensionista. I just don’t want it to morph into a sounding board for a bunch of whackos. You admit that they probably drive “… some good people away,” but you “…can’t even be asked to refute articles such as this anymore.” It’s your choice.
Now this response has used up about another hour of my time, but again I feel rejuvenated, so I won’t call the time wasted. How did you feel about the 10 or 15 minutes it took you to post your opinion? You don’t think you wasted your time, do you?
MemberOh sigh. This is why I try to avoid commenting on a lot of these threads. There’s always some argumentative type who wants to draw out the discussion ad nauseum. I personally haven’t the time, patience, or inclination to get involved in fruitless banter with someone who has a different sense of logic than I have. But I’ll answer you, costaricafinca.
I agree that one of the main functions of this forum is to air complaints about services or businesses in Costa Rica. However, I also recognize that not all people who complain are the “good guys” in a situation. They may be carrying a grudge. I had that suspicion when I read opabh’s first post. He initially asked for a recommendation for a “Nice Hotel” but ended with a dig at the realtor. My logic told me that that was strange. Perhaps your logic doesn’t see that.
I agree I would not recommend a realtor or who didn’t show up for an appointment that he made with me. In Chicago, we have a name for real estate agents who don’t show up for appointments. We call them Mac Donald’s assistant managers. What would be Victor Guerrero’s motive for not showing up for an appointment? Why would he kiss off what, I imagine, would be a hefty commission? Do you think he likes to play tricks on gringos? My logic doesn’t allow me to think that. Maybe your logic has some other explanation.
If opabh has already booked a room at the Zima or at any other inn, it would seem to me that, because the discussion began as a search for a “Nice Hotel,” he ought to end the thread by thanking welovecostarica for helping him find it. Instead he continues to give us an update on how he is being ignored by Guerrero. I’d have a little more respect for opabh if he came out originally with problems that he is having with the realtor instead of putting out some Trojan Horse to snipe from. Perhaps your logic, costaricafinca, doesn’t allow you this perspective.
If opabh wants to air his grievances with Guerrero in a more straightforward manner. I’d be interested in reading them. Otherwise my opinion is still that the injured party here could just as easily be Victor as Willem. I’m not going to jump on any bandwagon without knowing something about what parade it’s in.
I see from the forum that you have nearly 400 posts to your name, costaricafinca. I have just over 100. I’m pretty sure that I’ve been a member for as long as you, if not longer. As I said, I try to avoid getting into endless arguments. You apparently enjoy them. Therefore, I won’t address you anymore on this thread. If I want to spend hours in front of my computer, I’ll look at some porn.
Did you look into the Zima? I’m wondering how serious you are about finding a “nice hotel.” Your comments seem to be more interested in bad-mouthing Victor Guerrera than in finding a place to stay.
By the way, looking at your picture I think you may have a doppelganger in San Isidro. His name is Thomas and he doesn’t like to be called “Tom.” I’d like to see the two of you together. The resemblance is striking.
MemberI didn’t see any on a Google search, however there are several reviews from travel sites.
MemberYou might want to look at Hotel Zima, Thomas. It’s right across the InterAmericana from the Delji Chicken stand at the north end of town.
MemberYeah Scott,
I’m going to wait to see the changes and the fees before I get my pants in a bunch. However you should provide a few weeks free sample before you apply the fees. Like everyone else, I like free stuff, but I also feel that every person deserves compensation for his or her time and effort. I’ll probably stick around.